
Thursday, December 5, 2019


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research 
They shall recline on couches lined with thick brocade, and within reach shall hang the fruits of both gardens. Which of your Lord’s blessing would you deny? Therein are bashful virgins whom neither man nor jinns will have touched before. Which of your Lord’s blessings would you deny? Virgins as fair as corals and rubies. Which of your Lord’s blessing would you deny? (Qur’an 55:54-59)
“Dark-eyed virgins, sheltered in their tents. Which of your Lord’s blessing would you deny? Whom neither man nor jinns will have touched before. Which of your Lord’s blessing would you deny?” (Qur’an 55:72-75)
The number seventy-two for the virgins of Paradise comes from this multiply-reported hadith: “None is made to enter Paradise by Allah Most High except Allah Most High shall marry him to seventy-two wives, two of them from the wide-eyed maidens of Paradise and seventy of them his inheritance from the People of Hellfire, not one of them but her attraction never lags nor his arousal ever wanes.” (Ibn Majah; Ibn Adi’s Kamil; al-Bayhaqi’s al-Ba’th wal-Nushur)
“‘The Dark-Eyed [Virgins] yearn for me’ – Martyrdom-death promoted to kids on PA TV children’s program,” by Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Itamar Marcus, Palestinian Media Watch, December 2, 2019:
How old should children be before they are taught that the Dark–Eyed Virgins await them in Paradise if they become Martyrs for Allah? According to the Palestinian Authority no age is too young, as this message was broadcast on occasion of World Children’s Day on an official PA TV children’s program that addresses children as young as pre-schoolers.
In the same episode of the program The Best Home, two children recited poems encouraging Martyrdom-death for “Palestine.”
One poem, recited by a girl probably not more than 10 years old, taught that Palestinian kids – “lion cubs” – should use violence and fight with a “drawn” sword that “won’t return to the sheath.” The poem further told the kids that they have “the blood of the Martyrs” in their veins, and reminded them that according to Islam, the 72 virgins of Paradise – “the Dark-Eyed” – are “yearning” for them, and appreciate them when they die as Martyrs. The poem further stressed the ideal and urgency of seeking death – even right now – as it stated that “today I carry my shrouds.” Representing Palestinian adult approval, the PA TV host enthusiastically applauded the girl:
Lin Kamel Shahin: “I am the Palestinian lion cub…
The blood of the Martyrs flows in my veins
I am like a lion in the fields [of battle]
If the drums of war call, I harvest the souls in the fields
My sword is drawn and won’t return to the sheath…
The armies of treachery fear me
and the Dark-Eyed [Virgins] yearn for me
I have not sold my homelands, and have not given up my assault rifle
Today I carry my shrouds, and in my heart my faith strengthens
Because victory and liberation are coming at the hands of the lion cubs”
Official PA TV host: “Bravo! Bravo!”
[Official PA TV, The Best Home, Nov. 21 and 22, 2019]
This same poem promoting the ideal of dying as a Martyr was recited last year by a host on official PA TV in honor of a terrorist who was killed while stabbing four Israeli police men.
And just last week, Palestinian Media Watch exposed a similar Martyrdom promoting message to children, transmitted by an equally young girl on Palestinian radio and Fatah’s official Facebook page. The girl recited a poem in which a mother tells her son that Palestinian children are destined to die as Martyrs – a message that should be considered child abuse….