Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
PHILADELPHIA — A Pennsylvania preacher who
identifies himself as a “chief apostle,” and has traveled as a
participant in crusades held by prosperity preacher Morris Cerullo, has
teamed with the world’s largest secular entertainment group and others
to allow the building that he uses for Sunday services to be renovated
and utilized as a lavish concert and comedy venue. The location, known
as the Philadelphia Metropolitan Opera House, or “The Met,” features 25
bars and appearances by some of the largest names in secular music, such
as Bob Dylan, Sarah Brightman and Boys II Men.
According to reports, Mark Hatcher, who leads Holy Ghost Headquarters
Revival Center, had purchased the building in the 1990’s to save it
from being demolished as it sat vacant for some time. Hatcher says that
he used to attend religious services that were held at The Met in the
He spent $5 million on renovating the former opera house, which is
listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Hatcher had hosted
what he called “camp meetings” in the building in years past, which
included appearances by Paula White, Rod Parsley, Steve Munsey and Paul
Morton. Hatcher parked his Cadillac Escalade outside of the building,
which is located in one of the poorer areas of the city.
Hatcher states on his website that his mission is to “restore the old
landmark where God’s presence manifests to teach men of every creed of
the Holy Spirit and that they are equipped to go out and compel fallen
mankind to repentance, being established unto God and ever abounding in
the knowledge of Jesus Christ.”
In recent years, Hatcher entered into a partnership with local
developer Eric Blumenfeld of EB Realty Management to restore the
property. Blumenfeld had also worked on the Divine Lorraine Hotel, which
previously belonged to a cult leader who went by “Father Divine,” who
claimed to be God and asserted that his second wife, known as “Mother
Divine,” was the reincarnation of his deceased first wife.
The entertainment group Live Nation—which dubs itself as the “largest
producer of live music concerts”—also came into the picture, entering
into talks with Hatcher about using the building for concerts and other
shows, while Hatcher would continue to host church services at the
The extravagant building project, with 3,500 seating capacity and 25
bars, cost $56 million for renovations. Bob Dylan was the first artist
to perform at The Met, which officially opened this month, with John
Legend and Weezer shows days later.
Other acts scheduled to perform as booked by Live Nation, which
manages the facility, include Pentatonix, Sarah Brightman, comedian Jim
Gaffigan, Ringo Starr, and Boys II Men.
The site Amplify reports that prior to the Dylan concert, an official
ribbon cutting ceremony was held, with Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney,
City Council President Darrell Clarke, Live Nation Regional President
Geoff Gordon, and the aforementioned Blumenfeld and Hatcher taking part
in the occasion. Architect rendering of The Met“This
is the building that nobody thought would be saved. God put certain
people in place to make it happen, and it did,” Clarke stated, according
to The Morning Call.
Last Sunday, Hatcher held his grand re-opening church service
featuring fellow prosperity preacher Morris Cerullo, who he refers to as
his spiritual father. Cerullo’s website includes posts such as “How You
Can Make Prosperity Easy,” “Confess the Promise Out” and “A Transfer of
Wealth From God to You.” A gathering with megachurch leader Noel Jones
was also held on Dec. 6.
“I am really excited about tonight. Tonight is the beginning of
something brand new, spiritually, in our city, something that is going
to shake our city,” Hatcher said during the Jones event, according to
the Philadelphia Tribune.
“This is the first night getting back in the building and the devil’s
real scared right now. He’s real nervous,” he stated. “I haven’t slept
in weeks, and when I thought I was going to lay down last night and get a
couple hours of rest, the Lord began to download some stuff. He said,
‘What I’m about to do is not another level, but another dimension.’ The
city has been in a drought, but he said, ‘Tell my people what I’ve done
here on Broad Street is what I’m about to do in your spirit.’”
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 teaches, “Be ye not unequally yoked together
with unbelievers, for what fellowship hath righteousness with
unrighteousness, and what communion hath light with darkness? And what
concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth
with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?”
“For ye are the temple of the living God, as God hath said, I will
dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they shall
be My people. Wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate,
saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive
you. And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and
daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
A new booklet for daycare workers that claims to help identify “Nazi
parents” suggests looking out for girls with braided hair and athletic
The 60-page booklet, entitled Ene, Mene, Muh – And You’re Out!
was designed by the far-left “anti-hate” Amadeu Antonio Foundation
,which is headed by former Stasi informant Annette Kahane and based in
Berlin with the foreword being written by Social Democrat (SPD) Family
Minister Franziska Giffey, Berliner Kurierreports. Ms Kahane made headlines in 2015 after the German government recruited her and the foundation to scour social media for “xenophobic posts” during the height of the migrant crisis.
Vice-Chairman of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic
Union (CDU) parliamentary group Nadine Schön slammed the booklet saying
the case studies and suggestions were “absurd.” “If educators should become overseers and correctors of parental convictions, that [crosses a line],” Schön said. Labelling the practice “parenting espionage” — or spying on parents —
the CDU politician criticised the aspects of the booklet that
identifies the way children dress or how much physical activity they
participate in as being potential signs their parents might be Nazis.
saying it does not fit with democracy.
The Amadeu Antonio Foundation defended the booklet claiming that the
case studies were based on real-life cases they had witnessed including a
girl with braided hair whose parents turned out to be far-right
extremists. They also admitted that since the release of the booklet
their phones had been slammed with complaints. The case studies echo research presented by Antifa groups in 2016,
which claimed that “Volkisch families,” those who believe in countryside
living and traditional German culture and values, posed a threat to Germany. Antifascist Action group member Olaf Meyer warned of “young couples
[who] buy farms and restore them together with their relatives and
The Amadeu Antonio Foundation has been roundly criticised in the
past, not just for Kahane’s former Stasi ties but also for their methods
which have been likened to the old East German secret police.
In 2016, the organisation was protested by the anti-mass migration youth activist Identitarian Movement which put up Stasi-logo stickers
on the foundation’s Berlin office along with another sticker saying,
“enter the surveillance state.” Kahane and the foundation later
threatened to take the Identitarians to court over the incident.
Communist political oppression academic and Stasi expert Dr Hubertus Knabe also came out against Kahane
in 2016, saying that it was “incomprehensible” to allow her the ability
to have control over what people say online given her past.
The booklet has also sparked a petition
on to cut the funding the foundation receives from German
taxpayers, with over 5,500 signatures at the time of publication. The
petition singles out the booklet saying, “The Amadeu Antonio Foundation,
under the guise of fighting Hate Speech, is calling on citizens to
denounce, report or criminalise other citizens.”
Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJor email at ctomlinson(at)
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Beyond the immediate medical, living and housing costs for economic
migrants who are flowing into Canada illegally over the Quebec border,
Canadian taxpayers are also doling out significant amounts of cash for
an unexpected expense:
Quebecers living by the Canada-United States border where
thousands of migrants have crossed irregularly into the country since
2017 will be eligible for payments of up to $25,000, the federal
government….Life along the previously sleepy Roxham Road — the main
entry point for migrants entering the country on foot — has been
disturbed, and residents deserve to be compensated, Border Security
Minister Bill Blair said.
Trudeau has a history of extravagance. He has tried to buy the media
with a 600-million-dollar bailout package that has been described by
many as “headline buying” or “media management.”
Now he’s trying to pacify residents or border areas whose lives have
been disrupted by the migrant crossings that should have been stopped
immediately after they began.
The Toronto Sun reported during the summer months, when migrants were pouring in by the hundreds each day:
Roxham Road, a narrow paved road lined by horse farms and
marshes, has served as a path recently for Palestinians, Colombians,
Ghanaians, Nigerians, Haitians, Zimbabweans and Pakistanis, among
Who is going to pay for the traumatized guests of the Radisson Toronto East hotel,
where about 400 refugees from Africa occupied all but two floors of the
hotel, turning the Radisson into a squalid migrant camp? We also hope
that no one has forgotten Trudeau’s welcome of anyone and everyone,
including Islamic State jihadis,
into the country, with Canadians given no say in the matter. Trudeau
thinks that Islamic State jihadis can be a “powerful voice” for
deradicalization. He also thinks that questions about his mismanagement
of Canada’s borders are “Islamophobic.”
Canadians can expect to dole out much more money, particularly in the upcoming election year, and given the unpopular UN Migration Pact.
The simplest questions about the Pact, which is claimed to be
non-binding, must be asked: why is such a Pact even needed? Has Canada
now fully subscribed to the globalist vision of open borders? Who is
footing the bill for the migrant influx and the integration and
assimilation of the migrants? Canada is already at a four-decade low in
its employment rate, and it’s likely only to get worse.
“Residents near U.S. border in Quebec to be paid up to $25,000 for asylum seeker disruption: Bill Blair,” by Mylene Crete, Canadian Press, December 12, 2018:
OTTAWA — Quebecers living by the Canada-United States
border where thousands of migrants have crossed irregularly into the
country since 2017 will be eligible for payments of up to $25,000, the
federal government announced Wednesday.
Life along the previously sleepy Roxham Road — the main entry point
for migrants entering the country on foot — has been disturbed, and
residents deserve to be compensated, Border Security Minister Bill Blair
“I’ve been there. I’ve spoken to the residents. I’ve seen the level
of activity of the RCMP, the (Canada Border Services Agency) and other
officials that has impacted what is otherwise a quiet, rural road,”
Blair told reporters.
Roughly 96 per cent of all migrants who have crossed illegally into Canada since 2017 have done so at Roxham Road.
The federal Immigration Department says 16,000 people crossed the
Canada-U.S. border illegally into Quebec through the end of October this
year, and about 19,000 did last year. Bureaucrats divided the Roxham Road area into three zones based on
proximity to the border. People living in the closest zone are eligible
to receive up to $25,000, those in the next closest $10,000, and those
in the third zone $2,500….
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Not a friend. Not an ally. Turkey should be removed from NATO, and
our international alliances reconfigured in light of the realities of
the global jihad.
“Syrian Kurdish-led fighters take Hajin, last town held by ISIS,” by Bassem Mroue, Associated Press, December 14, 2018:
BEIRUT — U.S.-backed, Kurdish-led fighters captured the
last town held by the Islamic State group on Friday, after three months
of ferocious battles in the militants’ single remaining enclave in
eastern Syria, activists and Kurdish officials said….
The Syrian Democratic Council, the political wing of the SDF,
denounced Turkey’s threat of a military operation against the YPG and
called on Syrians of all ethnic and religious groups to unite ahead of a
possible Turkish attack.
Meanwhile, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan intensified his
criticism of U.S. support for the Syrian Kurdish fighters, saying Friday
that Turkey would clear the key northern town of Manbij. Over the
summer, the two NATO allies had struck a “road map” to Manbij of the
YPG, which Turkey considers a terror organization linked to an
insurgency within its own borders.
The Turkish presidency released a statement Friday saying Erdogan
spoke with U.S. President Donald Trump and they agreed on the “need for
more effective coordination” in Syria. Erdogan reiterated “Turkey’s
legitimate security concerns” regarding the YPG.
Erdogan argued the U.S. has not kept its promises to push the YPG east of the Euphrates River.
“If you don’t take them out, we will also enter Manbij,” he said.
American troops are stationed in Manbij, which was cleared of ISIS in
2016, and Washington and Ankara recently started joint patrols around
the town….
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Amazon has banned Jihad Watch from Amazon Smile and Amazon
Associates, but its aid to jihadis has not led to its being accorded any
breaks by its Muslim workers. “Amazon says it has offered accommodations such as providing prayer
mats for workers, converting a conference room into prayer space during
the Muslim holy month of Ramadan and approving shift transfers for
fasting workers.” But it isn’t enough. “The workers, many of whom are practicing Muslims, say the required
productivity rate is too high, the company is unconcerned about worker
injuries and that the conditions don’t allow practicing Muslims to pray
as they otherwise would.” The idea is to reinforce the principle, already established in other
cases, that Muslims must always have special privileges and
accommodations that others do not have. This is true now at Amazon
unless non-Muslim workers get time off work equal to the prayer breaks
that Muslims are given. Islamic law denies non-Muslims basic rights;
only Muslims enjoy full rights in an Islamic society. To establish a
similar situation in the U.S. is the ultimate goal here.
“Somali-American Amazon workers demand better conditions,” by Kerem Yucel and Nova Safo, AFP, December 15, 2018 (thanks to Mark):
A group of Amazon workers in Minnesota who are Somali
refugees resettled in the Midwestern US state demanded better working
conditions Friday during a protest outside one of the retailer’s
warehouses. Hundreds braved frigid temperatures to demonstrate outside of the
Amazon warehouse in the Minneapolis suburb of Shakopee—home to a sizable
Somali immigrant population from which Amazon has heavily recruited…. “We don’t have rights in the company,” worker Abdulkadir Ahmad, 30, told AFP.
The workers, many of whom are practicing Muslims, say the required
productivity rate is too high, the company is unconcerned about worker
injuries and that the conditions don’t allow practicing Muslims to pray
as they otherwise would.
“We do not have enough time to pray. There is a lot of pressure. They say your rate is too low,” Ahmad said.
The workers timed their protest during the busy holiday shopping season, hoping to force the online retailer to make changes.
Amazon’s accommodations
They already have had some success. Amazon says it has offered
accommodations such as providing prayer mats for workers, converting a
conference room into prayer space during the Muslim holy month of
Ramadan and approving shift transfers for fasting workers.
“Additionally, we’ve continued to hire and develop East African
employees. We’re a leader in this space and we feel really good about
our record here,” Amazon spokeswoman Shevaun Brown told AFP via email….
But workers say Amazon’s efforts so far have fallen short.
“We are appreciative they’ve sat down and talked with us, but we are not seeing real action,” activist Abdi Muse said.
Muse is the executive director of the Awood Center, a union-backed
non-profit that organized the protest and helps East African workers in
the state….
“When workers leave Amazon, they still live with the back pain,
chronic illness, and hurt and harm caused during their employment,” said
Ahmed Anshur, the imam at the Al-Ihsan Islamic Center in the nearby
state capital of Saint Paul.
Protesters said they want the multibillion-dollar company to give
back to the struggling community that has been a major source of its
workforce in the Minneapolis area by giving money to a community fund to
help struggling immigrant families.
“It’s not a handout or a donation,” said Mohamed Omar, imam at another Minneapolis suburban mosque….
“They need to fix this quickly,” said Dr. Jerry A. Johnson during a
panel discussion on the reported silencing of “unpopular voices” at the
Reboot 2018 conference in San Francisco on Friday. “And what I’m saying
is: if they don’t do this – by December 31, mind you – we are going to
ask Congress to take a look at 230,” he added, saying NRB would ask for
“very careful, thoughtful” hearings.
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act was inserted in the
1996 Telecommunications Act in part to facilitate “Good Samaritan”
blocking of offensive content without exposing web companies to lawsuits
based on content that their efforts may have missed. But Johnson suggested Friday that Big Tech companies no longer need
“an extra layer of protection,” stating that Section 230 “came in when
it was a new day.” “It’s time to leave the ‘incubator,’” Johnson said. “Why do they need that now?”
NRB President Highlights Internet Freedom Watch at First Amendment Lunch, 2018
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The National Religious Broadcasters group has sent out a
final ultimatum to Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter warning that if
they don’t stop censoring Christian and conservative viewpoints, the NRB
will lead its organization of 60 million members into a campaign to
remove their Section 230 legal protections. NRB President Jerry Johnson disputed claims by those tech companies
which suggest they’re not actively burying Christian and conservative
viewpoints. “We have documented over many years that they are consistently
censoring political debate between conservatives and liberals, religious
and philosophical debate between Christians and non-Chirstians, on
issues like life, marriage, and Islamic terrorism,” Johnson told PJ Media on Monday. Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protects web sites from
legal liability for third-party content, but only if the sites act as a
platform and not as a publisher. However, censorship of content is a role more associated with that of
a publisher, which is why Big Tech is running a risk of losing their
Section 230 protections. You can read NRB’s letter below:
Will Ask Congress to Review ‘Good Samaritan’ Protection If They Fail to Act
WASHINGTON (NRB) – National Religious Broadcasters
has renewed its request to Silicon Valley executives to implement their
own free speech charter governing their content moderation or the
evangelical organization will ask Congress to review the “Good
Samaritan” protection the social media giants enjoy.
In December 6 letters to the CEOs of Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Apple,
Dr. Jerry A. Johnson, president & CEO of NRB, warns that time is
running out for the companies to act as evidence grows of censorship of
Christian and conservative viewpoints at the social media companies.
If the companies “do not take concrete action against censorship of
Christian and conservative viewpoints by the end of this calendar year,
then NRB will be calling for new hearings” Johnson said. “Specifically,
we will call for a review of the ‘Good Samaritan’ section of Section 230
of the Communications Decency Act.”
The provision not only protects internet companies from liability for
what users post on their platforms, it also includes a section
facilitating their “Good Samaritan” blocking of offensive content by
defending them from lawsuits based on content their moderation efforts
may have missed. Echoing a statement he first raised in September
during remarks at
a tech conference in San Francisco, Johnson suggested it may be time to
remove or suspend this “extra layer of government-granted content
moderation protection for ubiquitous platforms suspected of acting in
bad faith.”
While calling for this “reluctantly” and noting such a review should
be “very cautious,” Johnson said, “if major tech corporations continue
to effectively ignore substantiated cries of viewpoint suppression –
intentional or not, algorithmic or human – then I believe it’s time for a
remedy.” Reconsideration of Section 230 is preferable to other
“possibly heavy-handed government interventions,” he said.
The letters come one year after NRB launched Internet Freedom Watch,
a new initiative to draw greater attention to viewpoint censorship on
the internet, expanding NRB’s longtime focus on the subject. With the
launch of the initiative, NRB sent letters to the same companies. To
date, none of the companies has formally responded to the 2017 letters,
although some have engaged NRB in various ways.
In the intervening year, the concerns about censorship of Christian
and conservative viewpoints has only grown, and so has NRB’s timelinedocumenting examples of such censorship – now with more than 40 documented cases.
“This timeline does not include every verifiable example of viewpoint
suppression, and we believe it is actually only ‘the tip of the
iceberg’ with many more instances of censorship going unreported by
people who feel they have no recourse,” Johnson said.
While some continue to claim concerns about censorship are a “hoax”
or “conservative fantasy,” Johnson commended President Donald Trump, FCC
Chairman Ajit Pai, and Members of Congress who have become “powerfully
vocal” about the growing problem.
In launching Internet Freedom Watch, NRB called for Silicon Valley
leaders to adopt a free speech charter that “utilizes the wisdom of the
U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment,” noting that those freedoms have
been “refined by centuries of jurisprudence” and would still permit
these platforms to “combat obscenity, incitements to violence, and the
like, without unduly burdening free expression with an array of
confusing and haphazardly applied speech codes.”
Last December, NRB also called for congressional hearings about
internet censorship. Since then, CEOs of Facebook and Twitter have
appeared before congressional committees where members have pressed them
on censorship concerns.
_____________________________________________________________ SEE ALSO: ______________________________________________________ VIDEOS: ______________________________________________________
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Illustrating the growing problem of viewpoint censorship on the
internet, NRB has compiled a timeline with representative examples of
suppression of Christian and conservative views on the internet.
Although private corporations, such as those in this timeline, are not
constrained by the First Amendment, most claim to affirm and even
celebrate freedom of speech. NRB has called on these tech giants to
afford their users nothing less than the free speech and free exercise
of religion rights embodied in the First Amendment as interpreted by the
U.S. Supreme Court. The following timeline is not exhaustive, but
merely representative, and some instances of censorship may have been
later corrected in some manner. To view, click the image below or scroll
through the timeline below. For a PDF of a vertical version of the
timelines, click here.
November 2018
Radio talk show host and former congressional candidate Jesse Kelly banned from Twitter without any explanation.
Instagram deletes an image by Founders Ministries, “Only Men Can Be Pastors,” claiming the post was “hate speech.” October 2018
U.S. Senate candidate from Tennessee Marsha Blackburn’s ad, “Stop The Mob,” rejected by Google Ads as “shocking content.”
Facebook rejects pro-life ads by Susan B. Anthony List about babies born prematurely. August 2018
PragerU announces that it is being “heavily censored” on Facebook after
videos were blocked as “hate speech.” Facebook later apologized and
restored the content.
Because it “related to politics or an issue of national importance,”
Facebook denies an ad that Steven Solomon, a pastor and Army veteran,
wished to use to promote his radio program that said, “Speak the truth,
Love God, Defend America.”
Facebook suspends popular blogger Elizabeth Johnston (“The Activist
Mommy”) for unspecified “hate speech.” Facebook later apologized and
restored content it had removed. July 2018
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) confirms that he filed an FEC complaint against
Twitter due to an apparent shadow ban of his account. Reps. Jim Jordan
(R-Ohio), Mark Meadows (N.C.), and Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) were
reportedly also so treated by Twitter. June 2018
Facebook blocks Dr. Robert Gagnon, previously on the faculty of
Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, for criticizing a Canadian Broadcasting
Corporation video that promoted homosexuality and nudity to young
children. May 2018
Amazon denies Alliance Defending Freedom access to its charitable
AmazonSmile program based on a categorization of the controversial
Southern Poverty Law Center. April 2018
Just prior to Easter, Facebook rejects an ad from Franciscan University
of Steubenville featuring the historic San Damiano Cross because it was
deemed “shocking, sensational, or excessively violent.” January 2018
Google’s YouTube flags and deletes the live stream of NRBTV for an
unspecified Community Guidelines violation. YouTube also inflicts a
three-month strike on NRBTV’s account. November 2017
Twitter informs radio talk show host Erick Erickson that his tweet
related to the debate about transgenderism “has been flagged for
possible violations” of its “hateful conduct policy and/or German laws.” October 2017
Twitter blocks a political ad Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) attempted
to promote because it deemed her reference to Planned Parenthood’s
documented “sale of baby body parts” to be “inflammatory.” August 2017
Google’s YouTube demonetizes hundreds of videos produced by Dr. Michael
Brown, host of Line of Fire radio show, and targets “controversial
religious” content. July 2017
Twitter blocks tweets and retweets of AT&T’s public policy blog
expressing an opinion contrary to its own during a “Day of Action”
supporting “common carrier” Title II federal regulation over internet
service providers.
Facebook temporarily blocks more than 20 pages of Catholic organizations and individuals followed by millions worldwide. May 2017
Twitter makes Live Action, a pro-life organization, ineligible to
advertise on its platform until removal of “offensive” content. March 2017
Citing disagreement with views expressed in four videos by Pure Passion
TV on sexuality, Vimeo removes all 850 videos of the ministry and closes
its account. January 2017
Amazon denies D. James Kennedy Ministries access to its charitable
AmazonSmile program based on a categorization of the controversial
Southern Poverty Law Center. October 2016
Prager University announces that Google’s YouTube is censoring many of
its educational videos by placing them in “restricted mode,” which flags
and prevents them from being accessed freely. July 2016
Google’s YouTube temporarily blocks a Center for Security Policy video
critical of the Muslim Brotherhood, jihad, and Sharia law. May 2016
Gizmodo, a technology blog, reports evidence of Facebook workers
censoring conservative content off of and injecting preferred articles
into its influential trending news feed. November 2015
Facebook blocks postings by Vanderbilt University professor, Dr. Carol
Swain, for over 26 hours after liberal student activists organized
complaints about her religious and moral viewpoints.
Google’s YouTube terminates account of Olive Tree Ministries after
the ministry posted an interview about persecution of Christians in the
Middle East. YouTube reinstated the account 3 days later after media
inquiries. August 2015
Facebook temporarily blocks user postings about a report on illegal immigration by the Center for Immigration Studies. April 2015
Responding to pressure from complaints, GoFundMe deletes fundraising
campaigns for Sweet Cakes by Melissa and Arlene’s Flowers — companies
that had declined to provide services for same-sex weddings — and then
changed its terms of service to support its decision. October 2014
Twitter blocks users from linking to a petition supporting the Houston
pastors whose sermons were subpoenaed by the city because the pastors
supported a referendum against a gender-neutral restrooms ordinance. April 2014
Citing a violation of its Community Standards, Facebook removes
satirical post about immigration and Nevada rancher standoff by FOX’s
Todd Starnes. March 2014
Facebook temporarily bans evangelist Ray Comfort after he posts a photo
of Westboro Baptist Church signs in an article in which Comfort
encourages Christians to distance themselves from Westboro. December 2013
Twitter blocks users from posting a link to a petition drive supporting
Phil Robertson who had been suspended from the Duck Dynasty show by
A&E after voicing his biblically-based views on homosexuality. August 2013
Citing a violation of Community Standards regarding religion, Facebook
temporarily blocks administrators of the Military with PTSD page. Summer 2013
Citing a violation of its Community Standards, Facebook puts a 12-hour
suspension on the page of a UNC-Wilmington professor making arguments
against same-sex marriage. July 2013
Citing a violation of its Community Standards because of a post which
favorably mentioned the NRA, Chick-fil-A, Paula Deen, Cracker Barrel,
the Gaithers, and the Gideon Bible, Facebook removes the post and
temporarily blocks access to the account of Todd Starnes, host of FOX
News & Commentary. June 2013
Citing its policy against “excessively objectionable or crude content,”
Apple removes from its App Store a Setting Captives Free app that
promotes freedom from homosexuality. March 2013
Citing “security concerns,” Facebook temporarily closes the page of an
Israeli journalist after he posted criticism of the Palestinian
Authority, restores the page 24 hours later, but deletes the article in
question. January 2013
Citing a violation of its Statement of Rights and Responsibilities,
Facebook removes a post by Chicks on the Right that was critical of the
White House press secretary.
Facebook threatens content control by issuing warnings or temporarily
suspending bloggers’ accounts for alleged “spam” when bloggers simply
shared content on multiple like-minded pages. October 2012
Facebook removes a post critical of President Obama’s handling of the
Benghazi attack and puts a 24-hour block on the account of Special
Operations Speaks PAC. July 2012
Facebook temporarily removes Gov. Mike Huckabee’s post in support of Chick-fil-A. May 2012
Google’s YouTube pulls video of a youth minister who warned of the same-sex marriage movement in America. November 2010
Apple removes Chuck Colson’s Manhattan Declaration from its iTunes App Store.