republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
December 10, 2016
use of lies and deception has been a standard tool of the trade
for over a century by the government and their willing and/or unwilling
stooges in the main
stream media.[1] A few examples include Newspaper owners William
Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, with the unspoken blessings
of US President, William McKinley, spreading lies to stir up the
masses enough to start a war
with Spain.[2] This allowed McKinley to start an American empire
by taking over the Philippines, Guam, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico at
the close of the 19th century. In the following decades, the media
has obediently followed along covering up such things as the fraudulent
of Tonkin [3] incident, the governmental attack on the Branch
Davidians, [4] 9/11,
[5] and the Obamacare
fiasco. [6] In spite of the lies and distortions presented by
the government then spread by an obedient media, there were still
some journalists who were doing their job by reporting the truth.
1983, fifty companies controlled 90% of the American media, today
it is just six
multinational corporations.[7] They are Viacom, Comcast, Time-Warner,
Disney, CBS, and News Corp and these companies are working very
hard to make sure that the news you hear is the news they and the
government want you to hear. From the anti-Muslim video that “caused”
the killing of four Americans at Benghazi,
[8] lying about the state of the economy before the 2008
meltdown, [9] to the massive push to promote Obamacare,
[10] the main stream media is relentless in pushing the government/corporatist
agenda to its audience. This control is the dream of every tyrannical
state in history and the US government has almost achieved it.
they have, like the American Army in the WWII Battle
of Arnhem, [11] pushed their power too far and too fast causing
the American people to no longer trust the main stream media. In
the spring of 2016, a major poll was conducted by the Media Insight
Project, a partnership of The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public
Affairs Research and the American Press Institute; they found that
6% [12] of those polled have confidence in the main stream media
for news. The bias and outright lies have become so bad that even
a 30 year insider like Sharyl
Attkisson [13] commented on it: “There is unprecedented,
I believe, influence on the media, not just the news, but the images
you see everywhere. By well-orchestrated and financed campaign of
special interests, political interests and corporations. I think
all of that comes into play.”
is arguably the single most powerful institution in the world”
Baron [14]
every format, the main stream media is losing patrons. From failing
newspapers to falling television ratings, the old model is dying
because of the internet. The Internet has become the primary source
for information for a huge percentage of Americans today. In fact,
in the last 25 years the internet has transformed the world. It
has completely revamped the way people do business, communicate,
purchase household goods, plan vacations, find friends, look up
information and just about every human activity imaginable. Since
it first became available for average Americans, the internet has
been a way to find information the elites did not want exposed and
they have been looking to shut down that freedom of information
for years. Subsequently with the support of numerous multinational
corporations like Microsoft, Google, Dell, Yahoo, Amazon, and Facebook
along with the blessing from globalist mouth pieces like the Council
on Foreign Relations, the LA Times, NBC, the International Chamber
of Commerce and Human Rights Watch, President Obama failed to renew
the contract with ICANN
[15] effectively giving the control over the internet to a private

company is ICANN
[16] (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) and it
is a CA based nonprofit corporation. In 1998, the Commerce Department
began contracting with ICANN, to take over management of IANA (The
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) and the internet’s domain
name system. The US Commerce Department has, for the most part,
let ICANN govern itself, but it maintained the authority to pull
the nonprofit’s contract. In essence ICANN records the numbers
(easier for computers to use) using words (easier for humans to
use) through DNS.
name system (DNS) is basically a directory for internet-connected
devices that helps translate domain names to numerical IP addresses.
Without DNS it is difficult for people to access websites as it
requires remembering large numbers of IP address, a series of numbers
such as “”. So President Obama just ceded
power over the allocation of domain names from Google.com to your
church’s website without the consent of Congress
[17] and over the objections of millions of American citizens.
supporting the transfer are quick to report that there is nothing
to fear from this transfer, after all ICANN is a “private”
company under a global multi-stakeholder group to oversee its Board
of Directors. What can possibly go wrong with the internet in the
hands of a “private”
[18] company? Plenty.
is first and foremost, a complete
monopoly. [20] It has exclusive rights to allow
and renew [21] domain names and that is a power it has not always
been used benevolently. It also has complete control over how much
to charge for a top level domain such as .com, .net, .biz and several
times in the past, it has abused
[22] those powers. For instance it allowed a top level domain named
.sucks to be purchased by the company Vox Populi which charges $2,500
to protect a company’s or individuals name from being purchased
and slandered with a sucks
[23] after it, then failed to rein the company in when it was running
an extortion operation. ICANN has also been accused numerous times
of siding with those who have the most to pay its fees and since
it costs over a million dollars to have ICANN officially look into
a complaint, not many decisions are overturned.
troubling aspect of ICANN is that ICANN has made a fortune off of
its rapidly expanding list of Generic Top Level Domain Names (gTLDs).
Names like .lawyer; .google; .africa are going for at least $200,000
each and then annual fees. The .web domain brought $135,000,000
[24] into their coffers giving them not only a complete monopoly
on issuing domains but the means to create a very monopolistic self-supporting
group of elites.
[25] the giant online retailer, applied to register the gTLD .amazon.
ICANN has written limitations that govern the sale of a domain name
but since the name .amazon does not fall, into any of the categories
that are forbidden there should have no problems with Amazon’s
request. Only there was, the South American countries of Brazil
and Peru, through the interest group Government Advisory Committee
(GAC), declared this application to be illegal, based on the fact
that the Amazon River is a geographical area inhabited by some 30million
people. ICANN sided with the governments proving that the advantage
of being a monopoly is that you get to make up rules as you go along.
Amazon is now in the process of suing
[26] ICANN over the matter.
exact same thing happened to the sports company called Patagonia
[27] when it filed for the .patagonia domain. The governments of
Argentina and Chile objected and ICANN decided against selling the
name to the company. This trend shows that not only are rules made
to be broken but governments are meant to be appeased. This pattern
is more than disturbing considering that since 1998, nations that
routinely censor the internet of their citizens including Russia,
China, Iran and Saudi Arabia have pushed extremely hard to place
the functions of ICANN under the control of the U.N.’s Russian
dominated International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
[28] and President Obama may very well have just handed them their
as stated above, ICANN holds a COMPLETE monopoly over the World
Wide Web root zone and complete monopolies in private hands are
illegal in most of the world. When operating under contract with
the Commerce Department, ICANN becomes a legal monopolist as it
becomes a “instrumentality” of government.

L. Gordon Crovitz points out in his article
[29] “U.S. Surrender: Internet Giveaway to the U.N.?,”
once ICANN became independent, they lost that umbrella of US Government
protection leaving them open to legal challenges from every despotic
government on earth looking to force them under the control of the
United Nations. Hence President Obama, in another case of “if
you want your doctor, you
can keep your doctor,” [30] simply lied again when he
pledged that ICANN would not replace U.S. control for a “government-led
or an inter-governmental organization solution.” This fact
is verified on 10/14/16 When Obama gave a speech in Pittsburg,
[31] PA in which he glorified the days of the three major networks
delivering the news that most people trusted.
went on to say “We are going to have to rebuild within this
[32] flow some sort of curating function that people agree to. There
has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through
information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that
we have to discard, because they just don’t have any basis
in anything that’s actually happening in the world,”
Obama added.
is hard to do, but I think it’s going to be necessary, it’s
going to be possible. The answer is obviously not censorship, but
it’s creating places where people can say ‘this is reliable’
and I’m still able to argue safely about facts and what we
should do about it.” he added.
should be no longer any doubt as to why Obama went against Congress
and the people to give away the internet; we can no longer have
the “wild-wild-west-of-information flow” out there to
inform the people of what is really going on in the world.
at the European parliament. There are a lot of people who are looking
for simplistic solutions and are preaching simplistic solutions
which are very unfriendly policies. We have them here in Europe;
too, we have them in Germany too.”
is a disruptive technological force that brings about deep-seated
change and transformation in society. Look at the history of the
printing press, when this was invented what kind of consequences
it had, or industrialization, what consequences that had.”
often, it led to enormous transformational processes within individual
societies and it took a while until societies learned to find the
right kinds of policies to contain this, to manage and steer this.
We live in a period of profound transformation.”
her ire against the Germans who are angered with her flooding Germany
with Muslim invaders and massive job loss, she lashed out against
PEGIDA, the anti-mass migration and counter-Islamisation movement,
repeating their slogan: ‘Wir Sind Das Volk’ —
‘We Are The People’ — the chancellor said:
most important and noble task of politicians these days is to see
that each and every person can find his place. But those who purportedly
belong to certain groups say ‘we are the people, and not others’.”
another of those frequent ironies so often dumped on the citizens,
Merkel, a former (?) East German communist, now says of PEGIDA:
the time when we had [this saying] in the GDR [East Germany] when
the people stood in the streets and said ‘we are the people’
it filled me with great joy, but the fact these people have hijacked
it does not fill me with joy.”
long will it be before other world leaders join Ms. Merkel and president
Obama in demanding web censorship? Certainly foreign media is now
calling for it as Germany’s Zeit newspaper published a piece
calling for controls to prevent “a German Donald Trump”,
while Britain’s Independent former newspaper website published
a list of “fake” news sites which they claimed may have
“swayed votes towards Donald Trump”. Even the British
news outlet “The Guardian” is in on the fake news bandwagon.
That list is the same list being circulated by Google and Facebook.
now, the very instrument that has become the great equalizing force
against corporatism/globalism’s control over the main stream
media might now become just another weapon in their arsenal of global
censorship. Unfortunately, it is only one of several ways the internet
is being manipulated for corporatist/governmental advantage. One
only needs to look at the two most popular search engines and the
most popular social media site to see complete censorship
in action. [35]
kind of drug does one have to take to believe Microsoft is a friend?
Roy Schestowitz [36]
Bing and Facebook have an unbroken record of suppressing sites,
postings and searches that don’t follow their world view.
Of the three, Bing is certainly the smallest but being part of Microsoft,
perhaps they try harder. Bing claims to be neutral and in fact,
the subscriber can set the search engine to their own preference
of conservative; liberal; Christian; etc. so how can they be biased?
Well the Bing [37] headline on August 16, 2016 for the conservative
bias setting in Bing featured three negative Trump articles:
Donald Trump plots strategy on ISIS — and campaign revival
- Analysis: Making Sense of Donald Trump’s
Disjointed Foreign Policy Pitch (NBC News)
- Early Voting Limits Donald Trump’s Time
to Turn Campaign Around (New York Times)
first headline implies Trump’s campaign had stalled and needs
revival. The second inferred Trump’s foreign policy was chaotic
and the third noted that the early vote will give Hillary such a
lead that discouraged Trump supporters won’t vote. Microsoft,
[38] donated $650,000 to the Hillary Clinton campaign and both Bill
and Melinda Gates [39] were considered as possible Vice Presidential
running mates for her Presidential campaign.

is the Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, whose obsession with globalism
[40] and censorship
[41] is well known and on Sept. 20, 2016 at a conference in Vancouver,
B.C. he openly stated that opposition to globalism is “a
huge concern,” [42)] and says the underlying issues of
resistance to it warrant a close examination. This is the same Bill
Gates that along with Steve Ballmer (Microsoft CEO) spoke at the
World Economic Forum in Davos,
Switzerland [43] in early 2015 on the critical need for immigration
and more H-1B (44] visas because of a shortage of high tech workers,
and then laid off some 18,000
American high tech workers. [45]
2010, China demanded that Google and Microsoft censor the results
of their search engines in China. Google resisted but Microsoft
was more than willing to go along. Bill Gates even criticized Google’s
decision to un-censor their search engine in China by saying "You've
got to decide: do you want to obey the laws of the countries you're
in or not? If not, you may not end up doing business there."
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer then said “If the Chinese government
gives us proper legal notice, we'll take that piece of information
out of the Bing search engine.” Chinese
President Xi Jinping [46] also stopped in for dinner at Bill
Gates house in September of 2015 before meeting with the heads of
Microsoft, Google and Facebook among other business leaders.
great is the Bing Censorship of China that the Chinese Web anti-censorship
monitoring service has gone to great lengths to show that Bing censors
content in China even more than the Chinese State owned search engine
[47] does. But don’t worry; Microsoft’s support of the
ICANN was completely in the name of a “free” internet.
is no longer a “social
norm.” [48] —Mark Zuckerberg
is just as bad. In addition to being an outspoken advocate of globalism
and a liberal,
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is the controlling
force behind the most powerful social media platform ever created.
Facebook controls the global dialogue used by over a billion people
with an invisible touch that is unprecedented. Almost two-thirds
of American adults get news
from social
media, with 44% of them getting their news from Facebook alone.
This means Facebook’s algorithms dominate the information
of almost half the American public. As Gizmodo’s Michael Nuñez
puts it, “with Facebook, we don’t know what we’re
not seeing.” And he controls that platform with an iron grip.
has conducted numerous studies to better understand how information
spreads in a social network. For instance, in 2010 Facebook conducted
a secret experiment on 61
million unknowing people by tampering with their news feeds
to find out how successfully it could manipulate the real-world
voting habits of those people. Later, Facebook released the findings
and claimed that they increased voter turnout by more than 340,000
people. Facebook regularly skews the news it posts; in 2012 it manipulated
the feeds on 700,000 people without their consent to make them feel
sad and then published the results in the respected (?) scientific
journal “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.”
The results showed fairly conclusively that Facebook had found the
key to intentionally influencing people’s emotions. That year
they did the same type of experiment on 1.9
million people to influence the US election. In 2014 Facebook
used the rainbow flag as another experiment to get people to be
more accepting of same-sex
has made an empire of selling information about every person they
can. It openly manipulates the feeds
and posts
they allow on Facebook and the posts people are allowed to place
for other members of Facebook. Facebook is now “reluctantly”
being “forced” to manipulate their algorithm to crack
down on “fake”
news being posted on Facebook. Though this sounds like a noble goal,
the potential for censorship is unmistakable, especially when one
looks at the list of websites they plan on censoring. The sites
Facebook and Google are going to censor as “fake” was
created by a self-proclaimed feminist assistant professor at Merrimack
College who did not like the sites her students citing in their
papers. Sites like Breitbart; Realfarmacy; Lew Rockwell; Zerohedge;
and World Net Daily. Though all have posted articles that have proven
to be false, Facebook has no problem with posting articles from
even less reliable news site like USA Today; MSNBC; CNN; BBC and
the New York Times. Google is now planning on using this same list
to censor content. It does not take a rocket scientist to see where
this censorship is headed.
know where you are. We know where you've been. We can more or less
know what you're thinking about.” —Eric
last of the big three masters of manipulation
is Google, and they are arguably the biggest of the bunch. Google
CEO Eric
Schmidt is about as open with his liberal bias as one could
ever be. The Bilderberg attendee bankrolled a startup company called
Groundwork” to provide technical experts Hillary
Clinton needed to run her campaign. Schmidt was instrumental
in getting Barack Obama elected both times as he was the main supplier
of technical experts for all three campaigns.
is right up Schmidt’s alley as Google is the defacto gateway
to information. Google averages some 40,000 search queries every
second equaling over 3.5
billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year
worldwide. Google conducts over 64%
of all internet searches in the US and over 90% in some countries.
Google has indexed some 45 billion web pages while Bing, its closest
competitor has only 14 billion.
course the 45 billion web pages are only part of the Schmidt plan
to control everything on earth. Schmidt has stated that privacy
is an excuse to hide wrongdoing: “If you have something that
you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be
doing it in
the first place.”
his plan to deprive you of your privacy, Schmidt has employed some
of the world’s top technocrats to find ever more powerful
ways to pry into every corner of your life since Google’s
business is, literally, mass
surveillance, and they have become amazingly good at it.
are also a contractor to the US Government, including the NSA and
several military contractors as well. When Edward Snowden revealed
to the world the unimaginable world of government spying on US citizens,
he also revealed that the NSA
has direct access to the information stored on Google’s computers
as they do to Facebook, Twitter, Bing and every other company storing
online information on you.
a US News and World Report article published on 6/22/16, contributor
Epstein wrote an extremely troubling article on just how powerful
Google is. According to Epstein “When Google's employees or
algorithms decide to block our access to information about a news
item, political candidate or business, it causes opinions and votes
to shift, reputations to be ruined and businesses to crash and burn.
Because online censorship is entirely unregulated at the moment,
victims have little or no recourse when they have been harmed.”
then exposes blacklists that Google wields like Jack the Ripper
did his knives with the first being the autocomplete blacklist.
This one is simple enough; it quietly guides the searcher to where
the company wants you to go. From directing away from negative articles
on Hillary Clinton to pointing to negative articles on Donald Trump,
there is little doubt that Google had a large impact on the recent
US election. In any search you make, the algorithm is your spiritual
maps is a stalker’s dream showing just about every house and
area in the US and huge sections of the world. They did not ask
for permission to film your house, they just did it. Military installations
and a few other places are excluded but chances are, your house
is there.
You Tube blacklist allows users to tag certain clips as inappropriate
and Google’s censors may or may not remove them. However,
You Tube is notorious for removing politically and morally conservative
videos on a regular basis while never doing the same to liberal
videos. They are also willing to work with foreign governments to
determine which videos will be allowed to be shown in the country.
Google account blacklist can cut people’s access to their
own email account as well as You Tube and other Google products
without any notice or recourse.
Google News blacklist is insidious in every way. They are the biggest
news aggregator on the planet, tracking tens of thousands of news
sources daily and converting them to numerous languages. They have
been accused on numerous occasions of excluding conservative news
feeds as well as certain writers and competing companies. This is
an incredibly powerful and nearly unnoticeable tool to promote political,
moral and/or religious agenda.
Adwords blacklist is how Google gets the lion’s share of its
money (some $56 billion annually) by selling keywords to the highest
bidders. These keywords are how the website is found by searchers
so if your site does not have them, you are going to sink. On numerous
occasions, Google has simply deleted those keywords on sites effectively
making them invisible and financially crushing them.
search engine blacklist is a make or break situation for many web
pages. Google, for many unknown reasons will push web page down
the list of rankings effectively ruining many businesses in a very
short time.
power to “blacklist” a site is Google’s most dreaded
weapon however. Google claims this power is to keep the internet
free from malicious malware which, they claim is a public service.
The problems with this argument are many however. Google’s
crawlers often make mistakes, blacklisting websites that do not
contain malware.
of how extensively Google crawls the web, all the other main search
engines use their “blacklist” which means that once
on the list, the site is effectively cut off from public access.
Google has used this power on numerous occasions on people they
do not like. Google even profits from this arrangement as they collect
information from every user that accesses Google’s results
and then sells it. Google has, for all intents and purposes, become
the internet police man and they use this power to further their
globalist agenda on a regular basis and it is now supporting the
same list of “fake” news sites that the British Independent
and Facebook are touting.
Microsoft and Facebook have all three censored users on the
behest of world governments and all three; have consistently censored
users for no apparent reason. They, along with Twitter (another
social media monster) sided with Obama to give away America’s
right the control the internet.
who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.”
the US now finds every purveyor of media has been compromised and
censored by those with globalist views. Once ICANN loses its independence
to the UN, the corporatist/governmental takeover will be complete.
access to information is every
tyrant’s dream and our government is no different. The
main stream media did a masterful job of concealing the 2008 economic
meltdown from the masses just like they have the corruption of Hillary
Clinton; the imploding Deutsche Bank; the growing threat of nuclear
war with Russia; the threat of an EMP from North Korea and now the
escalating violence of the Clinton supporters after the election
of Donald Trump. It was only the access of the people to alternative
news sites that alerted and continue to alert those willing to listen
to truth that news of these events get out at all.
a growing population of closed minded bigots unwilling to even listen
to opposing opinions or facts, the US is slowly returning to the
Dark Ages with only a few sources controlling access to information.
Freedom loving people everywhere should all be asking themselves
why this particular time was chosen for Obama to open the door for
the UN takeover of an already censored internet. It is past time
to look into a ham radio and other forms of communication that cannot
be controlled by the elites. Here in the Pacific Northwest we have
an excellent source for information called the “Radio
Free Redoubt.” Time is of the essence as the days of the
open internet are coming to a rapid close.
is truth seen too late.” —Thomas
Hobbes - Leviathan
the Media Lies So Much
2. Selling Empire: American Propaganda and War
in the Philippines
3. 5 Times When The Mainstream Media "Created Fake News"...
And People Died As A Result
4. Waco, Texas: Where A Part Of America’s Heart And Soul Died.
5. The Great 9/11 Cover-up
6. ABC, NBC Ignore All Obamacare Failures in 2016, CBS Barely Covers
7. Six Corporations Control 90% of American Media
8. Hillary's Worst Crime Was Against the 'Filmmaker'
9. The media and the financial crisis: Journalism failed
10. The Great ObamaCare Failure Our Corrupt Media Can't Talk About
11. Animated Map: The Battle of Arnhem
12. Just 6% of the People
13. Former CBS Reporter: 'I Was Called a Troublemaker for Pursuing
14. Obama Admin Wants To Surrender US Control Over Internet To Global
15. Statements in Support of the IANA Stewardship Transition
16. What Does ICANN Do?
17. Critics fear censorship as Obama hands control of internet to
multi-national body
18. Here’s Why We Should Go through the IANA Transition
19. US to Hand Over Internet’s Naming System, But Is ICANN
Ready for Transition?
20. U.S. Surrender: Internet Giveaway to the U.N.?
21. Governing Cyberspace: ICANN, a Controversial Internet Standards
22. In Congressional Hearing, Stakeholders Highlight ICANN's Failures
and Need for Reform
23. ICANN reports .sucks to the FTC over “predatory”
24. ICANN Transition is Premature
25. ICANN’s Amazon Problem
26. Amazon files appeal on rejected .amazon domain
27. Governments kill off Patagonia’s dot-brand bid
28. US hands internet control over to ICANN
29. Stop Obama’s Internet Giveaway
30. Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can
keep it'
31. Obama: We Have to Change ‘Wild West’ Media Landscape
32. Obama Says He Wants To Change The Free Flow Of Information
33. Merkel With Obama: Internet ‘Disruptive’ Force that
Has to Be ‘Contained, Managed, and Steered’ by Government
34. Obama Merkel – Internet Censorship Will Control Middle
Class Rebellion
35. Obama, Merkel Blame Social Media for Being Politically Disruptive
36. Microsoft is Still an Evil Company, Don’t Believe the
Reputation Laundering ‘Campaigners’
37. Liberal Media Bias
38. How Bing Search Engine Plays Politics in Election 2016
39. Tim Cook and Bill Gates Might Have Been on Hillary Clinton's
Vice President List
40. Gates Foundation accused of 'dangerously skewing' aid priorities
by promoting 'corporate globalization'
41. Web censorship in China? Not a problem, says Bill Gates
42. Bill Gates: Voter opposition to globalization is ‘a huge
concern’ — and a wake-up call
43. Bill Gates says in order to keep talent in America the country
must overhaul 'perverse' immigration laws
44. Soros & Fellow Billionaires for Open Borders Lobby GOP on
45. Microsoft Lays Off Thousands While Demanding More H1-B Visas
46. Xi Jinping in Seattle to meet with CEOs of Apple, Microsoft
and other tech giants
47. New research claims that Microsoft’s Bing censors heavily
within China, even more so than Baidu
48. Is Facebook Trying to Turn you Into a Globalist?
49. The end of Trump’: How Facebook deepens millennials’
confirmation bias
50. Zuckerberg proves he is Facebook’s editor by allowing
Trump’s hate speech.
51. Will Facebook Replace the News?
52. Facebook is a Media Company, Treat it as One
53. 61 million person experiment in social influence
54. Facebook Deliberately Experimented on Your Emotions
55. Facebook wants you to vote.
56. Did YOU change your Facebook picture to a rainbow?
57. Meet leftist prof who wrote 'hit list' of 'fake' news sites
58. Facebook Censorship
59. How Facebook Censors your posts
60. Facebook to crack down on spread of misinformation
61. The Top Ten Things We Can't Believe Eric Schmidt Ever Said
62. Of Course Facebook Is Biased. That’s How Tech Works Today
63. Wikileaks: Google’s Eric Schmidt Planning Hillary’s
Campaign Since 2014
64. The Groundwork
65. Google defends its search engine against bias it favors Clinton
66. Eric Schmidt Dismisses Movie Driven Fear of AI
67. Google Search Statistics
68. Search Engine Ratings
69. Google’s power of censorship: who controls the controllers
of the internet?
70. Google controls what we buy, the news we read — and Obama’s
71. The new mind control
72. The NSA's Bulk Collection Is Over, but Google and Facebook Are
Still in the Data Business
73. The New Censorship
74. NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, Google and
75. You’re a Criminal in a Mass Surveillance World –
How to Not Get Caught
76. Radio Free Redoubt