"Family Man" Obama: 'Our journey is not complete' until we redefine marriage
Homosexuals Don't Adopt. They Recruit Kids into their Homosexual Agenda; Graham Approves of Putin's Protecting Children From Gays
Media Interviews Franklin Graham, Russell Moore, Ralph Reed:
Bob Vander Plaats: Gay Marriage
Leading To Legalized Pedophilia
Peter LaBarbera of www.aftah.org:
Gay Child Recruitment In Media, Schools
Indoctrination & Recruitment by Gays
Similar to Hitler & Stalin,
Like All Radical Movements:

SEE: http://americansfortruth.com/2009/06/01/glsen-founder-kevin-jennings-said-f-k-em-to-religious-right/
AFTAH's LaBarbera Speaks Out on Obama, Kevin Jennings and GLSEN's 'Fistgate' Scandal
Uploaded on Aug 17, 2009
WARNING: graphic descriptions documenting "gay" corruption of youth. Peter LaBarbera, president and founder of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (www.aftah.org), opens AFTAH's June 17, 2009 pro-family coalition press conference on President Obama's radical homosexual agenda. LaBarbera exposes Obama's hypocrisy on traditional marriage, and plays the infamous "Fistgate" audiotape revealing how -- at a "gay youth" event -- underage girls and boys were exposed to graphic verbal "how-to" lessons on "fisting" and other homosexual perversions. (Fistgate occurred at a "queer" youth panel that was part of a 2000 conference sponsored by GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network). GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings was appointed by President Obama to head up the Dep't of Education's "Safe and Drug-Free Schools" agency. A DVD of the AFTAH press conference in Chicago is available for $20 postpaid. Send your check to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522
WARNING: graphic descriptions documenting "gay" corruption of youth. Peter LaBarbera, president and founder of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (www.aftah.org), opens AFTAH's June 17, 2009 pro-family coalition press conference on President Obama's radical homosexual agenda. LaBarbera exposes Obama's hypocrisy on traditional marriage, and plays the infamous "Fistgate" audiotape revealing how -- at a "gay youth" event -- underage girls and boys were exposed to graphic verbal "how-to" lessons on "fisting" and other homosexual perversions. (Fistgate occurred at a "queer" youth panel that was part of a 2000 conference sponsored by GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network). GLSEN founder Kevin Jennings was appointed by President Obama to head up the Dep't of Education's "Safe and Drug-Free Schools" agency. A DVD of the AFTAH press conference in Chicago is available for $20 postpaid. Send your check to: Americans For Truth, PO Box 5522, Naperville, IL 60567-5522
Criminal GLSEN Founder Kevin Jennings is Obama's Safe School Czar
Uploaded on Sep 28, 2009
GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) Founder Kevin Jennings is Obama's Safe School Czar
When he SHOULD have been fired AND JAILED for counseling a student to "wear a condom" during sex with an adult male, instead of reporting the incident as Statutory Rape.....
INSTEAD, our UBER Liberal / Socialist / Communist / Marxist President Obama appoints him as our childrens' SAFE SCHOOL CZAR
Per MassResistance.org .......
Jennings is a vicious anti-Christian bigot (he said [expletive deleted] em and Drop dead! to the religious right) who capitalized early on the idea of promoting homosexuality in schools under the guise of safety. One very unsafe event that should have resulted in Jennings banishment from the world of education was Fistgate [warning: very graphic language] All photos courtesy of MassResistance.org.
GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network) Founder Kevin Jennings is Obama's Safe School Czar
When he SHOULD have been fired AND JAILED for counseling a student to "wear a condom" during sex with an adult male, instead of reporting the incident as Statutory Rape.....
INSTEAD, our UBER Liberal / Socialist / Communist / Marxist President Obama appoints him as our childrens' SAFE SCHOOL CZAR
Per MassResistance.org .......
Jennings is a vicious anti-Christian bigot (he said [expletive deleted] em and Drop dead! to the religious right) who capitalized early on the idea of promoting homosexuality in schools under the guise of safety. One very unsafe event that should have resulted in Jennings banishment from the world of education was Fistgate [warning: very graphic language] All photos courtesy of MassResistance.org.
When he SHOULD have been fired AND JAILED for counseling a student to "wear a condom" during sex with an adult male, instead of reporting the incident as Statutory Rape.....
INSTEAD, our UBER Liberal / Socialist / Communist / Marxist President Obama appoints him as our childrens' SAFE SCHOOL CZAR
Per MassResistance.org .......
Jennings is a vicious anti-Christian bigot (he said [expletive deleted] em and Drop dead! to the religious right) who capitalized early on the idea of promoting homosexuality in schools under the guise of safety. One very unsafe event that should have resulted in Jennings banishment from the world of education was Fistgate [warning: very graphic language] All photos courtesy of MassResistance.org.
Log Cabin Republicans Mock Military, Corrupt Children at Chicago "Gay Pride" Parade
Obeying Gay Marriage Ruling Like Nazis
"Just Following Orders"
Defy SCOTUS Marriage Equality Decision
if Contrary to U.S. Constitution & God's Law:
Gay Marriage Ruling Brought Us Back To 1776
Gay Marriage Will Destroy America
Hope We Don't Have A War Over Gay Marriage;
SCOTUS Referred to Wars in Their Decision
THE "GAY" AGENDA TARGETING YOUTH by linda harvey of mission america:
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
___________________________________________________________BOY SCOUTS PRESIDENT GATES DECIDES TOAPPROVE GAY SCOUT LEADERSTO AVOID LITIGATION.WILL CHURCHES CAPITULATE LIKE THIS?Boy Scout Leader Arrested For Showing Kids Porn At Church Fundraiser:
Published on Jun 16, 2015Boy Scout leader Mark Kern was arrested by Sunrise Police last week in Broward County, Florida after admitting to showing several minors hardcore pornography on his cell phone while at a church fundraiser. The 48-year-old parent volunteer now faces two felony counts of distributing obscene material to a minor. We look at the incident on the Lip News with Margaret J. Howell and Mark Sovel. http://www.browardpalmbeach.com/news/...______________________________________________________________"Obama's Horrendous Father's Day Example"republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:When Barack Obama campaigned for president in 2008, few Americans would have guessed that his administration would become the most anti-family force in U.S. history by celebrating gay marriage and the spectacle of men becoming women through the phenomenon of "transgenderism." Obama had portrayed himself as a committed pro-family Christian who recognized the importance of male role models and fathers in the family structure. "Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we are reminded today that family is the most important. And we are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation," Obama said in a "Fatherhood speech" in June of that year. But in response to Bruce Jenner, a biological father of six, declaring he was actually female, Obama said, "It takes courage to share your story." Nothing was said about the impact such a bizarre declaration would have on one's children, or the condition of one's mental state to bring that about. Obama seemed to be endorsing genital mutilation as a way out of mental confusion or mental illness. Obama's definition of family has certainly changed. Indeed, he was once in favor of marriage being between one man and one woman, and today he celebrates fatherless and motherless families. He lied about his commitment to traditional marriage in order to get elected. It was a big con, but only one of many deceptions from the candidate of "hope and change" whose lasting legacy, as noted in Professor Paul Kengor's new book Takedown, could very well be cultural and not economic transformation. After all, parts of Obamacare could be repealed over time, and economic reforms could arrest our debt problem, which has accelerated under Obama. But restoring the traditional family is a mammoth undertaking that even Republican presidential candidates are generally afraid to talk about. Speaking to the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago in that 2008 speech, Obama had quoted from the Bible and said to the congregation, "if we are honest with ourselves" they would have to admit that "too many fathers...[are] missing from too many lives and too many homes. They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it." But the fact that "Bruce" Jenner will go missing from that family is something that is now celebrated by Obama. If Obama had told that black congregation that he would be a president who would go down in history as praising a man for dressing up like a woman, the audience would have probably laughed out loud, thinking it was a joke. Who could have anticipated that a man who once lectured the nation on the need for a strong father would later defend a father's decision to quit being one. Another major deception from Obama was his claim that he never really had a father who was part of his life. In a 2013 Morehouse College address, he said, "I was raised by a heroic single mom, wonderful grandparents – made incredible sacrifices for me. And I know there are moms and grandparents here today who did the same thing for all of you. But I sure wish I had had a father who was not only present, but involved. Didn't know my dad. And so my whole life, I've tried to be for Michelle and my girls what my father was not for my mother and me. I want to break that cycle where a father is not at home – (applause) – where a father is not helping to raise that son or daughter. I want to be a better father, a better husband, a better man." Filmmaker Joel Gilbert says that Obama's comments about not having a father present in his childhood are 100 percent bogus, and that he had several fathers or father-figures. Gilbert, director of the film "Dreams from My Real Father," examines Obama's formative years and comes to the determination that the Communist Party member and suspected Soviet espionage agent, Frank Marshall Davis, was Obama's real biological father. He believes the Kenyan Obama was a "father in name only" who was used to cover up an affair between Davis and Obama's mother. Gilbert added, "Obama's problem was not a lack of fathers, rather it was that his biological father became his ideological mentor and radicalized him into an anti-American ideology." We broke the story in the U.S. that Davis was Obama's childhood mentor, a fact that The Washington Post still will not admit. Obama himself admits Davis "schooled" him on white racism. "All my research has indicated that Obama visited with Davis about three times per week during his entire youth from age 10 to 18," Gilbert says. "Davis gave him money, taught him to drink whiskey, took him to strip clubs, and indoctrinated Obama during those formative years with his Communist view of the world." In addition to Davis, however, Gilbert says Obama had other "fathers" or father figures. These included his grandfather, "gramps," a constant father figure presence, and his adopted father, Lolo Soetoro, whom he stayed in touch with even after his mother divorced him. He adds, "Never one to be without a father figure, Obama enlisted a [Frank Marshall Davis] carbon copy ideologue, whom he said 'was like an uncle.'" That was the notorious Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who functioned like a father to Obama after Frank Marshall Davis died. Like Davis, Wright was a vicious anti-American. The idea that Davis is truly Obama's "real father" is certainly controversial and could only be solved definitively by DNA analysis. However, Gilbert recently interviewed Obama's half-brother, Malik Obama, who says that "Frank Marshall Davis and Barack look alike," and that Barack does not look like his father, the Kenyan Obama. Comparison photos between Frank Marshall Davis and President Obama are indeed striking. Malik Obama says he would welcome a DNA test, and that this might explain why Barack dumped the Kenyan Obamas after he was elected President. Once a strong proponent of the traditional meaning of Father's Day, in order to get elected to the presidency, Obama will now go down in history for demeaning this national celebration honoring fathers and fatherhood. Consider Barack Obama as the President who celebrated a man for acting and trying to look like a woman. At this rate, Father's Day cards will one day be sold in the "he" and "she" categories. The impact on our young people from this presidential "example" will be seen and felt in the years ahead: more sexual confusion, alienation from family, mental illness, and suicides. This is what progressive "change" looks like.
Anti-Bullying Conference For Middle Schoolers Turns Into Gay Sex Class "How to Strap On/Sew On Fake Male Parts"
Published on Jul 27, 2015In rural, small-town Iowa, a group of parents and community leaders is seeking to prevent students from the local taxpayer-funded middle school and high school from attending future versions of an anti–bullying conference for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender teens. http://www.infowars.com/at-anti-bully... http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/...OBEDIENT TO CHRIST, NOT THE "VICAR OF CHRIST"