SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“It’s All About Me and my gender self-expression”: A cross-dressing “straight” man in a black dress and pumps poses holding his baby daughter–for his gender-nonconforming blog, “His Black Dress.” We covered the child’s eyes because she is an innocent victim of her dad’s selfish obsession with dressing in female clothing. When it comes to aberrant lifestyle movements, “It’s All About Me”–i.e., the twisted, self-centered desires of adults–rather than the what’s best for children and society.
Part One
One of the characteristics of Identity- and Victim Politics–especially the brand catering to aberrant sex and gender agendas–is its spectacular self-absorption. Belief in divine Absolute Truth is dying in America, seemingly in inverse proportion to demands that society “understand” and empathize with a myriad of aggrieved, subjective human “my truths”—in this case the ever-evolving “gay” movement.
According to the BBC, the unwieldy acronym LGBTQQIAAP, which is sure to expand in the coming years, if not months, stands for:
L – lesbian: a woman who is attracted to other womenThere are other versions of the perverse Big Alphabet, as founder Matt Barber calls it. One is LGBTQIAPK, which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersexual, Asexual, Pansexual and Polygamous, and Kinkiness–with “kinkiness” incorporating: sexual sadism/masochism; bondage; consensual sexual violence (e.g., whipping, electro-torture); “fisting” (don’t ask…); eroticized humiliation and degradation, slave-and-master “relationships,” etc. How’s that for liberal diversity?
G – gay: a man who is attracted to other men or broadly people who identify as homosexual
B – bisexual: a person who is attracted to both men and women
T – transgender: a person whose gender identity is different from the sex the doctor put down on their birth certificate
Q – queer: originally used as a hate term, some people want to reclaim the word, while others find it offensive. It can be a political statement, suggest that someone doesn’t want to identify with “binaries” (e.g. male v female, homosexual v straight) or that they don’t want to label themselves only by their sexual activity
Q – questioning: a person who is still exploring their sexuality or gender identity
I – intersex: a person whose body is not definitively male or female. This may be because they have chromosomes which are not XX or XY or because their genitals or reproductive organs are not considered “standard”
A – allies: a person who identifies as straight but supports people in the LGBTQQIAAP community
A – asexual: a person who is not attracted in a sexual way to people of any gender
P – pansexual: a person whose sexual attraction is not based on gender and may themselves be fluid when it comes to gender or sexual identity
‘It’s All About Me’–Family man says he is a little girl:People worldwide have been horrified by the story of Paul Wolscht–who left his wife and seven children to pursue a “transgender” identity as a “six-year-old girl”–his twisted alter ego: “Stefonknee.” See AFTAH story and Steven Crowder video HERE.
By the way, no matter which acronym you choose, there is one group that is always left out in the “progressive’s” letter-amalgams: EX-homosexuals: people who have left sex and gender deviance behind to embrace a God-honoring sexuality that naturally matches their bodies. [See David Kyle Foster’s outstanding ministry, Mastering Life Ministries and the Restored Hope Network.]
Culture War pacifists
In our nation’s more wholesome past, Absolute Truth was once the respected domain of the American Church—and many biblical moral standards like saving sex for (man-woman) marriage were shared by most everyone, including secular society. There was a grudging respect, even among the irreligious, for preachers, who were expected to be moral leaders and to inveigh against sin while offering the hope of the Gospel.
But today many churchmen and Christian leaders are more “Culture War pacifists” than moral leaders—they may love Jesus and love the Gospel but shy away from the publicly calling out sin (especially the LGBTQQIAAP variety). And they piously eschew the “Culture War,” encouraging Christians not to take part—a de facto unilateral surrender to a powerful Sin Movement that is radically transforming America, to quote Obama. In my mind, there is no reason why we should not match the resources and zeal of Big Gay Inc and Big Gender Confusion. (Liberal foundations gave an astonishing $129 million to fund LGBTQ groups in 2013.)
Many young Christian cultural pacifists justify their inaction—especially on LGBTQueer issues–out of fear of alienating sexual sinners from Jesus. These hip, tech- and media-savvy evangelicals would be embarrassed—maybe even outraged–by John the Baptist’s public preaching against Herod’s sexual sin, even though Jesus reserved his highest praise for John, saying, “among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” (Matthew 11:11).
Perhaps we should cut Herod some slack—he was just embracing his polyamorous identity.
Media propaganda works: …although it is not the only factor behind the shift in Americans’ attitudes toward the anti-biblical concept of “same-sex marriage.” Gallup polls record a steady move toward acceptance of legalizing homosexual “marriage”–from 27% support in 1996 to 58% support today. To read about pro-homosexual media bias, even at Fox News, see this in-depth report.
Meanwhile, LGBTransgenderQueerEtc advocates are bold, confident and unrelenting. They reject compromise on their principles and are constantly “preaching” to us from their peculiar “moral” perspective built around homo-trans apologetics and left-wing Social Justice ideology.
In a Truth-starved society that has in many ways jettisoned Jesus, appeals to the Left’s upside-down (Isaiah 5:20)morality work. Even many “Bible-believing evangelicals” who should know better are riddled with false guilt as they bend toward LGBTQ ideology. (Christian talker Sandy Rios rightly calls them the “Church of Nice.”) Ditto for compromising Catholics. The evangelical and Catholic surrender on Truth has been many years in the making, but in the last decade it has escalated: see the sophomoric “Anti-homosexual” chapter in the influential 2007 evangelical book Unchristian by pollster and Barna Group president David Kinnaman, with Gabe Lyons. This book posits that the Church has an “image problem”: it is too “Anti-homosexual,” too “Judgmental” and too “Political.”
“Go and … keep on sinning?”: Nathan Albert, a well-meaning but theologically-challenged supporter of Andy Marin’s renegade “Christian” group, The Marin Foundation–hugs a homosexual marcher wearing only his underwear and shoes at Chicago’s “gay pride” parade in 2010. The signs, directed at “pride” celebrants, read, “I’m Sorry for How Churches Treated You,” and “I was a Bible-Banging Homophobe, SORRY.” To read a Bible-based rebuttal of Marin’s “gay”-affirming ministry, see Prof. Rob Gagnon’s paper HERE. To read a blog post by Albert in which he “rejoices” with those celebrating the June SCOTUS decision legalizing homosexual “marriage,” click here.
The anti-culture-war mentality goes something like this: talking about controversial subjects like sexual sin scares potential attendees away from our mega-church—and drives millennials away from the Gospel. Apparently to win over millennials, we all need to be more like Chicago’s touchy-feely Christian Andy Marin, who hugs “gay”-celebrating marchers at the city’s annual “pride” parade while holding signs that say “I’m Sorry”—ostensibly apologizing on behalf of all Christians for the Church’s supposed homophobic excesses. [See Prof. Rob Gagnon’s theological rebuke to Marin HERE.]
Marin fancies himself a “bridge-builder” to the homosexual world, but–like most Christians who adopt that approach–his bridge crumbles at the point of defending truth in the Public Square; in 2012, he piously urged Christians to “let go of the same-sex marriage fight and invest in figuring out how to love like Jesus regardless of what system is in place.” In 2013, after “gay marriage” passed in Illinois, Marin congratulated“LGBT couples…for your now legal right to receive both the State and Federal benefits you deserve as citizens of the United States of America.” Go…and keep on sinning?
I understand the need to be compassionate toward sinners and winsome in presenting the Gospel, but those of Marin’s ilk flout Scripture and utterly fail the “Sexual Sin Substitution Test” [see #4 here]. Would Jesus support a “marriage” grounded in an abomination? And would Marin et alhold up signs outside a pornography convention and apologize for how the Church has abused that sin group? No way.
The doubts and defeatism of Christians and conservatives fuel the Left’s social aggression. Biblically speaking, Sexual Progressivism is a cultural cancer that is now so far advanced that even many American “churches” (or are they social clubs?) are openly promoting gender and sexual deviance—in God’s name, of course. Many have picked up on the Scripture-defying formulation of religious homosexual activists like (“Rev.”) Harry Knox, who calls his homosexuality an “unchangeable gift from God, one for which I am very grateful.”
Religious Leftism
Social leftists couldn’t care less what the Bible says about homosexuality—but they understand the strategic value in our still “spiritual” society of putting a religious cloak on their ungodly agenda. Much like the Israelites who worshiped pagan idols, the worldly Religious Left redefines sin and righteousness; family and marriage; justice and hate; love and eros–and of course, the character of God Himself, Whom is routinely called upon to bless this and that perversion. [See this GLAAD post on “transgender religious naming ceremonies.”]
When churches become sin-happy, march in homosexual “pride” parades, and scold the biblically faithful, you know America is in a world of trouble. God will judge us like He judged Israel (perhaps, as many faithful Christians believe, Obama is part of our nation’s judgment). This is theinternal threat to America’s survival that is just as dangerous as the external threat of Islamic Jihad. Yet, strangely, it is barely discussed in the presidential race—why?
Inmates have overtaken the asylum, turning sin into righteousness and Christ into a “gay’ apologist. Did you know that the (Episcopal) National Cathedral in Washington, D.C.–site of historic weddings, funerals and speeches including Ronald Reagan’s state funeral–rang its bells in celebration June 26, 2013, the day the Supreme Court struck down the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)? That decision was the forerunner to SCOTUS’ shameful and unconstitutional Obergefell ruling this year purporting to nullify state defense-of-marriage amendments.
Those clanging bells atop “America’s cathedral” are the perfect symbol of our nation’s moral and spiritual decline.
My feelings come first!
“I feel, therefore I am.”–this is the one “absolute” that drives our confused, rebellious age—with more than half of Americans defining “truth” by their own changing, fickle standards–the very antithesis of divine, transcendent Truth rooted in the Word of God, the Bible. [See this 2015 Gallup data on Americans’ steadily increasing acceptance of homosexuality and same-sex “marriage”—and note the high “born gay” despite the scientific repudiation of that LGBTQ myth in the last decade.]
So now it is the Transgenders’ turn, as we will be instructed and cajoled by the media and LGBT cognoscenti ad nauseam on how to correctly affirm gender-benders’ feelings. Note the following “transgender” advice from“HuffPost Gay Voices”–the homosexual-bisexual-transgender section of liberal Huffington Post:
“When trans people reveal their trans identity to someone, it is a highly personal moment. It takes trust and courage to talk about gender identity or gender transition. The best-case scenario is probably to: 1) ask what questions, if any, are appropriate; and 2) give the trans person an out if he or she feels like you are overstepping your bounds (even though your questions may be born of an innocent curiosity). This makes it easier for a trans person to maintain privacy and integrity.”Accommodating the trans-genda will have Americans walking on eggshells like never before, if the Gay-Transgender and Media Thought Police have their way. Here is some guidance from the homosexual activist group GLAAD (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation), in their online article, “Tips for Allies of Transgender People”:
When you become an ally of transgender people, your actions will help change the culture, making society a better, safer place for transgender people–and for all people (trans or not) who do not conform to gender expectations….
Don’t ask a transgender person what their “real name” is.
For some transgender people, being associated with their birth name is a tremendous source of anxiety, or it is simply a part of their life they wish to leave behind. Respect the name a transgender person is currently using. If you happen to know the name someone was given at birth but no longer uses, don’t share it without the person’s explicit permission. Similarly, don’t share photos of someone from before their transition, unless you have their permission.
Did “Caitlyn” Jenner win Gold–or Bruce? The homosexual-transgender activist group GLAAD tells the media that they should use the now “transgender” Jenner’s new “female” name when recalling his Olympic feats.
DO use female pronouns (she, her, hers) when referring to Caitlyn Jenner.Egad. It’s going to take a PhD just to keep up with PC “transgender etiquette.”
DO avoid male pronouns and Caitlyn’s prior name, even when referring to events in her past. For example, “Prior to her transition, Caitlyn Jenner won the gold medal in the men’s decathlon at the Summer Olympics held in Montreal in 1976.” …
AVOID the phrase “born a man” when referring to Jenner. If it is necessary to describe for your audience what it means to be transgender, consider: “While Caitlyn Jenner was designated male on her birth certificate, as a young child she knew that she was a girl.”…
DON’T indulge in superficial critiques of a transgender person’s femininity or masculinity. Commenting on how well a transgender person conforms to conventional standards of femininity or masculinity is reductive and insulting.
It’s All About Me
As stated above. perhaps the Left’s ever-expanding sexual/gender deviance enterprise is best summed up with a simple, four-letter sequence: IAAM = It’s All About Me. Or, if you prefer, call it the LGBTQQIAAP-IAAM movement (comprising around 2 percent of Americans) to accurately convey the defiant self-centeredness of a Sin Lobby:
Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Questioning Intersex Asexual Allies Pansexual – IT’S ALL ABOUT MEEven better, we could just ditch the perversion alphabet altogether and the special theologies for homosexual and transgender sinners and get back to reality. The last thing a truly loving Christian should do is indulge “LGBTQQIAAP-IAAM” people in their self-deifying embrace of sexual sin and/or gender rebellion. As Prof. Gagnon—one of America’s heroes in defending biblical truth against homosexualism—writes: “The Church must never give up its obligation to rebuke offenders (in an appropriately loving way, of course) and require repentance.”
Amen. We must boldly resist the imposition of deviant ideologies on society—especially children—and love sinners enough to proclaim the full, saving Truth of Christmas–that men and women would be saved from their sin by Jesus, not seek to justify it. Every beneficiary of God’s Amazing Grace can say with the Apostle Paul:
“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst.” (1 Timothy 1:15, NIV)NEXT: Part Two: Here Come the Pronoun Police
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Leftists like to divide people in to groups, tell one group they are oppressed and tell the other group they are intolerant bigots if they disagree. This year, the protected class du jour was transgenders, because thank you Caitlyn Jenner.
Naturally, there’s been an arms-race to see who can pander the fastest. Leading the charge, of course, is New York City…
New York City has warned landlords, employers and businesses they could be running afoul of the law by purposely calling a transgender woman “him” or “Mr.” when she prefers a female title and pronoun, or by barring her from using a women’s restroom.New guidelines detail the legal protections of transgender and gender-nonconforming New Yorkers and what constitutes discrimination under the city’s Human Rights Law, the New York City Commission on Human Rights said on Monday.Some 25,000 transgender and gender non-conforming people live in New York City, where discrimination based on gender identity and expression has been illegal since 2002.
Yes, you’ve read correctly. In New York City, it is now illegal to call someone by their actual gender instead of their preferred gender. You must take part in their delusional, alternate reality or face legal consequences.
That makes sense. At lease, it makes as much sense as anything does in New York City. People are living on the streets, citizens are robbed of their basic Second Amendment rights, but at least transgenders they have legal recourse if someone calls them sir and they claim to be a ma’am.
While we’re talking about “rights,” riddle me this: what about the landlord’s rights? What about his right to conduct his business in a way he sees fit? What about his right to not have his assets and/or properties seized simply for slipping up on fictional “gender” issue? What about his right to protect little girls in the restroom from would-be predators ?
Remember at the beginning of 2015, when leftists said that the right’s “slippery slope” argument was merely fear-mongering? Yeah, about that…