SEE: http://the-trumpet-online.com/rutgers-professor-conservatives-worship-white-supremacy-jesus-expletive-deleted-god/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Editor’s Note: It’s good to take a look once in a while at just how wicked the modern college campus has become. This type of trash is typical. Do not send your children to these abominable, worldly colleges.
Also note what this conservative writer says: “Along with accusing conservative Christians of racism, she proceeds to declare them homosexual bigots as well. As usual with the Left, her accusations are unaccompanied with any proof supporting her claims.”
This implies that it is somehow bad if a Christian were a “homosexual bigot”. Conservatives better wake up and boldly proclaim that homosexuality is a perverted abomination; this message needs to be clearly articulated in this late hour.
From http://www.youngcons.com/
Conservatives aren’t real Christians. As a matter of fact, the Jesus of conservatism is a white, blonde haired, gun-toting maniac who advances the gospel of white supremacy. So it makes sense that the “god” conservatives worship is a complete “[expletive deleted],” so says Rutgers professor Brittany Cooper.
Cooper of course, is a professor of Women and Gender, and Africana Studies at Rutgers.
Last week on her Salon-based blog, Cooper went to great lengths to discredit the religiosity of conservatives, slandering them as bigots as she participated in the manufactured hysteria surrounding the passage of Indiana’s RFRA.
Along with accusing conservative Christians of racism, she proceeds to declare them homosexual bigots as well. As usual with the Left, her accusations are unaccompanied with any proof supporting her claims. But of course, that doesn’t matter. Conservatives aren’t “real” Christians because they don’t worship the kind of Jesus she claims to worship.
From her blog-
Any time right-wing conservatives declare that they are trying to restore or reclaim something, we should all be very afraid. Usually, this means the country or, in this case, the state of Indiana is about to be treated to another round of backward time travel, to the supposedly idyllic environs of the 1950s, wherein women, and gays, and blacks knew their respective places and stayed in them……And given our current anti-Black racial climate, there is no reason to trust that these laws won’t be eventually used for acts of racially inflected religious discrimination, perhaps against Black Muslims or Muslims of Arab descent, for instance…As a practicing Christian, I am deeply incensed by these calls for restoration and reclamation in the name of religious freedom. This kind of legislation is largely driven by conservative Christian men and women, who hold political views that are antagonistic to every single group of people who are not white, male, Christian, cisgender, straight and middle-class. Jesus, a brown, working-class, Jew, doesn’t even meet all the qualifications.
Cooper would be a perfect fit as Barack Obama’s spiritual advisor.
She continues-
…when I reflect on the Christian story of Christ crucified, it is a story to me of a man who came, radically served his community, challenged the unjust show of state power, embraced children, working-class men and promiscuous women and sexual minorities (eunuchs). Of the many things Jesus preached about, he never found time to even mention gay people, let alone condemn them. His message of radical inclusivity was so threatening that the state lynched him for fear that he was fomenting a cultural and political rebellion….This white, blond-haired, blue-eyed, gun-toting, Bible-quoting Jesus of the religious right is a god of their own making. I call this god, the god of white supremacy and patriarchy. There is nothing about their god that speaks to me as a Black woman of working-class background living in a country where police routinely murder black men and beat the hell out of black women, where the rich get richer while politicians find ever more reasons to extract from the poor, and where the lives the church imagines for women still center around marriage and motherhood, and no sex if you’re single.This God isn’t the God that I serve. There is nothing holy, loving, righteous, inclusive, liberatory or theologically sound about him. He might be “biblical” but he’s also an [expletive deleted]…We need to reclaim the narrative of Jesus’ life and death from the evangelical right… They have pimped Jesus’ death to support the global spread of… the abuse of native peoples, the continued subjugation of Black people, and the regulation of the sexual lives of women and gay people.
This woman is Christian like I’m an Afghan goat shepherd. And in the case of any confusion, I’m not an Afghan, nor do I shepherd goats.
Nevertheless, the amount of straw man arguments, false projections, and defamation of those who’re supposed to be her brothers and sisters in Christ is ridiculous. Then again, what can we expect from a professor who teaches, ‘Africana,’ ‘gender and women’ studies?
The “Jesus” Cooper describes worshipping sounds like a non-judgmental, sexually-confused, vegan radical from the ‘Occupy Movement.’ I’d say that Cooper herself is guilty of the exact same crime that she accuses conservatives of being guilty of- creating a god in her own image, straight out of the sociology department.
Baltimore Mayor Let Rioters And Vandals Run Rampant:
Published on Apr 27, 2015
Alex Jones plays a clip of the Baltimore Mayor admitting that they deliberately let the rioters have control of the streets.
Alex Jones plays a clip of the Baltimore Mayor admitting that they deliberately let the rioters have control of the streets.

Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said her city government “gave those who wished to destroy space to do that,” seemingly approving of the rioters who smashed the city’s police vehicles in the wake of the death of Freddie Gray.

Idiotic display labeled 'justice' for Freddie Gray
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/newsletter-content/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Baltimore descended into chaos Saturday night as hundreds of people engaged in wanton violence and looting, prompting a police crackdown and ruining any chance of real or meaningful protest against police brutality in the wake of the death of Freddie Gray.
Rioters smashed up local businesses and parked cars, and attacked patrons:
Another day in USA: Obama yucks it up in front of drooling press crowd as Baltimore spirals with race riots #WHCD pic.twitter.com/DtOpJXT3Iy
— MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) April 26, 2015
A Baltimore restaurant gets destroyed during the riot via /r/videos http://t.co/d2YstlXuxI#videos #reddit pic.twitter.com/wqGZHCpzGv
— Reddit Subreddits (@subredditsbot) April 26, 2015
My report from Baltimore last night, including the only video of a big 9.15pm clash at the western district police HQ http://t.co/0iuP37Ehi4
— Jon Swaine (@jonswaine) April 26, 2015
After peaceful start #FreddieGray protest turns violent. Robberies, so WP finds a 63yr old.http://t.co/6JWBfHEXrM pic.twitter.com/h2eXs1dqLU
— Shaughn (@Shaughn_A) April 26, 2015
Rioters intentionally targeted the Baltimore Orioles game at Camden Yards, where innocent American families were caught up in the trouble.
Martial law in effect in Baltimore. We can't leave Camden Yards. Mayor has locked down everything.#baltimoreprotests pic.twitter.com/6vvOuJU1wU
— Garrett Wingate (@Garrett_Wingate) April 26, 2015
Main gates closed at #OPACY bunch of people filming at the outfield bar #Baltimore#Orioles pic.twitter.com/DliNn5E7ds
— Kara (@karmba) April 25, 2015
In Baltimore, hundreds jam the streets in protest of Freddie Gray's deathhttp://t.co/GLPrXp7ktA pic.twitter.com/8C6WbW24aB
— The Boston Globe (@BostonGlobe) April 25, 2015
Other agitators encouraged a police crackdown by throwing rocks and attacking police vehicles.
The fire rises RT @The__Tactician: RT @cmcampbell6: #FreddieGray protesters smashing windows of Baltimore police cars pic.twitter.com/gYX5R1AYJk
— سيباستيان العظيم (@CbazzThaGreat) April 25, 2015
The constitution guarantees citizens the rights to protest. Please remain peaceful. Several of our police cars have been damaged.
— Baltimore Police (@BaltimorePolice) April 25, 2015
Police have just started chasing protestors. #FreddieGray pic.twitter.com/KVVDLVP1OH
— jelani cobb (@jelani9) April 25, 2015
Downtown. Now. Wild. #FreddieGray pic.twitter.com/aQRFUbtX93
— deray mckesson (@deray) April 26, 2015
While the gathering had started off peacefully, so called ‘protesters’ from the Ferguson riots had traveled to Baltimore blatantly to instigate chaos:
.@deray and @Nettaaaaaaaa say Baltimore the most organic protest they've seenpic.twitter.com/uoZqJCeDn7
— Baynard Woods (@baynardwoods) April 25, 2015
Some even encouraged looting:
This is disgraceful of @deray & is in no way representative of all blacks. Shame on you, I'm disgusted #FreddieGray pic.twitter.com/6dtgbqU74s
— Alexiis Starr (@AlexiisStarr) April 26, 2015
RT @MandaBoo1194 PSA: This does not scream justice for #FreddieGray Stop destroying#Baltimore pic.twitter.com/oKpL6Wp7f4
— SalenaZito (@SalenaZitoTrib) April 26, 2015
@AlexiisStarr @deray There is NO DEFENSE of #looting U don't represent me or mine.
— Tessa (@curlyque007) April 26, 2015
Meanwhile, the President was laughing and joking about being a lame duck and having a “f*ck it” attitude at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner, just 40 miles away:
ALWAYS FUNNY: Obama Made a Funny About Taking Executive Action and White House Reporters Howled with Laughter http://t.co/QyUvJp9xm4
— slone (@slone) April 26, 2015
I want y’all to see the juxtaposition of DC’s media elite yukking it up @ the #WHCD while 45 minutes away hell is breaking loose in Bmore.
— rolandsmartin (@rolandsmartin) April 25, 2015
As no shortage of people have pointed out, DC's most powerful sipping wine as people take the streets an hour away in Baltimore
— Wesley Lowery (@WesleyLowery) April 26, 2015
In Ferguson and elsewhere, so called ‘protesters’, intent on narrowing the extremely broad problem of police brutality into an issue solely of race, have bizarrely targeted restaurants and diners, stirring up conflict and often bullying innocent people, including women and children.
The actions of these people will only encourage rational Americans to turn away in disgust, will provide the media with ample material to demonize all protest, and will exponentially WORSEN the problem of police authoritarianism.
Good work at the #BaltimoreRiots guys. #looting #violence is going to give us a world of change as always. Except it doesn't/won't. Go home
— J Spencer Fox (@jspencerfox) April 26, 2015
#FreddieGray #riots #looting destroying #Baltimore #BlackPrivilege #BlackLivesMatter ? Losers. have some respect. pic.twitter.com/byvMHIQkeV
— WakeUpAmerica (@MyCrazyAmerica) April 26, 2015
Smashing windows, #looting, destroying #civilian and #police cars…this is why no will listen to you guys, so stop. #FreddieGray #Baltimore
— Kourosh Shah (@ShahKourosh) April 26, 2015