republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
France flagged “more than 78,000 people” as jihadist security threats in 2017; three churches a day are attacked there; anti-Semitism is so prevalent (and violent) in France that it prompted the President of the Confederation of Jews in France to conclude that “in a few decades, there will be no Jews in France.”
But none of these facts have troubled globalist Emanuel Macron (and company), whose focus is on making everyone feel welcome in France, no matter what. Never mind those who choose not to integrate. This can be partially explained due to the fact that Macron does not believe that there is anything substantial to integrate into. He once declared that there is “no such thing” as a true Frenchman or true Dane. So it follows that Macron has a few ideas of his own about the rebuilding of the Notre Dame cathedral that would reflect his undying commitment to “diversity,” even if they are callous toward Christians and those who respect France’s heritage. Macron does not believe that the rebuilding of the Notre Dame should be intended to restore the glory of the ancient Gothic cathedral (with the painstaking labor that went into it); instead, Macron wants it to be recreated to be “consistent with our modern, diverse nation.”Now what might that mean? Here’s an indicator: an architect has proposed that the new structure include a minaret. A minaret is a type of tower built into mosques as a visual focal point and used for the Islamic call to prayer. The architect sees fit to “memorialize Algerians who protested the French government in the 1960s” since “these victims of the state could be memorialized by replacing the spire with – why not? – a graceful minaret.” Given the obscene insensitivity displayed by Macron and others, it would come as no surprise if indeed a minaret were installed at Notre Dame, as a declaration of victory over France’s history and democracy.Macron undoubtedly knows that Islamic countries — among others — value their own history and culture, but he has no such respect for French culture, and so it would follow that he would believe that there is no culture in France to protect. The burning down of Notre Dame was symbolic of the steady burn of French culture, as the country’s globalist leaders continue to bow to everything multiculturalism has to offer.“Macron says Notre Dame should be rebuilt consistent with the modern, diverse France – and architects suggest a glass roof, steel spire and minaret,” Voice of Europe, April 23, 2019:Macron’s initial promise to restore the magnificent cathedral to its former glory has been shoved aside. Now he says it will be rebuilt “consistent with our modern, diverse nation”, and at the same time the French Government has announced an international competition to redesign the Notre Dame spire.After the announcement designers haven’t missed the opportunity to respond with their ideas, proposing that it should not be faithfully restored, but rebuilt with “contemporary” features such as a glass roof, steel spire, or even a minaret.The Telegraph published an article claiming it would be a “travesty” to restore Notre Dame, while Rolling Stone quoted a Harvard architecture historian as saying that the burning of a building “so overburdened with meaning… feels like an act of liberation.”Lord Norman Foster, arguably Britain’s most famous modern architect, has unveiled a design topping the ancient cathedral with a glass and steel canopy with a featureless glass and steel spire, which he describes as “a work of art about light” which would be “contemporary and very spiritual and capture the confident spirit of the time”.Ian Ritchie, a modern architect most famous for the so-called Spire of Dublin – a metal spike erected in the Irish capital – is mulling a proposal along similar lines, which he describes as “a refracting, super-slender reflecting crystal to heaven” or a “beautiful contemporary tracery of glass crystals and stainless steel” – i.e. a featureless glass and steel spire. Perhaps most controversial is a proposal in Domus, the architecture magazine, by Tom Wilkinson, for the fallen spire to be replaced with an Islamic minaret….