Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
USA – -( White Feather Press is excited to announce the publication of its newest book My Daddy Has a Gun…. and my Mom does too!, written by Rob Pincus, renowned personal defense trainer, gun rights advocate and author.
In this new book Rob, father, and grandfather shares the view of firearm usage in everyday life from the perspective of a grade-schooler as she reviews how her parents and others in her life use guns for good every day in America.
“Guns play a role in sport, competition and other aspects of recreation for many families. Give your children the benefit of the whole truth about guns and how they are used by millions of responsible American Gun Owners. Whether you consider yourself “Pro-Gun” or are in favor of “Gun Control,” firearms are a part of American Life. You and your children should be educated in their use, if for no other reason than safety. Both you and your children will love this new book by Rob Pincus, and it may inspire your family to enjoy & utilize firearms in new ways!”
If you want your kids to know the truth about firearms in our society, check out Rob’s book My Daddy Has a Gun… and my Mom does too!. It is a perfect starting point for a real conversation about guns for the whole family.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
When Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson tried to assassinate a group of Republicans in 2017, shooting five people, it was considered an anomaly. Any campaign can have one nut associated with it, after all. But many are reconsidering this assessment now that a Project Veritas (PV) undercover video has captured a violent Sanders field organizer talking about putting political opponents in Stalinesque “gulags” and saying that the campaign is full of people of his mind. More troubling still is that presidential contender Sanders (I-Vt.) has thus far failed to fire the organizer, with a staffer dismissing talk about his admissions as “political gossip.”
Also striking is how the mainstream media are ignoring a story which, if it involved President Trump, would receive wall-to wall coverage. The unbelievable remarks by the Sanders underling, Iowa field organizer Kyle Jurek, make this clear. Here’s a review, courtesy ofThe New American’s R. Cort Kirkwood (all quotations are his and Jurek’s):
• “‘F****in’ cities burn’ if Trump is reelected, the angry organizer said. That’s because ‘the only thing that works, the only thing that fascists understand is violence.’”
• “‘If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination, or it goes to a second round at the DNC convention, f***ing Milwaukee will burn,’ he said. ‘It’ll start in Milwaukee.... When the police push back on that, other cities just f***ing [makes explosion noise].’”
• “‘The cops are gonna be the ones getting f***ing beaten in Milwaukee. They’re gonna call up the National Guard for that s**t. I promise you that.’”
• Jurek also “promised that a Sanders regime would force the Clintons to kill themselves by instituting a ‘reign of terror.’”
• He stated that his socialist comrades would walk “‘into that MSNBC studios, drag those motherf***ers out by their hair, and light them on fire in the streets.’ For liberals, it’s the ‘gulag. Liberals get the wall first.’”
• “‘Do you wanna fight against the revolution?’ he asked to the beat of thumping music. ‘You’re gonna die for it, motherf*** ers.’”
• Jurek stated as well that “Sanders’ ‘free education’ plans would involve ‘teach[ing] you to not be a f***ing nazi.’”
• “Jurek vowed that ‘billionaires,’ a frequent Sanders target, …would have to ‘break rocks 12 hours a day’ because ‘you’re now a working class person and you’re gonna f***ing learn what that means.’”
For those whose thinking couldn’t be madedoubleplusgoodvia school indoctrination, the organizer prescribed American gulags. “There’s a reason Josef Stalin had gulags, right? And actually gulags are a lot better than what the CIA has told us,” he explained. “Like people were actually paid a living wage in gulags, they had conjugal visits in gulags, gulags were actually meant for like re-education.” Of course, this is akin to Holocaust denial. (PV video below).
Just as shocking as these comments, however, is that while this story broke Tuesday, Jurek is still on Sanders’ staff as of this writing. Wow.
In fact, Sanders has been mum on the matter, and one of his other Iowa staffers dismissed the issue by saying that the “hundreds of thousands of Iowans we’ve talked to this caucus season don’t care about political gossip.”
Yet as writer Jack Cashill tweeted, pointing out the obvious:
"Gossip" is when someone says something about you. Self-incrimination is when you say it yourself.
Sanders’ failure to act is quite revealing. After all, he “has spent years convincing voters that his Soviet honeymoon, his support for the Nicaraguan Sandinistas, his admiration for Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez were all a misunderstanding,”notesAmerican Thinker.
Yet Jurek has now “undercut Sanders’s carefully cultivated public relations persona to win voters and made Sanders look like Mao recrudescent, Stalin reborn, and Pol Pot’s ghost, something worse than even what most suspicious Republicans have ever came up with,” the site continues.
So why is Sanders playing the three “hear, see, and speak no evil” monkeys? First note that the senator is heavily invested in Jurek. For example, it has now been revealed that the organizer has a history of arrests for drug violations and related charges and that the Sanders’ campaign just bailed him out of jail earlier this week after a January 7 apprehension (as PV head James O’Keefe reports below); moreover, there’s a question as to whether campaign funds were used for this purpose.
UPDATE:@BernieSandersCampaign Organizer Kyle Jurek was just released on bail earlier this week after his arrest on 01/07/2020.
Yet Sanders may be invested in another way as well. Jurek also declared that the campaign is full of people such as him — he even provided their first names. This “suggests that maybe Sanders can’t fire Jurek because they’re all like that, and he’d actually have to fire his entire Iowa operation,” surmisesAmerican Thinker.
It goes beyond this, however. Would you want a disgruntled ex-employee out and about shooting his mouth off about the organization’s secrets? An angry, drug-addled and perhaps unstable man such as Jurek could become a loose cannon.
Yet there’s an even more ominous factor, which I’ll introduce with something seemingly unrelated and, unfortunately, quite disturbing. When Paul Gebhard, a right-hand man of discredited pedophiliac sex researcher Alfred Kinsey, explained how they collected “data” on the sexual responses of young children, he statedon video that Kinsey’s men used “manual and oral techniques.”
Why he’d blithely let something so outrageous and revealing slip — this admission of child sexual abuse — was explained well by the Edward Prendick character in the book The Island of Doctor Moreau. “I became habituated to the Beast People, that a thousand things which had seemed unnatural and repulsive speedily became natural and ordinary to me,” he said.
Those inured to evil often reveal at least the tip of their iceberg of iniquity, forgetting the extent to which what has become “natural and ordinary” to them is outrageous to the ordinary person. To put it metaphorically, they “can’t smell their own.”
Now note that Jurek himself said Sanders is merely “masquerading” as a “democratic” socialist and is, in reality, the real thing. This brings us to something for which even many of Sanders’ critics credit him. He may be radical, they’ll say, but unlike his competitors, at least he’s honest.
A more realistic analysis says: If the views he’s expressing are this radical, how much more radical are those he’s hiding?
(For those interested, below is part two of PV’s Sanders’ exposé.)
Second Amendment supporters face a daunting challenge in Virginia for Lobby day, at the Virginia Capitol in Richmond, on 20 January 2020. Those who wish to disarm Virginians have created a trap to frame Second Amendment Supporters as violent white supremacists, going to Richmond to destroy duly elected government.
Virginia Democrat Governor Northam Doubles Down On Stupid
SEE: "The governor claims in the order, that “credible intelligence” indicates that “tens of thousands of advocates plan to converge on Capitol Square,” for events culminating on January 20 (a scheduled rights rally and Lobby Day, organized by the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL), which has been held annually, without incident, for almost 2 decades) and that “Available information suggests that a substantial number of these demonstrators are expected to come from outside the Commonwealth, may be armed, and have as their purpose not peaceful assembly but violence, rioting, and insurrection.”"
Political planets have aligned as a historical Second Amendment showdown is set to take place
The battle for the Republic intensifies as the state of Virginia declares a National Emergency in preparation for the Rally Against Gun Confiscation.
First and Second Amendment rights advocates are gathering from all across the country to peaceably protest Democrat lawmakers’ sweeping gun control measures that could very well create a constitutional crisis and spark the second American Civil War.
According to the mainstream media, Antifa, neo-Nazis and political “extremists” are set to join forces in a symbolic middle finger to the government of Virginia during a massive pro-Second Amendment rally set to take place in Richmond on Monday.
The Democrat-majority state Senate passed legislation on Thursday “that would restrict monthly gun purchases, expand background checks on firearms, and allow localities to ban guns in certain designated areas.”
After Democrats gained a majority in the state’s General Assembly in November, over 100 counties declared themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries.
Additionally, in response to the upcoming Virginia Citizens Defense League pro-gun rally on Monday, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam passed an emergency decree banning firearms from the state Capitol grounds.
While the move is clearly unconstitutional, is Northam a “conspiracy theorist” for fearing the possibility of chaos erupting?
Because, according to George Soros’ Media Matters, Alex Jones is somehow wrong for warning Americans about the possibility of violence or a false flag operation being staged at the rally.
“As Virginia gun rally approaches, Alex Jones and his Infowars outlet hype prospect of violence,” their headline reads, setting the stage for Jones to be blamed if anything happens.
Governor Northam also held a press conference on Wednesday where he claimed to have “credible intelligence from our law enforcement agencies that there are groups with malicious plans for the rally that is planned for Monday.”
On Thursday, three individuals associated with an alleged “racist and anti-Semitic group” called “the Base” were arrested by the FBI.
The group was said to be on its way to attend the rally when they were arrested on federal gun charges and for harboring a Canadian citizen who was in the country illegally.
The image of neo-Nazis attending the rally is meant to dismiss patriotic attendees as racists via guilt by association.
On top of that, a Richmond, Virginia-based Antifa group is set to make an unprecedented declaration of solidarity with conservatives by marching alongside them in defense of the Second Amendment.
However, the history of violence associated with Antifa, specifically when pro-Trump groups are present, cannot be ignored.
Will the group mesh with the pro-gun demonstrators or will they clash and possibly turn their weapons on each other?