Courageous Dutch politician stands up to
Turkish Islamofascists
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Geert Wilders is all guns blazing in the finals days before
critical elections in the Netherlands that will serve as a referendum on
the Islamization of the country – and Turkey’s attempt to bully its way
into the European Union.On the heels of a violent Turkish uprising that started in Rotterdam this weekend, and was further exacerbated and encouraged by Turkey’s president Recep Erdogan, Wilders called for Turkey’s ambassador and staff to be ejected from Holland.
Erdogan repeats we are nazis + fascists. He insults Dutch police. No de-escalation. Expel Turkish Ambassador to NL and entire staff!— Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) March 13, 2017
“Erdogan repeats we are nazis + fascists. He insults Dutch police. No de-escalation. Expel Turkish Ambassador to NL and entire staff!” he wrote.
The riots are in retaliation to the Dutch government blocking Turkish officials from traveling to the Netherlands to rally and whip up support for an April referendum in Turkey that many believe could turn the already-authoritarian Erdogan into a full-blown dictator.
Some 400,000 Turks already live in the Netherlands, and many of them turned out to rage in the streets of Rotterdam, where they were met by riot police in a scene that could continue to play out through election week – especially if Wilders’ Party For Freedom (PVV) were to win.
“I thought nazism was over, but I was wrong. In fact, nazism is alive in the west,” Erdogan declared at a rally in Istanbul.
“If you are willing to sacrifice Turkish-Dutch relations, you will pay for it,” he also threatened. “What’s more, we’re not done yet.”
“They will pay the price of treating my citizens, my foreign minister… in an impudent way.”
Turkish Islamofascists in Holland have responded in kind to their true leader, defacing PVV party member’s houses with the words “fascist” and stabbing oranges intended to represent Dutch society, while holding signs accusing the Dutch of being “fascist.”
Vannacht gebeurd bij een PVV-volksvertegenwoordiger thuis.Walgelijk. pic.twitter.com/dbzTf0YvMM
— Geert Wilders (@geertwilderspvv) March 13, 2017

Wilders’ tweet echoes sentiments he unleashed in a blistering video from 2015, aimed directly at the Turkish regime and its people, that has found new life and relevance on social media and alternative press outlets during this explosive and rapid erosion of Dutch-Turkish relations on the cusp of the election.
Your government is fooling you into believing that one day, you will become a member of the European Union.
Well, forget it.
You are no Europeans, and you will never be.
An Islamic state like Turkey does not belong to Europe.
All the values Europe stands for – freedom, democracy, human rights – are incompatible with Islam.
We do not want visa-free travel for Turks coming to Europe, either. European governments that agree with this will be voted out of office by the people.
Turkey voted for Erdogan, a dangerous Islamist who raises the flag of Islam.
We do not want more, but less Islam.
So Turkey, stay away from us. You are not welcome here.
Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) tweeted his support of Wilders and Dutch nationalists, saying, “Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”
Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies. https://t.co/4nxLipafWO— Steve King (@SteveKingIA) March 12, 2017
This, of course, set the globalist media on fire.
Rep. Steve King doubles down on his controversial tweet: "I meant exactly what I said" https://t.co/6OZtrfIwim https://t.co/4SYoAAiGtQ— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) March 13, 2017
The Netherlands will hold their elections this Wednesday, March 15, and the world will be watching with baited breath as the crumbling European Union could be dealt a veritable death blow with a win by the ‘Dutch Donald Trump’ and his passionate supporters.
Dan Lyman: Facebook | Twitter
King: “we can’t restore our civilisation with someone else’s babies”
(Islamic Conquest by Population Growth Through Illegal Immigration & Multiple Births)
SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/03/king-we-cant-restore-our-civilisation-with-someone-elses-babies;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Senior Republican congressman Steve King has sparked a backlash on social media after tweeting his support for the Dutch anti-Islam politician, Geert Wilders.King clearly was not alluding to all visible minority immigrants when he referred to “someone else’s babies.” He was specifically pointing out the widely noted tactic of Islamic conquest via population growth. Years ago, the Daily Mail reported that Muslim leaders preached about taking over Britain “by having more babies and forcing a population explosion”; while 9-11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed “revealed that al Qaeda’s plan to kill the United States was not through military attacks but immigration and ‘outbreeding non-Muslims.’” An Imam — Sheikh Muhammad Ayed – also gave a speech at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem where “he told Muslim migrants to breed children’ with Europeans to conquer their countries and vows: ‘We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing.’”
Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny,” Mr King wrote on Twitter.
“We can’t restore our civilisation with somebody else’s babies.”
Despite the recognized conquest through population plan, the BBC reported that:
Mr King’s comments in support of Mr Wilders on Sunday led to accusations that he was “openly peddling white nationalism”.It was only a matter of time before the Ku Klux Klan reared its head in media reports about King’s statements: it is the mainstream media’s go-to group to discredit politically incorrect ideas. The BBC is trying to obscure the fact that outside of groups such as the KKK, many of the concerns expressed about Muslim immigration by Geert Wilders (supported by King) are also widely held by peace-loving Westerners of all races. Meanwhile, the Independent put a malicious spin on King’s words in its article entitled: “Republican Steve King suggests Muslim children are stopping ‘our civilisation’ being restored.”
His post was retweeted by the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke, with the words “sanity reigns supreme”
It is a pity that leftists seem to think that only Muslims represent all visible minority immigrants, as if brown people of other religions and cultures were non-existent. Any opposition to the incursion of Islam in the West has been set up by leftists as a race war between visible minority immigrants and white people. The truth is that critical concerns about Islamic supremacist and jihadist incursions into the West are shared by all who support free and pluralistic societies, including some Muslims.
Those who are affronted by King’s words seem indifferent to the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood’s “General Strategic Goal” for North America openly discusses the destruction of “Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s [Allah’s] religion is made victorious over all other religions.” It is also apparently acceptable by the same to fling open the doors of immigration to usher in the hijrah (jihad via immigration) to colonize the West; and implement anti-Islamophobia stratagems ubiquitously, intended to forestall any criticism of Islam.

“Steve King: Geert Wilders tweet sparks a social media backlash”, BBC News, March 12, 2017:
Senior Republican congressman Steve King has sparked a backlash on social media after tweeting his support for the Dutch anti-Islam politician, Geert Wilders._______________________________________________________
“Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny,” Mr King wrote on Twitter.
“We can’t restore our civilisation with somebody else’s babies,” he added.
The US Republican Representative of Iowa is a strong advocate of putting a stop to birthright citizenship.
All children born in the US currently get citizenship under the constitution, including the children of families living in America illegally.
Mr King has pushed for radical reform of the interpretation of the 14th amendment of the US constitution so that it no longer gives the children of undocumented migrants the right to a US passport.
It seems Donald Trump is not the only politician who can bring social media to a screeching halt with an inflammatory tweet. Congressman Steve King has a history of walking on the edge of white nationalist rhetoric, and on Sunday afternoon he once again hit the hornet’s nest, perhaps in his most direct manner yet.
The outrage from Democratic politicians and commentators across the political spectrum was quick, ferocious and entirely expected. The bluntness of Mr King’s message, the talk of “our destiny” and “other people’s babies”, ensured a vigorous response.
Of greater interest will be how Republican officeholders handle the controversy. So far they have remained silent. That may be increasingly difficult, as this is yet another indication of the growing bonds between the Trump wing of the Republican Party and white nationalist movements in Europe.
Breitbart, the conservative media outlet recently headed by White House senior advisor Steve Bannon, often sings the praises of Mr Wilders, as well as France’s Marine Le Pen and Frauke Petry, leader of the Alternative for Germany Party.
Mr Bannon has predicted the coming of a new “alt-right” order that will disrupt politics across the West. The question is whether establishment Republicans stay along for the ride.
Mr King’s comments in support of Mr Wilders on Sunday led to accusations that he was “openly peddling white nationalism”.
His post was re-tweeted by the former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke, with the words “sanity reigns supreme”……
INVASION! Turk Election Violence Erupts in EU
Published on Mar 14, 2017
400,000 Turks already living in the Netherlands, Erdogan’s government
sent representatives there to campaign in favor of giving the Turk
president dictatorial powers. When the Dutch government sent the
campaigners home, violence erupted and the Erdogan, without any sense of
irony, accused the Dutch of being facist Nazis. With the EU and even
Merkel taking the side of the Netherlands, Turkish rhetoric has become
so heated that the Dutch government warned its citizens not to travel to
Turkey. But the Netherlands is also having an election — in 2 days —
and Geert Wilders has taken the opportunity to again warn the Dutch
about Islamic invasion.