Americans will accept it just as they accepted the barcode
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/293622-2/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
An NBC News report that promotes the microchipping of children asserts that it will happen “sooner rather than later” and that Americans will eventually accept the process as something just as normal as the barcode.
It goes on to highlight mother of three Steffany Rodroguez-Neely, who talks about how she briefly lost her daughter after she hid behind a rack of clothes, bringing to the fore, “every parent’s nightmare when you can’t find your child.”
“If it’ll save my kid, there’s no stuff that’s too extreme,” says Rodroguez-Neely. “Micro-chipping would be an extra layer of protection, if something bad does happen.”
Rodroguez-Neely goes on to explain how she has braved skepticism from members of the local Tampa Bay Moms Group, people like Kerri Levey, who are wary about implanting their own children.
“You’re putting a battery in your kid, you’re putting a chip in your kid. And, where does it stop,” asks Levey. “Where? It’s going too far. This is a child we’re talking about.”
“If a small chip the size of a grain of rice could have prevented a tragedy, I think most parents would have said, I think I would have done it,” responds Rodroguez-Neely.
The piece flips back to pushing the idea when it quotes electronics expert Stuart Lipoff, who asserts that microchipping children is safe and inevitable.
“People should be aware that testing is being done right now. The military is not only testing this out, but already utilizes its properties. It’s not a matter of if it will happen, but when,” states Lipoff.
Lipoff also told NBC that people shouldn’t be concerned about “big brother” tracking their children and that the technology was merely an upgrade on the traditional barcode.
“When barcodes first came out in the late 1960s, people were appalled. They were wary of them and did not understand the concept. Today, it is so commonplace, we don’t even notice it. A microchip would work much in the same way,” he states, adding that it will “definitely happen”.
NBC reporter Melanie Michael appears to agree, remarking that the size of the chip is “very very small” and that “the expert tells us this will happen sooner rather than later.”
“You can bet somewhere someone someday is going to pull this off and we could see those microchips in everyone,” she adds.
The sheer creepiness of children being treated like barcoded products seems to be lost on Michael.
The entire premise of the piece is extremely odd to say the least. Did Rodroguez-Neely approach NBC with the idea to promote implantable microchips as a way of finding lost children, or is the segment a pure propaganda blitz to normalize the idea in the minds of the viewers?
Either way, it doesn’t come across as very balanced, aggressively promoting the safety aspect of the microchip over concerns about its clear Orwellian scope.
A Shocking NBC News Report Says That Someday We Will Be Microchipping All Of Our Children
SEE: http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/a-shocking-nbc-news-report-says-that-someday-we-will-be-microchipping-all-of-our-children; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Would you allow microchips to be surgically implanted in your children if that would keep them safer? This is already being done to pets on a widespread basis, and a shocking local NBC News report is promoting the idea that if it is good for our pets, then we should be doing it to our children as well. As you will see below, the report even puts a guilt trip on parents by asking them this question: “How far would you go to keep your children secure?” Of course most parents very much want to keep their children safe, and a microchip would enable authorities to track them down if they were lost or stolen. But is this really a good idea? And where is all of this technology eventually leading? If you have not seen this very disturbing local NBC News report yet, you can view it right here…
In the video, the reporter says that our children could be implanted with microchips “the size of a grain of rice” and that there would be “little to no health risks” involved.
And near the end of the report, she insists that “we could see those microchips in everyone” eventually.
I am speechless.
The report also quoted an electronics expert who claimed that testing of these microchips “is being done right now”…
The piece flips back to pushing the idea when it quotes electronics expert Stuart Lipoff, who asserts that microchipping children is safe and inevitable.“People should be aware that testing is being done right now. The military is not only testing this out, but already utilizes its properties. It’s not a matter of if it will happen, but when,” states Lipoff.
Of course if widespread microchipping of the population does start happening, at first it will likely be purely voluntary. But once enough of the population starts adopting the idea, it will be really easy for the government to make it mandatory.
Just imagine a world where physical cash was a thing of the past and you could not buy, sell, get a job or open a bank account without your government-issued microchip identification.
Will you allow yourself and your family to be chipped when that day arrives?
If not, how will you eat?
How will you survive?
What will you do when your children come crying to you for food?
I am certainly not saying that you should allow yourself to be chipped. I know that nobody is ever chipping me. But what I am saying is that people are going to be faced with some absolutely heart-breaking choices.
Just recently, I wrote about a new form of digital currency that is intended to replace the physical dollars that we use now and also replace alternative currencies such as Bitcoin. It was unveiled in front of about 100 top Wall Street executives recently during a secret meeting in New York City. To give you an idea of just how rapidly the concept of a cashless society is advancing, I want to share with you a brief excerpt from an article that I recently wrote about this new technology…
Last month, a “secret meeting” that involved more than 100 executives from some of the biggest financial institutions in the United States was held in New York City. During this “secret meeting“, a company known as “Chain” unveiled a technology that transforms U.S. dollars into “pure digital assets”. Reportedly, there were representatives from Nasdaq, Citigroup, Visa, Fidelity, Fiserv and Pfizer in the room, and Chain also claims to be partnering with Capital One, State Street, and First Data. This “revolutionary” technology is intended to completely change the way that we use money, and it would represent a major step toward a cashless society. But if this new digital cash system is going to be so good for society, why was it unveiled during a secret meeting for Wall Street bankers? Is there something more going on here than we are being told?
None of us probably would have ever heard about this secret meeting if it was not for a report in Bloomberg. The following comes from their article entitled “Inside the Secret Meeting Where Wall Street Tested Digital Cash“…
On a recent Monday in April, more than 100 executives from some of the world’s largest financial institutions gathered for a private meeting at the Times Square office of Nasdaq Inc. They weren’t there to just talk about blockchain, the new technology some predict will transform finance, but to build and experiment with the software.By the end of the day, they had seen something revolutionary: U.S. dollars transformed into pure digital assets, able to be used to execute and settle a trade instantly. That’s the promise of a blockchain, where the cumbersome and error-prone system that takes days to move money across town or around the world is replaced with almost instant certainty.
So it is not just Michael Snyder from The Economic Collapse Blog that is referring to this gathering as a “secret meeting”. This is actually how it was described by Bloomberg. And I think that there is a very good reason why this meeting was held in secret, because many in the general public would definitely be alarmed by this giant step toward a cashless society.
Right now, more than 400 billion cashless transactions are conducted around the world each year, and that number is growing very quickly.
And when our system becomes entirely cashless, there will be no more stuffing your mattress with cash and we will all be forced to deal with the banks.
What that day arrives, all of a sudden the government will be able to serve as the gatekeeper for who is allowed to access the system and who is not.
It would be very easy to impose a tax, require some sort of loyalty oath, or mandate some form of microchip identification as a condition for participating in the cashless system.
When we get to that point, what will you do?
In the end, that is something that we all need to be considering very carefully…

We Will Microchip Your Children;
Gun Registrations; FBI Biometric Database Called
"Next Generation Identification System" (NGIS); "Real Time Crime Centers" Opening in Cities
Published on May 25, 2016
An NBC News report that promotes the microchipping of children asserts that it will happen “sooner rather than later” and that Americans will eventually accept the process as something just as normal as the barcode.
Plus, terrorist or pedophile? This start-up says it can out secrets by analyzing faces.
An NBC News report that promotes the microchipping of children asserts that it will happen “sooner rather than later” and that Americans will eventually accept the process as something just as normal as the barcode.
Plus, terrorist or pedophile? This start-up says it can out secrets by analyzing faces.
Plus, terrorist or pedophile? This start-up says it can out secrets by analyzing faces.
Spot Light on Wilmington, Delaware Police Department's New Real Time Crime Center
FBI's 'Facial Recognition Program' Hits Full Operational Capability!
Where to draw the line between safer streets and spying?
Published on Apr 25, 2014
The FBI's Next Generation Identification program will give police access to more data than ever before by way of biometrics—biological marks from facial scans and palm prints—to identify suspects. Some opponents worry this growing web of security will give police too much personal information without a warrant. The Center for Investigative Reporting's Amanda Pike reports.
The FBI's Next Generation Identification program will give police access to more data than ever before by way of biometrics—biological marks from facial scans and palm prints—to identify suspects. Some opponents worry this growing web of security will give police too much personal information without a warrant. The Center for Investigative Reporting's Amanda Pike reports.