republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
"Our Mission & Values
Because children are the world’s most important people™, our company’s mission is to serve children, their families, and others involved in their development. We do this by offering only superior products and services that nourish children’s minds and hearts, by adhering to the highest standards in business methods and practices, and by fostering an environment that strengthens our employees’ desire to give their best efforts every day. We choose business partners with care and place ourselves only in environments that allow us to preserve integrity and achieve our mission without compromise. We are also committed to the prudent use of the company’s resources, making rigorous decisions, investing wisely, and being good stewards of the earth."
CALL: 1-888-372-6433 OR CEO & EDITOR BELOW

The first same-sex couple depicted in Highlights magazine.
(Courtesy Highlights)

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Highlights for Children, often referred to as Highlights, is a popular children’s magazine that has been published monthly since 1946. Advertised as a “magazine of wholesome fun,” Highlights has long been known as a family-friendly publication.
In October, the magazine was criticized by “transgender” activist Kristina Wertz, who complained about “the lack [of] representation of LGBT families” in Highlights and its sister publication, Hello Magazine. Wertz, who has a one-year-old daughter, took to Facebook to express her frustration.
“We are consistently disappointed … in the complete lack of same-sex parents in Hello magazine,” Wertz wrote. “There is a deep need for books that positively reflect back the diversity of the world around us and I hope that Highlights embraces that diversity because we would love to keep it in our little one’s life as she grows.”
In response to Wertz’s complaint, the editors of Highlights promised to feature “same-sex families” in upcoming editions of the magazine.
“Our mission is to help children become their best selves, and you’re right, a big part of that is showing them that families are families no matter what they look like,” the editors said on a Facebook post. “It has always been a discussion of ‘how’ and ‘when’—not ‘if’—Highlights would feature a LGBTQ family in our magazines. We’re having many discussions internally and thinking deeply thanks to your messages.”
The magazine editors followed through with their promise by including in the February issue an image of two men loading their belongings into a station wagon.
“Has your family ever taken a memorable family trip?” the text below the image reads. “Tell us where you went and what you liked about it.”
The magazine’s editor in chief, Christine French Cully, said their editors knew the image would upset some subscribers, but they decided to publish it anyway.
“We did expect and received a backlash when we committed to becoming more fully reflective to all the different kinds of families out there. We expect this will make some people unhappy,” Cully said, according to the Washington Post.
A number of Christian writers and organizations expressed dismay at the Highlights editors’ decision to promote same-sex relationships within the pages of their magazine. On Thursday, the website One Million Moms criticized Highlights for caving to the demands of the left.
“Babies and preschoolers will soon be introduced to this sensitive topic in the Highlights line of magazines,” the group wrote in an article on their website. “Parents are seeing more examples of children being indoctrinated to same-sex families as normal, especially in the media. Children’s publications are no longer off limits, even those that cater to toddlers and elementary age children.”
“Many parents and grandparents buy subscriptions to these magazines as gifts, especially at this time of year,” One Million Moms pointed out. “They should be warned of the upcoming change of content in these kid’s magazines. This would be a deal breaker for conservative families. Parents are left with no other choice than to cancel their subscription. … [It] is not a magazine’s job to introduce so called ‘social issues’ to children. That is a parent’s role.”
Kent S. Johnson
Chief Executive Officer
Highlights for Children, Inc.
1800 Watermark Drive, Columbus, Ohio, 43216
Kent S. Johnson is only the third CEO in the history of the company which his great-grandparents, Garry Cleveland Myers, Ph.D., and Caroline Clark Myers, founded in 1946.
TELEPHONE: 614-486-0631

Christine French Cully
Editor in Chief
Highlights for Children, Inc.
803 Church Street, Honesdale, PA, 18431
TELEPHONES: 570-253-1080; 570-253-0195; 570-729-7985
'Highlights' Magazine has Caved
to the Left
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Where is the last place parents would suspect their kiddos to be exposed to same-sex "families" portrayed as normal? In the current controversy, Highlights magazine decided to include same-sex families in their magazines. Babies and preschoolers will soon be introduced to this sensitive topic in the Highlights line of magazines. Parents are seeing more examples of children being indoctrinated to same-sex families as normal, especially in the media. Children's publications are no longer off limits, even those that cater to toddlers and elementary age children.
A lesbian mom reportedly complained that the magazine Hello didn't feature any same-sex families. Hello's audience is children 0-2, and it's published by Highlights. Highlights had explained that they believe parents should decide when to bring up the topic because it's "still new, and parents are still learning how to approach the subject with their children, even the very little ones." They wanted to allow parents the opportunity to talk to their children about homosexuality as they considered appropriate. But after backlash from the LGBT community, Highlights committed to including same-sex families in future publications.
Highlights' Christine Cully said, "When we do show families in the magazines, we make it a point to include diversity. We strive to be diverse in every way. The goal, however, is not to specifically call attention to diversity but instead to help kids understand that while differences exist, we are all actually more alike than different. For instance, from time to time we show families headed up by a grandparent or single parents. We show adoptive families, blended families, multi-generational families, and multi-racial families. In the future, we will depict same-sex families in our magazines in a manner consistent to the way all diverse families are depicted."
Many parents and grandparents buy subscriptions to these magazines as gifts, especially at this time of year. They should be warned of the upcoming change of content in these kid's magazines. This would be a deal breaker for conservative families. Parents are left with no other choice than to cancel their subscription. Even if 1MM didn't disagree morally with the decision, it is not a magazines' job to introduce so called "social issues" to children. That is a parent's role.
Urge Highlights to go with their initial decision and not cave into pressure from homosexual activists by including same-sex families in the magazines.
“We understand your wish to see your family’s situation represented in Highlights Hello,” according to the statement. “For much of our readership, the topic of same-sex families is still new, and parents are still learning how to approach the subject with their children, even the very little ones. We believe that parents know best when their family is ready to open conversation around the topic of same-sex families.”
"Highlights’ response sparked concern among frustrated conservatives, so the magazine clarified its position to say it doesn’t discuss relationships among adults. However, the magazine implied same-sex relationships would soon be in its pages."
"Highlights, based in Columbus, Ohio, and Honesdale, Pa., was founded in 1946 by the same family that owns the magazine today, Cully said. Though the magazine included Bible stories in the 1940s and 1950s, it has been “nonsectarian” for decades, she said, including items on, for example, Jewish holidays and Ramadan."
"For those of you who know us—who read Highlights magazine as a child or have given it to a child—you know we have a long history of inclusion. When we represent people in our magazines, we make it a point to include diversity. We strive to be diverse in every way; the goal is not to specifically spotlight diversity but to represent it within the context of the magazine the way we always have, to help kids understand that while differences exist, we are all actually more alike than different."

'Highlights' kids mag caves to LGBT, adds 'gay' families
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The generations-old kid’s magazine Highlights for Children – which caters to an audience as young as pre-toddlers – is bending to a homosexual activist’s complaint so that it now includes coverage of same-sex families.A concerned parent’s dialogue with Highlights divulged that homosexuals willnow beportrayed as “family,” according to American Conservative Columnist RodDreher –an orthodox Christian.Appeasing homosexuals, endangering kidsWishing to remain anonymous, Dreher’s source informed the editors of Highlights –which publishes Hello for 0–2-year-olds, High Five for 2–6-year-olds and Highlightsfor kids 6–12 years of age.In response, Highlights Editor-in-Chief Christine Cully attempted to justify themagazine’s position of catering to the LGBT community."Our target audience is kids under the age of 12, most under the age of 8 or 9," Cully notified the concerned parent. “[Stories in the kids’ magazine] strive to be diverse in every way [by] show[ing] blended families, multi-generational families, and multiracial families."Following up her excuse, Cully informed the parent that Highlights is committedto portraying homosexuality in a positive light.“In the future, we will depict same-sex families in our magazines … in support of our mission to help children become their best selves and understand that all families, including theirs, are important," the lead editor of the kids’ magazine added.Caving to the pressureHighlights’ LGBT-friendly stance was shaped after taking into consideration a seriesof complaints by the same partners.“This commitment to promoting homosexuality to pre-adolescents began when alesbian complained on Highlights’ Facebook page that there weren't any two-momor two-dad families in the children's magazine,” LifeSiteNews reports.Writing to Highlights after her lesbian partner initially complained on Facebook, Kristina Wertz insisted that its publication for newborns through toddlers did not cover homosexual parents and their adopted children."One of the reasons we appreciate Hello is the diversity represented,” Wertz explained to the editors. “We are consistently disappointed, however, in the complete lack of same-sex parent representation.”It was discovered that Wertz is a careerhomosexual activist.“Wertz worked for the Transgender Law Center in San Francisco for five years, leaving in December 2012 for ‘Funders for LGBTQ Issues’ in New York City as director of engagement,” LifeSiteNews’ Mark Hodges reported. “She ‘married’ her lesbian partner, elementary school nurse Kara Desiderio, in 2014.”Wertz’s complaint was initially met by Highlights editors with a response defending its prior longstanding philosophy of letting parents discuss the issue of homosexuality with kids on their own.“[We want] to give parents the right to introduce the topic [of homosexuality] on their own terms," the Highlights editors replied. “We understand your wish to see your family's situation represented in Highlights' Hello [note: the magazine for 0-2 year-olds]. For much of our readership, the topic of same-sex families is still new, and parents are still learning how to approach the subject with their children – even the very little ones. … We believe that parents know best when their family is ready to open conversation around the topic of same-sex families."Not good enoughHomosexual activist blasted the children’s publication for allowing parental discretion when it comes to LGBT topics and not forcing LGBT dogma."This is the most conservative and inappropriate response,” the self-identified “Queer” Fiona Barnet began her social media rant against Hightlights. “Parents know best when to raise the concept that there are lots of types of families?! We aren't an illegal drug. Queer families are families. Get with 2016, Highlights."Another lesbian subscriber, Nora Landon, posted a threat to stop subscribing to the magazine unless it promoted the LGBT worldview to its youth."If parents 'know best,' and seeing same-sex families in Highlights would be traumatic, then those parents best stay out of our country's malls, parks, restaurants and movie theaters, because we are everywhere," Landon insisted.You win …Highlights editors replied the very next day on October 15 by defending their publication’s history to homosexual activists – before giving them LGBT-friendly assurances."Highlights has a long history of inclusion, and we are always evolving as a company,” the editors insisted. “We couldn't agree more that diversity should be celebrated, and we strive to do that. Our mission is to help children become their best selves, and you're right, a big part of that is showing them that families are families no matter what they look like. It has always been a discussion of 'how' and 'when' – not 'if' – Highlights would feature an LGBTQ family in our magazines. We're having many discussions internally and thinking deeply, thanks to your messages."This assurance of future coverage that features positive stories on homosexual families was simply not enough for the activists, who pressed on – much like LGBT activists did when pushing past civil unions for same-sex “marriage” or bust.Tara Pfeifer, who adopted a child with her lesbian partner, put more pressureon Highlights by threatening to end her subscription if “gay” articles werenot featured in the immediate future."As one mom in a two-mom family, I am extremely disappointed that you are not inclusive and welcoming of families with same-sex parents,” the lesbian mom wrote. “You just lost a family of readers."Caving in to the pressure, Cully responded with an official new promise toits LGBT readership."[We vow to] depict same-sex families in our magazines," Cully assured.________________________________________________________ABOVE: Kristina Wertz and Kara Desiderio with baby OlympiaTHE COMPLAINT BY KRISTINA WERTZ, TRANSGENDER/LESBIAN, ONFACEBOOK:10154514166368956
Kristina Wertz to Highlights for Children
partner emailed you about the lack representation of LGBT families in
Hello magazine last month and we have not received a response. Our one
year old daughter loves Highlights! She carries her magazines all over
the house and we read them countless times a day. One of the reasons we
appreciate Hello is the diversity represented - families of all races,
interracial families, and grandparents. We are consistently
disappointed, however, in the complete lack of same-sex parents in Hello
magazine. I think a lot about the things that create culture – the
subtle and not so subtle messages that our kids get about how the world
works. Since becoming a parent, I feel keenly aware of the messages
kids’ books send to tiny minds. There is a deep need for books that
positively reflect back the diversity of the world around us and I hope
that Highlights embraces that diversity because we would love to keep it
in our little one's life as she grows.

‘Highlights' Magazine Under Fire for Calling LGBT Families a ‘Situation’

Funders for LGBTQ Issues
104 West 29th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10001
fax 212.475.2532
104 West 29th Street, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10001
fax 212.475.2532

"For copies of the communications sent to Highlights Magazine by Ms.
Wertz and Ms. Desiderio or to schedule an interview, please contact
Anthony Martinez, 312.863.9632 or at"
EXCERPT: "Her scholarly work is at the intersection of feminist and queer theory, science studies, critical theory and visual studies."

EXCERPT: "Tara Pfeifer, staff attorney with the Women’s Law Project’s
Western Pennsylvania office, was recently recognized by the American Bar
Association for her service to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender community."