TOGETHER 2016 IS NOT A MOVEMENT OF GOD. This is a warning to all Christians who are considering attending or recommending Together 2016, which is coming to Washington, DC on July 16. It is yet another piece of wasted time and effort to organize another “Christian” event that does nothing to advance the TRUTH of God’s word. There will be many popular contemporary Christian artists, pastors and speakers in attendance.
And because of that, this report will hurt some feelings and upset some of you, and hopefully cause you to think carefully- because many of you love to hear some of these Christian music artists, and many of you love to listen to some of the speakers who will be there. And certainly it is true that much of what these people sing and say is very sound. But they must be called out for their deliberate disobedience of Holy Scripture. In these times of great apostasy, there is no good reason to shrink from telling the truth of what is going on, even if you lose some friends. This is very important to understand.
I have not seen a large Christian event in years that has reflected true Christian values and sound doctrine. Why is that? It is because of that word “unity.”
Unity among Christians is certainly important. But the line is drawn in Scripture, over and over again, by Jesus and the apostles, as to who we should fellowship with. When you look at who they are joining up with, the answer is yes. Many of these compromisers are joining with the false religion of Rome, in spite of the fact that Romanism teaches that you can be saved through works, besides many other false teachings. And so therefore we need to heed such Scriptural teachings as:
Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? 2 Corinthians 14-16
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Eph. 5:11
I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. Romans 16:17
But instead of heeding God’s word, the “Christian” world is coming together towards that one world religion. This coming together often is through these large gatherings of famous speakers and popular contemporary Christian musicians, as a show of “unity” and “love.” The next one is coming on July 16, and it is a collection of heretics, mystics, false teachers, compromisers, and Roman Catholic sympathizers. And the pope will give his blessing to them all!
Those looking for a great revival in the church that will stop all this madness ought to consider the fact that it is not what Scripture says will happen in the last days. So even though we are constantly being bombarded by an endless parade of unbelievable and worsening apostasy, we should not be surprised. But we had better not ignore it! It is what will continue on until Christ returns and takes control of the situation. Paul writes about this in 2 Timothy 3:
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
On July 16, at the National Mall in Washington, DC, there will be a gathering of famous names in Christianity. Their stated purpose is “…to come together around Jesus in unified prayer, worship, and a call for catalytic change. We’re coming together with as many people as possible who believe Jesus changes everything.” We hear this call all over the world now, don’t we? They say, “we need to be united in love.” “As long as we believe in Jesus, we can be one.” Roman Catholics must come together with evangelicals, they say, because after all, don’t we both believe that Jesus is the Savior? They have misused scripture such as John 17:21 as a reason for ecumenical hand holding. That scripture says: “that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.”
Let’s be reminded of the criteria Jesus Christ our Lord sets for us, that illustrates true unity amongst Christians. What does Jesus really say about unity? Let’s look at the context of John 17:
6 “I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours, You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word.
8 For I have given to them the words which You have given Me; and they have received them, and have known surely that I came forth from You; and they have believed that You sent Me.
14 I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.
17 Sanctify them by YOUR TRUTH. Your word is TRUTH. 18 As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. 19 And for their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they also may be sanctified BY THE TRUTH.
True Christian unity cannot be demonstrated by bringing together sound doctrine with unsound doctrine. True unity is evidenced by speaking the TRUTH, and keeping Christ’s commandments. But that is exactly what the ecumenical movement is NOT. It is a movement based on man’s theology, not on sound doctrine as taught in Scripture. Those who live by sound doctrine are commanded in Scripture to avoid those who do not speak the TRUTH.
So now below is a list of those false teachers and compromisers, including the leader of the false Roman Catholic Church, who will be speaking to all these supposed Christian evangelicals. I must say that some of the names on this list used to be solid apologists with sound doctrine, but now they are becoming part of this rapidly apostasizing form of Christianity. Friends, I pray for sound judgment and discernment for all when they first see an announcement of the next gathering of famous artists and speakers. Most likely, it will be a gathering of apostates and false teachers and compromisers who have collected their 30 pieces of silver.
Part 2: The Lineup At Together 2016
Pope Francis: The greatest compromiser perhaps at this event. I cannot even begin to speak here about the errors of this pope in his messages, as well as all other popes before him. Although he will be speaking only by remote video, the fact that the leader of a false religion is part of this event should make it easy for a true believer to stay away at all costs!
Denominational Leaders And Organizations Who Are Joining This Apostate Gathering:
George O. Wood: Assemblies of God Superintendent.

Ronnie Floyd: President of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Ravi Zacharias: A gifted speaker and apologist for Christianity for many years, this great debator has faltered in recent years. In 2014, the compromise showed clearly when he spoke at a gathering of the Mormon church in January. Never once did he distinguish between the real Gospel and the false gospel of the Mormon Church. Opportunity was lost that time, and frankly, opportunity is already lost this time as well- unless he clearly and boldly tell everyone there that fellowship with the Roman Catholic Church is not fellowship with Jesus. Please pray for Ravi Zacharias to repent from coming to this event, and for him to renounce any connections with this false group of ecumenists.

Nick Hall: founder and chief communicator of PULSE, Hall is the main organizer of this event.

Luis Palau: This evangelist is very popular, and is heard often on K-Love radio and other venues. A gifted speaker, he nevertheless has been compromising for years, joining with the Roman Catholic church in many of his evangelist gatherings. To him, there is no distinction between Bible-believing Christians and those who believe the heresies of Rome. He has contributed greatly to this deception.
Ann Voskamp: Voskamp is known to discerning Christians for her bad theology and how she romanticizes her relationship with God. One of her books is One Thousand Gifts, in which she wrote of her “experience” with God and shows her total lack of understanding of who God is. She relies more on “experiencing God” rather than giving attention to God’s word, which is no surprise. She is a false teacher.

Francis Chan: This pastor is very popular and has done some good things. But he has been compromising also for years, joining up with those from the emergent church movement and with those who promote contemplative spirituality. He has joined with the false IHOP (International House of Prayer) and spoke at their convention, and endorsed their false teachers such as Mike Bickle.
Lou Engle: An American Charismatic Christian leader, Founder of The Call. Engle is associated with the Dominionist movement. He was featured in the film “Jesus Camp”. He came out of the Kansas City Prophets and Latter Rain movement, and was a senior leader of IHOP (International House of Prayer). IHOP is an organization led by Mike Bickle and is one of the falsest movements around. Engle was at the Azuza Now event earlier in 2016, and he kissed the foot of Roman Catholic leader Calisi, shortly after the priest prostrated at his feet in an act of “reconciliation.”

Mark Batterson: Author of The Circle Maker, a book that essentially promotes “Christian witchcraft.” Should any Bible-believing Christian truly accept his teaching that we should be drawing circles on the ground and praying around it like some magic formula? It is utter nonsense, yet many Christians and churches have fallen for it. It is yet another sign of the apostasy coming into the church today.

Tony Evans: Christian pastor and author who is connected with the ecumenical Promise Keepers organization also. His theology is not as sound as one may think, but he clearly has decided that joining with the Roman Catholic sympathizers is a good thing.

Sammy Rodriguez: NBC/Telemundo called him “America’s most influential Latino Evangelical leader”. Sammy Rodriguez is just another influential leader who has jumped on the “kumbayah” bandwagon.

Eric Mason: A pastor, author and church planter in the Southern Baptist Convention who has joined the ecumenical movement.

Nabeel Quereshi: A global speaker with the Ravi Zacharias Ministries, Nabeel has followed his mentor’s steps and turned to the ecumenical road.

Contemporary Christian Bands/Artists/Industry Leaders
So much of contemporary Christian music is more bad than good, that it would need another article to discuss that. However, the CCM artists attending this ecumenical love-fest have been joined at the hip with the Roman Catholic Church for years. They have been helping promote this false Christian unity, with no discernment whatsoever. This is the reason I do not buy their music, I refuse to go to their concerts, and I encourage people to save their money and instead spend more time in God’s word. I do not want to be responsible for suggesting that any of these groups and individuals are close to being a solid example of what a Christian testimony should be. So here is the list of “Christian” artists who are selling themselves out for thirty pieces of silver.
Mike Novak, President and CEO of K-Love Radio: This radio station has long gone the way of lack of discernment as to what it plays, and as to what and who it promotes, so it is no surprise that their CEO will be at this gathering. He will fit right in.
Hillsong United: If any group was to lead “worship” in the one world church, it would be Hillsong United. It is more a business venture to make money, than a venture to exalt God in worship. Just recent examples of their lack of wisdom and discernment should make every Christian throw away all their CDs, and refuse to use their songs in church anymore. It has been called a “breeding ground for false converts”, and rightly so. They preach and sing a false, empty gospel, and explains why it has attracted so many Hollywood types and sports stars over the years. Their churches are a “hip” place to go to, but it is full of a false gospel.
Michael W. Smith: Has compromised for many years already by linking up with the Roman Catholic Church. On his website, it is typical of some any other ecumenical “Christians.” You will not find anything about his doctrinal beliefs. It is intentional, so that his music is appealing to all areas of Christianity, and so he does not want to offend anyone. That is textbook ecumenicalism, do not offend! He yokes together with Catholics, instead of following God’s clear instructions to “do not be unequally yoked.” His is a non-judgmental kind of Christianity.
Some of the Other Compromising “Christian” Artists: By imitating the unsaved world with their hip hop styles and their worldly sounding music and lyrics, many of these artists have naturally slipped into the same compromising positions with the world and with the Roman Catholic Church. Some of the songs are doctrinally sound, but many other songs are not, and could very easily be mistaken for songs performed for Top 40 radio and rock and roll stations. Here are some of the other compromisers, and the entire evolving lineup is listed at the website: