The Parliament of the World's Religions
Published on Feb 23, 2015
"The global interfaith community brings the heart of faith to life at the Parliament of the World's Religions, the oldest, largest, and most inclusive interfaith event known as the mother of the interfaith movement. By bringing together thousands of people of over 80 nations, 50 faith traditions, from the centers of mosques, gurdwaras, cathedrals and synagogues to sharing a global event, participants celebrate the beauty of faith, get to know, understand and appreciate the gifts of others, and commit together strong in each tradition to face the world's critical challenges in harmony."
Learn more about the 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions at http://www.parliamentofreligions.org/...
"The global interfaith community brings the heart of faith to life at the Parliament of the World's Religions, the oldest, largest, and most inclusive interfaith event known as the mother of the interfaith movement. By bringing together thousands of people of over 80 nations, 50 faith traditions, from the centers of mosques, gurdwaras, cathedrals and synagogues to sharing a global event, participants celebrate the beauty of faith, get to know, understand and appreciate the gifts of others, and commit together strong in each tradition to face the world's critical challenges in harmony."
Learn more about the 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions at http://www.parliamentofreligions.org/...
Learn more about the 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions at http://www.parliamentofreligions.org/...
Dear Lighthouse Trails:
I wanted to alert you of the 2015 PARLIAMENT of the World Religions, taking place Oct.15-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah. For the first time in more than 20 years, they are holding this conference in the U.S. The last time it was held in the U.S. was 1993 in Chicago.
(Previous Parliaments were held: 2009 in Australia, 2004 in Spain, 1999 in South Africa, 1993 in Chicago, 1893 in Chicago).
Of note is that this 2015 PARLIAMENT of the World Religions is being held inSalt Lake City, Utah, the Mormon capital of the world!
Here is the website:
Notable speakers include those you have warned your readers about in the past:
1) Marianne Williamson (New Age Leader and Rick Warren supporter)
See link: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?s=marianne+williamson&search=Search
2) Brian McLaren (Emergent/Contemplative/Universalist Author & Speaker,CANA Initiative founder)
See link.
3) Jim Wallis (Sojourners founder, “social-justice gospel” advocate, “Christian Palestianism”/anti-Israel advocate)
See link.
Other notable speakers include:
-The 14th Dalai Lama (Current head of Tibetan Buddhism, 1989 Nobel Peace Prize winner)
-Swami Suhitananda (Indian Guru)
-Tariq Ramadan–founder of the European Muslim Network, advisor to the European Union
-Michael Bernard Beckwith–“New Thought” (or New Spirituality) Leader and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center
-A Lakota nation tribal leader (Native-American)
-a Mormon author
-a U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom
Satan is putting together this ONE WORLD RELIGION through unbiblical “interreligious” conferences like this one.
Marianne Williamson, Brian McLaren and Jim Wallis are part of this false ecumenical “ONE” global movement. Truth and error are no longer being discussed. It’s all about dialogue and “interconnecting” in relational “ONE-ness.” This global conference, being held in the U.S. after more than 20 years, is an example of these sobering days we are living in…
In Christ,
P.S. You may wish to show this video clip below, which is a trailer to the 2009 PARLIAMENT of the World Religions. It is clear to see that a one-world religion will be mystical and occultic in nature - viewer discretion advised. (If you cannot view the video below, click here.)
2009 Parliament Slideshow from Parliament of Religions on Vimeo.
Welcome 2015 Parliament
History of the Parliament of the World's Religions
Contemplatives in Conversation:
We Say Yes to a Global Ethic
Dear Lighthouse Trails:
I wanted to alert you of the 2015 PARLIAMENT of the World Religions, taking place Oct.15-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah. For the first time in more than 20 years, they are holding this conference in the U.S. The last time it was held in the U.S. was 1993 in Chicago.
(Previous Parliaments were held: 2009 in Australia, 2004 in Spain, 1999 in South Africa, 1993 in Chicago, 1893 in Chicago).
Of note is that this 2015 PARLIAMENT of the World Religions is being held inSalt Lake City, Utah, the Mormon capital of the world!
Here is the website:
Notable speakers include those you have warned your readers about in the past:
1) Marianne Williamson (New Age Leader and Rick Warren supporter)
See link: http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?s=marianne+williamson&search=Search
2) Brian McLaren (Emergent/Contemplative/Universalist Author & Speaker,CANA Initiative founder)
See link.
3) Jim Wallis (Sojourners founder, “social-justice gospel” advocate, “Christian Palestianism”/anti-Israel advocate)
See link.
Other notable speakers include:
-The 14th Dalai Lama (Current head of Tibetan Buddhism, 1989 Nobel Peace Prize winner)
-Swami Suhitananda (Indian Guru)
-Tariq Ramadan–founder of the European Muslim Network, advisor to the European Union
-Michael Bernard Beckwith–“New Thought” (or New Spirituality) Leader and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center
-A Lakota nation tribal leader (Native-American)
-a Mormon author
-a U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom
Satan is putting together this ONE WORLD RELIGION through unbiblical “interreligious” conferences like this one.
Marianne Williamson, Brian McLaren and Jim Wallis are part of this false ecumenical “ONE” global movement. Truth and error are no longer being discussed. It’s all about dialogue and “interconnecting” in relational “ONE-ness.” This global conference, being held in the U.S. after more than 20 years, is an example of these sobering days we are living in…
In Christ,
P.S. You may wish to show this video clip below, which is a trailer to the 2009 PARLIAMENT of the World Religions. It is clear to see that a one-world religion will be mystical and occultic in nature - viewer discretion advised. (If you cannot view the video below, click here.)
2009 Parliament Slideshow from Parliament of Religions on Vimeo.
Welcome 2015 Parliament
of the World's Religions
to Salt Lake, Utah
from Mayor Ben McAdams
Published on Mar 5, 2015
"Ben McAdams, Mayor of Salt Lake County, shares a warm welcome to the Parliament of the World's Religions participants visiting the Salt Lake region in October, 2015.
•Nobel Peace Laureates, Religious Leaders, Global Thinkers, and
thousands of interfaith activists are committing together to address
the most pressing issues of our time. The global interfaith movement
is reclaiming the heart of our humanity.
See more information at 2015.ParliamentOfReligions.org to attend this life-changing, global event."
"Ben McAdams, Mayor of Salt Lake County, shares a warm welcome to the Parliament of the World's Religions participants visiting the Salt Lake region in October, 2015.
•Nobel Peace Laureates, Religious Leaders, Global Thinkers, and
thousands of interfaith activists are committing together to address
the most pressing issues of our time. The global interfaith movement
is reclaiming the heart of our humanity.
See more information at 2015.ParliamentOfReligions.org to attend this life-changing, global event."
•Nobel Peace Laureates, Religious Leaders, Global Thinkers, and
thousands of interfaith activists are committing together to address
the most pressing issues of our time. The global interfaith movement
is reclaiming the heart of our humanity.
See more information at 2015.ParliamentOfReligions.org to attend this life-changing, global event."
History of the Parliament of the World's Religions
Uploaded on Jan 28, 2009
Parliament of the World's Religions documentary about the original parliament in 1893, the centennial celebration in Chicago, 1993, Cape town 1999, Barcelona 2004 and looking forward to the Melbourne 2009 parliaments.
Parliament of the World's Religions documentary about the original parliament in 1893, the centennial celebration in Chicago, 1993, Cape town 1999, Barcelona 2004 and looking forward to the Melbourne 2009 parliaments.
Contemplatives in Conversation:
Sufi and Christian Perspectives
Published on Mar 22, 2012
Contemplative practice is often lauded as a common trait of many religious and spiritual traditions, yet approaches to contemplation can be as diverse as the traditions in which they are practiced. This webinar features two experts in conversation with each other about the contemplative traditions from Sufism and Christianity. Nahid Angha and Daniel Wolpert share their expertise and compare and contrast the contemplative practices of their respective traditions.
Nahid Angha, Ph.D. is the co-director and co-founder of the International Association of Sufism (IAS), founder of the International Sufi Women Organization, and the executive editor of Sufism: An Inquiry. She is an internationally published scholar and one of the major Sufi teachers, scholars, and translators of Sufi literature today, with over fifteen published books. She has lectured throughout the world including at the UN, Smithsonian Institute, CPWR's conferences, Science and Spirituality, Cortona, Italy, and was among the distinguished Muslim leaders and scholars who was invited to gather for the first annual Shakir World Encounters, an Islamic conference of peace in Marrakech, Morocco.
Daniel Wolpert serves as the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Crookston, MN and is the co-founder of the Minnesota Institute of Contemplation and Healing (MICAH). For the past twenty five years he has taught in the fields of psychology and spiritual formation and led retreats in such settings as the Art of Spiritual Direction Program at SFTS, the Youth Ministry and Spirituality Project, national ministry conferences, UCLA, UND medical school, Luther Seminary, and numerous churches. He is also the author of "Leading a Life with God, the practice of spiritual leadership," "Creating a Life with God: the call of ancient prayer practices," and co-author of "Meeting God in Virtual Reality: using spiritual practices with media."
Contemplative practice is often lauded as a common trait of many religious and spiritual traditions, yet approaches to contemplation can be as diverse as the traditions in which they are practiced. This webinar features two experts in conversation with each other about the contemplative traditions from Sufism and Christianity. Nahid Angha and Daniel Wolpert share their expertise and compare and contrast the contemplative practices of their respective traditions.
Nahid Angha, Ph.D. is the co-director and co-founder of the International Association of Sufism (IAS), founder of the International Sufi Women Organization, and the executive editor of Sufism: An Inquiry. She is an internationally published scholar and one of the major Sufi teachers, scholars, and translators of Sufi literature today, with over fifteen published books. She has lectured throughout the world including at the UN, Smithsonian Institute, CPWR's conferences, Science and Spirituality, Cortona, Italy, and was among the distinguished Muslim leaders and scholars who was invited to gather for the first annual Shakir World Encounters, an Islamic conference of peace in Marrakech, Morocco.
Daniel Wolpert serves as the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Crookston, MN and is the co-founder of the Minnesota Institute of Contemplation and Healing (MICAH). For the past twenty five years he has taught in the fields of psychology and spiritual formation and led retreats in such settings as the Art of Spiritual Direction Program at SFTS, the Youth Ministry and Spirituality Project, national ministry conferences, UCLA, UND medical school, Luther Seminary, and numerous churches. He is also the author of "Leading a Life with God, the practice of spiritual leadership," "Creating a Life with God: the call of ancient prayer practices," and co-author of "Meeting God in Virtual Reality: using spiritual practices with media."
Nahid Angha, Ph.D. is the co-director and co-founder of the International Association of Sufism (IAS), founder of the International Sufi Women Organization, and the executive editor of Sufism: An Inquiry. She is an internationally published scholar and one of the major Sufi teachers, scholars, and translators of Sufi literature today, with over fifteen published books. She has lectured throughout the world including at the UN, Smithsonian Institute, CPWR's conferences, Science and Spirituality, Cortona, Italy, and was among the distinguished Muslim leaders and scholars who was invited to gather for the first annual Shakir World Encounters, an Islamic conference of peace in Marrakech, Morocco.
Daniel Wolpert serves as the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Crookston, MN and is the co-founder of the Minnesota Institute of Contemplation and Healing (MICAH). For the past twenty five years he has taught in the fields of psychology and spiritual formation and led retreats in such settings as the Art of Spiritual Direction Program at SFTS, the Youth Ministry and Spirituality Project, national ministry conferences, UCLA, UND medical school, Luther Seminary, and numerous churches. He is also the author of "Leading a Life with God, the practice of spiritual leadership," "Creating a Life with God: the call of ancient prayer practices," and co-author of "Meeting God in Virtual Reality: using spiritual practices with media."
We Say Yes to a Global Ethic
Published on Oct 7, 2013
SIGN: http://action.groundswell-movement.or...
READ THE FULL TEXT OF TOWARDS A GLOBAL ETHIC: http://www.parliamentofreligions.org/...
Almost a century before the word "global village" was introduced in 1962, the Parliament literally invented the gift of interfaith for our world. It was also advanced when the most significant leaders of the time signed the Declaration Toward a Global Ethic at the 1993 Parliament. For the first time in history, representatives of all of the world's religions agree on the shared ethics that are grounded in their own faiths and traditions:
The principle of shared humanity, the Golden Rule of reciprocity, and a commitment to peace and justice.
The interfaith movement brings out the best of everyone's faith. Religious communities working with each other for the common good have the potential to change the world. With that intention in mind, the Parliament of the World's Religions is once again renewing its call "Towards a Global Ethic." A declaration in words must be regularly reaffirmed for it to become part of the struggle to change the world for the better.
SIGN: http://action.groundswell-movement.or...
READ THE FULL TEXT OF TOWARDS A GLOBAL ETHIC: http://www.parliamentofreligions.org/...
Almost a century before the word "global village" was introduced in 1962, the Parliament literally invented the gift of interfaith for our world. It was also advanced when the most significant leaders of the time signed the Declaration Toward a Global Ethic at the 1993 Parliament. For the first time in history, representatives of all of the world's religions agree on the shared ethics that are grounded in their own faiths and traditions:
The principle of shared humanity, the Golden Rule of reciprocity, and a commitment to peace and justice.
The interfaith movement brings out the best of everyone's faith. Religious communities working with each other for the common good have the potential to change the world. With that intention in mind, the Parliament of the World's Religions is once again renewing its call "Towards a Global Ethic." A declaration in words must be regularly reaffirmed for it to become part of the struggle to change the world for the better.
READ THE FULL TEXT OF TOWARDS A GLOBAL ETHIC: http://www.parliamentofreligions.org/...
Almost a century before the word "global village" was introduced in 1962, the Parliament literally invented the gift of interfaith for our world. It was also advanced when the most significant leaders of the time signed the Declaration Toward a Global Ethic at the 1993 Parliament. For the first time in history, representatives of all of the world's religions agree on the shared ethics that are grounded in their own faiths and traditions:
The principle of shared humanity, the Golden Rule of reciprocity, and a commitment to peace and justice.
The interfaith movement brings out the best of everyone's faith. Religious communities working with each other for the common good have the potential to change the world. With that intention in mind, the Parliament of the World's Religions is once again renewing its call "Towards a Global Ethic." A declaration in words must be regularly reaffirmed for it to become part of the struggle to change the world for the better.
President Jimmy Carter's "Call to Action" on Women, Religion, Violence and Power; (Excerpt Features 2009 Parliament):
SEE: http://www.parliamentofreligions.org/content/president-jimmy-carters-call-action-women-religion-violence-and-power-excerpt-features-200-0
When I read of your new release of Ray Yungen’s latest booklet: “Pope Francis and the Thomas Merton Connection,” and of Ray’s recent visit to Salt Lake City to attend the Parliament of the World’s Religions conference with a media pass, I decided to write you. The Parliament of the World’s Religions Conference started this past week: Oct.15 and ends on Oct.19, held in the Mormon Capital of the World, Salt Lake City. Their own website states their mission (see http://www.parliamentofreligions.org//mission):
Photo: Tibetan monks set up an altar in preparation for the Parliament of the World’s Religions at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 2015. (Photo: Laura Seitz, Deseret News)
The Parliament declarations page (seehttp://www.parliamentofreligions.org/parliament/salt-lake-2015/declarations) says:
This Parliament of World Religions has only been held 5 times previously in the past 200+ years:
Chicago, Illinois, USA 1893 and 1993
Capetown, South Africa 1999
Barcelona, Spain 2004
Melbourne, Australia 2009
And, now this past week (Oct.15-19, 2015) : Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Notable international speakers include Nobel Peace Laureates including Costa Rica’s President, the Spiritual Leader of Tibetan Buddhism, a Lakota nation tribal leader, and a US Ambassador-at-Large for International Religion Freedom.
Other notable speakers, Lighthouse Trails has repeatedly warned about over the years, and they include:
—Jim Wallis, Brian McLaren, and Marianne Williamson
The keynote speaker on Oct.17 was Jane Goodall, and a Fox News article said the following (Seehttp://fox13now.com/2015/10/17/jane-goodall-speaks-at-parliament-of-world-religions-in-salt-lake-city/):
I hope and pray Lighthouse Trails readers will take a look at Ray Yungen’s “Pope Francis & Thomas Merton Connection” to see how this interspirituality goes way beyond Catholicism. . . . it’s part of the Oneness New Age philosophy, this mysticism that has pervaded all spiritual traditions, and that is vying to unify and bond people together in a false harmony/unity that is really a counterfeit “Christianity,” an anti-christ spirituality…
AGENDA 21: The Earth Charter, The Ark of Hope and the New World Order
Dear Lighthouse Trails:When I read of your new release of Ray Yungen’s latest booklet: “Pope Francis and the Thomas Merton Connection,” and of Ray’s recent visit to Salt Lake City to attend the Parliament of the World’s Religions conference with a media pass, I decided to write you. The Parliament of the World’s Religions Conference started this past week: Oct.15 and ends on Oct.19, held in the Mormon Capital of the World, Salt Lake City. Their own website states their mission (see http://www.parliamentofreligions.org//mission):
“The Parliament of the World’s Religions was created to cultivate harmony among the world’s religious and spiritual communities and foster their engagement with the world and its guiding institutions in order to achieve a just, peaceful and sustainable world. To accomplish this, we invite individuals and communities who are equally invested in attaining this goal.”
“10,000 people, 80 nations, 50 faiths…Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity: Working Together for a World of Compassion, Peace, Justice and Sustainability.”There are 6 Parliament Declarations participants can sign including the following: Declarations on Climate Change, Hate Speech, War & Violence, Income Inequality, Human Rights and Dignity of Women, Standing with Emerging Leaders, and Standing with Indigenous Peoples.
This Parliament of World Religions has only been held 5 times previously in the past 200+ years:
Chicago, Illinois, USA 1893 and 1993
Capetown, South Africa 1999
Barcelona, Spain 2004
Melbourne, Australia 2009
And, now this past week (Oct.15-19, 2015) : Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Notable international speakers include Nobel Peace Laureates including Costa Rica’s President, the Spiritual Leader of Tibetan Buddhism, a Lakota nation tribal leader, and a US Ambassador-at-Large for International Religion Freedom.
Other notable speakers, Lighthouse Trails has repeatedly warned about over the years, and they include:
—Jim Wallis, Brian McLaren, and Marianne Williamson
The keynote speaker on Oct.17 was Jane Goodall, and a Fox News article said the following (Seehttp://fox13now.com/2015/10/17/jane-goodall-speaks-at-parliament-of-world-religions-in-salt-lake-city/):
“Goodall is calling upon religious leaders from all over the globe to use their influence to affect policies on environmental issues such as climate change., and Goodall says she has a favorite religious leader, but he’s not at this Parliament. “I think Pope Francis should be canonized on the spot, he’s absolutely amazing,” Goodall said. “He gives me more hope than almost anybody else alive at this time today.”Everyone seems to be intoxicated with the media persona of Pope Francis, even Jane Goodall, even delegates at this 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions, and no doubt the tens of thousands of conference attendees who have come, sadly, to find an “interfaith harmony” and a global collective mission to achieve a world of compassion, peace, justice and sustainability.
I hope and pray Lighthouse Trails readers will take a look at Ray Yungen’s “Pope Francis & Thomas Merton Connection” to see how this interspirituality goes way beyond Catholicism. . . . it’s part of the Oneness New Age philosophy, this mysticism that has pervaded all spiritual traditions, and that is vying to unify and bond people together in a false harmony/unity that is really a counterfeit “Christianity,” an anti-christ spirituality…