Hillary Clinton Turns Over Server; Problems Just Beginning
BY C. Mitchell Shaw
SEE: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/21423-hillary-clinton-turns-over-server-problems-just-beginning;
SEE: http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/21423-hillary-clinton-turns-over-server-problems-just-beginning;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
As of last week, Hillary Clinton's e-mail server is safely in the hands of the Department of Justice. As Secretary of State, she used a private server to handle her e-mails rather than using the servers owned and operated by the federal government. Her use of private e-mail has come under scrutiny because she appears to have sent and received e-mails concerning matters marked "Top Secret." If she sent or received those e-mails on her private account — over her private server — she most likely violated federal law.The investigation is being handled by the FBI and is considered a criminal investigation, according to sources in the Department of Justice. In fact, though such cases are customarily handled by one of the many field offices around the country, the Clinton case is being handled out of the Hoover Building. It is highly unusual for a case like this to handled at FBI headquarters, but then again, this is an unusual case. The New York Times reported, "given this inquiry's importance, senior F.B.I. officials have opted to keep it closely held in Washington in the agency's counterintelligence section, which investigates how national security secrets are handled."While it was not illegal for her to use a private e-mail server (it was, in fact, allowed by the State Department), the question is whether she followed the proper standards for securing and storing the classified data on that server. Sending "Top Secret" e-mails would almost certainly violate those standards. Clinton has denied that she sent or received such e-mails, but the evidence seems to indicate that on at least two occasions, she did just that.Before turning over the server, Clinton turned over a USB thumb drive containing samples of the e-mails stored on the server. Charles McCullough, inspector general for the intelligence community, told Congress last week that of the 30,000 e-mails on the USB drive, 40 of them were randomly selected for the purposes of seeing whether they contained sensitive information. Of those 40, two contained information classified as "Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information." Doing the math, McCullough estimates there could be hundreds of e-mails on Clinton's server that were "Top Secret."Clinton initially refused to turn over the e-mail server, saying, "The server contains personal communications from my husband and me and I believe I have met all of my responsibilities and the server will remain private." It rings with echoes of "I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president." She has since reversed herself and turned over the server, but it may not help her dodge the legal problems she will face if it is determined that she handled state secrets in any way that was "prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States." Even if she escapes legal trouble, this scandal is likely to cause her serious problems with her campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination. The case is likely to last longer than her attempt to reoccupy the White House.Charles Lipson, a professor of international politics at the University of Chicago, wrote in his piece for Real Clear Politics that there are several "legal questions with huge political ramifications" that Hillary Clinton will have to answer. He added that her problems "could well be insurmountable politically." Among those questions are:• Did the Clinton server meet the federal government's standards for how servers are built, how they are secured, and how data is retained? • Was all sensitive material encrypted or did it circulate without those protections? • Did anybody hack into the server? • Did Secretary Clinton, who says she erased all 'personal' e-mails from the server, actually erase some government documents? • If so, was that inadvertent or a possible cover-up? • Who handled IT security for this server? Could he read the materials if he wished?These are all very good questions that need to be investigated thoroughly. This writer believes the questions for voters who might have considered reliving the Clinton era are:• Can we trust this woman? • Is she dishonest or just lacking in sound judgment? • Should someone who is either so shady or so inept serve as president? • Do we really want four or eight more years of Clinton drama in the White House?For her part, the former First Lady chalks it all up to an error in judgment. Hindsight is, after all, 20/20. Back in March, when pressure began to mount over her use (or misuse) of the private e-mail server, Clinton said, "Looking back, it would have been better if I'd simply used a second email account and carried a second phone, but at the time, this didn't seem like an issue." It sure seems like an issue now. It could land her in jail, and many feel that it will almost certainly keep her out of the White House.
Hillary: ‘With a Cloth or Something?’ Refusing to Say Whether or Not She Wiped The Server
"Like With A Cloth?" - Hillary Clinton Jokes About Wiping Server
FBI Begins Analysis of Hillary Clinton's Private Email Server
Gutfeld: Faced with crisis, Hillary plays her one-hit wonder
Published on Aug 19, 2015She's using females to hide the emails Her Campaign Is Literally in the Toilet': Gutfeld on Latest in Hillary's Email Scandal On "The Five" today, Greg Gutfeld reacted to Hillary Clinton's shrinking poll numbers and revelations that her private email server was housed in the bathroom closet of a Denver apartment. He said that as her problems mount, Clinton is now playing the sexist card. "When in crisis, the 'war on women' is Hillary's one hit wonder," Gutfeld said. "The problem: it's old, it's a lie, and it exposes a truth about Hillary's own war on women. "He pointed out that women working for her made $16,000 less per year than men from 2002 to 2008. "Her defending women is like termites defending wood," Gutfeld said. He added that her claim that she didn't know that the emails were classified is hard to believe. "Exchanging national security for personal secrecy, it's not just calculated deception, but an entitled, lawless arrogance,"Gutfeld said. "Now we find that Hill's email firm was run from an apartment with its servers in the bathroom, it all makes sense.THE CRIMES OF HILLARY CLINTONIS HILLARY ABOVE THE LAW?Hillary's Troubles Mount Over
Wiped E-mail Server
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:Hillary Clinton has a long list of titles: former attorney, former first lady, former New York senator, and former secretary of state. Considering the severity of her e-mail scandal, she may soon add another title to that list: former candidate for the Democratic nomination. As the facts continue to come out, her problems are looking increasingly serious. And — her protestations to the contrary notwithstanding — she seems to know it.There's a special type of narcissism that seems to have set up permanent residence in the minds of Bill and Hillary Clinton. The rules that apply to everyone else simply don't apply to them. They keep straight faces while telling the biggest lies. It's almost as if they believe it when they say things such as, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinski," and "I never sent or received any e-mail that was deemed classified, that was marked classified." After all, they have dodged everything so far (including the military draft for Bill); why should whatever recent scandal is afoot be any different?But even Hillary seems to realize that this time is different. The private e-mail server she turned over to the Department of Justice was wiped of data before being surrendered. This indicates to many who are either involved in or following this case that Hillary Clinton knows she has something to hide. Her lawyer, David Kendall, admitted in a letter to Congress that the server had been wiped, but did not indicate who had done it or whether Hillary Clinton had ordered it to be done.When she was asked about it by Ed Henry of Fox News after a town hall meeting in Las Vegas, Hillary Clinton was customarily dismissive and gave a very Clintonian non-answer. As Breitbart reported,Hillary, when asked if she had overseen efforts to wipe the drive, first seemed to understand that it meant deleting the contents of the hard drive. "Did you try to wipe the entire — so that there'd be no email, no personal and no official?" Ed Henry asked. Hillary replied, "Well, my personal emails are my personal business." Hillary then repeated her claim, made since March, that her staff went through a "painstaking" process to identify any work-related e-mails and turned those over to the State Department.When her obvious attempt at obfuscation failed to deflect the question, Henry tried again: "Did you try to wipe the whole server?" Hillary's answer: "I have no idea." It is difficult to imagine that in the midst of a criminal investigation being handled by the FBI at its headquarters and treated with such scrutiny, Hillary Clinton expects anyone to believe that she has "no idea" whether or not she attempted to destroy evidence in that investigation.So, Henry pressed the question once more: "You were the official in charge of it. Did you wipe the server?" Her answer shows not only her casual disregard for the truth — which many who are familiar with the Clintons have come to expect — but also her willingness to treat a serious matter with flippancy. When asked, "Did you wipe the server?" she pantomimed cleaning a surface and said, "What, like with a cloth or something?"Maybe it depends on what the meaning of the word "wipe" is.Hillary's "poker face" may not be enough to save her this time. With her lawyer's admission that the drive was wiped, she may be raising the stakes so high that she will be in big trouble if her bluff is called. She seems to be gambling that the FBI will not be able to retrieve the deleted contents of the drive. That ploy did not work very well for her husband's former vice president, Al Gore, when he attempted to delete e-mails showing that he had conducted illegal fundraising for the Clintons and the Democrat Party. Those e-mails were recovered, and though he did not face criminal charges over it, he did face public scrutiny.Gore was able to avoid criminal charges — at least in part — because he had powerful allies in high places. Hillary may find that President Obama is not very willing to help her out of this mess. At least he has not done anything so far to help her.As The New American reported Wednesday, there is little doubt that she did send classified e-mails over the server. From that article:Before turning over the server, Clinton turned over a USB thumb drive containing samples of the e-mails stored on the server. Charles McCullough, inspector general for the intelligence community, told Congress last week that of the 30,000 e-mails on the USB drive, 40 of them were randomly selected for the purposes of seeing whether they contained sensitive information. Of those 40, two contained information classified as "Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information." Doing the math, McCullough estimates there could be hundreds of e-mails on Clinton's server that were "Top Secret."Hillary Clinton may have hundreds of good reasons for wanting to hinder this investigation by wiping the server.With her obvious knowledge that the contents of the drive were deleted, Clinton has been coy in her statements to reporters. On Tuesday, she told reporters, "We have turned over the server. They [FBI investigators] can do whatever they want to with the server to figure out what's there or what's not there." She need not doubt on that account. The FBI will do all in its very powerful abilities to "figure out what's there or what's not there."The Washington Times reports that "the FBI is conducting a criminal probe and the bureau is 'optimistic' it can retrieve the wiped data," adding that the FBI will also investigate whether "she may have had a second server," and that "her top aides — Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and Jake Sullivan — are now also in investigators' sights."If that data is retrieved and shows what is almost certain — that Hillary did send classified information via her unsecured private account — she may be charged with some very serious crimes. According to a report by the Washington Free Beacon, she could be charged with violating 18 USC Sec. 1924, "which outlaws the unauthorized removal and storage of classified information. Penalties can include fines and imprisonment for up to one year." She could also find herself facing charges for running afoul of 18 USC Sec. 793. The Beacon says, "That law covers national defense information and people who misuse it to injure the United States or benefit a foreign power. Those convicted of violating that law face fines and up to 10 years in prison."Add to that that she has destroyed evidence in a criminal investigation, and Hillary Clinton may face charges for obstruction of justice. It looks as though she has more to worry about than her political career. While all of this will almost certainly hurt her bid for the Democratic nomination, it may even give her yet one more new title: inmate._______________________________________________________________