Will They Cancel Christmas To Appease Muslims?
Published on Dec 5, 2015
Will Christmas Trigger More Terror Attacks The notion that a Christmas party could've triggered the massacre in San Bernardino California is being pushed by some establishment analysts. This is absolutely ludicrous until you consider that all across the globe countries are inviting in refugees with the understanding that they will not be assimilating into the culture, and schools are already banning Christmas because it has the potential to offend. The United States of America is ruled by the Constitution, not the social justice agenda. DOJ To Arrest Americans Outraged By Jihadists Attorney General Loretta Lynch said Thursday at the Muslim Advocate’s 10th anniversary dinner she will take aggressive action against the “incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric.” Lynch’s grandstanding before a Muslim group reveals the Justice Department and the Obama administration are promoting the so-called social justice agenda at the expense of the Constitution and the First Amendment. It also underscores the collectivist idea that government has the authority—enforced by its monopoly of coercion and violence—to protect the rights of preferred groups at the expense of the rights of the individual. Meanwhile the female shooter in San Bernadino posted her allegiance to ISIS on Facebook. And Arab Festivals in Dearborn, Michigan openly promote Sharia law. Meanwhile Obama constantly inappropriately takes jabs at the Christian faith. Attorney General Lynch, why are we supposed to be politically correct while our traditions, rights, country and lives are threatened on a daily basis? You do remember swearing in on Fredrick Douglass’ Christian Bible at your request? You do know it was Douglass who famously said, "I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.” The protection of religious freedom is the cornerstone of American Society and of course all Muslims are not hellbent on Jihad. But it turns out a percentage of them are. And those psychopaths are in the United States and mixed in with the refugees streaming in as I speak. They have no clue what Civil Rights are, nor do they care.
Create a viral War on Christmas meme and you could win big bucks!
SEE: http://www.infowars.com/infowars-contest-1000-for-best-war-on-christmas-meme/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The politically correct left is warning that Christmas and other constitutionally protected western traditions will offend religious extremists, as radical jihadists wage multiple attacks across the globe.
Infowars’ latest contest aims to declare to authoritarian leftists and ISIS that we won’t capitulate and run up a white flag, or give up our crosses, nativity scenes or Christmas trees, regardless of political correctness.
This quick-running contest awards $1,000 to the creator of thebest meme image highlighting the absurd war on Christmas. We’ll upload the best images to the Official Alex Jones Facebook page.
Send your entries to tips@infowars.com orcontest@infowars.com.
Infowars and Alex Jones will pick the winner and announce it on the Sunday, December 6 transmission at 5pm CST during the live show.
The deadline is only 2 days away so you’ll want to get started as soon as possible! Good luck!
Official Rules:
– Make an original “War on Christmas” meme image, send totips@infowars.com or contest@infowars.com.
– Image should include “Infowars.com” somewhere, and should be .gif or .jpeg, .jpg format
– The majority of the Content must be newly created and previously unpublished
– Multiple unique submissions are allowed and encouraged
– Winner to be selected at Infowars’ and Alex Jones’ discretion
– Deadline to enter, and winner to be announced: Sunday, December 6 at 5pm during Alex Jones Show (infowars.com/show)
– Make an original “War on Christmas” meme image, send totips@infowars.com or contest@infowars.com.
– Image should include “Infowars.com” somewhere, and should be .gif or .jpeg, .jpg format
– The majority of the Content must be newly created and previously unpublished
– Multiple unique submissions are allowed and encouraged
– Winner to be selected at Infowars’ and Alex Jones’ discretion
– Deadline to enter, and winner to be announced: Sunday, December 6 at 5pm during Alex Jones Show (infowars.com/show)
– Grand prize: $1,000