Rutgers Graduation 2018
"I was not invited to my son’s graduation. He calls me a bigot and transphobic because I question the harmful medications and the body mutilation that come hand in hand with transition. I love my son and even though he does not see the injustice that was committed upon him by the doctors and therapist on Rutgers campus, I will continue to speak out for him. I do this because I am his MOTHER, he will always be MY CHILD. The doctors and therapist don’t love him like I do. My son has fallen prey to the trans agenda and I am determined to get him back."
NO Parental Notification Required
New Jersey schools will keep your child's gender identity a secret. You will NOT be notified.
The 252nd commencement of Rutgers University was held at High Point Solutions Stadium in Piscataway on Sunday, May 13, 2018. Dr. Robert Barchi, president of Rutgers University, speaks during graduation.
In this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman at the Protect Your Children conference in New Jersey, mother Crystal Lopez shares how "educators" convinced her son that he was actually a transgender girl trapped inside a boy's body. They put her son on drugs to prepare him for genital mutilation. It broke her heart. She asked counselors at Rutgers to help make her son feel comfortable in his body, but due to a NJ law against "conversion therapy," they were not allowed.
NJ Christians Resist LGBT Indoctrination in Government Schools
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Faced with a new statute mandating LGBT indoctrination of all children in public schools, Christians from across New Jersey and beyond came together in Flemington under the banner: “Protect Your Children.”At the event, concerned parents, lawmakers, educators, school board members, political candidates, pro-family leaders, students, and others vowed to continue resisting the increasingly brazen immorality invading government education.Countless prayers were offered by various speakers and attendees seeking God’s assistance in the enormous task ahead.The organizer, pro-family leader Victoria Jakelsky with “Team Protect Your Children” (PYC), called on New Jersey to become a “firewall” that would stop the march of evil and protect children all across the nation.State Senator Michael Doherty, one of the primary speakers, warned that an “evil cabal runs America” today. He said these forces are seeking money and are working to “keep control” over the American people.“There is also an element of globalism going on,” he warned, blasting corruption and immorality among the political class.The reason this has occurred is that Americans have turned away from God, Senator Doherty explained.“The U.S. is unique,” he continued. “It was built on Christian principles and the importance of the family.”The evil cabal running America and New Jersey today, however, hates Christians, and hates Christian mothers and fathers who seek to raise their children properly.Also speaking at the event was Mayor Alfonso Cirulli of Ocean County, a veteran public school educator and principal.Mayor Cirulli, who warned of the danger facing children and families in public schools today, became a nationally known defender of Christian principles after sparking a firestorm for standing against LGBT indoctrination of children.In an interview with The Liberty Sentinel, Mayor Cirulli urged parents to pull their children out of public schools.One common theme throughout the conference was the biblical account of Gideon. According to the Bible, God used Gideon and a group of just 300 men to crush an enormous army.While attendees expressed concern over the enormity of the problem, Gideon was cited as an example of how God can use a small, faithful remnant to accomplish His purposes.Another frequent theme was chapter 6 in Ephesians, where Saint Paul explains that there is a spiritual war going on. Paul also explains the defensive and offensive tools that Christians must use.There were more than a few tragic stories told throughout the event.For instance, one mother, Crystal Lopez, described how her son had been talked into believing he was actually a girl trapped in a boy’s body.Because “conversion therapy” is against the law in New Jersey, therapists were legally prohibited from helping him to feel comfortable in his own body.Instead, Rutgers University prescribed hormone “treatments” so the son could begin a so-called “transition” to a life of impersonating a female.Numerous other activists and leaders spoke out, too.Journalist and educator Alex Newman with The Liberty Sentinel, who has been travelling around America and beyond warning about these threats, urged parents to pull their children from public schools immediately.Among other points, Newman, who served as the final speaker for the event, noted that in California, a very similar statute to New Jersey’s was used to justify teaching pedophilia as a “sexual orientation” to captive children.One of the prominent national leaders speaking out against New Jersey’s new statute, modeled on California’s, was Franklin Graham, the son of evangelist Billy Graham.Speaking on Fox, he urged New Jersey parents to remove their children from government schools to protect them from the LGBT indoctrination.After the conference, a significant number of attendees told TLS they decided that, while the fight over public education must go on, parents must rescue their own children first–then worry about the big picture.New Jersey Christians may be on the front line of the battle, but they are not alone.______________________________________________________________Video: Outraged Mother Calls Out University
Published on Apr 15, 2019The testimony of a mother whose 19-year old son told her he was transgender and planning to medically transition.“I made an appointment to see the college campus therapist. She immediately hands me these cartoon statistics on suicide and why I should affirm my son. I asked her to look into other mental health issues…. She said no. She wasn’t required to do so. I asked her to help my son feel comfortable in his body to avoid life-long meds and surgeries. She said she couldn’t do that either. That was considered conversion therapy and that was illegal in New Jersey. You can’t question anyone who claims to be the opposite sex, but you can lead them down the path to medical transition. To the President of Rutgers: “I was asking you to take this matter seriously. That these students who are away from home are vulnerable and sometimes overwhelmed. Your college should not be prescribing hormones and sex changes to these students. I ask you to re-evaluate what is going on at your school. Here I was a mother horrified over what was about to happen to my son and none of you, the doctor didn’t want to talk to me, the therapist dismissed all my concerns over my son, no one showed any compassion over what my son was going to do.” “I am here today to expose the injustice that is done to our students. Our children. College doctors are prescribing hormones to our kids. College campuses like Rutgers offer sex changes on their health plan. Parents have no say. This is unacceptable and it has to stop.”TESTIMONY OF DR. MICHAEL LAIDLAW,ENDOCRINOLOGISTSEE ALSO:CATHOLIC N.J. GOVERNOR CHRISTIE BANS GAY REPARATIVE THERAPY FOR MINORS~CLAIMS HOMOSEXUALITY IS INNATE & NOT SINFUL
GOVERNOR’S STATEMENT UPON SIGNINGASSEMBLY BILL No. 3371Assembly Bill No. 3371, which I have signed today,prohibits individuals who are licensed to provide professionalcounseling under Title 45 of the New Jersey statutes fromattempting to change a minor's sexual orientation.At the outset of this debate, I expressed my concerns aboutgovernment limiting parental choice on the care and treatment oftheir own children. I still have those concerns. Governmentshould tread carefully into this area and I do so herereluctantly. I have scrutinized this piece of legislation withthat concern in mind.However, I also believe that on issues of medical treatmentfor children we must look to experts in the field to determinethe relative risks and rewards. The American PsychologicalAssociation has found that efforts to change sexual orientationcan pose critical health risks including, but not limited to,depression, substance abuse, social withdrawal, decreased selfesteem and suicidal thoughts.I believe that exposing children to these health riskswithout clear evidence of benefits that outweigh these seriousrisks is not appropriate. Based upon this analysis, I sign thisbill into law.Date: 8/19/13/s/ Chris ChristieGovernorAttest:/s/ Charles B. McKennaChief Counsel to the GovernorGAY REPARATIVE CONVERSION THERAPY: FEDERAL "THERAPEUTIC FRAUD PREVENTION ACT" PROPOSED BASED ON JUNK SCIENCE~THREAT TO FIRST AMENDMENT FREEDOM OF RELIGION & SPEECH
to-say-she.html (Secaucus, N.J.)
Understanding Transgender Issues - Beyond Surgery In honor of transgender awareness week, Dr. Mark Einstein, Cofounder of the Rutgers Center for Transgender Health, and Chair of the Department of OB/GYN & Women's Health at New Jersey Medical School talks about treatment options beyond surgery alone and also help us understand the anxiety that many transgender individuals experience. For more information please visit the Rutgers Center for Transgender Health at: http://www.njms.rutgers.edu/transhealth