the man
From being a staunch and orthodox Hindu, Sundar Selvaraj had a dramatic life-changing supernatural encounter with the living Christ Jesus at the age of 16. Answering God's call to the ministry at 17, Brother Sadhu,as he is affectionately called by all from around the world, has since then been faithfully serving the Lord God. |
the message
Sadhu's messages, filled with love and compassion, have touched millions of people of every caste, colour, race and faith. His messages challenge all believers to a life of holiness and to walk in the Spirit as yielded vessels for the work of furthering the kingdom of God on earth. He has also been specifically called and sent by the Lord God to prepare the Bride of Christ for the Lord Jesus' second coming. |
the ministry
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj is the founder of Jesus Ministries, a prophetic-evangelistic work which fulfills a call of God to pioneer evangelistic outreaches to people groups among whom Christ Jesus is little or never named. God's strong anointing in Brother Sadhu's life is attested by signs, wonders and miracles. Since 1979, the Lord God has taken Brother Sadhu to more than 50 nations around the world to be a witness for him. |
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj is a Hindu-turned-Charismatic Guru who blends
his Hindu pujas (religious traditions) with Christian flavoring to
create an interesting advertising schtick to those seeking after signs
and prophecies. Selvaraj has become the latest rage among America’s
charismatics, who are increasingly seeing him as a prophet, or in some
cases, Apostle.
Selvaraj has made numerous end times or doomsday prophecies,
especially those relating to natural disasters or pestilence, that have
reportedly come to pass.Like all charismatic prophecies, his have only come in the vaguest of terms, and if fulfilled he is heralded as a prophet, and if unfulfilled he is credited with turning the people to repentance and turning back God’s wrath.
Selvaraj is also a necromancer, and claims that Old Testament prophets are actually prophesying through him. He has done this, in particular, with the prophet, Joel. In fact, Selvaraj has claimed that God’s Old Testament Saints will come back down to Earth to help with natural disaster recovery efforts (link, timestamp 10:14).
Here’s a video of Selvaraj talking about his own Heaven tourism in which he appeared at a heavenly council with none other than…Donald Trump.
So, you can see exactly what this guy’s deal is. He supposedly hears directly from God. He’s seen God. He’s seen Heaven; he’s been there. He speaks to the Old Testament prophets and they speak with him and through him. And, he looks like an Indian guru, so Westerners think he must be especially attuned to the supernatural.
Selvaraj will be promoted on Jim Bakker’s survival food infomercial on December 4.

Expect to see more and more of this shaman in American charismaticism as time goes on. He is now on our radar.
The Baptism of Holy Spirit & Prophetic Anointing -Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj