THE CHURCH MILITANT Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
With President Trump’s approval, the four-page FISA memo prepared by
the House Intelligence Committee has been released to the public.
Democrats fought the public release of the document, which has been
described by GOP members of the House as “explosive,” “shocking,”
“troubling,” and “alarming” and showing actions on the part of FBI and
Department of Justice (DOJ) officials as being similar to those of the
Soviet KGB. Now the American people can judge it for themselves.republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
To which Justin Peters responded:Take an Advil, buddy. Women preachers & pastors are here to stay, & will only grow as spiritual influencers & teachers to both women & men. Get use to it.😉— Jory Micah (@jorymicah) December 24, 2017
Biblical illiteracy just doesn’t it cut it for these sacred molls – these cows of Bashan profit off the spiritual abuse of their followers while their blind sycophancy grovels at the notion that these flesh-feeding frauds have filled the troughs full of poison. Women who refuse to acknowledge their biblical gender role and submit to the authority of Scripture by usurping the role of men in the family and in the Church have not only no grounds to call themselves Christian but are in active rebellion against the religion instituted by Christ.I know they are here to stay. It is a sign of how biblically illiterate people are. That and how much they just don’t care about the Bible’s authority. That they are here to stay Is one expression of 2 Tim. 4:3-4 on display.— Justin Peters (@JustinPetersMin) December 24, 2017
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research
Jory Micah first made social media headlines when she was let go from
her teaching position at an Assemblies of God college. She said that it
was because she was a woman (the Assemblies of God allow female
preachers). She has since elevated herself as a chief proponent of
weak-willed women being taken captive everywhere (2 Timothy 3:6).
She is regularly known for Twitter and Facebook comments that make
little to no sense, and yet, she’s still being added to feminazi women’s
conferences around the country, like at the recent Nevertheless She Preached conference.republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Pope Francis, who may actually not be that Catholic, recently called
Islam a “Good Religion.” Thousands of ex-Muslims have signed an open
letter to the Pope, telling his comments are (essentially) idiotic and
unChristian.Currently, there are just shy of 4k who have signed the statement. You can read the statement at its original host here. There is no word on whether or not the Pope finds any clerics or Imams to have a “kindred spirit.”Here follows the text of an Open Letter to Pope Francis that you can sign if you so wish. We will present it as soon as it reaches a significant number of signatories. Thank you for helping to make it known. We base our initiative on Canon Law: “According to the knowledge, the competence and the prestige enjoyed by the faithful, they have the right and sometimes even the duty to give the Sacred Shepherds their opinion on what concerns the good of the Church and to make it known to the other faithful, keeping safe the integrity of faith and morals and the reverence due to pastors, and taking into account the common utility and dignity of people.” (Canon 212 § 3):From former Muslims who became Catholics, and their friends,to His Holiness Pope Francis, about his attitude towards Islam.Most Holy Father,
Many of us have tried to contact you, on many occasions and for several years, and we have never received the slightest acknowledgement of our letters or requests for meetings. You do not like to beat around the bush, and neither do we, so allow us to say frankly that we do not understand your teaching about Islam, as we read in paragraphs 252 and 253 of Evangelii Gaudium, because it does not account for the fact that Islam came AFTER Christ, and so is, and can only be, an Antichrist (see 1 Jn 2.22), and one of the most dangerous because it presents itself as the fulfillment of Revelation (of which Jesus would have been only a prophet). If Islam is a good religion in itself, as you seem to teach, why did we become Catholic? Do not your words question the soundness of the choice we made at the risk of our lives? Islam prescribes death for apostates (Quran 4.89, 8.7-11), do you know? How is it possible to compare Islamic violence with so-called Christian violence? “What is the relationship between Christ and Satan? What union is there between light and darkness? What association between the faithful and the unfaithful?” (2 Cor 6: 14-17) In accordance with His teaching (Lk 14:26), we preferred Him, the Christ, to our own life. Are we not in a good position to talk to you about Islam?In fact, as long as Islam wants us to be its enemy, we are, and all our protestations of friendship cannot change anything. As a proper Antichrist, Islam exists only as an enemy of all: “Between us and you there is enmity and hatred forever, until you believe in Allah alone!” (Qur’an 60.4) For the Qur’an, Christians “are only impurity” (Quran 9.28),” “the worst of Creation” (Qur’an 98.6), all condemned to Hell (Qur’an 4.48), so Allah must exterminate them (Quran 9.30). We must not be deceived by the Quranic verses deemed tolerant, because they have all been repealed by the verse of the Sword (Quran 9.5). Where the Gospel proclaims the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection for the salvation of all, and the fulfillment of the Covenant initiated with the Hebrews, Allah has nothing to offer but war and murder of the “infidels” in exchange for his paradise: “They fight on the way of Allah, they kill and are killed.” (Quran 9:11) We do not confuse Islam with Muslims, but if for you “dialogue” means the voice of peace, for Islam it’s only another way to make war. Also, as it was in the face of Nazism and communism, naiveté in the face of Islam is suicidal and very dangerous. How can you speak of peace and endorse Islam, as you seem to do: “To wring from our hearts the disease that plagues our lives (…) Let those who are Christians do it with the Bible and those who are Muslims do it with the Quran. “(Rome, January 20, 2014)? That the Pope seems to propose the Quran as a way of salvation, is that not cause for worry? Should we return to Islam?We beg you not to seek in Islam an ally in your fight against the powers that want to dominate and enslave the world, since they share the same totalitarian logic based on the rejection of the kingship of Christ (Lk 4.7). We know that the Beast of the Apocalypse, seeking to devour the Woman and her Child, has many heads. Allah defends such alliances by the way (Quran 5.51)! Moreover, the prophets have always reproached Israel for its willingness to ally with foreign powers, to the detriment of the complete confidence they should’ve had in God. Certainly, the temptation is strong to think that speaking in an Islamophilic tone will prevent more suffering for Christians in those countries that have become Muslim, but apart from the fact that Jesus has never indicated any other way than that of the Cross, so that we must find our joy therein and not flee with all the damned, we do not doubt that only the proclamation of the Truth brings with it not only salvation, but freedom as well (John 8.32). Our duty is to bear witness to the truth “in season and out of season” (2 Timothy 4.2), and our glory is to be able to say with St. Paul: “I did not want to know anything among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.” (1 Corinthians 2.2)As to Your Holiness’s stance on Islam: even as President Erdogan, among others, asks his countrymen not to integrate into their host countries, and while Saudi Arabia and all the petrol monarchies do not welcome any refugee, expressions (among others) of the project of conquest and Islamization of Europe, officially proclaimed by the OIC and other Islamic organizations for decades; you, Most Holy Father, preach the welcoming of migrants regardless of the fact that they are Muslims, something forbidden by Apostolic command: “If anyone comes to you but refuses this Gospel, do not receive him among you nor greet him. Whoever greets him participates in his evil works.” (2 John 1.10-11); “If anyone preaches to you a different Gospel, let him be accursed!” (Galatians 1.8-9)Just as “For I was hungry, and you gave me no food.” (Mt 25:42) cannot mean that Jesus would have liked to be a parasite, so “I was a stranger and you welcomed Me” cannot mean “I was an invader and you welcomed Me”, but rather “I needed your hospitality for a while, and you granted it to me”. The word ξένος (xenos) in the New Testament does not only have the meaning of stranger but of guest as well (Rm 16.23; 1 Co 16.5-6, Col 4.10; 3 Jn 1.5). And when YHWH in the Old Testament commands to treat foreigners well because the Hebrews have themselves been foreigners in Egypt, it is on the condition that the foreigner assimilates so well to the chosen people that he accepts their religion and practices their cult… Never is there mention of welcoming a foreigner who would keep his religion and its customs! Also, we do not understand that you are pleading for Muslims to practice their religion in Europe. The meaning of Scripture should not be supplied by the proponents of globalism, but in fidelity to Tradition. The Good Shepherd hunts the wolf, He does not let it enter the sheepfold.The pro-Islam speech of Your Holiness leads us to deplore the fact that Muslims are not invited to leave Islam, and that many ex-Muslims, such as Magdi Allam, are even leaving the Church, disgusted by her cowardice, wounded by equivocal gestures, confused by the lack of evangelization, scandalized by the praise given to Islam … Thus ignorant souls are misled, and Christians are not preparing for a confrontation with Islam, to which St. John Paul II has called them (Ecclesia in Europa, No. 57). We are under the impression that you do not take your brother Bishop Nona Amel, Chaldean-Catholic Archbishop of Mosul in exile, seriously, when he tells us: “Our present sufferings are the prelude to those that you, Europeans and Western Christians, will suffer in the near future. I have lost my diocese. The headquarters of my archdiocese and my apostolate have been occupied by radical Islamists who want us to convert or die. (…) You are welcoming into your country an ever increasing number of Muslims. You are in danger as well. You must make strong and courageous decisions (…). You think that all men are equal, but Islam does not say that all men are equal. (…) If you do not understand this very quickly, you will become the victims of the enemy that you have invited into your home.” (August 9, 2014) “. This is a matter of life and death, and any complacency towards Islam is treasonous. We do not wish the West to continue with Islamization, nor that your actions contribute to it. Where then would we go to seek refuge?Allow us to ask Your Holiness to quickly convene a synod on the dangers of Islam. What remains of the Church where Islam has installed itself? If she still has civil rights, it is in dhimmitude, on the condition that she does not evangelize, thus denying her very essence. In the interest of justice and truth, the Church must bring to light why the arguments put forward by Islam to blaspheme the Christian faith are false. If the Church had the courage to do that, we do not doubt that millions, Muslims as well as other men and women seeking the true God, would convert. As you said: “He who does not pray to Christ, prays to the Devil.”(14.03.13) If people knew they were going to Hell, they would give their lives to Christ. (cf. Quran 3.55)With the deepest love for Christ who, through you, leads His Church, we, converts from Islam, supported by many of our brothers in the Faith, especially the Christians of the East, and by our friends, ask Your Holiness to confirm our conversion to Jesus Christ, true God and true man, the only Savior, with a frank and right discourse on Islam, and, assuring you of our prayers in the heart of the Immaculate, we ask your apostolic blessing.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The Bible speaks of tithing. This is true. The Bible does not speak
of tithing as an “adventure” and neither does it promise a return on
your money. This is the problem.2nd Corinthians 9:6-8
6-Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7-Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8-And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Russell Moore has been not-so-slowly and not-so quietly turning the
wheel of the Southern Baptist Convention a hard-left on social issues.
He claims that animal rights are a spiritual issue. Russell Moore claims that protecting illegal immigrants from prosecution or extradition is a Gospel issue. Russell Moore claims that environmentalism “creation care” is a Gospel issue. Russell Moore says that “racial justice” is a Gospel issue.
In fact, it’s hard to find a single political issue that Russell Moore
hasn’t taken the left-of-center position on, making it into a Gospel –
or at least a Biblical – issue. Moore has refused to take a stance on
the Biblical right to self-defense. Moore works for George Soros’ Evangelical Immigration Table and uses the ERLC twitter account to tweet out George Soros propaganda.
Moore isn’t even shy of using the term “social justice” in talking
about the goal of the ERLC. All the while Southern Baptists have largely
celebrated the hard-left turns or, at best, been silent.republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
WASHINGTON — The Episcopal Diocese of Washington, D.C. voted on Saturday
to stop using “gendered pronouns” for God in future revisions of its Book of
Common Prayer and to “remove all obstacles” for “transgender” participation
in church life by making all gender-specific facilities and activities accessible to
those who identify as the opposite sex.“Resolved … that the 79th General Convention direct the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music, if revision of the Book of Common Prayer is authorized, to utilize expansive language for God from the rich sources of feminine, masculine, and non-binary imagery for God found in Scripture and tradition and, when possible, to avoid the use of gendered pronouns for God,” the resolution read.