Kansas City Convention Center
The conference is held in the Kansas City Convention Center in
downtown Kansas City, Missouri, which is about twenty minutes south
of Kansas City Airport (KCI) and twenty-five minutes north of the
International House of Prayer Missions Base.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
(Friday Church News Notes, December 4, 2015, www.wayoflife.orgfbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143) -
I want to revisit the upcoming event discussed in last week’s Friday Church News Notes, which is SBC President Ronnie Floyd’s scheduled ministry at IHOP’s OneThing conference December 28-31. For those who have eyes to see, this is an irrefutable witness to the spiritual deception that has permeated the Southern Baptist Convention. At the International House of Prayer, Floyd will join hands with one of the world’s most radical
EXCERPTS: PC14 featuring the trio of a sinful ecumenicist like Rick Warren, Francis Chan, who’s declared his love for NAR heretic Mike Bickle, and James MacDonald, a leading figure in a self-appointed Evangelical Ecumenical Magisterium of multisite megachurch pastors, gives us plenty of cause for concern in regard to the SBC.
Among the other speakers at PC14 we find Dr. Ronnie Floyd. His PC14 bio informs us he’s:
First, when we consider the September 9, 2013 post Tuning in Regularly by Ronnie Floyd at his personal blog. I think we should be a bit alarmed at the number of EEM megachurch pastors Floyd is being influenced by. He tells us that:served as Senior Pastor of Cross Church in Northwest Arkansas for 26+ years. Cross Church is a four-campus, multi-site fellowship of believers and was just recognized by Outreach Magazine for being the 57th Largest Church in America in Weekly Attendance…He currently serves as the General Editor of Lifeway’s Bible Studies for Life curriculum series,…[and Dr. Ronnie Floyd] is the Lead Pastor and Strategist of SEND North America, and most recently served as the Chairman of the Great Commission Resurgence of the Southern Baptist Convention. (source, click Speakers and then click his picture)
Each week I do all that I can to grow personally… I listen to a long list of Christian leaders… Here is a list of various people I listen to along the way,,,,James MacDonald, Harvest Bible Chapel, Chicago, Bill Hybels, Willow Creek Community, Chicago, Robert Morris, Gateway Church, Dallas, Jack Graham, Prestonwood Baptist, Dallas…Mark Batterson, National Community, Washington D.C., Andy Stanley, North Point Church, Atlanta, Craig Groeshel, Life Church, Oklahoma City,,, Rick Warren, Saddleback Church, Southern California,Ed Young, Fellowship Church, Dallas… Jim Cymbala, Brooklyn Tabernacle, New York City… Mark Driscoll, Mars Hill Church, Seattle… Perry Noble Leadership Podcast (source)
EXCERPTS: Ronnie Floyd, as president of the Southern Baptist Convention, is one such man who has chosen to respond to the praises of man while shunning the truth and righteousness of the Holy Spirit & God’s Word. He can hold claim to all his accomplishment but one thing remains, his inability to discern the obvious shows that his faith is both juvenile and irresponsible.
Mike Bickle is one of the head movers and shakers in the New Apostolic Reformation cult and is elevated as one of its governing Apostle and Prophet. He was head of the Kansas City Prophet (KCP) movement with Bob Jones and still remains largely unaccountable to the damage he caused. Now Bickle is head of the popular iHOP cult, preaching the damnable NAR “Gospel of the Kingdom” and peddling his own bizarre fanatical doctrines such as “Harp & Bowl,” “Bridal Paradigm,” “Manchild/New Breed” doctrines and many others. [SOURCE]
For Ronnie Floyd to endorse this speaking engagement is to endorse the extreme fanatical and highly dangerous cult teachers of the New Apostolic Reformation. While we hope Floyd reconsiders the consequences of this speaking engagement, the fact remains it appears that Floyd has used his position to compromise the name of Christ and His Church.
Southern Baptist Convention President Ronnie Floyd will be speaking in December at Onething, the International House of Prayer’s annual celebration/convention. So will Francis Chan–for the second time. Onething takes place December 28-31, 2015.Catholic Matt Maher will be one of the worship leaders. The IHOP Onething Worship and Leaders page notes that Maher played at the World Meeting of Families, which marked “Pope Francis’ first visit to the U.S. this year.”Ronnie Floyd’s appearance at Onething potentially opens some Southern Baptist members to IHOP-KC influence . How many SBC members will be watching Onething online because Floyd will be speaking there? As noted in Francis Chan as IHOP-KC’s public relations agent?, Chan’s 2013 participation in Onething was a public relations bonanza for IHOP-KC.It should be stated that there are people in IHOP-KC who are saved. Those who have broad-brushed everyone in IHOP-KC as being heretics or apostates are in in error. Many of the young people who come to IHOP-KC are already Christians, and they want the hands-on experience that IHOP-KC seemingly offers.
Should we be concerned with IHOP-KC’s teachings? Yes. Should Christians accept or participate in IHOP-KC? We should not.
IHOP-KC is built on a contemplative foundation. Because of this, much deception has occurred. It is part of the New Apostolic Reformation (more on this in Part Two), and leader Mike Bickle, like many other contemplatives, is seemingly unconcerned about the profound differences between Catholic theology and that of the Bible.
This spiritual blindness makes sense, given Bickle’s enchantment with the long-dead Catholic contemplatives who helped spread this unholy meditative practice. Two of the most influential Catholic contemplatives were (are) Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross. Incredibly, Bickle states that he wants Father Thomas Dubay’s Fire Within, a book about these two mystics, to “be the manual for IHOP-KC.” (Read)
Ronnie Floyd and IHOP Now Bringing Catholic Track
SEE: http://pulpitandpen.org/2015/11/21/7031/; republished below
in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Last week I reported on Southern Baptist president, Ronnie Floyd, participating in the Onething Conference put on by the apostate IHOP (International House Of Prayer) Church, founded by New Apostolic Reformation “prophet” Mike Bickle. I even went out on a limb and speculated that he may be attempting to unite the Southern Baptist Convention with the organization, since he has a similar religious worldview with them. Just when I thought this rabbit hole couldn’t go any deeper, it has been brought to my attention that this event will be strongly pro-Roman Catholic.
It’s as though we Southern Baptists are in a twilight zone of sorts. Martin Luther, John Calvin–all the men who put their lives on the line, or martyred themselves to separate from Rome–these great Protestant men would be turning over in their graves. It’s bad enough that prominent SBC pastor Rick Warren, and ERLC leader Russell Moore took to the Vatican last year to participate in a largely political event backed by co-belligerence. I, along with most Protestants, strongly opposed that too, but that is small potatoes compared to this.
This large ecumenical conference taking place at the end of December, 2015, is largely geared toward young adults, and is touted as a gathering of worship and prayer–a “revival” of sorts to “encounter” Jesus. According to their website, this is their primary agenda:
Our primary aim is to encounter Jesus, so that we might go forth to do His works and change the world, until the fame of Jesus fills the earth.
Now, we already knew that Roman Catholic worship leader, Matt Maher, was going to be leading the music at the event. But what I didn’t know, until recently, is that the event will be holding a Catholic Track every afternoon at the event. According to their website, here’s what will happen during this time:
The Catholic Track will take place during the afternoon sessions for four days (Dec. 28-31) and it will include praise and worship, teaching and sharing plus ministry time, chanting Vespers and other forms of prayer. Daily Mass is available at 12:15pm across the street (one-minute walk) at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Mornings and evenings will be spent together with the other 20,000 young adults attending the conference through extended times of worship, teaching, and ministry.
Further, they say this about the Catholic Track, and it’s purpose:
We are excited to bring the teaching and experience of the Charismatic and Mystical aspects of Catholic spirituality so profoundly carried throughout centuries, as well as broad infusion of creative aspect of Holy Spirit’s inspiration in various free expressions of His charisms.
In this video (https://vimeo.com/133867829) put on by Major Change, the same group sponsoring the Catholic Track at the Onething Conference, they say “it’s not just in hearing the Gospel–that’s important–but it’s in the sacraments that we encounter Jesus.” Now notice in the tag-line of the Onething Conference that Ronnie Floyd is participating in, the primary aim is to “encounter Jesus.”
Now, I’m not exactly sure what is meant by “encountering” Jesus, and they never really say exactly what that means. However, we can infer based on the nature of both Roman Catholicism, as well as the apostate IHOP organization (as reported before) that this is purported to be some mystical, emotional high you get from motivational speaking, light shows and hyper-sensory worship music.
So what exactly is it going to take to wake up Southern Baptists and put a stop to this? There is something very odd about Reformed Christians supporting this guy, yet both Al Mohler and JD Greear have nominated him, and many others stand by him. Are Protestants still protesting or what? What fellowship has light with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14). The Scriptures exhorts us to take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, rather expose them (Eph 5:11), and for those who are, the Lord admonishes his people to come out, lest you be partakers in the sins of that harlot church (Revelation 18:4). The end draweth nigh (Luke 21:28), and the gate is wide that leads to destruction folks (Matthew 7:13). Which gate do you want to enter by?