Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Bloody Hell: London, Islam & Political Policing
Open borders & a Muslim mayor who intimidates police from engaging with his criminal immigrant constituency have turned the clock back 200 years to become the most violent European capital. 1822 saw the introduction of “bobbies”. David Knight looks at how government and police have lost their way.
A MIGRANT has admitted stabbing his daughter to death in Hamburg, northern Germany. The 34-year-old man from Pakistan, who has been named Sohail A, confessed to the horrific crime in court.
Domestic violence — even to the point of murder — is cross-cultural, but wife-beating (cf. Qur’an 4:34), as well as smiting the neck of disbelievers, raping the infidel, child marriage, forced marriage, honor killings and other such atrocities are uniquely sanctioned in Islam. Such hate and violence is mandated, so what is reported in the Express below should come as no surprise.
Lubna had also filed a criminal charge against her husband for attacking her.
A police officer said the violence against Lubna was so bad “it could have ended fatally.”
The West has long prided itself on defending the rights of women in domestic abuse cases. It is ill-equipped to cope with the abuses of Muslim migrants who are indoctrinated to beat their wives and view females as worth half the value of a male.
“‘Shoot me, I killed my daughter’ Migrant admits stabbing two-year-old daughter to death”, by Laura Mawat, Express, April 4, 2018 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
The father, who was fighting deportation when the callous act took place, said: “Shoot me, I killed my daughter”.
The attacker kill the toddler and claimed he acted out of despair as “everything around me collapsed”.
The prosecution claimed the father’s act was out of “anger and revenge” against his Pakistani wife Lubna.
They have said that Sohail A was angry because his wife did not want to leave her daughter alone with him in Pakistan and she wanted to punish him for a stream of domestic abuse and threats.
After killing his daughter Aeysha, he left Germany and fled to Spain where he was caught by police.
According to the prosecution, Sohail A, had attempted to choke Lubna’s five-year-old child from a previous relationship in September 2016.
Lubna had also filed a criminal charge against her husband for attacking her.
A police officer said the violence against Lubna was so bad “it could have ended fatally.”
In October 2017, Sohail A threatened he would kill his wife and son, after which Lubna again filed a criminal complaint.
According to child protection services there was however “no sign the situation would worsen”.
The day after Sohail A’s final asylum application was rejected he allegedly attacked Lubna at their home in Hamburg.
She had already said that she wanted a divorce and fled the house.
Lubna then alerted the police and seeked refuge at her parents house.
However, her husband did not allow her to take Ayesha with her.
He then slit his daughter’s throat while his wife was filing another criminal complaint for domestic violence at a police station…..
“Zero indicators of anything religious, zero indicators of anything cultural,” said Monroe County Sheriff Todd Baxter.
Yes of course. As always. But what about this? “When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks…” (Qur’an 47:4)
Authorities persist in their assumption that Muslims in the U.S. don’t believe that, and some Muslims, such as nurse practitioner Hanane Mouhib, keep proving them wrong. Why did it occur to her, in whatever rage she was feeling toward her son, to behead him? The “religious” and “cultural” factors kick in at that point.
“Police: Sweden boy, 7, decapitated by mother in home,” WHAM, April 6, 2018 (thanks to M.):
Sweden, N.Y. (WHAM) – A woman in Sweden is accused of stabbing and decapitating her 7-year-old son inside their Sweden home Thursday night.
Hanane Mouhib, 36, was arrested and charged in the murder of Abraham Cardenas.
At a news conference Friday, Monroe County Sheriff Todd Baxter told reports that three deputies responded to a home on Lake Road around 8:20 p.m. for multiple 911 calls about a suicidal woman with a knife. When deputies arrived at the home, they encountered Mouhib with the knife.
Baxter said deputies had to use several different techniques to eventually take her into custody, including the use of pepper spray and deploying a Taser. After taking Mouhib into custody, Baxter said deputies moved inside the rest of the house and discovered Abraham’s body.
Court paperwork states Mouhib used “a large-bladed kitchen knife to intentionally stab [the boy] in the upper-left area of the back.” She then allegedly cut the boy’s neck, severing his head from his body. Baxter said there did not appear to be signs of a fight in the home.
Three other people were inside the home at the time: Mouhib’s husband, the husband’s mother, and Abraham’s ten-year-old brother. All of the family members have been moved to another undisclosed location.
Baxter said there is no known motive to this killing, which frustrates everyone.
“Zero indicators of anything religious, zero indicators of anything cultural,” Baxter said. “There is really no indicators of that ‘why’ as you asked.”
Baxter said during the news conference that Monroe County Sheriff’s deputies were called to the home twice within the last month; both of the calls were made by Mouhib herself. On March 5, Mouhib called 911 and asked for help related to a mental health difficulty. A second call on March 8 resulted in Mouhib being brought to Rochester General Hospital for a mental health evaluation.
Mouhib’s evaluation resulted in her admission to Rochester General Hospital. She remains there from March 8 until March 26 when she was discharged.
Officials at Rochester Regional Health System (RRHS) said Mouhib worked at the Rochester Mental Health Center as a nurse practitioner from January 2016 – January 2017. She has not been affiliated or credentialed with RRHS since January 2017. Mouhib graduated nursing school from the College at Brockport in May 2011.
Abraham was a first-grade student at Barclay Elementary School in the Brockport Central School District. Superintendent Dr. Lesli Myers said the district is “deeply saddened” to learn about the boy’s death….
If convicted, Mouhib faces up to 25 years to life in state prison.
Progressive Illinois Rep. Declares Constitution Means Nothing
Arizona -( An Illinois technocrat has demonstrated the Progressive attitude about the Constitution and the Second Amendment. Representative Bill Foster has a PhD in Physics from Harvard. He was raised and earned his Bachelor degree in ultra-liberal Madison, Wisconsin. In his view, the Constitution is a document that can be re-interpreted to mean different things every few years. That is true in a sense. Amendments to the Constitution can be put forward and passed any time. It is clear a constitutional amendment is not what Representative Foster is talking about. From
Flanked by two area high school students, a pediatrician and the mother of a gun violence victim, U.S. Rep. Bill Foster told a community forum audience Monday the Second Amendment should be up for reinterpretation as new generations come into power.
“It always has been up for reinterpretation,” Foster, D-Naperville, said during an event focused on gun violence. “The technology changes, and the weapons thought to be too dangerous to be in private hands change. A civil war cannon is frankly much less dangerous than weapons we are allowed to carry on the streets in many of the states and cities in our country today. This is something where technology changes and public attitude changes and both are important in each of the generations.”
What does “reinterpretation” mean? It means you take the same words in the Constitution, and apply a different meaning to them. If you can do that, the Constitution only means what you want it to mean, when you want it to mean it. If Representative Foster means that legislators, such as him, should change the meaning of the Constitution when they wish it, then Constitutional limits on government power mean nothing. Much of the purpose of the Constitution was to limit government power, to provide stability, to prevent rapid, radical change in the laws.
The Representative mentions technology changes and public attitudes. But technology changes apply to the First Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, the Fifth Amendment, and most of the Bill of rights. Should we give the legislature the power to change most of the Bill of Rights at will?
The Constitution is designed as a structure of government to moderate and delay change so as to prevent hurried legislation in response to emotional public reactions.
In short, Representative Foster is talking about scrapping the Constitution and ruling by legislative fiat. That has always been the Progressive way. From, a quote from Charles Merriam, an early, leading Progressive political scientist:
The individualistic ideas of the “natural right” school of political theory, indorsed in the Revolution, are discredited and repudiated…. The origin of the state is regarded, not as the result of a deliberate agreement among men, but as the result of historical development, instinctive rather than conscious; and rights are considered to have their source not in nature, but in law.
Progressives believe that experts should rule society, that the “average man” is incapable of knowing their own best interest. Progressives believe there is no absolute right and wrong. Right and wrong are defined by Progressives and their experts at any particular time.
Progressives see the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as obstacles to be overcome, not pillars of American society that must be defended.
Progressives generally view the State as god, or at least the manifestation of God on earth. Right is anything that advances Progressivism. Wrong is anything that hinders the Progressive agenda.
President Wilson, one of the political foundational Progressives, is attributed as believing that “limits on government power should be abolished”
Representative Foster is an iconic technocrat. After working as a government scientist for his career, he was able to win a seat in the House of Representatives. He does not believe in natural law. He does not take his oath of office seriously. No Progressive does. To Progressives, oaths, natural law, the Constitution, are all outdated concepts to be placed in the dustbin of history in order to achieve power. Setting aside the Constitutional questions, Foster ignores facts and lies to advance his agenda.
Foster is a scientist. He understands how to lie with statistics. His prowess at doing so is shown below:
“I doubt that's the most effective way to control gun violence,” Foster said. “The most accurate predictor of the rate of gun homicides, if you look at the statistics, is actually the number of guns per person in the state or in the community.”
That is an irrelevant conclusion. “Gun violence” is a propaganda term. It is not germane to the argument about the effectiveness of legislation. It does not matter to a victim if they die from a gunshot, or because they did not have a gun to defend themselves. If they die from a club, or a knife, or a bombing, they are still dead. If a country institutes restrictive gun legislation, and the homicide rate increases, the legislation is a failure for its stated purpose. It is irrelevant if the number deaths inflicted with guns goes down. It is the total, unjustified homicide rate that matters. John Lott says that every country that instituted gun control saw increases in the homicide rate. From
It would be unsurprising that if there are more guns, there are more gun homicides. If there are more cars, there are more car accidents. If there are more hospitals, more people die in hospitals.
What is surprising is that as the number of guns has increased in the United States over the last 30 years, the rate of gun homicides and gun accidents has decreased dramatically. Foster may not know this. Progressives are notoriously good at ignoring facts. As a scientist, he should know it. As a Progressive, it is “crimethink” as described in the novel, 1984. That fact contradicts his assertion, even about only “gun homicides”.
That fact contradicts his assertion, even about only “gun homicides”.
Anyone can find “experts” to show statistics that agree with their position. That is the foundational weakness of Progressivism. Choose your expert, and you get the policies you want.
Representative Foster does not think you are smart enough to rule yourself. He does not think you will recognize his use of statistics to lie, or he would use other methods.
Improved technological communications allow everyone to contrast competing expert opinions and construct their own. That technology is changing all the Progressive assumptions about their ability to “construct consent” and rule as technological elites.
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of constitutional carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and recently retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.
In this new Jamie Glazov Moment, Jamie discusses Pope Scolds Christians, reflecting on Pope Francis not saying a word on behalf of Christians persecuted and murdered by Jihad and Sharia.
Residents of Deerfield, Illinois have 60 days to turn in their “assault weapons” or face fines of up to $1000 dollars a day.
Earlier this week, the Village Board of Trustees passed an ordinance which banned certain types of “assault weapons” and large capacity magazines, including the Ruger 10/22, which can accept magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.
Semi-automatic pistols that can hold more than 10 rounds have also been banned. Law enforcement and retired law enforcement members of the community are exempted from the ban.
Residents will have to either sell the weapons, transfer ownership to someone living outside of the town, turn them into police or pay the exorbitant fines, which range from $250 to $1000 per day per gun. The deadline is June 13.
Authorities justified the ban by pointing to the recent spate of mass shootings, including last year’s Sutherland Springs shooting, which was stopped by a man who used one of the very guns Deerfield has now banned.
Writer Jack Burns predicts that some residents will refuse to follow the order or pay the fines, resulting in “major turmoil and arrests in the event of non-compliance.”
Indeed, some residents have already vowed to disobey the ban.
“There’s an ancient and honored American tradition called disobeying an unjust law…I have urged (people) to listen to their conscience and if so moved do not obey this law,” remarked Joel Siegel, a resident of Lincolnwood.
Deerfield Mayor Harriet Rosenthal suggested that she was moved to bring about the ban by the words of students from the local high school.
“Enough is enough,” Rosenthal said, adding, “Those students are so articulate just like our students. There is no place here for assault weapons.”
Second Amendment advocates have vowed to fight the ban in court with the help of the NRA.
Kirk Cameron, famed actor and producer, sits down with Dr. Duke Pesta to discuss his most recent project "Connect" and gives his thoughts on why Christian films are finally starting to see mainstream success at the box office. |
Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas movie is NOT about defending against the attacks from atheist on Christmas. His movie is actually a counter attack against the movement that has led many people out of the christian church in order to follow and keep the feasts of God. Ministries and ministers are having a hard time dealing with the awkward questions concerning the Roman holidays they practice while at the same time being ignorant of the feasts as outlined in the Bible, both old and new testaments.
Kirk Cameron's Christmas deception.
An appeal to Christians.
Kirk Cameron's recent acceptance and promotion of Halloween as well as his "Saving Christmas" movie are leading people astray and giving them a false assurance. Find out what the Bible has to say about it here.
Kirk Cameron's 'Saving Christmas' -
A 119 Ministries Review
Every year it seems as though someone is trying to save Christmas! But does it really need saving? Should it be saved? Actor and evangelist Kirk Cameron believes so. His new movie, ‘Saving Christmas’ is an hour and twenty minute comedic diatribe to put Christ BACK into Christmas and ultimately restore the Christian meaning of the Holiday.
This video is in no way an attack on Kirk, his character or those who subscribe to his position. Rather, it is intended as a scholarly review to some of the claims made in his movie.