Total Chaos In France As People Reject Macron’s Globalism
Shocking compilation footage shows country embroiled in violent revolution
SEE: https://www.infowars.com/viva-la-revolucion-total-chaos-in-france-as-people-reject-macrons-globalism/;
Macron Backs Down, but the New French Revolution is Just Beginning!!!
This video highlights the true reason behind the French people’s revolt against Macron
The mainstream media would have us look the other way and
believe that the 245 French people killed since the Charlie Hebdo
attack, the unyielding sexual assaults by refugees and the
Islamification of France aren’t part and parcel to the yellow vest’s
outrage, but we all know this isn’t just about taxes.
Video: French Police Remove Helmets in Solidarity With ‘Yellow Vest’ Protesters

Populist revolt continues to sweep Europe
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Video footage out of France shows police officers removing
their helmets in solidarity with ‘yellow vest’ protesters who have been
demonstrating against gas tax hikes as part of the biggest unrest Paris
has seen in 50 years.
Full scale riots described as “urban warfare” and “the worst riots in a generation” took place on Saturday, leading to 133 people being injured and over 400 arrests.
Speculation is now raging that globalist French President Emmanuel Macron will be forced to impose a form of martial law to deal with the chaos.
Video footage out of two different areas shows cops taking off their helmets to cheers from the protesters.
In both cases, protesters responded by breaking out into a rendition of La Marseillaise, the national anthem of France.
anger at Macron’s gas tax hikes to fight global warming was the factor
that kick-started the demonstrations, the protests are part of a wider
revolt against the elite and have taken on somewhat of a nationalist
Prominent leaders of the protest movement have outlined their support for failed asylum seekers to be returned to their home countries, for legal immigrants to undergo rigorous integration programs, and for France to introduce popular referendums as part of the country’s constitution.
As As political commentator Kark Sharro explains, what is unfolding is an “organic, leaderless protest movement with no clear ideology” that combines elements from both the political left and right. Protesters are unified in that they have completely lost faith with establishment parties.
“In overturning cars the yellow vests are symbolically overturning the entire Cartesian premise of France. This is not merely against the authoritarian Macron but a revolt against the centuries old republican order,” notes Sharro, adding that similar unrest will now spread to other European countries.
Demonstrators scrawled scrawled “Macron resign” and “The yellow vests will triumph” on the famous Arc de Triomphe monument, while Macron was also pelted with an egg during a public appearance.
has vowed to stick to his policy on gas tax, meaning demonstrations
could grow and become even more unruly in the weeks to come.
Full scale riots described as “urban warfare” and “the worst riots in a generation” took place on Saturday, leading to 133 people being injured and over 400 arrests.
Speculation is now raging that globalist French President Emmanuel Macron will be forced to impose a form of martial law to deal with the chaos.
Video footage out of two different areas shows cops taking off their helmets to cheers from the protesters.
BREAKING: WATCH: Paris: A group of French police officers remove their helmets to show solidarity with the French people against President Emmanuel Macron, as anti Macron protests continue throughout France. #GiletsJaunes
Prominent leaders of the protest movement have outlined their support for failed asylum seekers to be returned to their home countries, for legal immigrants to undergo rigorous integration programs, and for France to introduce popular referendums as part of the country’s constitution.
As As political commentator Kark Sharro explains, what is unfolding is an “organic, leaderless protest movement with no clear ideology” that combines elements from both the political left and right. Protesters are unified in that they have completely lost faith with establishment parties.
An organic, leaderless protest movement with no clear ideology has emerged in France. I've been waiting for this since 2011. Let me explain the French Spring to you.
“In overturning cars the yellow vests are symbolically overturning the entire Cartesian premise of France. This is not merely against the authoritarian Macron but a revolt against the centuries old republican order,” notes Sharro, adding that similar unrest will now spread to other European countries.
A respected Lebanese anthropologist has studied the protests and concluded that the burning of cars represents 'anger'. These protesters appear to be unhappy about something, and it's more than just typical French grumpiness.
In overturning cars the yellow vests are symbolically overturning the entire Cartesian premise of France. This is not merely against the authoritarian Macron but a revolt against the centuries old republican order.
protests have now morphed into wider discontent at the high cost of
living in France and dissatisfaction with Macron, whose popularity
continues to fall,” reports CNBC.Demonstrators scrawled scrawled “Macron resign” and “The yellow vests will triumph” on the famous Arc de Triomphe monument, while Macron was also pelted with an egg during a public appearance.
Macron getting hit on the forehead with an egg is the greatest thing I’ve seen in 2018.
2017: Elite Praises Macron As France’s Savior;
2018: Violent French Revolt
Macron’s approval at 21%, Trump at 48%
SEE: https://www.infowars.com/2017-left-praises-macron-as-frances-savior-2018-violent-french-revolt/;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The mainstream media and liberal elite lauded French
President Emmanuel Macron as the savior of France when he won the
election in 2017, but a year later, the country is now embroiled in a
violent revolt over his globalist policies.
Leftist pundits like CNN’s Max Boot and MSNBC’s Joy Reid had praised Macron’s election victory, claiming it was the beginning of the end for European populism.
“To defeat populism, America needs its own Macron–a charismatic leader who can make centrism cool,” Boot tweeted in 2017.
Reid and The Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum called Macron a “pragmatic” leader who knew how to defeat populism.
Other globalists like Tony Blair and The Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haass claimed that Macron slayed populism once and for all and would “advance the interests of the people.”
Even the World Economic Forum believed that Macron’s win signaled the end of populism.
However, France descended into chaos a year later as the French people violently revolted against Macron and his globalist and “green” policies.
Additionally, Macron’s approval rating has tanked to 21% amid his condemnation of protests and dismissal of the citizens’ anger.
“I have a deep understanding of the expectations and frustrations, the resentment of citizens … Our duty is to bring a response,” Macron said in a speech at the presidential palace last week.
“I don’t confuse thugs with fellow citizens who want to send out a message. I feel understanding for these fellow citizens but I will not indulge those who want destruction and disorder,” he added.
Evidently, the left underestimated populism’s staying power, and overestimated Macron’s competence as a world leader. But despite the fact President Trump has double the approval of Macron, the media will likely continue to provide cover and prop up the embattled French president.
Leftist pundits like CNN’s Max Boot and MSNBC’s Joy Reid had praised Macron’s election victory, claiming it was the beginning of the end for European populism.
“To defeat populism, America needs its own Macron–a charismatic leader who can make centrism cool,” Boot tweeted in 2017.
Reid and The Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum called Macron a “pragmatic” leader who knew how to defeat populism.
Other globalists like Tony Blair and The Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haass claimed that Macron slayed populism once and for all and would “advance the interests of the people.”
Even the World Economic Forum believed that Macron’s win signaled the end of populism.
However, France descended into chaos a year later as the French people violently revolted against Macron and his globalist and “green” policies.
Additionally, Macron’s approval rating has tanked to 21% amid his condemnation of protests and dismissal of the citizens’ anger.
“I have a deep understanding of the expectations and frustrations, the resentment of citizens … Our duty is to bring a response,” Macron said in a speech at the presidential palace last week.
“I don’t confuse thugs with fellow citizens who want to send out a message. I feel understanding for these fellow citizens but I will not indulge those who want destruction and disorder,” he added.
Evidently, the left underestimated populism’s staying power, and overestimated Macron’s competence as a world leader. But despite the fact President Trump has double the approval of Macron, the media will likely continue to provide cover and prop up the embattled French president.