
Saturday, December 24, 2016


 French Mayor To Be Charged With Hate Crime For Decrying "Replacement" of White People 

French Mayor To Be Charged With Hate Crime For Decrying “Replacement” of White People

"91 per cent of the children are Muslims"



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
A French Mayor will be tried on hate charges for complaining about the fact that white Christians are being replaced with foreign born Muslims in his town.
Robert Menard, an ally of Marine Le Pen’s National Front party, said that the number of Muslims in his city was a “problem”.
“In a class in the city centre in my town, 91 percent of the children are Muslims. Obviously, this is a problem. There are limits to tolerance,” Menard told French news channel LCI back in September.

On France’s first school day, Menard, who is the mayor of southern France town Beziers, also warned that the country was witnessing “the great replacement” of white Christians with Muslim immigrants.
“I just described the situation in my town,” Menard told AFP. “It is not a value judgement, it’s a fact. It’s what I can see.”
The trial is set for March 8 in Paris.
The Mayor’s comments are similar in nature to those made by right-wing Dutch leader Geert Wilders, who was found guilty of “inciting discrimination” after asking a room full of supporters if they wanted “more or fewer Moroccans” in the Netherlands.
Over the last 18 months, Europe has suffered a number of devastating terror attacks carried out by Islamic terrorists in the aftermath of a migrant wave that has seen millions of Muslims pour into the continent.

France: Jewish scholar prosecuted for hate speech for criticizing Islamic anti-Semitism

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes: 
 Is truth a defense? The Qur’an depicts the Jews as fabricating things 
and falsely ascribing them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); claiming that 
Allah’s power is limited (5:64); loving to listen to lies (5:41); 
disobeying Allah and never observing his commands (5:13); disputing and 
quarreling (2:247); hiding the truth and misleading people (3:78); 
staging rebellion against the prophets and rejecting their guidance 
(2:55); being hypocritical (2:14, 2:44); giving preference to their own 
interests over the teachings of Muhammad (2:87); wishing evil for people
 and trying to mislead them (2:109); feeling pain when others are happy 
or fortunate (3:120); being arrogant about their being Allah’s beloved 
people (5:18); devouring people’s wealth by subterfuge (4:161); 
slandering the true religion and being cursed by Allah (4:46); killing 
the prophets (2:61); being merciless and heartless (2:74); never keeping
 their promises or fulfilling their words (2:100); being unrestrained in
 committing sins (5:79); being cowardly (59:13-14); being miserly 
(4:53); being transformed into apes and pigs for breaking the Sabbath 
(2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166); and more.
“Leading Jewish Scholar Prosecuted in France for Alleged anti-Muslim Remarks,” JTA, December 20, 2016:
One of the world’s leading historians on the Jewish communities in Arab countries is being prosecuted in France for alleged hate speech against Muslims.
The Morocco-born French-Jewish scholar Georges Bensoussan, 64, is due to appear next month before a Paris criminal court over a complaint filed against him for incitement to racial hatred by the Collective Against Islamophobia in France, the group recently announced on its website.
The complaint, which leading French scholars dismissed as attempt at “intimidation” in a statement Friday, was over remarks about anti-Semitism by Muslims that Bensoussan, author of a definitive 2012 work entitled “Jews in Arab Lands,” made last year during an interview aired by the France Culture radio station, the Collective said.
The Collective based its complaint on two remarks by Bensoussan.
“Today, we are witnessing a different people in the midst of the French nation, who are effecting a return on a certain number of democratic values to which we adhere,” read the first quote flagged.
The second quote cited read: “This visceral anti-Semitism proven by the Fondapol survey by Dominique Reynié last year cannot remain under a cover of silence.” Conducted in 2014 among 1,580 French respondents, of whom one third were Muslim, the survey found that they were two times and even three times more anti-Jewish than French people as a whole.
“Besides, with the animosity toward the French nation, there will be no integration as long as we will not be rid of this ancestral anti-Semitism that is kept secret (…) as an Algerian sociologist, Smain Laacher, very bravely said in a film that will be aired on France 3, ‘it’s disgraceful to keep in place this taboo, knowing that in Arab families in France and beyond everybody knows but will not say that anti-Semitism is transmitted with mother’s milk,” the quote continued.
At least 12 people have been murdered in three attacks by suspected jihadists from France on Jewish targets in that country and in Belgium since 2012.
The anti-Islamophobia collective called Bensoussan’s statements “dangerous and in line with far-right rhetoric” targeting Muslims.
But three prominent French writers and historians — Jacques Tarnero, Yves Ternon and Michel Zaoui – disputed the allegations, calling the complaint against Bensoussan “scandalous.”
The cautions taken against Bensoussan “are part of a strategy of intimidation intended to censure any lucid statement, any form of criticism,” they wrote in a statement they published online last week….


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Obama’s long anti-Israel record now reaches its culmination: a betrayal of our ally at the United Nations. Obama is doing all he can to make Trump’s task as difficult as he possibly can. Even Paul Ryan said: “Today’s vote is a blow to peace that sets a dangerous precedent for further diplomatic efforts to isolate and demonize Israel.” Indeed: that was the point.

“US abstains in key Israel vote, clearing way for condemnation of settlements,” Fox News, December 23, 2016:
A “shameful” abstention by the U.S. in a United Nations vote Friday allowed passage of a resolution condemning Israeli settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank.
The UN Security Council resolution was put forward by four nations a day after Egypt withdrew it Thursday under pressure from Israel and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump. Failure by the U.S. to veto the measure was seen as a double-cross of America’s key Middle Eastern ally, and attributed directly to outgoing President Barack Obama, who has had chilly relations with Israel throughout his eight-year tenure.
Reaction from U.S. Republicans and Jewish leaders around the world was swift and sharp.
“It was to be expected that Israel’s greatest ally would act in accordance with the values that we share and that they would have vetoed this disgraceful resolution,” said Israel’s Ambassador Danny Danon. “I have no doubt that the new U.S. administration and the incoming UN Secretary General will usher in a new era in terms of the UN’s relationship with Israel.”
House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., blasted the Obama administration for undermining America’s historic Middle East ally.
“This is absolutely shameful,” Ryan said. “Today’s vote is a blow to peace that sets a dangerous precedent for further diplomatic efforts to isolate and demonize Israel.”
Minutes after the vote, Trump took to Twitter to express his opposition.
“As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20th,” Trump tweeted.
The measure was adopted with 14 votes in favor, to a round of applause, after U.S. Ambassador Samantha Power abstained. It is the first resolution the Security Council has adopted on Israel and the Palestinians in nearly eight years.
“The resolution is too narrowly focused on settlements when we all know, or all should know” there are other factors that contribute to the conflict between Israel and Palestinians, Power said in an explanation for why the U.S. chose to sit on the fence, which ensured passage of the resolution
The Obama White House, under heavy pressure from the Israeli government and its supporters to veto the resolution, kept everyone guessing until the vote whether it would stop shielding Israel from council resolutions and permit it to pass by abstaining.
The resolution, warning that Israeli settlement expansion is “steadily eroding the two-state solution and entrenching a one-state reality,” calls on Israel to “immediately and completely cease all settlement activity in occupied territories, including East Jerusalem.” It repeated the longstanding UN position that all settlements on land Israel conquered in 1967 are illegal under international law.
A senior Israeli official accused the U.S. of a “shameful move” after learning that it did not intend to veto the text, the BBC reported.
The U.S., which has veto power as one the council five permanent members of the council, has traditionally sheltered Israel from condemnatory resolutions. But the Obama administration has long made clear its opposition to Israeli settlement-building in occupied territory and there had been speculation that in its final month it might allow a resolution against settlements to pass at the U.N.
A senior Israeli official told The Associated Press: “President Obama and Secretary [of State John] Kerry are behind this shameful move against Israel at the U.N.
“The U.S. administration secretly cooked up with the Palestinians an extreme anti-Israeli resolution behind Israel’s back which would be a tail-wind for terror and boycotts and effectively make the Western Wall [the Jewish holy site in the Old City of Jerusalem] occupied Palestinian territory.”
Most of those critical of the move by the U.S. painted it as a stab in Israel’s back delivered by Obama.
“This last minute political maneuvering is shameful,” said Ric Grenell, former spokesman for the U.S. Mission to the UN and a Fox News contributor. “It is inconsistent with the long standing U.S. policy that no country or organization should be dictating solutions on the two parties.
“Today’s abstention by the Obama Administration will make it harder to find a peaceful solution because it imposes outside positions on Israel without letting them negotiate directly,” he added….
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
By Attorney Rees Lloyd
December 25, 2016
A widely distributed political cartoon shows Barack Hussein Obama embracing Raul Castro, the totalitarian Communist leader of Cuba, and the Ayatollah leading the fascist Islamic Republic of Iran. It is one of the best evidences of Obama's self-promoting hypocrisy and Machiavellian duplicity.
This is especially true since it was published on another day which will live in infamy" -- Dec. 23, 2016. That is the day on which the United States, two days before Christmas, by order of Barack Hussein Obama, aided and abetted the Muslim dominated United Nations General Assembly, fascistic Islamic theocracies, and overt Islamic terrorist organizations like ISIS, al-Queda, Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestine Liberation Organization, in adopting a resolution condemning Israel in the Israel-Palestinian conflict and declaring as a matter of international law (since U.N. resolutions have that status) that Jews have no right to settle outside of the 1948 borders of Israel, forbidding them to live even in the "Jewish Quarter" of Jerusalem.
Eight years of Barack Hussein Obama ruling by race in the U.S. and by pro-Islamist policies in the world, has come to this disgraceful end of his presidency in the U.N.
If anyone needed further proof that Obama — America's first and hopefully last Affirmative Actiion President who was elected not because of his achievements but because of, not in spite of, his race — is an utter con-man who deceived Americans as to what he really is at his progressive liberal neo-socialist anti-American core in which it is and always has been "all about him."
The duped and deceived by Obama include in particular Israel supporting American Jews, secular and observing, who voted for him despite his utter lack of achievement and contributed millions in support of his elections in a percentage almost as high as American blacks who voted by race (96% in 2008; 93% in 2012).
Note that Obama waited until after the 2016 election -- that is, after American Jews had contributed their financial support all but exclusively to Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Party -- to reverse American policy by abandoning Israel by "abstaining" on the resolution condemning Israel in the U.N.
Indeed, the Machiavellian hypocrisy is blatant— the U.S. vetoed the same resolution in 2011 when Obama was running to be re-elected in 2012. Now, when Obama's term is ending and he cannot run again, Obama reverses the U.S. position of 2011 and stabs Israel in the back.
Thus, Obama betrays and makes dupes of all Americans who believed him, and in him, including the American Jews whose millions in campaign contributions helped to elect him twice when in both campaigns Obama gave assurances that U.S. unwavering relationship in support of Israel would not change if he was elected.
Further, while Obama issued the order to "abstain" and thus effectively support the Muslim UN attack on Israel, Obama claims his disgraceful decision was taken with the support of Democrat Party leaders Hillary Clinton, who ran in 2016; John Kerry, who ran in 2004, and Joe Biden, who now says he will run for President, again, in 2020. Thus, they, too, and the Democrat Party which they lead, are guilty.
But it is Obama who issued the order and owns this disgraceful decision to align the U.S. with the totalitarian Islamic theocracies in the U.S. and to weaken Israel. This despicable decision is further evidence, if any was needed, that Obama is not only the "First Black U.S. President" he is also the "Worst U.S. President."
Now that his presidency has ended and he can't run again, watch Obama campaign, overtly and as well as covertly, to be elected Secretary General of the U.N. He will be able to tell the Muslim nations which have numerical superiority in the General Assembly to remember how he sided with them in his presidency, from his "Apology For America Tour" and kowtowing to Islam "Cairo Speech" in the beginning of his presidency in 2009, to the U.S. action in the U.N.on Dec. 23, 2016.
 President-elect Donald Trump denounced this anti-Israel dirty deal of Obama and the U.N. and promised that American policy will change on July 20, 2016, when he is inaugurated as President. Not a minute too soon.

This shameful overt anti-Israeli U.N. action, which manifestly strengthens and supports totalitarian Islamic governments and Islamic terrorist organizations, and weakens Israel -- the only democracy and America's only true ally in the Middle East -- is an infamous betrayal of America as well as of Israel.
It should be the last straw for "We, the People" of America regarding the value of the U.N. as presently constituted; and regarding "the value," first and foremost, of Barak Hussein Obama and his "historic election as the first black president," as well as "the value" of Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Joe Biden, and the other leaders of the Democrat party who supported and are responsible for this disgrace in the U.N.

Netanyahu Says ‘No Doubt’ U.S. Behind UN Vote on Settlements 


 Netanyahu: We cannot & will not accept Security Council resolution on settlement building 



 Published on Dec 26, 2016

Israel has suspended its multimillion dollar contribution to a number of United Nations bodies and is reevaluating its relationship with the organization, after the UN Security Council passed a resolution on Israeli settlement construction.



 Lump Of Coal Christmas

Michelle Obama’s Christmas Lump of Coal



republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
USA –   -( Just what we all need to ring in the Christmas season: Un-merry millionaire Michelle Obama belly-aching about the burdens and sacrifices of public life with billionaire Oprah Winfrey.
“There’s nowhere in the world I can go and sit and have a cup of coffee,” Obama lamented. It’s a frequent grievance. In September, she told InStyle magazine: “My hopes are to recapture some of the everydayness, some anonymity. … (I)t will be nice to open up the paper, look at the front page, and know that you’re not responsible for every headline.”
And back in June, again with Oprah, the first lady griped that living in the spotlight was like “living in a cave.”

Complain, complain, complain. What a way to make the most of your last six months in the grand and glorious White House.

For the past eight years, Obama has traveled to every corner of the planet on the taxpayers’ dime [including multiple trips to Hawaii]. She has splurged in Spain, traversed the Great Wall of China, tangoed in Buenos Aires, skied in Aspen, lolled in Martha’s Vineyard and feasted in Marrakesh. Thanks to her public position and celebrity, she has been bestowed “fashion icon” status — donning a $12,000 custom-made Atelier Versace gown at her final State Dinner last month after enjoying two terms clad in Givenchy, Gucci, Jason Wu, Vera Wang, Caroline Herrera and other haute couture stars whose designs are unattainable to ordinary women in America.
Count your blessings much, Mrs. Grinch? Nope. All Barack Obama’s bitter half really wants to do, she told Winfrey, is “drop into Target. I want to go to Target again.”
Funny that. The last time Obama shopped at Target, she turned the outing into a fake news narrative to stoke racial division in America. It is worth reminding the public about the noxious lie one last time before the grumbling FLOTUS leaves office because I consider her exploitation of the incident a perfect metaphor for the Obama years — faux populism bolstered by elitist Hollywood enablers, and then cynically transformed into a phony social justice crusade for crass political gain.
Back in 2012, you may remember, Obama sat down with David Letterman in one of her endless, popularity-enhancing pop culture appearances. She bragged about her ability to shop incognito at Target (does she get a secret commission every time she mentions the store?) and told a warm and fuzzy story about helping a fellow customer who didn’t recognize her. The shopper innocently asked Obama to retrieve laundry detergent from a high shelf.
“I reached up, ’cause she was short, and I reached up, pulled it down,” the first lady recounted, and the shopper joked, “Well, you didn’t have to make it look so easy.” Obama beamed as she told Letterman: “I felt so good” doing an everyday good deed. Letterman’s audience cheered at the “first ladies, they’re just like us!” theater.
Just a few years later, however, the encounter morphed into a tall tale of rampant racism, which she cunningly reshaped for People Magazine in 2014 during the aftermath of the Ferguson, Missouri riots and Black Lives Matter protests.
“Even as the first lady,” she moaned, “not highly disguised, the only person who came up to me” at a Target store “was a woman who asked me to help her take something off a shelf.” The headline of the article? “The Obamas: How We Deal With Our Own Racist Experiences.” ABC News added that Michelle Obama claimed such “incidents are ‘the regular course of life’ for African Americans and a ‘challenge’ for the country to overcome.”
Last year, Obama persisted in plying and fine-tuning her false narrative at Tuskegee University’s commencement ceremony — decrying the “sting” of “daily slights” she blamed on racism, including unnamed “clerks who kept a close eye on us in all those department stores.”
Now, as she walks away with sky-high poll ratings, a glittering Rolodex, and government benefits for life, this incredibly blessed and privileged woman has the audacity to claim that “we” are “feeling what not having hope feels like,” as she whined to her well-heeled gal pal, Oprah Winfrey.
So put upon. So downtrodden. So oppressed. To borrow one of Mrs. Woe-Is-Me’s own favorite phrases:
Bye, Felicia!
You and your manufactured miseries won’t be missed.

Trump Pushes Back at Michelle Obama's No Hope Comment