Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
We were at crisis levels concerning the border at the beginning of 2019.
What we are seeing now is a full-blown threat to the continuation of the United States as a Constitutional Republic.
Conservative Review reports, “According to preliminary weekly data used internally by CBP and given to CR by a Border Patrol agent who must remain anonymous because he is not authorized to speak to the press, 71,834 illegal aliens were apprehended between points of entry in the state of Texas from May 1 to May 28. That works out to a daily pace of 2,565.5 per day or a flow of 936,408 annually – just in the state of Texas alone. One has to go back to fiscal year 2006 to find this level of annual apprehensions in all four border states combined. This ensures that May will now crush April’s unfathomable numbers. The same internal, preliminary CBP data for April shows that 60,476 illegals were apprehended in Texas during an equivalent 28-day period from April 3 through April 30. That means that illegal immigration into Texas likely increased roughly 18.8 percent in May over April.”
The data sitting on the desk in the Oval Office is so devastating, President Trump is eyeballing extreme measures.
Of course, the power-mad Democrats, who would politicize a train wreck if they needed to rather than investigate the problem, are becoming just as big a threat to the stability of the United States as the flood of illegals from all over the world pouring over the border.
DHS reports, “U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Del Rio Station apprehended a large group of 116 individuals Thursday. Large groups present a unique challenge for the men and women of the Del Rio Sector,” said Chief Raul Ortiz. “This large group from Africa further demonstrates the complexity and severity of the border security and humanitarian crisis at our Southwest border. Agents performing line watch operations apprehended the group after they illegally crossed the Rio Grande into the U.S. around 10:30 P.M. This is the first large group apprehended in the Del Rio Sector and the first large group of people from Africa – including nationals from Angola, Cameroon and Congo – apprehended on the Southwest border this year. Agents have encountered 182 large groups of more than 100 individuals across the Southwest border so far this fiscal year.”
Acting DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan recently told Congress that nearly 9-in-10 illegal aliens recently released into the U.S. are not showing up to court hearings.
By all accounts, the United Nations Replacement Migration Plan is devastating the demographic makeup of the United States.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Social media company Snapchat is receiving backlash after users claimed the popular app made available a Pride Month-themed filter promoting pedophilia.
In a photo filter themed “Love has no labels,” conservative activist Ashley St. Clair noted the phrase “Love has no age” appeared as an option.
According to Snapchat, love has no age. NO AGE?!?!
St. Clair uploaded an example of her applying the photo filter and cycling through other phrases, including: “Love has no gender,” “Love has no sexuality,” and “love has no disability.”
“I heard pedophiles were trying to get into the LGBTQ community, but did it really happen? What do you mean love has no age?” St. Clair said in the video uploaded Sunday.
Other users on Twitter were equally appalled by the filter.
This is an attempt to decriminalize and normalize pedophiles. A lot of marketing $$$ going into it.
They are rebranding paedophilia into MAP (Minor Attracted Persons) and there’s many videos about it on YouTube. It’s going to be the next big push after Transgenderism. Absolutely disgusting but watch the Left champion that next!
We shouldn’t be surprised at Snapchat’s ‘Love Had No Age’ filter.
This is the same company that gained its popularity by being an avenue for underage kids to send nude photos back and forth and did nothing about it despite the countless complaints from parents.
— Jeremy; a Close In Weapons System (@sweatandsawdus1) June 3, 2019
Infowars was unable to reproduce the filter as of writing Monday, June 3. The filter was not available when searched on the app. It is possible Snapchat quietly pulled the filter so as to avoid negative press.
Snapchat did not return Infowars’ request for comment as of writing.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
President Donald Trump announced his intent to nominate as the head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) a man with a record of supporting restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms.
As posted on the White House website, President Trump, according to his authority under Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution, has tapped Charles Canterbury, Jr. to be the ATF Director. Canterbury’s credentials were then listed:
Mr. Canterbury currently serves as President of the National Fraternal Order of Police, a position he has held since 2003. He earned the rank of Major in the Horry County Police Department in Conway, South Carolina, after 26 years in the Patrol Division, Criminal Division, and Training Division. He has served on the Executive Board of the National Fraternal Order of Police for more than two decades. His distinguished career earned him an induction into the South Carolina Law Enforcement Hall of Fame. Mr. Canterbury is a graduate of Coastal Carolina University.
While the president may be pleased with his potential appointee, Second Amendment advocates are less sanguine about the prospect of Charles Canterbury leading the federal agency tasked with regulating firearms.
In a press released published by the Gun Owners of America (GOA), Canterbury’s contrariety to the prohibition on the infringement of the right to keep and bear arms is set forth for all to read:
His name is Chuck Canterbury, and he is the president of the anti-gun Fraternal Order of Police. Sadly, Canterbury has a long track record that should concern gun owners:
He’s testified before Congress to support anti-gunners like Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Attorney General Eric Holder.
Under his watch, the FOP backed Congressional measures to expand the unconstitutional and failing NICS system — which is the same system where 95% of the initial denials are false positives.
And on the state level, the FOP under his watch has supported Universal Background Checks and opposed Constitutional Carry.
“‘Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act,’ which would allow any civilian concealed carry permit holder to travel to any other State issuing concealed carry permits without any training or safety requirements;”
“Legislation or amendments that would have the effect of weakening P.L. 106-185, the ‘Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000’”
Canterbury, in testimony mentioned above, expressly announced his agreement with the FOP’s attempt to prevent the people from the free, unrestricted exercise of their natural right to be armed, as protected by the Second Amendment.
Finally, with regard to the concern constitutionalists should have over President Trump’s intent to nominate Charles Canterbury, a man known to support unconstitutional restrictions on gun ownership, to be the director of the ATF, an agency whose very existence violates the Constitution, consider the following letter penned by Canterbury and sent to the U.S. Senate in support of a proposed expansion of the restrictions on gun ownership, use, and purchase:
I am writing on behalf of the Fraternal Order of Police, the oldest and largest law enforcement organization in the United States, to strongly recommend that several measures, all absolutely critical elements of addressing gun violence, be included in legislation moving forward as a result of your deliberations:
These measures are:
Expansion of background checks on firearm purchasers;
Reinvigoration of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to ensure that it has the tools and resources necessary to its mission;
Improved law enforcement access to mental health records in the context of firearms acquisition; and
Funding to put more state and local law enforcement officers on the street.
A couple of paragraphs later, in promoting a more powerful ATF, Canterbury claims that liberty must be sacrificed so that we might save the children, in language that sounds more like something Barack Obama would say rather than Donald Trump: “For too long we have denied AFT the proper resources and our nation and our children have paid the price.”
Later in the same letter, Canterbury calls on Congress to use doctors as informants, to keep guns out of the “wrong hands.” Canterbury writes, “Along with comprehensive background checks, better access to mental health records is critical to keeping guns out of the wrong hands.”
There is no need to continue the catalog of Canterbury’s opposition to the Second Amendment and to its purpose of protecting — from government — the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
The U.S. Senate returns from its Memorial Day recess on Monday, June 3. Americans committed to the Constitution and to the preservation of one of our most basic rights — the right to keep and bear arms — should contact their U.S. Senators and urge them to oppose President Trump’s nomination of Charles Canterbury, a man on record petitioning the Senate to shrink the size of the Second Amendment and to increase the strength and size of the ATF, to head that very agency.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. —A pastor in Illinois who opened the state House of Representatives in prayer on Friday asked Heaven’s court to judge the state for sanctioning the “destruction of the unborn” through the passage of the so-called Reproductive Health Act.
Corey Musgrave, who leads New Beginnings Church in Fairfield, began by thanking God for his blessings upon the state, including its natural resources, and noted the responsibility of Illinois’ lawmakers.
“God, we thank you for the ability to choose our own direction, even though those choices have consequences,” he said. “All throughout Your word, it is clear You have given us a choice. God, You even said, ‘Today, I give you the choice between life and death, blessings and curses. Now, I call upon Heaven to witness the choice you make. O that you would choose life so that you and your descendants might live.'”
“So God, I confess here today that I have not always made the right choice, and I thank you for being a merciful God who forgives and restores when we turn back to You,” Musgrave continued.
He then lamented that “this state has decided to go its own way apart from You,” and specifically in regard to the murder of the unborn.
“God, none of our evil actions have been hidden from You. You see everything,” Musgrave noted. “Lord, You have told us those things which You hate, and among them are hands that shed innocent blood.”
“I stand here in this House, in this high place in Illinois, and ask You, O God, creator of Heaven and Earth, if there is anything more innocent than a baby that is being created in the womb,” he prayed.
Musgrave quoted from Psalm 139 in noting that the unborn are not hidden from God’s sight.
“The Psalmist exclaimed, ‘You made all the delicate parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex. Your workmanship is marvelous; how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born.'”
He then lamented that despite those who have pleaded for lawmakers to protect those in the womb — referring to calls for the rejection of the Reproductive Health Act — legislators rather decided to pass the bill.
“God, we have made our appeals to the leaders of Illinois this week on behalf of those innocent babies who do not yet have a voice. We have been a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves as You have commanded us,” Musgrave stated. “Those appeals were denied, but we have one final appeal left and that is to the courts of Heaven.”
“God Almighty, I make an appeal to Heaven today, to You the perfect judge, the One who presides over Heaven’s court. I ask you to rise up, O God, and judge Illinois for the sanctioned destruction of the innocent unborn,” he said. “For when Your judgments are in this state, the inhabitants of Illinois learn righteousness.”
He asked God for mercy in the midst of judgment as he concluded his prayer.
“In this House I pray for justice to roll down like water and righteousness like a mighty river. In Your judgment, I pray that You would remember mercy, for we know that You, O God, do not want anyone to be destroyed,” Musgrave said.
“I ask this in the name of Your Son, the One who died for a sinner like me, the One who was appointed to judge the living and the dead. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.”
As previously reported, The Reproductive Health Act, presented by Rep. Kelly Cassidy, D-Chicago, declares that women have a “fundamental right” to abortion and that a “fetus does not have independent rights” apart from his or her mother.
“Every individual who becomes pregnant has a fundamental right to continue the pregnancy and give birth or to have an abortion, and to make autonomous decisions about how to exercise that right,” it reads.
“A fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus does not have independent rights under the laws of this state,” the bill states.
It proclaims that the State may not “deny, restrict, interfere with, or discriminate against an individual’s exercise of the fundamental rights set forth in this Act.”
Some interpret the statute as allowing abortion up until birth for any reason as it does not contain language pertaining to limitations, and eliminates language from the current law that prohibits abortion past the point of viability unless “in the medical judgment of the attending or referring physician, based on the particular facts of the case before him, it is necessary to preserve the life or health of the mother.”
The bill passed the Illinois Senate 34-20 on Friday after clearing the House 65-40 on Tuesday. It now heads to the desk of Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker, who has vowed to sign the legislation into law.
“In Illinois, we trust women to make the most personal and fundamental decisions of their lives — and now, that will be the law of the land, even as it’s under threat in other states,” he said.
Psalm 119:136 says, “Rivers of waters run down mine eyes because they keep not Thy law.”
Dr. Zakir Naik, whose preaching is banned in India, Bangladesh, Canada, and the United Kingdom, is the Founder and President of the Islamic Research Foundation (IRF). Naik has been accused of inciting terrorism and religious hatred, and he was recently charged with money laundering and of acquiring $28 million in criminal assets (2019). His channel, Peace TV, is banned in India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. How can a man who is considered by millions to be Islam's greatest apologist be the source of so much violence and criminal activity?
David Wood of Acts 17 Apologetics discusses the issue.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
“British Jews have spoken of their fear after a pro-Palestine group supported by Jeremy Corbyn forced Jewish-owned shops to close by staging aggressive rallies outside them.”
Corbyn also was recently ‘saluted’ by Hamas who thanked him for his support of a pro-Palestinian march. And three months ago, Corbyn stood up to block efforts by the UK Home Office to ban his “friends” Hizballah from the UK.
How any freedom-loving, human rights supporting, Israel recognizing individual could possibly support the jihadist Palestinian cause given its infamous history is mind blasting. Now, at the expense of Jews who suffer increasing violent Islamic anti-semitism, the chickens are coming home to roost in the UK and elsewhere in Western nations (via open door immigration). The intolerance and violence that is now escalating in Western countries that is ‘normal’ in the Palestinian territories and elsewhere across Islamic States is gaining more traction, thanks to those Leftists who are are enabling Islamic supremacism and willfully ignoring its gross misdeeds; yet they continue to escape accountability. These enablers are in fact being funded by taxpayers through Leftist government officials and bogus programs that claim to advocate for human rights, but yet ignore the worst human rights violations in the world today, perpetrated by Islamic supremacists against innocents, and committed in the name of Islam.
“EXCLUSIVE: British Jews in fear after pro-Palestine group supported by Corbyn forces Jewish shops to close with ‘campaign of intimidation'”By Jake Wallis Simons, Daily Mail, May 31, 2019:
British Jews have spoken of their fear after a pro-Palestine group supported by Jeremy Corbyn forced Jewish-owned shops to close by staging aggressive rallies outside them.
The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC), of which Mr Corbyn is patron, targeted shops selling Israeli products in Brighton, London and Manchester, forcing two businesses to fold.
Earlier this month, it organised a rally in London which saw ‘open anti-Semitism from attendees’, according to the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism. A statement from the Labour leader was read out to the crowd.
It comes as Labour became the only party after the BNP to be formally investigated for racism by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC).
A new film, Hounded, has been released today by anti-racism campaigners to draw attention to the harassment of Jews who sell goods from Israel, highlighting a ‘campaign of intimidation’ that has been going on for years.
It focuses on the case of a British Jewish businessman who fled the country with his family after he was hounded for five years by the Scottish PSC and the Republican Network for Unity, neither of which are officially endorsed by Mr Corbyn.
Nissan Ayalon, 33, relocated three times to escape the activists but each time they found him, attacking his shop with paint bombs because he sold Israeli cosmetics.
The revelations about the PSC will increase the pressure on the Labour leader – who was officially saluted by Hamas last week – as he struggles to contain his party’s anti-Semitism crisis…..