THE CHURCH MILITANT Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Central Floridians are calling on Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg to apologize after Greenberg posted an “Islamophobic” question asking how Muslims benefit society on Facebook.The controversy began Saturday after the Republican elected official posted on his personal Facebook, “Very simple question…Name just ONE society in the developed world that has benefited in ANY WAY from the introduction of more Muslims. Just one. Asking for a friend.”Greenberg also included in the comments a link to an article about a case of female genital mutilation from Jihad Watch, a site that critics have called anti-Muslim propaganda.The post set off a firestorm of online backlash from the local Muslim community and other advocates, who asked Greenberg to condemn the statement or to resign if he refuses to apologize.Rasha Mubarak, president of the Young Democrats of Orange County and a civil rights advocate for the Muslim community in Orlando, called on the public to contact Greenberg’s office to voice their concerns.“Joel Greenberg posts derogatory and Islamophobic comments,” Mubarak wrote online. “This feeds into the anti-Muslim rhetoric that not only is dangerous for the Muslim community, misperceived Muslim Community, people of color, moreover for our entire Centra Florida community. It’s divisive and hazardous – there is no room for any kind of discrimination in office. Joel Greenberg needs to resign if he fails to release a public apology.”In an interview with Orlando Weekly, Greenberg says he did not write the post – he was literally “asking for a friend” by sharing the same question from Twitter. The original tweet was from conservative commentator Neil Boortz. Greenberg defended himself, saying he didn’t make derogatory statements, but that other people have attacked him with offensive comments.“I was legitimately asking on behalf of somebody else,” he says. “Now I’m just sitting back and watching people go crazy. … I don’t have a racist or bigoted bone in my body.”…He says he wasn’t trying to offend anybody by asking a “legitimate question.” Anyone who comes to the Seminole County Tax Collector’s office, regardless of religion, will get the same service, he maintains.(Note: “Just asking questions” is a well-known form of fallacious argument similar to “what about”-ism.)“One of my best friends is Muslim, and I have a black brother,” he says. “I’m Jewish, which is probably one of the most hated groups. I don’t go out there to be a demagogue against anyone else. I think it’s fun to have a discussion. … There was not a single thing that was derogatory or slanderous. It’s kind of ironic coming from people who claim to be part of a religion of peace and a political party of tolerance don’t tolerate somebody asking a question.”…“I’m provoking public discussion,” he says. “It’s much different than me making a statement as a fact or opinion. I’m simply asking a question. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a discussion, especially when they’re getting censored on other platform. … We live in a world that’s extremely politically correct. Most people try to walk this fine line and unfortunately cannot have public discussions.”But if Greenberg actually wanted an answer to his question, he could have just consulted Google instead of posting it on Facebook, says Osman Farooq, a Central Florida doctor who is part of the American Muslim Community Center in Longwood.“The comments are very upsetting, very hurtful,” Farooq says. “This is from a public elected official – we expect a lot better from them. … I think his questions on his public forum from an elected official are consistent with Islamophobic comments and discrimination from his office.”Farooq invites Greenberg to visit the AMCC in Longwood and see the “amazing things” the Muslim community in Seminole County is doing.“I’m a critical care physician in Seminole County – I save lives for a living, just to answer Greenberg’s question on Facebook,” he says. “I think he needs to show him humility and voice a public apology that would make people sympathize with his gesture. But to outright deny anything is wrong and play almost dumb is unacceptable.”Mubarak says advocates are also calling on Greenberg’s family business, Greenberg Dental & Orthodontics, to condemn the statement. In the past, Greenberg has posted other anti-Muslim memes and statements, she says.“His statement opens the doors for more bigotry and hate – it’s that kind of discrimination that leads to violence,” Mubarak says. “They’re not just words when they’re by elected officials. It gives a green light for people to act upon this hate and ignorance.”Mubarak adds that although Greenberg’s intent may have been to “have a shock factor,” his posts created more divide within the community.“He’s being provocative,” she says. “People follow the lead of elected officials. If indeed this was a question, he did not have to publicize it the way he did. He could have reached out to Muslim community leadership and had that conversation.”…Wesley Neuman, the vice chair of the Seminole County Democratic Party, has called on Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg to resign from office.“As a county-wide officer, Greenberg took an oath to uphold the constitutions of the United States of America, and the state of Florida,” Neuman said in a statement. “This sort of rhetoric, in conjunction with his poor management, and inclination to take the law into his own hands indicates that Greenberg is unwilling or unwilling – or both – to faithfully execute his oath of office.”Neuman also called on Gov. Rick Scott to remove Greenberg from office if he refused to resign.“Should the governor fail to take action, I promise my top priority after November will be to petition the incoming Democratic governor to remove and replace Joel Greenberg,” he said.Greenberg has since posted another statement to his personal Facebook, saying “Ah, the religion of peace and the party of tolerance. Until they disagree with you. Hypocrites. All of them. Vote Republican.”
The Washington Post, in a seeming effort to undermine President Trump, published a story on Sunday night in which Trump’s efforts to get Turkey to release a detained American pastor were referred to as “strong-arming,” while Turkish Islamist President Recip [sic] Erdogan’s resistance was limned as heroically “unbowed.”The Post wrote Trump initiated “market-rattling economic sanctions and humiliating public rebukes” but “Erdogan, for the moment, appears unbowed.”The Post opines that Erdogan has used Trump’s aggressive posture to rally domestic support to his side, thus vitiating the anger against him for Turkey’s failing economy. The Post delightedly quotes Erdogan huffing that Turkey “will not surrender to those who act like a strategic partner but make us a strategic target.”…No matter, the Post has Erdogan’s back: “But Erdogan’s ability to benefit from the crisis has raised questions about whether Trump underestimated the Turkish leader, a ‘nimble tactician’ who is convinced that Western powers are bent on crippling Turkey because of its status as a strong Muslim nation, said Lisel Hintz, a professor of international relations at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies.”The Post gleefully quotes Hintz bloviating, “Trump has played exactly into Erdogan’s hands.”…
There were 2.7 million concealed handgun permit holders in 1999, 4.6 million in 2007, 8 million in 2011, 11.1 million in 2014, and now 17.25 million in 2017. The growth in permits has been continuous. –Crime Prevention Research Center
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
When President Trump said Saturday morning that his administration was going to fight back against Big Tech’s discriminatory policies, he had already taken the first step.From NPR:Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson is accusing tech behemoth Facebook of engaging in housing discrimination, according to a complaint filed on Friday.In it, HUD says the social media giant allows landlords and home sellers access to advertising tools that limit which prospective buyers or tenants can view certain online ads based on race, religion, sex, disability and other characteristics.“The Fair Housing Act prohibits housing discrimination including those who might limit or deny housing options with a click of a mouse,” Anna María Farías, HUD’s assistant secretary for fair housing and equal opportunity said in a statement.“When Facebook uses the vast amount of personal data it collects to help advertisers to discriminate, it’s the same as slamming the door in someone’s face,” she said.I said weeks ago Trump should move on these Big Tech companies the same way Obama and the Democrats moved against coal.It appears that’s exactly what he’s doing.If Big Tech won’t respect our First Amendment, then to paraphrase Hillary Clinton, “we need to put a lot of Big Tech companies out of business.” According to the complaint, Facebook permitted advertisers to discriminate based on disability by blocking ads to users the company categorized as having interests in “mobility scooter” or “deaf culture.” It similarly discriminates based on familial status by not showing ads to users that were labeled as being interested in “child care” or “parenting,” according to the complaint.Facebook could also modify or block ads depending on ZIP code, the complaint adds.A spokesperson for Facebook said it would respond to the HUD complaint in court and that the company will work with the department about concerns raised.In a separate action from the HUD complaint, the Justice Department filed a statement of interest Friday, joining housing advocates in alleging that Facebook’s advertising platform of violating fair housing laws.The move allows the lawsuit, filed in March by the National Fair Housing Alliance and three other housing advocacy groups, to continue.This is an attack on the core of Facebook’s business model. Microtargeted advertising is the reason people buy ads on Facebook. You can target only old, wealthy people in Beverly Hills or only young, poor people in Appalachia.The Republican establishment would never dare make a move like this because it contradicts their “conservative principles” which tell them you can never interfere with the so-called “free market.”They’re fine losing on all fronts and letting their children’s country be taken over by communists and hostile foreigners so long as they can die on the hill of their “principles.”Trump, on the other hand, is a fighter. He has no problem using the power of the state to fight against these Silicon scumbags.The Democrats not only ran coal companies into the ground by swamping them with onerous regulations but literally put coal magnate Don Blankenship in jail.If Republicans want to win they need to give the Democrats a taste of their own medicine.Big Tech declared total war on us by censoring all alt-media on Google and YouTube search, demonetizing our websites and our YouTube channels, and banning right-wing voices like Alex Jones and so many others in clearly coordinated, high-tech Stalinist purges.These companies deserve to be run into the ground with onerous regulations. They need to be prosecuted by the feds and forced to abide by FCC rules mandating true net neutrality in the form of forcing all these companies to allow free speech.If these tech giants fall in the process, so be it. Other, better platforms will take their place.These tech giants have become monopolies and they’re abusing their power by colluding together and interfering in the midterms to favor Democrats in the hope they can impeach our president and end all free speech.As President Trump said on August 18, 2018 — a day which will go down in infamy — this cannot be allowed to happen. Social Media is totally discriminating against Republican/Conservative voices. Speaking loudly and clearly for the Trump Administration, we won’t let that happen. They are closing down the opinions of many people on the RIGHT, while at the same time doing nothing to others....... .....Censorship is a very dangerous thing & absolutely impossible to police. If you are weeding out Fake News, there is nothing so Fake as CNN & MSNBC, & yet I do not ask that their sick behavior be removed. I get used to it and watch with a grain of salt, or don’t watch at all.. ....Too many voices are being destroyed, some good & some bad, and that cannot be allowed to happen. Who is making the choices, because I can already tell you that too many mistakes are being made. Let everybody participate, good & bad, and we will all just have to figure it out!