Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Since many people have been asking, yes, Outreach 2020, the #LGBTQ Catholic Ministry Conference, is still on track. It will be held at Fordham University's Rose Hill Campus from June 18-20. We should have registration information up within a few days. Stay tuned!
Founded in 1841, Fordham is the Jesuit University of New York, offering exceptional education distinguished by the Jesuit tradition across nine schools. Fordham awards baccalaureate, graduate, and professional degrees to approximately 16,000 students from Fordham College at Rose Hill, Fordham College at Lincoln Center, the Gabelli School of Business (undergraduate and graduate), the School of Professional and Continuing Studies, the Graduate Schools of Arts and Sciences, Education, Religion and Religious Education, and Social Service, and the School of Law. The University has residential campuses in the Bronx and Manhattan, a campus in West Harrison, N.Y., the Louis Calder Center Biological Field Station in Armonk, N.Y., and the London Centre, Clerkenwell, in the United Kingdom.
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The Roman Catholic Church is on the fast track to a new identity when it comes to homosexual inclusion. Under the current pope, the church has made significant strides toward apostasy — and I use that term loosely since the Roman Catholic Church is not a true Church — in the realm of social doctrine.
One outspoken pro-gay Jesuit priest, James Martin, recently announced and confirmed a major pro-gay Catholic conference which is to be held at Fordham University in June 2020.
Since many people have been asking, yes, Outreach 2020, the #LGBTQ Catholic Ministry Conference, is still on track. It will be held at Fordham University's Rose Hill Campus from June 18-20. We should have registration information up within a few days. Stay tuned!
According to the event’s website, the gathering of sodomites will be hosted by the school’s department of Theology along with St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church and will be a “Global Conversation” in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and World Pride 2019.”
“The Catholic Church is undergoing a period of revolutionary change in its relationship to the LGBTQ+ community,” the website reads, “Parishes and dioceses around the world are discerning and implementing new forms of pastoral ministry and advocacy on behalf of the LGBTQ+ Catholic community. What does this movement look like outside of the U.S.? How can members of the LGBTQ+ community in the U.S. support activists around the world?”
While the vast majority of the professing Church is abandoning the faith altogether to remain culturally relevant, rest assured that God has a remnant that will not cave. That remnant, however, is a very small minority. Tough times are ahead for true believers. _______________________________________________________
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On November 13, 2019, Fr. James Martin, S.J., "was delighted to announce" a 2020 outreach conference for LGBT at the Jesuit Fordham University in New York City.
Speakers will include Bishop John Stowe, O.F.M. of Lexington, Kentucky; Sr. Jeannine Gramick, S.L. of New Ways Ministry; Father Bryan Massingale of Fordham; Siva Subburaman of Georgetown University; and Timothy Radcliffe, O.P., former master general of the Dominican Order.
For more, read Lianne Laurence's article here.
We see that in the wake of Pope Francis, the Conciliar Church in the United States and, principally, the Jesuits are going full-steam into the pro-homosexual agenda.
In France also, last row below, the ex-Catholic Hierarchy is not far behind. On November 18, the Diocese of Poitiers officially promoted a gathering for homosexuals and transsexuals. The poster reads:
After Eight
Friday, October 18, 2019, at 19:00hs
Saint Porchaire Room (behind the church)
47, Gambetta Street, dowtown Poitiers
You have a homosexual or transsexual orientation
You live alone or as a couple...
You believe in heaven or not. You search for a place of sharing, of hope.
Christians will join you for a Happy Hour to build together.
Invite your friends.
Each one brings an idea, a project, a question, a longing...
Drinks will be offered.
Contact Isabelle Parmentier 06 62 14 93 41
Sister Marion Schobbens 06 72 46 71 62
Diocese of Poitiers
A graduate of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary told a church member to apologize to another family because they shared the same last name. The pastor assumed that because they shared a last name, the white family's ancestors must have owned the black family's ancestors.
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Racism exists, nobody in their right mind denies this. But the narrative that is coming out of the Evangelical “racial reconciliation” movement is outright heresy — and it’s being promulgated from some of the most influential and prestigious Southern Baptist seminaries in the nation.
The movement we see in the Evangelical Church today is not rooted in reality — it’s rooted in a secular Marxist worldview called Critical Race Theory. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a heretical worldview that is incompatible with biblical Christianity. It emerged as an offshoot of Critical Theory, a neo-Marxist philosophy that has its roots in the Frankfurt School and its methods are drawn from Karl Marx and Sigmund Freud.
CRT teaches that institutional racism exists within every structure of society and that these structures are intrinsically designed in such a manner as to protect and preserve “white supremacy” in our culture. Further, CRT does not rely on factual statistics or objective evidence to support the theory, rather it relies on anecdotal evidence and personal experience.
Reformation Charlotte has reported numerous times on the leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention who are fully on board with this movement, including Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Danny Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Both of these seminaries have been instrumental in mainstreaming this secular thought into Evangelicalism.
Below is a clip from an upcoming documentary, Enemies Within the Church, where a church member details being told by a Southern Baptist pastor — who also worked at Southeastern Seminary — told him that he was in generational sin because his ancestors at some point in history owned the ancestors of another family in the congregation who shared the same last name. Below is just an excerpt and we expect more details to be revealed when the documentary is released. ________________________________________________________
Southern Baptist evangelist Thomas Littleton of Alabama joins The New American magazine's Alex Newman to discuss the "Evangelical Deep State." Among other topics, they talk about how false doctrines and dangerous heresies--especially on homosexuality and transgenderism (LGBT), as well as Social Justice, Critical Race Theory, and Cultural Marxism--are infiltrating even conservative evangelical churches in America. Part of it is funding from Deep State globalists hostile to the church and the Bible, and part of it is a lack of discernment among pastors and Christian leaders. Alex and Tom discuss the Southern Baptist Convention, the Presbyterian Church, and others. Tom names Albert Mohler as one of the key figures facilitating this.
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Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren tweeted on Sunday that she believes states should focus their funding on public, not private schools, and “especially not ones that maintain anti-LGBTQ+ policies.”
Warren was commenting on an article published by the Huffington Post with the headline “An Under-The-Radar SCOTUS Case Could Obliterate The Line Between Church And State.” It outlined the currently pending case of Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue, which centers on a government program that allowed taxpayers who donate to organizations that award scholarships for the attendance of private schools to deduct up to $150 from their annual taxes.
Realizing that some recipients were using the funds to send their children to faith-based institutions, the Montana Department of Revenue recently prohibited scholarship money from being used for such a purpose. It did so on the basis of the state Blaine Amendment, which prohibits public funds from being directed to religious schools.
Three parents whose children had attended private faith-based schools as a result of the scholarships sued, arguing that the prohibition is unconstitutional. The Montana Supreme Court upheld the decision, and the matter was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which agreed to take the case.
“[T]he issue isn’t just one of church and state or education funding, it is also about public dollars going to institutions with discriminatory practices,” Huffington Post wrote of the concerns of some. “A previous HuffPost investigation found that at least 14% of private religious schools around the country that receive public funding through programs like the one in Montana actively discriminate against LGBTQ staff and employees.”
It also took issue that three of the schools in the program use textbooks from Abeka or Bob Jones University, claiming that “their social studies textbooks consistently teach distorted, whitewashed versions of history, and their science textbooks sometimes flout widely accepted facts.”
“One Abeka history textbook previously analyzed by HuffPost, for example, says that Satan hatched ‘the ideas of evolution, socialism, Marxist-socialism (communism), progressive education, and modern psychology,'” the outlet wrote. “A Bob Jones University history textbook calls science a ‘false religion’ and portrays Islam as a violent religion, including a section titled ‘Islam and Murder.’
In response to the article and its content regarding public funds being used for the attendance of “discriminatory” religious schools, Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren provided her view on the matter on Sunday.
“States should focus on funding public schools, not private ones — especially not ones that maintain anti-LGBTQ+ policies,” she tweeted. “We must ensure every kid — especially LGBTQ+ kids — can get a high-quality public education.”
Response to her remark was mixed.
“Abolish private schools. Much of this country’s hatred begins there,” one commenter wrote.
“States can help fund both! Evidently you didn’t think public schools were good enough because you put yours in PRIVATE SCHOOL!” another noted.
“My children didn’t use the public school system (home schooled and all went to college), yet you want more of my money to fund their propaganda,” a third remarked.
“If you’re a religious person, we’ll take your taxes to fund schools, but don’t think you have any right to choose to have your tax money used to offer an education that aligns with your beliefs,” another posted sarcastically to show Warren’s logic.
As previously reported, during a town hall event in October, when asked about her views on same-sex relationships and whether she always held to them, Warren sang the song “Jesus Loves the Little Children” in asserting that she was brought up to believe that God loves everyone.
Romans 5:6-10 explains that the love of God is demonstrated by Christ dying for His enemies so that they might be saved from the power of sin and the wrath of God.
“For when we were yet without strength, in due time, Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet peradventure, for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.”
Jesus outlined in John 3:36, “He who believes in the Son has eternal life. But he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”
Christians kneel in the rubble of their church. Under Chinese President Xi Jinping, church demolitions, such as this one, have become increasingly commonplace. (Photo: ChinaAid)
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BEIJING(ChinaAid)—The Chinese government will roll out new regulations on religion Saturday.
These regulations, consisting of six chapters and 41 articles, will require religious leaders and organizations to display complete devotion to the Chinese Communist Party. Article 5 reads, “Religious organizations must spread the principles and policies of the Chinese Communist Party, as well as national laws, regulations, rules to religious personnel and religious citizens, educating religious personnel and religious citizens to support the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, supporting the socialist system, adhering to and following the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics….”
Chinese President Xi Jinping introduced the idea of inserting so-called “Chinese characteristics” into religion. For decades, China’s government has controlled religious groups through its system of monitored, official religious organizations.
However, Xi’s approach became a significant turning point. Authorities launched a five-year plan for reworking religion so that the Communist Party sits at its dictatorial head. Under this, officials throughout China have asked churches to fly the national flag while destroying religious imagery, such as crosses, or church buildings. In churches run by the state, Christians are commanded to sing patriotic songs and listen to pro-Communist Party sermons.
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Pro-life advocates are infuriated after Fox repeatedly ignored requests for ad space during the 2020 Super Bowl from pro-life group Faces of Choice after giving the group the “runaround,” while approving a commercial that will feature drag queens and LGBTQ activists. Fox is now claiming it is out of ad space, but Faces of Choice contends the network deliberately delayed approving its application for airtime so that they would run out of air space before having to issue a response to the request.
The commercial in question features more than a dozen abortion survivors in varying stages of their lives from all around the world, who ask, “Can you look me in the eye and say I should have been aborted?” The advertisement’s youngest abortion survivor is seven-year-old Zechariah Hagan, one of the first abortion pill reversal (APR, a treatment to reverse the effects of an initial dose of an abortion drug) success stories.
Life News reports Faces of Choice, which was incorporated in September, premiered its powerful new ad at the March for Life last week and had hoped to air a shortened version of the advertisement during this year’s Super Bowl.
Lyric Gillett, the 28-year-old founder of Faces of Choice and producer of the ad, said she wrote the script for her commercial three years ago, and had been raising money through sponsors to come up with the $5 million needed for a 30-second Super Bowl slot.
“Every great human rights movement in history has been anchored in the stories and the faces of its victims. That’s what we aim to do; we simply want to tell their forgotten stories and there’s no larger mega-phone than the Super Bowl,” she said.
Faces of Choice contends the advertisement shines light on the myth of “choice.”
“Abortion advocates need to look these survivors in the eye and come to terms with the fact that they are human, that their lives matter, and that choice is more than a word: it’s a person,” Gillett said.
Unfortunately, despite repeated requests from Faces of Choice for Super Bowl ad space over the last six months, Fox is now claiming they ran out of ad space.
But Gillett calls foul. She states Faces of Choice provided all the necessary documentation to the network and answered all of its legal questions months ago, and was told they would have a response from the legal department by October, then, when no response was received, late November. Yet no response was provided.
Gillett told the Washington Times that her organization reached out to Fox again to check on the status of the request, and was told they would have an answer with a few days. In mid-December, following yet another request, Fox told Faces of Choice to expect an answer “very, very soon.” Again, no answer was provided.
Gillett believes Fox was simply running out the clock so it didn’t have to outright reject the ad content.
“We were one of the very first people to submit anything to them. We met every single stipulation that they asked for and every time we met the line they moved the line further to request something else,” Gillett told LifeSite.
“I think it’s very clever what they’re doing. If they directly said ‘no’ then we could say ‘this is asinine, look at the suitable ad that Fox rejected’, but they haven’t directly said ‘no,’ they’ve ignored us, wasted our time, refused to give an answer and refused to either give us clearance or simply say ‘no,’” Gillett said.
Gillett adds Fox seemed to deliberately make her group jump through hoops. At one point, Fox’s legal department asked for the identities of everyone who donated towards or sponsored the ad. And despite such an “untenable request,” Faces of Choice provided the requested information. That still did not prompt a response from the network.
She contends Fox’s treatment of her application is exemplary of the concerted effort to ignore the reality of abortion.
Abortion survivors, she says, “have been ignored their whole lives” and are now “being ignored again.”
Meanwhile, the 2020 Super Bowl will air a commercial from Sabra hummus, which features drag queens Kim Chi and Miz Cracker from “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” a significant accomplishment for the LGBTQ community, marketing strategist Bob Witeck observes, as it could reach approximately 100 million viewers.
“For queer audiences, it is an art form and an ‘outsiders’ language,” Witek said of drag. “Reaching the Super Bowl means taking our language into every home in the nation and millions around the world.”
The Washington Times notes the Super Bowl is no stranger to controversy:
Last year, Gillette sent a #MeToo message with its “toxic masculinity” ad. In 2017, Budweiser and 84 Lumber included pro-immigration themes in their spots. Other companies have included shout-outs for gay and transgender rights.
This year’s contest is scheduled to include a Sabra hummus ad featuring a pair of drag queens, as well as two overtly political spots — one for Mr. Trump and the other for Mr. Bloomberg. Each presidential campaign purchased a 60-second spot at a cost of $10 million.
This will be the first Super Bowl since 1989 that candidates have purchased air time, the Times notes, and may be the first time in history in which dueling spots run nationally.
Yet, it seems there are some controversies Fox hopes to avoid. The last time the Super Bowl aired a pro-life message was in 2010 when Focus on the Family aired a commercial featuring quarterback Tim Tebow, whose mother rejected a doctor’s advice to obtain an abortion. According to the Times, that commercial received “pushback from pro-choice groups.”
Gillett was advised by a media buyer that additional Super Bowl slots always become available at a later date. She is hopeful that Fox can still authorize her request so her advertisement would be eligible to be aired if any of those slots become available.
Faces of Choice has launched a campaign urging its supporters to contact officials at Fox Corp.
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Sesame Street has announced that it will be featuring the cross-dressing LGBTQ activist, Billy Porter on an upcoming episode.
Porter, who is best known for wearing an extravagant gown at the Oscars last year, is a celebrity LGBTQ activist and an award-winning singer and has won both a Grammy and a Tony for his contributions to Kinky Boots, a Broadway musical about drag queens.
While Sesame Street has long gone off the rails of sanity, it should come as no surprise that the progressive child-indoctrination program would feature such a disgusting display of sexual immorality. After all, Sesame Street featured Michelle Obama once — which is just as bad, maybe worse.
Welcome to public television, folks. This is what you get with your tax dollars. ______________________________________________________
The LGBT activist's 'fierce vibes' are coming to the
beloved children's show, according to Sesame Street's
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PETITION: Parents demand 'Sesame Street' remove show with drag queen" Sign the petition here.
January 30, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – Bert and Ernie may not be a same-sex couple, but the long-running children’s franchise Sesame Street is about to get an infusion of LGBT “vibes” with an upcoming guest appearance by actor and LGBT activist Billy Porter.
Porter, best known as Pray Tell in the FX’s LGBT ballroom drama Pose and for wearing extravagant dresses, will appear during the 51st season of the beloved children’s show, according toSesame Street’s official Facebook page.
“Billy Porter bringing those fierce vibes to Sesame Street,” the post declares, accompanied by photos of Porter on the classic set, wearing a tuxedo gown.
Comments on the post were largely positive, though some readers expressed concern.
“That is pushing [too] much at little children, it makes no sense, kids have [too] much on their little plates as it is,” one said. “Why add more?”
“Sesame Street is for children. And diversity should be taught at a child appropriate level. A man in a dress is not child appropriate, in fact, it can be confusing,” another argued. “While striving to teach to ‘be yourself’ you're teaching boys who are masculine that it's not ok for them to be masculine.”
“As though our children are not confused enough. What is your agenda?” another asked. “Unbelievable. So disappointing.”
Sesame Street is proud to support families of all shapes, sizes, and colors. ❤️
This isn’t the first time Sesame Street has promoted LGBT themes. In 2017, it tweeted a “rainbow” of multicolored Muppets for Pride Month with the declaration, “Sesame Street is proud to support families of all shapes, sizes, and colors.” Later that year, its song “Anyone Can Play” purported to smash gender norms for children’s toys and costumes, including the lyrics “some boys like to play dolls” while the male character Grover is seen in a purple dress.
Last year, Porter prefaced President Donald Trump’s annual State of the Union Address with his own “LGBT State of the Union,” during which he claimed “our rights are under threat and the sanctity of identities is in peril.” _______________________________________________
PETITION: Parents demand 'Sesame Street' drop show with drag queen
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Parents around the country are outraged by 'Sesame Street's' decision to push drag queens on children.
The long-running children’s program is one of the latest mainstream institutions to try to sexualize children using drag queens.
And, parents are fed up.
The "children's program" just announced that LGBT drag queen activist, Billy Porter,
is to feature on an episode this year, wearing a gender-bending tuxedo gown.
"We are demanding the producers of 'Sesame Street' stop this attack on children
and their innocence," said Gualberto Garcia Jones, President of the Personhood Alliance.
"Let children be children, and stop trying to force this corrupting and dangerous influence on the youth of America."
This urgent petition - sponsored by LifeSite and the Personhood Alliance - calls on HBO and AT&T (the parent company of HBO) to pull this episode from the series' lineup.
The promotion of drag queens, seen at this year's Super Bowl and also at libraries around the country, is a coordinated effort by LGBT activists to "normalize" their morally and scientifically dangerous ideology with the young.
Transgenderism is not about "Love." It is a disorder - gender dysphoria - which has absolutely no place on a children's program.
By contributing to this social contagion, 'Sesame Street' is forcing children to deal
with adult concepts and notions about sexuality which are beyond their level of maturity, and which can leave psychological scars.
Many jurisdictions define this kind of behavior as abuse.
And, rightly so. 41.8% of gender confused youth claim to have attempted suicide.
That is tragic. Why would 'Sesame Street' want to contribute to this epidemic?
Please SIGN and SHARE this urgent petition which demands that HBO drop Sesame Street's 'drag queen episode.'
And, if you wish to politely make your feelings known about this issue, please call Warner Media (who run HBO Max for AT&T) at: 212-484-8000.
Thank you!
Politely make your feelings known about this issue, by calling Warner Media