Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
ALBANY, N.Y. — The Democratic governor of New York has signed a bill that codifies into state law already-existing federal rules prohibiting churches and nonprofit organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates.
Senate Bill 4347 states that “any corporation, association, trust, or community chest, fund, foundation, or limited liability company, organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, testing for public safety, literary or educational purposes” may not “participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.”
The legislation is meant to mirror the Johnson Amendment, passed in 1954 and introduced by then-Senator Lyndon Johnson.
Groups such as Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) have desired the repeal of the federal amendment as they believe that it gags churches from teaching their congregations, with specificity and relevance, how to vote biblically.
“The real effect of the Johnson Amendment is that pastors are muzzled for fear of investigation by the IRS,” ADF Litigation Counsel Christiana Holcomb said in 2014. “Rather than risk confrontation, many pastors have self-censored their speech — afraid to apply the teachings of Scripture to specific candidates or elections.”
In 2017, President Trump signed an executive order directing the IRS not to enforce the electioneering prohibition.
“No one should be censoring sermons or targeting pastors,” he said during a rose garden signing on the National Day of Prayer. “America has a rich tradition of social change beginning in our pews and our pulpits. … [And] we must never infringe on the noble tradition of change from the church and progress from the pew.”
“Under my administration, free speech does not end at the steps of a cathedral or synagogue, or any other house of worship,” Trump proclaimed. “We are giving churches their voices back. We are giving them back in the highest form.”
Certain lawmakers in New York oppose the president’s actions as they believe that Church (and nonprofits) and politics should not mix. They sought to make the Johnson Amendment’s prohibitions state law in the event that the statute is ever repealed federally.
“This is a simple bill that serves an important purpose: to keep in place standards we have had in this country for over sixty years that shield not-for-profits and houses of worship from political entanglement,” Sen. Liz Krueger, D-Manhattan, and author of S. 4347, said in a statement.
“The administration in Washington has repeatedly said they want to repeal these protections, and open the door for big-money donors to launder campaign contributions through churches, mosques, and synagogues. This would politicize nonprofits, undermining their focus on their primary missions, and damaging public trust in the nonprofit sector,” she opined.
Gov. Cuomo signed the bill into law on Oct. 23, similarly remarking that he sees nonprofit influence in elections to be inappropriate and an interference in the democratic process.
“For too long we have listened to the Trump administration threaten to remove common sense protections prohibiting tax-exempt organizations from engaging in inappropriate political activities,” he said. “New Yorkers have a right to free and fair elections, and this law will further protect our democracy from unjustified interferences once and for all.”
As previously reported, according to historical documents, Election Day sermons were common in early America, beginning in the days of the Puritans and continuing after the official founding of the nation.
“The ancient advice dictated to Moses, by the priest of Midian, and approved of God, is admirably calculated, civil fathers, for your direction on this occasion. Tis a significant compendium of the qualifications of the persons whom you ought to favor with your suffrages: ‘Thou shalt provide out of all the people, able men, such as fear God, men of truth, and hating covetousness, and place such over them,’” Gad Hitchcock preached in 1774, pointing to Exodus 18:21.
“[A]bove all, suffer me to remind you that you act for God, and under his inspection, by whose providence this trust is committed to you, and that you must one day give an account to Him whose eyes are as a flame of fire, of the motives of your conduct,” he declared.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
We constantly see emails and tweets, “I can’t see the articles when I click on the links in your Daily Digest.”
Lately, we’ve been getting even more of these than we usually do. Here’s why. In my post here from last June, I reported that three major Internet service providers listed as blocking this site:
We are now seeing a new block by Sky, one of the largest internet providers in the UK, added to the list. Mind you, this list consists only of providers that disclose their censorship. Many do not.
“Weapons”? This is a new false charge, totally unfounded. We don’t promote or advertise weapons, the purpose of this site is clear in the meta data: Jihad Watch is dedicated to “exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts.”
Clearly this censorship is politically motivated. For whatever reason, the providers don’t want the truth about jihad violence and Sharia to get out. But there is a way around this censorship, and it’s quite simple: change your DNS servers by using or, or better yet, using a VPN such as FreeDome.
I have blogged about this before, and many of the responses were really not helpful: “But I can see the site,” or, “I was blocked by Facebook.” All that may be true, but it is not the point. The point is that legitimate commentary is being blocked by the people who literally supply the Internet and how this can be easily circumvented. This is not just going on in the UK, I just have better documentation at hand for how it is being done in that country.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation is an organization that is meant to protect these right of access and to combat such censorship, but it has abandoned us. Please use the contact page to ask them why, politely, calmly, and respectfully.
You can also check which of your other favorite sites are censored here.
Along with the Google bias that is well documented, this censorship will be the death of everything we hold dear if it isn’t challenged and defeated. This is not a matter of your right to say “nuke Mecca” on Facebook; this is the prevention of legitimate criticism of a destructive, inhumane agenda from seeing light of day, and although what is happening is widespread and growing, it is still not well understood. If you encounter someone who can no longer access Jihad Watch, please pass on to him or her this information about how to beat the blocks.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
It is astonishing that an economic system that has enslaved and impoverished nation after nation and was responsible for more than 100 million murders in the 20th century is portrayed as utopian, and that capitalism, which has liberated hundreds of millions from poverty, is depicted as evil.
USA –-( People seem shocked that recent polls show millennials are enamored of socialism — an economic system that reasonable and educated Americans have long known is disastrous. They shouldn't be; this has been a long time coming.
The latest survey by Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation shows that 70% of millennials are likely to vote socialist. Adding insult to injury, only 57% believe the Declaration of Independence “better guarantees freedom and equality” over “The Communist Manifesto.” The worst part of this is that it is real, not a parody piece in “The Onion.”
Now do you finally believe that our schools and universities, Hollywood and the liberal media are brainwashing our kids? Are you taking this seriously?
Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Why the Democrats Must Not Win
I'm taking it very seriously, which is why I devoted three of the 16 chapters of my just-released book, “Guilty by Reason of Insanity: Why the Democrats Must Not Win,” to discussing socialism and capitalism. I cite earlier polls showing this same disturbing trend concerning young people's attitudes toward socialism.
A 2015 YouGov poll showed that 43% of Americans between 18 and 29 years of age had a favorable opinion of socialism and preferred it to capitalism. Then, in 2015, a Pew poll found that 69% of those under age 30 would be willing to vote for a socialist for president. Further, a Gallup poll revealed that only 45% of Americans ages 18 to 29 have a positive view of capitalism, while 51% have a positive view of socialism.
No offense, but it's like a wave of stupid has washed ashore.
Significantly, these kids are not only drawn to socialism but also repelled by capitalism — two distinct but related points. Their attraction to socialism partially stems from their aversion to capitalism. The leftist establishment has bombarded us for decades with socialist propaganda. Former Hillsdale College professor Burton Folsom notes that while America was founded on the idea of preserving individual liberties through limited government, many prominent American history textbook writers are strongly biased against America's free-market tradition and believe that America must be liberated from predatory capitalists. These teachings have now yielded an abundance of poisonous fruit.
A 2018 study by the National Association of Scholars showed that some 40% of colleges in the United States have no Republican professors.
“The political registration of full-time, Ph.D.-holding professors in top-tier liberal arts colleges is overwhelmingly Democratic,” writes Mitchell Langbert. “Indeed, faculty political affiliations at 39 percent of the colleges in my sample are Republican free — having zero Republicans.” In the other 61% of schools, the ratio is “absurdly skewed against Republican affiliation and in favor of Democratic affiliation.”
It is astonishing that an economic system that has enslaved and impoverished nation after nation and was responsible for more than 100 million murders in the 20th century is portrayed as utopian, and that capitalism, which has liberated hundreds of millions from poverty, is depicted as evil.
The left works 24/7 to disseminate its destructive ideas. Chrissy Clark writes for The Federalist that Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman, two prominent economics professors from the University of California, Berkeley, have been instrumental in designing economic policy for Democratic presidential hopefuls Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. Despite their dubious calculations on such socialistic proposals as “Medicare for All,” the liberal media is working hand in hand with them to spread their propaganda — including the oft-repeated canard that the wealthiest Americans have the lowest tax rates. This type of coordinated effort, argues Clark, could “affect the way young people view economics for the rest of their lives.”
Here's the point: Leftists have to lie to persuade people that socialism works and capitalism is evil. At some point, we must successfully make the case that the left must be judged by its policy failures rather than its supposedly good intentions. Here's the other point: Leftists are seemingly more committed to their goals of fundamentally transforming America than conservatives are to preserving it.
One of the purposes of my book is to alert our side as to how urgent our situation has become and how critical the 2020 presidential and congressional elections are for us. Evidence abounds that many Americans are losing sight of the unique gloriousness of America's founding ideas. I try to give patriots abundant ammunition to make our case for preserving these ideas and rejecting the insane ideas coming from the left, from socialism, to gender, to race, to abortion, to immigration, to the Constitution and much more.
If we are concerned, as we claim to be, about bequeathing to our children the free and prosperous America we have enjoyed, we better get to work.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam vowed Wednesday in an interview with CNN that he will revive his gun control agenda and introduce it in January now that Democrats will be in full control of the Virginia legislature. (Screen snip, CNN)
U.S.A. –-( For the first time in more than two decades, Democrats will control both houses of the state legislature and the governor’s office, and anti-gun Gov. Ralph Northam wasted no time telling CNN that he was going to press his gun control agenda, which he claims is “common sense” and others call “extreme.”
In an interview with CNN early Wednesday, Northam described his agenda to include a so-called “red flag” law, background checks, one-gun-a-month, and a ban on “high volume magazines.”
Earlier this year, as reported at the time by WTOP News, his agenda also included a ban on so-called “assault weapons” and the introduction of “child access prevention” legislation, which translates to “safe storage.” He also wanted to allow local governments to ban guns from government buildings, a reaction to the mass shooting in Virginia Beach earlier this year that took a dozen lives.
And, he also suggested a requirement to report lost or stolen guns. All may be on the table in 2020.
“I will introduce those again in January and I’m convinced now with a majority in the House and the Senate they will become law and because of that Virginia will be safer,” Northam vowed.
His program followed almost precisely what was predicted by Ammoland News on Monday.
According to the Associated Press, “Democrats have pledged to pass new gun restrictions and raise the minimum wage once in power.”
Northam, according to WSLS News, will be holding a cabinet meeting, which does not bode well for Commonwealth gun owners. The report also noted that “Democrats will also control the redistricting process after the 2020 census, drawing the new maps for congressional and state legislative districts,” causing some on social media to predict the state will be “lost for a generation.”
Not surprisingly, CNN labels these moves as “gun reform” rather than gun control. Virginia has been swinging blue for the past few years, and Tuesday’s election results show, according to WSLS, “a continuation of the years-long collapse of the GOP in what until recently had been a swing state.”
Northern Virginia is home to a growing population involved with government in nearby Washington, D.C. In the past ten years, it has backed Democrat candidates for governor and the presidency.
Not lost on anyone is the fact that the National Rifle Association is headquartered in Fairfax. The organization has been under intense scrutiny for many months, and its leadership has been taking heat from anti-gun officials in New York as well as some of its own members.
Northam has had his own problems this year, also. He survived a blackface yearbook scandal earlier this year.
Gun owners across the country can take a lesson from the Virginia outcome. Where Northam quickly took the initiative Wednesday, the same might be in store nationally in 2020 if Congress and the White House completely change hands, leaving Republicans in the minority and a new president in the Oval Office.
However, a new survey by Politico/Morning Consult shows that 56 percent of voters “believe it is at least somewhat likely President Donald Trump will win a second term in 2020.”
But without Congress, especially the Senate, he would essentially be powerless to continue his agenda, which includes balancing the federal courts with conservative, pro-rights judges and perhaps another Supreme Court justice.
According to Newsmax, 85 percent of identified Republicans think Trump will be re-elected next year, while only 35 percent of Democrats “believe it is at least somewhat likely” he will earn a second term. Fifty-on percent of independents believe that’s likely also, but a year in politics is an eternity, and 12 months from now, these figures could easily change.
Forty-nine percent support an impeachment inquiry, while 43 percent oppose it, the survey revealed.
About Dave Workman
Dave Workman is a senior editor at and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.