Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
President Trump has announced that he
has nominated 10th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Neil Gorsuch to serve
on the U.S. Supreme Court as the replacement for the late Justice
Antonin Scalia.
“Judge Gorsuch has outstanding legal
skills, a brilliant mind, tremendous discipline and has earned
bipartisan support,” Trump stated in introducing his pick to the public
Tuesday night.
“Mr. President, I am honored and I am humbled. Thank you
very much,” Gorsuch, an Episcopalian, said to applause in accepting the
Gorsuch, now 49, had been nominated to the 10th Circuit in
2006 by then-President George W. Bush. He was a graduate of Harvard Law
School and has a PhD. from Oxford. He served as a clerk under current
Justice Anthony Kennedy.
Gorsuch is known for ruling in favor of the popular craft
chain Hobby Lobby, which had sued the Obama administration over its
abortion pill mandate. The company had sued to retain the right not to
cover contraceptives that it considers to be abortifacients, such as the
morning-after pill. Gorsuch pointed to the federal Religious Freedom
Restoration Act in his ruling.
“It is not for secular courts to rewrite the religious
complaint of a faithful adherent, or to decide whether a religious
teaching about complicity imposes ‘too much’ moral disapproval on those
only ‘indirectly’ assisting wrongful conduct,” he wrote in Hobby Lobby v. Sebelius.
“Whether an act of complicity is or isn’t ‘too attenuated’ from the
underlying wrong is sometimes itself a matter of faith we must respect.” Gorsuch was likewise a part of a ruling in favor of the Roman Catholic Little Sisters of the Poor, which had also sued the Obama administration over the abortion pill mandate.
While it is not known where Gorsuch himself stands on
abortion, he is the author of the book “The Future of Assisted Suicide
and Euthanasia,” in which he concludes that “human life is intrinsically
valuable and that intentional killing is always wrong.” However, some have questioned whether or not Gorsuch would
seek to end abortion if the matter came before him on the bench. Andy
Schlafly, an attorney and the son of the late Phyllis Schlafly of Eagle
Forum—who had supported Trump prior to her death—recently stated that
Gorsuch “has never said or written anything pro-life.” He also said that
Gorsuch is a “big supporter [of] granting special rights to men who say
they have a female … identity.” But Ed Whelan, who disagrees with both of Schlafly’s
assertions, notes for the National Review that Gorsuch had dissented
from the majority opinion when his colleagues ruled in Planned Parenthood Association of Utah v. Herbert that that state of Utah could not defund the abortion giant Planned Parenthood. “Respectfully, the panel in this case not only conducted its
own de novo review of the record, it relaxed PPAU’s burden of proof and
even seemed to reverse it,” Gorsuch wrote. “Respectfully, this case warrants rehearing,” he opined. “As
it stands, the panel opinion leaves litigants in preliminary injunction
disputes reason to worry that this court will sometimes deny deference
to district court factual findings; relax the burden of proof by
favoring attenuated causal claims our precedent disfavors; and invoke
arguments for reversal untested by the parties, unsupported by the record, and inconsistent with principles of comity.” Gorsuch has also seemed to indicate that he believes the
government should be permitted to erect religious displays on public
property, disagreeing with his colleagues who rejected a rehearing in
the 2007 case of Pleasant Grove City v. Summum, which involved a Ten Commandments display. Gorsuch is stated by others as being much like Scalia,
including being an “originalist,” that is, seeking to interpret the
Constitution in the “original intent” of the Founding Fathers. He cited
the high court justice in his acceptance speech as Scalia’s wife sat in
the audience.
In an article for the Case Western Reserve Law Review,
Gorsuch recalled being overcome with sorrow upon hearing of Scalia’s
death. He had been taking a skiing trip when his phone rang with the
“I immediately lost what breath I had left, and I am not
embarrassed to admit that I couldn’t see the rest of the way down the
mountain for the tears,” Gorsuch wrote.
He praised Scalia as being a “lion of the law.”
“He really was a lion of the law: docile in private life but
a ferocious fighter when at work, with a roar that could echo
for miles,” Gorsuch stated. “Volumes rightly will be written about his
contributions to American law, on the bench and off.”
As previously reported, Trump had outlined even before the
election that he intended on appointing a Supreme Court justice like the
late Antonin Scalia.
“I will strike down Roe v. Wade, but I will also strike down
a law that is the opposite of Roe v. Wade,” Scalia outlined in a 2002
Pew Forum. “You know, both sides in that debate want the Supreme Court
to decide the matter for them. One [side] wants no state to be able to
prohibit abortion and the other one wants every state to have to
prohibit abortion, and they’re both wrong.”
“And indeed, there are anti-abortion people who think that
the Constitution requires a state to prohibit abortion. They say that
the equal protection clause requires that you treat a helpless human
being that’s still in the womb the way you treat other human beings. I
think that’s wrong,” Scalia further explained in a 2008 60 Minutes
interview. “I think when the Constitution says that persons are entitled
to equal protection of the laws, I think it clearly means
walking-around persons.”
He also noted that religion has very little to do with his decisions.
“I try mightily to prevent my religious views or my
political views or my philosophical views from affecting my
interpretation of the laws, which is what my job is about,” he stated.
“They can make me leave the bench if I find that I’m enmeshed in an
immoral operation, but the only one of my religious views that has
anything to do with my job as a judge is the seventh commandment—thou
shalt not lie. I try to observe that faithfully, but other than that I
don’t think any of my religious views have anything to do with how I do
my job as a judge.” As previously reported,
Trump originally had 21 judges on his Supreme Court list, with Judges
William Pryor, Thomas Hardiman and Gorsuch stated to be on his
shortlist. Pryor was especially controversial as he had prosecuted “Ten
Commandments Judge” Roy Moore and had vowed to uphold Roe v. Wade while
serving in the 11th Circuit.
Diane Sykes, likewise on the list, was also controversial as
she had written in a Planned Parenthood ruling that abortion is a
woman’s “right.”
Trump advisor Leonard Leo is stated to have helped the president with narrowing down the list and making a selection.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
By Kelleigh Nelson
January 25, 2017
of the reasons I changed — one of the primary reasons — a
friend of mine’s wife was pregnant, in this case married. She was
pregnant and he didn’t really want the baby. And he was telling
me the story,” Trump told Brody. “He was crying as he was
telling me the story. He ends up having the baby and the baby is the apple
of his eye. It’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened to
him. And you know here’s a baby that wasn’t going to be let
into life. And I heard this, and some other stories, and I am pro-life.
—Donald J. Trump
45th President told us he would put pro-life judges on our Supreme Court.
However, those who helped him with the list of conservative judges were
both the Federalist Society, and the Heritage Foundation (called Heretic
Foundation by many of my well-educated friends).
Gorsuch is Not Pro-Life
latest choice
we’re now hearing is at the top of the list is Neil
Gorsuch. Neil Gorsuch is NOT pro-life. His selection
would violate Trump's pledge to nominate a pro-life justice to the Supreme
Court. Roe v. Wade would not be overturned for 40 years if the
49-year-old Gorsuch is picked. Forty million more babies would
be murdered in their mothers’ wombs with this choice.
pro-life movement has only a few hours or days to object, protest, criticize,
and veto the nomination of this pro-choice candidate. Trump floats these
trial balloons to see if people object. We must strongly object,
and please speak out loudly now.
has never said or written anything pro-life. Andy Schlafly knew him in
law school and afterwards, and has reviewed his opinions and his book.
He's written multiple opinions that demonstrate he is not
example, in the case of Pino v. U.S., Gorsuch discussed whether a 20-week-old
"nonviable fetus" had the same rights as a "viable fetus."
Gorsuch, showing that he is not pro-life, indicated that his answer is
"no" unless the Oklahoma Supreme Court specifically found rights
for the "nonviable fetus." Rather than render a pro-life ruling,
Gorsuch punted this issue to the Oklahoma Supreme Court for it to decide.
Gorsuch's approach is similar to the unjust approach based on viability
that underlies Roe v. Wade.
information, including how Gorsuch opposes overturning precedent even
when it is wrong, is here.
He supports special rights for transgenders, too. And he is no Scalia,
as Gorsuch was not even on the Law Review in law school.
been down this road before, and it doesn't work for Republican presidents.
Andy Schlafly recently spoke at a large conservative conference in Michigan,
a state Trump carried by barely 10,000 votes based on immense efforts
by pro-lifers there. That margin disappears if Trump is misled to break
his pro-life pledge for the Supreme Court.
spoke out and vetoed the previous top choice, Bill Pryor. Now
it is urgent that pro-lifers speak out immediately and veto Neil Gorsuch.
choices are coming from the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation.
The Federalist Society is attempting to get a pro-Roe judge chosen instead
of another Scalia.
is the Federalist Society?
Federalist Society, is allegedly an organization of conservatives and
libertarians seeking reform of the current American legal system in accordance
with a textualistic or originalist interpretation of the U.S. Constitution.
It is one of the nation's most influential legal organizations, masquerading
as something they are not.
Federalist Society began at Yale
Law School, (home of Skull and Bones), Harvard
Law School (that bastion of higher liberal learning), and the University
of Chicago Law School, (home of Bill Ayers and where protestors disallowed
Trump rally). It originally started as a student organization which challenged
what its members perceived as the orthodox American liberal ideology found
in most law schools. Doesn’t this actually make you laugh when these
three Ivy league schools are known as having a Marxist agenda?
Need to Respond
are ways to respond, and as my friend Devvy Kidd said, “We have
to flood the White House with calls, tweets, emails. This has worked in
the past if enough people do it.”
comment phone number is: 202-456-1111.
caller simply needs to say:
strenuously object to Neil Gorsuch as a supreme court justice nominee.
He is not pro-life. I urge President Trump to nominate:
Charles Canady - number one choice, or:
Jennifer Elrod or Judge Edith Jones
can also tweet Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence,
Mike Pompeo, Sean Spicer, etc. Simply tweet, “Gorsuch is
not pro-life. Choose true pro-lifers…Charles Canady, Judge Elrod
or Edith Jones.”
option is to send a fax signed by as many people as possible. If people
belong to a church or some group, just do a short letter with all the
signatures and fax it. Phone calls can be ignored, but a pile of 50,000
faxes can't. Time is of the essence.
WH fax:
It is
up to the American people to let our President know where we stand. Life
is God given, and the Lord said in Deuteronomy, CHOOSE LIFE!
Let President Trump know we want Pro-Life Justices!
Reporter Joe Biggs went to the Texas Capitol Muslim Day where muslims
talk legislative issues and prayed at First United Methodist church in downtown
liberal Austin. A few of the muslims believed that The U.S. Constitution
is just like Sharia Law and that's where things get interesting!
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
USA – Congressmen Sam Johnson (R-TX) and Ralph
Abraham (R-LA) — and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) in the Senate — have
introduced resolutions to overturn Barack Obama’s Social Security Gun
As a senior citizen myself … and as one who owns several
firearms that I want to pass on as an inheritance to my children one day
… this legislation is very important to me.
But first, a little background.
As he was going out the door, Barack Obama made one final obscene gesture to the Second Amendment community.
gesture consisted of a rule which would troll the Social Security rolls
and identify recipients whose checks were processed by a guardian.
Once these people were identified, their names would be inputted into the NICS system, and their guns would be taken away. Ralph Abraham (R-LA)Kentucky
Republican Thomas Massie — who is chairman of the House Second
Amendment Task Force — minced no words in describing Obama’s rule. This
week, Rep. Massie told GOA that: If you want to see how ruinous
this policy will be to seniors, look at the over one hundred thousand
veterans who have been stripped of their Second Amendment rights under a
similar procedure through the Department of Veterans Affairs. This
ruling is yet another attempt to hurt gun owners and bypass due process.
Our seniors deserve better than that. In places like New York and
California, with their gun confiscation programs, SWAT teams could be
sent to the homes of Social Security recipients who were identified
under the Obama rule.
Our experience is that most gun owners don’t have $10-20,000 lying around to hire a lawyer and appeal the ruling. This
process was promulgated pursuant to the “NICS Improvement Amendments
Act of 2007” — which is also known as the “Veterans Disarmament Act”.
Owners of America opposed that bill because, as we predicted, it would
legitimize gun bans against veterans, and would soon be applied to
Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid recipients as well.
Tragically, that prediction has now come to pass.
the passage of the Johnson/Abraham resolution in the House (H.J.Res.
40) — and of the Grassley resolution in the Senate (S.J.Res 14) — will
obliterate that anti-gun rule from the law. And, because it is
being passed under a special procedure (called the Congressional Review
Act), they will be considered under special parliamentary rules and
cannot be filibustered in the Senate. Thus, they will need only a majority vote in the Senate and the House, and President Donald Trump is sure to sign.
please urge your Representative, Rep. Christopher Smith (R), to
cosponsor H.J.Res. 40. And urge your two Senators to cosponsor Sen.
Grassley’s identical effort, S.J.Res. 14.
It will send a strong message if we can get a large number of cosponsors on this resolution.
Sincerely, Larry Pratt Executive Director Emeritus About Gun Owners of America (GOA)
Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in
1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners.
GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no compromise
gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul.
Visit: to Join.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Democratic Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut suggested he
would like the United States to move towards a system of “absolutely no
screening” for immigrants, while imposing additional gun control
During an appearance on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, Senator Murphy suggested
having “a discussion about a pathway in which there is absolutely no
screening” for immigrants entering the United States, citing VISA waiver
agreements between the United States and Europe to demonstrate the
ability of people to enter the U.S. “without almost any security vet.” “So,
I would go towards a sort of European bent in looking at screening,” he
added. “And then maybe let’s just make sure that if folks get to this
country, and we suspect them of having connections to terrorism, that
they shouldn’t be able to get an assault weapon.”
“That’s a huge liability in our law today.”
Senator Murphy has made no secret of his support for more restrictive gun control measures, leading
a 15-hour filibuster on the floor of the Senate to protest a lack of
new gun control measures following the Pulse Nightclub shooting in
Orlando, Florida. In the immediate aftermath of the Quebec City mosque shooting, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman joined CNN’s Chris Cuomo to argue in favor of banning those on the terror watch list from being able to purchase a firearm.
“You know what would actually make me feel more secure as an American
is if someone who is on our own terror watch list in America–so much so
that they cannot board an airplane in this country without being
checked–couldn’t buy an “assault weapon.” … That would actually make me
feel better,” he said.
Both Friedman and Murphy ignore the Obama administration’s expansion
of the terror watch list program, authorizing a process that requires
neither “concrete facts” nor “irrefutable evidence” to designate an
American or foreigner as a terrorist.
“Instead of a watchlist
limited to actual, known terrorists, the government has built a vast
system based on the unproven and flawed premise that it can predict if a
person will commit a terrorist act in the future,” said Hina Shamsi,
head of the ACLU’s National Security Project.
“On that dangerous
theory, the government is secretly blacklisting people as suspected
terrorists and giving them the impossible task of proving themselves
innocent of a threat they haven’t carried out.” Even the liberal Huffington Postargued
the vague language and lack of concrete evidence required for an
individual to be placed on the terror watch list could allow innocent
people to find themselves on the list. “While some individuals are
surely placed on these watch lists for valid reasons, the murky
language of the guidelines suggests that innocent people can get caught
up in this web, too, and be subjected to the same possible restrictions
on travel and other forms of monitoring,” Nick Wing wrote for the Huffington Post in 2014.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Connecticut – Your recent call for increased infringements on the rights of Americans (more gun control) coupled with decreased vetting of foreign entities has now reached ‘the Lunatic Fringe’.
organization (Connecticut Citizens Defense League) has no opinion on
immigration as a sole subject, but when you conjoin calls for gun
control along with mass immigration of foreigners, it is obvious what
you are attempting to do.
You are now prioritizing non-citizens
over legitimate citizens of the United States by calling for gun control
to accommodate those non-citizens.
The purpose of your idea is
simply to push fanatical gun restrictions any way that you can. This
reasoning is simply unacceptable to most Americans.
Let’s face it
Senator Murphy, the bottom line is that you very simply do not trust
your fellow Americans with firearms. The fact that you cling to this
position is clearly evidenced by your ceaseless calls for gun control.
is particularly troubling is the fact that you are doing so while
admitting that some immigrants from certain regions of the world may be
so dangerous that we need to ban legal firearms to reduce the ‘risks’ of
these people being here.
It is sheer lunacy that you would risk the lives of your fellow citizens in such a manner if given the opportunity.
way would make all of us less safe if you eliminate the means for us to
protect our lives and our families. Therefore, you and your beliefs are
more dangerous to this nation than any immigrant from anywhere in the
world ever could be. Scott Wilson President CCDL, Inc.
About the CCDL:
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League was formed in February 2009 by a
small group of concerned citizens as a non-partisan organization to
advocate for second amendment rights in the state of Connecticut. Since
their founding, the group has grown to more than 14,000 members. Thanks
to this large supportive base across the state the CCDL has become a
fixture of the capitol, and well recognized by committees that oversee
firearms related bills.
CCDL is also actively involved at the
state Board of Firearms Permit Examiners. As the go-to organization in
the state they are consulted with regularly by lawmakers who have
questions and concerns about pending legislation or existing laws. For
more information regarding CCDL, please visit
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Sadiq Khan said: “I am quite clear, this ban is cruel, this ban is
shameful, while this ban is in place we should not be rolling out the
red carpet for President Trump.” Let’s put this in perspective. Britain has a steadily lengthening
record of admitting jihad preachers without a moment of hesitation. Syed
Muzaffar Shah Qadri’s preaching of hatred and jihad violence was so
hard line that he was banned from preaching in Pakistan, but the UK Home Office welcomed him into Britain. Sadiq Khan didn’t say anything.
The UK Home Office recently admitted
Shaykh Hamza Sodagar into the country, despite the fact that he has
said: “If there’s homosexual men, the punishment is one of five things.
One – the easiest one maybe – chop their head off, that’s the easiest.
Second – burn them to death. Third – throw ’em off a cliff. Fourth –
tear down a wall on them so they die under that. Fifth – a combination
of the above.” Sadiq Khan didn’t say a word. May’s government also recently admitted two jihad preachers who had praised the murderer of a foe of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. One of them was welcomed by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Sadiq Khan didn’t protest. Meanwhile, the UK banned three bishops from areas of Iraq and Syria where Christians are persecuted from entering the country. Sadiq Khan didn’t raise a fuss. But the U.S. trying to defend itself from jihad terrorists? That’s over the line for Sadiq Khan!
“Sadiq Khan demands Donald Trump’s state visit is cancelled,” by Mikey Smith, Mirror, January 29, 2017:
London Mayor Sadiq Khan – the first Muslim mayor of a
major western city – has demanded Donald Trump’s state visit to the UK
is cancelled.
He told Sky News: “I am quite clear, this ban is cruel, this ban is
shameful, while this ban is in place we should not be rolling out the
red carpet for President Trump.
“I don’t think he should be coming on a state visit while the ban is in place, I couldn’t be clearer.”
He said the ban “flies in the face of the values” the US was built on.
He added: “I’m pleased that the Prime Minister has now said she and
the Government do not agree with President Trump’s policy, which will
affect many British citizens who have dual nationality, including
Londoners born in countries affected by the ban.
Theresa May is under increasing pressure to send a clear and firm message to Trump that Britain condemns the ban.
A quarter of a million people have signed a Government petition calling for the visit to be cancelled.
And the Prime Minister was yesterday criticised for not condemning
the new rules but a spokesman later said she “does not agree” with the
so called Muslim ban.
But when asked if the invitation for Trump to visit would be
withdrawn, Number 10 said: “We extended the invitation and it was
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
President Donald Trump has replaced the former director of
Immigration and Customs Enforcement with Thomas D. Homan, who will serve
as acting director until a permanent candidate can be appointed. Homan
is a veteran of law enforcement with over 33 years experience, and 30
years involvement in immigration capacities, most recently as executive
associate director of enforcement and removal operations – a position he
has held since 2013. He succeeds Daniel Ragsdale, a holdover from the Obama administration.
Ragsdale’s dismissal comes under the radar, as the focus is on the
firing of insubordinate acting attorney general, Sally Yates, who
ordered attorneys at the Department of Justice to not defend President
Trump’s ban on refugees entering the United States.
The Washington Postprofiled Homan in 2016 in a piece that began, “Thomas Homan deports people. And he’s really good at it.” “Homan
is the Washington bureaucrat in charge of rounding up, detaining and
kicking illegal immigrants out of the country. As Americans fight over
whether the next president should build a wall on the Mexico border to
keep migrants out or protect millions of them from deportation, Homan is
actually hunting undocumented immigrants down right now, setting
strategy for 8,000 officers on the front lines.”
General John Kelly, Secretary of Homeland Security, released the following statement on Homan’s appointment – Today, the president appointed Mr. Thomas D. Homan acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Since
2013, Mr. Homan has served as the executive associate director of ICE
Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO). In this capacity, he led ICE’s
efforts to identify, arrest, detain, and remove illegal aliens,
including those who present a danger to national security or are a risk
to public safety, as well as those who enter the United States illegally
or otherwise undermine the integrity of our immigration laws and our
border control efforts. Mr. Homan is a 33-year veteran of
law enforcement and has nearly 30 years of immigration enforcement
experience. He has served as a police officer in New York; a U.S. Border
Patrol agent; a special agent with the former U.S. Immigration and
Naturalization Service; as well as supervisory special agent and deputy
assistant director for investigations at ICE. In 1999, Mr. Homan became
the assistant district director for investigations (ADDI) in San
Antonio, Texas, and three years later transferred to the ADDI position
in Dallas, Texas. Upon the creation of ICE, Mr. Homan was
named as the assistant agent in charge in Dallas. In March 2009, Mr.
Homan accepted the position of assistant director for enforcement within
ERO at ICE headquarters and was subsequently promoted to deputy
executive associate director of ERO. Mr. Homan holds a
bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and received the Presidential Rank
Award in 2015 for his exemplary leadership and extensive
accomplishments in the area of immigration enforcement. I
am confident that he will continue to serve as a strong, effective
leader for the men and women of ICE. I look forward to working alongside
him to ensure that we enforce our immigration laws in the interior of
the United States consistent with the national interest.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
NEW YORK – Eric Schmidt, the founder of the multinational
conglomerate Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google, is making a
run to become a Trump insider, intending hopefully to reverse the
political damage done by the strong support he and Google gave to the
Obama administration for eight years and to Hillary Clinton in her 2016
presidential campaign.
On Dec. 14, 2016, Schmidt was included in a group of prominent tech industry executives that met with then President-elect Donald Trump in a much-publicized meeting.
Then on Jan. 17, 2017, Politico reported
that Schmidt was sited at an unannounced visit to Trump Tower, where he
lunched privately with Jared Kushner, Trump’s real estate magnate
son-in-law married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka in 2009, who has emerged
to be named a Senior Advisor to his father-in-law in the White House.
Schmidt’s charm offensive
Trump’s long-time
advisor Roger Stone expressed to concerns shared by many
close to the Trump administration that Schmidt is angling to create a
personal relationship with Trump so as to continue the business
advantages Google enjoyed when Barack Obama was president.
Eric Schmidt was among Hillary’s biggest donors and closest advisors,”
Stone told in an exclusive interview. “Schmidt enjoyed a
revolving-door relationship with the Obama administration that secured
for Google key role in writing regulations to Google’s advantage.”
Stone pointed out that Schmidt “bet on the wrong horse – big time” in supporting Hillary.
“Now, Schmidt is engaged in massive damage control, thinking he charm his way into Trump’s inner circle,” Stone continued.
problem is that Schmidt and Google have a history of supporting
Democratic candidates and leftist causes,” he stressed. “The American
public has no idea how extensively Schmidt has used his influence with
Hillary and with Obama to wind Google tentacles into the heart and inner
workings of a federal bureaucracy staffed from the top-down by
left-leaning Hillary lovers.”
Stone emphasized those in key
positions in the Trump administration must be on the alert to a “Google
charm offensive” launched by Schmidt to cozy up to Trump in an effort to
re-establish with Trump some of the influence Google enjoyed with the
Democrats. Google strategy to worm into Trump
was definitely trying to advance its policy agenda by cozying up to
Trump,” Daniel Stevens, the acting executive director of the
Washington-based non-profit 501(c)(3) watchdog Campaign for
Accountability told Infowars. “It’s what Google did with Hillary. As
Hillary’s campaign was kicking-off, Google cozied up to the Clinton
campaign. Eric Schmidt sent off emails offering advice to Hillary’s top
campaign managers, in an effort to make himself indispensable to the
Stevens noted Eric Schmidt even created an under-the-radar startup technology company for Hillary’s Campaign, The Groundwork,
headquartered in Brooklyn, N.Y., a few blocks from Hillary’s campaign
office. The Groundwork became a major vendor Hillary’s campaign,
implementing a policy designed to emulate Barack Obama’s highly
successful micro-targeting of voters in 2012, in a plan to feed this
data to activists working in the field through the Obama campaign’s
activist arm, Organizing for America.
As noted by in an article published Oct. 9, 2015,
Hillary’s decision to hire former Google executive Stephanie Hannon as
her 2016 presidential campaign’s chief technology officer, as well as
hiring “a host of ex-Googlers” as high-ranking technical staff at the
Obama White House evidenced the “shrinking distance between Google and
the Democratic Party.”
“It now appears that Schmidt is trying to
reach out to the Trump White House in a similar way,” Stevens
continued. “It’s in Google’s interest to cozy up to Trump now that he
is president and that is what Schmidt is trying to do.”
That Google has already made inroads into the Trump camp was clear to the Campaign for Accountability in
that Joshua Wright, who co-wrote a Google-funded paper while on the
faculty of George Mason University and works at Google’s main antitrust
law firm, has been advising the Trump transition team on competition
issues, while Alex Pollock, of the Google-funded R Street Institute, has
also been named to oversee the transition at the FTC.
At the same time, it is not clear the Trump administration fully appreciates the extent to which Eric Schmidt and Google top executives have supported and advanced Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s far-left policy agenda. Leaked emails released by Wikileaks revealed that John Podesta,
Hillary’s 2016 campaign chairman, had warned Neera Tanden, the
President of the Center for American Progress, “I hope Hillary truly
understands how batshit crazy David Brock is.”
Radical Democratic Party political operative David Brock is the chief architect behind promoting the leftist “Fake News” campaign.
Brock’s advice was key to promoting Google to take steps to prohibit
some 340 “fake news” sites in November and December alone from using
Google ads for monetization. Last week Google confirmed that since
November, some 550 sites have been reviewed, resulting in permanent bans
for nearly 200 and temporary bans for another 140, as reported by Variety on Jan. 25, 2017.
Google refuses to disclose the identity of the websites Google has targeted to block as “fake news.”
supporters should remain legitimately concerned that by buying into
Brock’s campaign against “fake news,” the ultimate goal of the far-left
is to ban sites like for exposing the far left agenda, wile
protecting mainstream media news organizations and websites like CNN,
despite proof CNN has reported anti-Trump stories proven to be false or
otherwise untruthful.
Trump has repeatedly attacked CNN as “not a legitimate news agency”
because of the extent to which CNN has engaged in one-sided, distorted
and intentionally misleading anti-trump “fake news” slanted to benefit
far-left candidates like Hillary Clinton, while striving to protect the
legacy of the Obama administration from criticism. Google’s revolving door
President Obama announced his support last week for a Federal
Communications Commission plan to open the market for cable set-top
boxes — a big win for consumers, but also for Google— the cable and
telecommunications giants who used to have a near-stranglehold on tech
policy were furious,” wrote David Dayen in the Intercept
on April 22, 2016, evidencing Schmidt’s ability to get Obama
administration regulations written to benefit Google. “AT&T chief
lobbyist Jim Cicconi lashed out at what he called White House
intervention on behalf of ‘the Google proposal.’”
According to a report published by Campaign for Accountability on April 26, 2016, White House logs show Google had “unrivaled access” to the Obama administration
with Google representatives attending 427 meetings in the White House
from the time Obama took office, on Jan. 20, 2009, and October 2015 – a
meeting every 5.8 days – more than once a week – averaging one meeting
every 4.1 working days.
The Campaign for Accountability study further established a
“revolving door” with Google hiring an Obama administration government
official or a Google employee becoming an Obama administration employee.
“The dataset highlights the astonishing level of traffic between the
two in both directions: 251 people either moved from Google into
government or vice-versa, since Obama took office,” the Center for
Accountability noted.
“Over the course of just 15 years, Google
has grown into arguably the most powerful company on the globe by
becoming its biggest data-mining operation,” said Anne Weismann the
executive director for the Campaign for Accountability Executive when
the report on Google was released last year. “Google knows more about us
than we know about ourselves, but we know surprisingly little about
Google and how it actually operates.”
“The company’s business
practices and political influence, as well as how it uses our private
information, are disturbingly opaque.”
Among those benefiting from Google’s “revolving door” relationship with the Obama administration is Megan Smith, the former Google vice president of business development who served as the United States’ Chief Technology Officer in the Obama White House.
is Johanna Shelton, Google’s director of public policy and top
lobbyist, Johanna Shelton, According to, Johanna Shelton, visited White House officials 128 times,
including 4 times with President Obama himself, between the time Obama
took office in 2009 and October 2015, compared to lobbyists for other
companies in the telecommunications and cable industry that visited the
White House a combined 124 times in the same time span. The Daily Mail
concluded that Shelton visited the Obama White House more than 18 of the
top 50 lobbyist spenders combined.
Eric Schmidt’s personal
familiarity with Obama stretches back at least to Nov. 14, 2007, when
then Sen. Barack Obama, a 2008 presidential hopeful, visited Google’s
headquarters in Mountain View, California, to meet with Schmidt and take
questions from Google employees, as part of the “Candidates at Google” series.
In his 2008 presentation at Google, Obama expressed his support for
net neutrality, a Google-sought policy decision that the Federal
Communications Commission finalized as “Net Neutrality Regulations” on April 13, 2015.
On June 23, 2011, wrote the White House legal counsel,
advising of the group’s concern about the Obama administration’s
“inappropriate relationship with Google while the company is under
criminal investigating,” insisting that Schmidt as Google’s executive
chairman, and Marissa Meyer, a Google vice president had been invited
unadvisedly to be guests at a then recent White House state dinner
honoring German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
“Allowing such
executives to hobnob at a gala White House event inevitably sends a
message that the Administration supports them and undercuts the ability
of federal investigators to proceed with their case in a fair and
unbiased way,” president Jamie Court wrote in the
In an article published June 24, 2011, Politico documented the precise nature of the legal conflicts of interest involved in Schmidt and Meyer attending the White House state dinner.
is reportedly the subject of an antitrust investigation by the FTC, and
Justice is reviewing its $400 million purchase of online advertising
firm Admeld,” Politico noted. “In addition, Justice, the FDA and the
Rhode Island U.S. attorney are reportedly looking into allegations that
Google profited from selling online ads to illegal online pharmacies.”
stressed that despite these on-going investigations, “Google’s
Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt and Vice President Marissa Mayer were
guests at last month’s State Dinner to honor German Chancellor Angela
All investigations ended without Google facing anti-trust charges or criminal prosecutions:
Schmidt’s role as Hillary’s “head outside advisor”
In an email dated April 2, 2014, released by Wikileaks,
Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign chairman John Podesta
wrote Hillary’s campaign manager Robby Mook about a meeting he had just
completed with Google’s Eric Schmidt.
“I met with Eric Schmidt
tonight. As David reported, he’s ready to fund, advise recruit talent,
etc. He was more deferential on structure than I expected. Wasn’t
pushing to run through one of his existing firms. Clearly wants to be
head outside advisor, but didn’t seem like he wanted to push others
out,” Podesta wrote. “Clearly wants to get going. He’s still in DC
tomorrow and would like to meet with you if you are in DC in the
afternoon. I think it’s worth doing. You around? If you are, and want to
meet with him, maybe the four of us can get on the phone in the a.m.”
In another Wikileaks document, an attachment to a memo Mook wrote to Podesta
and Clinton aid and legal adviser Cheryl Mills, dated Oct. 26, 2014,
Mook detailed the extensive work “Eric Schmidt’s group” was undertaking
with the campaign.
As noted by the Daily Caller, the attachment
was a memo originally sent to Hillary by Teddy Goff, the former digital
director for President Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign who had
transitioned to Hillary’s 2016 campaign, in October 2014, six months
before Hillary announced her run to the White House.
In the memo,
Goff stressed the importance of Schmidt in constructing the back-end
infrastructure of the Clinton campaign website. She wrote the
“We have selected a team of developers, unaffiliated
with Eric [Schmidt], to build the front-end of your website — a
relatively simple process that does not need to have begun yet. These
are former employees of mine in whom I have the highest confidence. They
are apprised of what Eric is building but not dependent on it, having
identified commercially available products for all mission-critical
functions in the event Eric’s group is delayed or otherwise derailed.”
continued, noting she had “instructed Eric’s team” to build the
“back-end of the website, the ability to accept donations (along with
associated features, most importantly the ability to store credit card
information), and the ability to acquire email addresses.” She noted
these were “core functionalities” that had contributed to Obama’s 2012
electoral success. This appears to be the genesis of the thinking that
led Schmidt to create The Groundwork to create Hillary’s 2016 campaign
technological infrastructure.
According to leaked documents released by Guccifer 2.0, Eric Schmidt, valued by Forbes as having a net worth of $11.8 billion, has personally donated $118,866.34 to the Clinton Foundation.
is no doubt that Schmidt used that wealth to bet heavily that Hillary
Clinton would be president in 2017. According to, Alphabet Inc. employees contributed $1.5 million to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, making Google the second largest source of campaign contributions that Clinton received.
Campaign for Accountability’s “Google Transparency Project” found “at
least 57 people were affiliated with both Clinton—in her presidential
campaign, in her State Department, at her family foundation—and with Google or related entities.
In addition, 10 people who worked under Clinton at the State Department
later joined the New America Foundation, a Google-friendly think tank
where Google’s Eric Schmidt served as chairman and was one of its top
The “Google Transparency Project” report made clear
Google executives and employees “bet heavily on a Clinton victory,
hoping to extend the company’s influence on the Obama White House.” The
report continued to note that Google executives and employees “lost
that bet, and are left scrambling to find an entrée into the Trump
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Former Secretary of Foreign Affairs Jorge Castañeda has called on
Mexico to punish President Trump for his actions on deporting illegal
immigrants and building a border wall by allowing criminal cartels to
run drugs into the United States.
an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, Castañeda suggested that drug
cartels could be unleashed on the U.S. as retribution for Trump’s
aggressive stance towards Mexico.
has a lot of negotiating chips in this matter, Fareed, but it also has
measures we could take in other areas,” said Castañeda. “For example,
the drugs that come through Mexico from South America, or the drugs that
are produced here in Mexico all go to the United States. This is not
our problem. We have been cooperating with the United States for many
years on these issues because they’ve asked us to and because we have a
friendly, trustful relationship. If that relationship disappears, the
reasons for cooperation also disappear.”
is clearly suggesting that Mexican authorities could take a hands off
approach to stopping drug traffickers as part of a revenge attack
against Trump.
“The implications
are astoundingly clear – Mexico would consider exporting chaos and
violence into the United States as a form of payback for immigration
restrictions and controls against the instability that the southern
border has brought to the country for decades,” comments Mac Slavo.
irony of course is that any intensification of chaos on the border
would only serve to strengthen Trump’s hand when it came to building the
wall and deporting illegals.
From 2006-2010 alone, Mexican drug cartels killed around 34,000 people, and that’s just on the Mexican side. Those murders included gruesome ISIS-style beheadings and other grisly executions.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“Do you like freedom and liberty?” Asking this question of some of their fellow students landed three college kids in jail. Here’s the story. Back in September, members of the Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)
were handing out pocket copies of the Constitution to their fellow
students at Kellogg Community College (KCC) in Michigan trying to build
up the club’s membership. Later, campus police approached the kids, questioned them about their
activities, handcuffed them for “trespassing” and locked them up in the
county jail for seven hours!
On January 18, the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a lawsuit
on behalf of the three YAL members who were arrested and jailed by the
college’s law enforcement.
Here’s ADF’s account of the events that occurred that day and how the
kids ended up in jail for passing out copies of the Constitution:
Brandon and his group were outside on a
campus walkway talking to passing students and handing out copies of the
Constitution when two KCC officials approached them. First an
administrator and then the Manager of Student Life told them that they
must have a permit from the Student Life Office in order to be
“soliciting.” The Manager also said that they could not use this
walkway for their activities.
The group calmly explained that they had a
constitutional right to be there. While the administrator conceded, the
Manager of Student Life did not. He even went so far as to say that, by
asking questions and handing out Constitutions, they were “obstructing”
the education of the students with whom they spoke.
Later, members of KCC campus security,
including the police chief, ordered them to stop engaging in
“solicitation” or they would be arrested for trespassing. Brandon
complied with the order, leaving to wrap up some other items on campus,
while the other three members of the group reiterated their right to be
That’s when the students were arrested and taken to jail.
Adding insult to ignorance, when asked what harm the three YAL
members were causing to their fellow students, a college administrator
identified as Drew Hutchinson, explained that students from “rural farm
areas … might not feel like they have the choice to ignore the
In other words, according to the administration of Kellogg Community
College, people who live on a farm are too backward to realize that when
someone asks them a question, they are free to answer the question or
ignore it.
Additionally, the YAL members who were arrested report that Hutchinson
told them that the question they were asking (“Do you like freedom and
liberty?”) was too “provocative.”
Hutchinson also allegedly told them that the rural kids “are growing
up on a farm, or they don’t have Wi-Fi, they don’t have internet, you
know it’s a very different situation, they were brought up in a very
different manner.”
Without Wi-Fi, farm kids are just “brought up” not knowing what to do
if someone offers them a pocket Constitution or asks them a question.
Now, in fairness to KCC, the school does have a Solicitation Policy that was in place prior to YAL’s activities.
The Solicitation Policy
reads: "Soliciting activities on campus are permitted only when the
activities support the mission of Kellogg Community College (KCC) or the
mission of a recognized college entity or activity. Non-College
organizations may conduct solicitation activities on campus only when
lawfully sponsored by a recognized College entity. All organizations
desiring to conduct soliciting activities on campus must adhere to
College policies and procedures."
The policy then goes on to lay out the process a group must follow
before being allowed to distribute literature. The school claims that
the three YAL students violated the policy and thus were arrested and
One of the arrested students recalls the activities of another
on-campus group that were not held to strict obedience to the
Solicitation Policy. Here’s the story as told by Brandon Withers, one of
the jailed YAL members:
Withers says in the lawsuit that he has
witnessed other students violating KCC’s free speech and solicitation
policies without incident.
He said that a year prior to his
encounter, he saw members of an LGBT student organization distributing
literature in the Student Center while freely walking around and not
confined to sitting quietly at a table. Withers also alleges he has seen
students asking for petition signatures around other areas of campus
without prior approval to do so.
The ADF sees several violations on the part of KCC of the YAL students’ constitutionally protected civil liberties.
First, they argue that the school’s solicitation policy affords
unconstitutionally broad discretion to school administrators, allowing
them to approve or reject petitions according to their own whims.
Next, the lawsuit claims: “KCC maintains an unwritten speech zone
policy limiting student expression to one location on campus. If
students express themselves on campus without a permit or in any other
location, KCC deems them to be violating the Code of Conduct for
Students, which exposes them to a variety of sanctions, including
expulsion." There is no doubt that that United States has become a land where
speech must be approved and when approved must be spoken only in
designated zones set aside for that activity. Moreover, just because you have the “right” to speak, you must make
sure that the words you say are not offensive to anyone (even in the
slightest degree, the so-called “micro-aggressions”) or you may have such
“rights” taken from you and you may be subjected to severe punishment
for failing to remain safely and mutely inside your government-approved
speech zone.
“All public colleges—which are supposed to be the ‘marketplace of
ideas’—have the duty to protect and promote the First Amendment’s
guarantee of free speech,” declared ADF Legal Counsel Travis Barham.
“Ignoring this duty, KCC arrested these club supporters for
exercising this freedom, and, ironically, for handing out copies of the
very document—the Constitution—that protects what they were doing,” he
added. There is a specter of suppression of speech that is not completely in
concert with the upholding and obeying of the regime. One unable to
restrain himself from criticizing the central planners will be summarily
subjected to a denial of liberty, regardless of the erstwhile
protections offered by some musty old “parchment barrier.” As so eloquently stated by Ron Paul, “In the empire of lies, truth is treason.”
The UN Agenda 2030 is composed of 17 separate “goals,” along with 169 specific “targets”
to be imposed on humanity. Among other schemes, the document demands
national and international wealth redistribution, government and UN
control of production and consumption, the indoctrination of children to
not just believe in the UN's agenda but to actually “promote” it, and
much more. Under the guise of solving everything from world poverty to
hunger and disease, the controversial UN documents demands massive
expansion of national, regional, and international governments' coercive
powers. Virtually the entire document violates the limitations on
government power established by the U.S. Constitution, making it illegal
in America without changing the supreme law of the land.
Essentially, UN officials and the leaders of most of the UN's largely
un-free member regimes are plotting to use Agenda 2030 as a blueprint
for advancing, among other goals, the globalist establishment's agenda
of totalitarian control and centralization of power. Even a brief
perusal of the document itself makes that clear. In the same briefing on
November 8 of last year, Thompson made that clear as well, although he
used less than honest language to describe the effects that implementing
the “master plan for humanity” would have.
Speaking to representatives of the world's governments and
dictatorships, Thomson said the theme for his mission would be “The
Sustainable Development Goals: A Universal Push to Transform our World.”
And by “transform our world,” he means exactly what he says, demanding
that “all actors — globally, regionally, nationally and at community
levels — view our world through the lens of sustainability.”
Specifically, he vowed to bring onboard “international financial
institutions, multilateral bodies, regulatory authorities, the private
sector, philanthropic foundations, civil society, women’s organizations,
academia, local authorities and people everywhere.” His team will also
“promote the inclusion of the SDGs on the school curricula of every
country.” UNESCO is working on that, too.
Thomson, who hails from Fiji, used the same rhetoric this week at a UN forum
aimed at bringing youth into the scheme and giving the impression of
support for the UN agenda among young people. Touting the importance of
the SDGs and the pseudo-treaty on “climate” known as the Paris Agreement,
which Trump has vowed to cancel, Thomson said the two UN schemes
provide a “universal master plan to place humanity on a trajectory to a
safe, secure and prosperous future for all.” The event was held by the
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Office of the Youth
Envoy of the Secretary-General, and the UN Inter-agency Network on Youth
“Implemented urgently, effectively and at scale, these agreements
will transform our world, to one in which extreme poverty is eliminated
and prosperity is increased and shared more equitably,” Thomson claimed,
as if tyranny and wealth redistribution resulted in prosperity, adding
that “bold ideas” and “urgent collaborative action” would be needed to
bring about the future outlined in the UN documents. “It will require
fundamental changes in the way we produce goods and consume them if our
world is to be sustainable. Youth will have to be at the forefront of
this transformation.”
So crucial is co-opting children, Thomson continued, that he has
already “written to all Heads of Government urging them to include the
SDGs on the education curricula of schools.” That way, young people can
learn about their non-existent “rights” and their “responsibilities”
under the so-called masterplan. “As those with the greatest stake in our
success, I call on all young people to bring your energy, passion,
idealism and ideas to the task of transforming our way of life on this
Planet to the one set out in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda,”
concluded Thomson, whose government is hoping to extort massive amounts
of wealth from more liberty-oriented (and therefore prosperous) Western
nations under the guise of “sustainability” and “climate change.”
Far from being original, the rhetoric used by Thomson and other UN
bosses at the youth forum was lifted almost word for word from the UN
Agenda 2030 itself. “Children and young women and men are critical
agents of change and will find in the new Goals a platform to channel
their infinite capacities for activism into the creation of a better
world,” the document claims. In Goal 4, the document demands that “all
learners” — that means your children and grandchildren — become so
indoctrinated in the UN's extreme ideology of “sustainability” that they
will be ready not just to accept the scheme, but to “promote
sustainable development” as well. The plan also calls for mandatory indoctrination in “global citizenship,” which the UN's "education" agency recently said
"aims to inculcate students with a notion of belonging not just to
their own country but to broader trans-national and global entities.”
“By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills
needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others,
through education for sustainable development and sustainable
lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of
peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural
diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development,” the
global plan for 2030 states. Read that one again, and consider what the
UN means when it pushes “sustainable development.” Even “human rights”
is misleading, referring to government-defined and easily revocable
privileges rather than the God-given rights America's founders viewed as
Perhaps hoping nobody would notice, the UN itself has already spilled
the beans when it comes to the meaning of education for “sustainable
development,” a key tenet of the UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030.
“Generally, more highly educated people, who have higher incomes,
consume more resources than poorly educated people, who tend to have
lower incomes,” a UN “toolkit” for global “sustainable” education
explains. “In this case, more education increases the threat to
sustainability.” In other words, people with real educations have higher
incomes and therefore threaten the whole “sustainability” agenda.
As this magazine has pointed out repeatedly, the SDGs really are a
“master plan for humanity,” a phrase this magazine has used on at least a
half-dozen occasions. But looking past the slick marketing slogans and self-serving gimmicks of the UN dictators club, its allies, and the mass-murdering tyrants responsible for drafting Agenda 2030,
it becomes clear that the master plan involves a surrender of freedom,
self-government, prosperity, national sovereignty, traditional values,
Western civilization, huge amounts of wealth, the Judeo-Christian
worldview, and much more. It is, in essence, a global plan for
totalitarian rule — a sort of neo-feudalism run by unelected and
unaccountable technocrats who lust for ever more power over their fellow
human beings.
The previous UN General Assembly boss, John Ashe, was also a major
booster of Agenda 2030. But just after it was adopted, he was arrested
by U.S. authorities and charged with corruption and receiving bribes to
influence policy from a known Communist Chinese operative masquerading
as a billionaire “businessman.” Ashe died under what analysts described
as suspicious circumstances before his testimony implicating powerful
individuals could be heard in a court of law. Whether other top UN
leaders will face justice for their schemes remains to be seen. But what
is clear is that, if liberty and self-government are to survive, UN
Agenda 2030 must die.
Congress and Trump are in the process of drastically curtailing funding for the UN dictators club and its totalitarian agenda.
But rather than playing defense against every new UN scheme that
threatens freedom and self-government, the American people should urge
their elected representatives to support a full U.S. withdrawal from the United Nations. The American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 193),
currently sitting in the House Foreign Affairs Committee, would do
exactly that, making Agenda 2030 and all the rest of the dictator club's
schemes irrelevant. All that is needed now is enough public pressure.