Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
A Communist / Socialist LIBERAL Terrorist in Elkhorn Nebraska, at Manchester Elementary School has decided to take it upon herself, without consulting anybody else, to BAN Christmas for all the kids, that includes anything with Candy Canes, Christmas Trees, Christmas Songs SEE the Full List in the Video and more !!! Leave a comment how YOU feel about this Communist/ Socialist Liberal Terrorist SKANK, tell it like it is, don't be shy !!!! *** Look What Liberal Policies have Done To California’s Homeless Population in ONE YEAR :
PC Principal Tries to BAN Candy Canes at School, FAILS Miserably
Steyn blasts school principal who banned candy canes Nebraska elementary school principal bans candy canes claiming the 'J' shape stands for 'Jesus.'
School principal put on leave for Christmas decorations ban
Sending a Scholastic book that is a Christmas book — that’s Christmas-related
Making a Christmas ornament as a gift — this assumes that the family has a Christmas tree which assumes they celebrate Christmas
Candy cane — that’s Christmas-related. Historically, the shape is a
“J” for Jesus. The red is for the blood of Christ, and the white a
symbol of his resurrection. This would also include different colored
candy canes.
Red/green items — traditional Christmas colors
Christmas videos/movies and/or characters from Christmas movies
Youtube has demonitized a video by Mark Dice in which he defends the
Christmas classic Rudolf The Red Nosed Reindeer even after he asked them
to reconsider.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
ATLANTA —A Presbyterian Church of America (PCA)
teaching elder and church planter, who also heads a faith-based
non-profit organization and is chairman of a youth-focused group run by a
bishop in Atlanta, Georgia, recently promoted and partnered with a
secular non-profit organization to present an NFC Fight Night. The
unconventional fundraiser, held at a local brewery and complete with
“Vegas-style casino games,” served as an effort to benefit groups
working with inner city youth.
Westside Fight Night was held on Nov. 2 at Monday Night Brewing in
Atlanta, and was presented by X3 Foundation and Next Generation
Foundation, the second of which is chaired by Danny Iverson, who also
founded Shalom City Church and is the CEO of the organization Restore
“We believe it’s possible to have fun and change lives at the same
time,” a description for the event reads. “On November 2nd, X3
Foundation and Next Generation Foundation are teaming up with the NFC to
host the 2nd annual Westside Fight Night.”
“This red-carpet event will provide an opportunity for Atlanta’s most
influential people to directly impact the future generations of
Atlanta’s Westside neighborhoods. Here’s the thing, this will not be
your normal fundraising event,” it states. “It’s a night full of
official NFC fights, Vegas-style casino games, beer from Monday Night
Brewing, and supporting the work in Atlanta’s Westside. That’s a pretty
exciting Friday night, if you ask us.”
Ryan Denton of Christ in the Wild Ministries told Christian News
Network that he disagrees with the concept of a church planter and
faith-based non-profit leader promoting and participating in a
Vegas-style fight night—no matter that it was a secular event.
“Christians are called to be exiles and sojourners in the world,” he
said. “We’re called to be holy as Christ is holy. We’re called to be set
apart. Intentionally meshing with the world [and its ways] … is still a
matter of offering strange fire on God’s altar, since God most
definitely never prescribed such a move, especially for those who are
supposedly Christian leaders.”
2018 is the second year that Iverson is involved with the
fundraiser. Iverson, who is a fifth generation church planter and
received pastoral training at Reformed Theological Seminary, moved to
Atlanta in 2013 to undergo a residency with Perimeter Church, and soon
was sent to plant a church in the Grove City area on the northwest side
of Atlanta, and to conduct holistic outreach in the community.
Iverson became the CEO of Restore Life in 2014, and works with
various groups in the community to “see all sectors of Grove Park
flourish through the dignified empowerment of its leaders, specifically
in the areas of dignified housing, job development, and family
flourishing.” It works with the aim of “unit[ing] community assets
around the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
“Over the last 13 years, Danny has specialized in reaching children,
teens, gang members, drug addicts, and the homeless and marginalized of
society, and recently has begun teaching and empowering other leaders in
the Grove Park community through his experiences and expertise,”
Iverson’s bio on the Restore Life website reads.
According to a newsletter released by Iverson earlier this fall,
Iverson was asked to chair a new organization called Next Generation
Foundation, led by Larry Corker, a bishop from Generations Outreach
Ministries, who also worked with Iverson in his house church efforts
with Shalom City Church. The nonprofit seeks to develop and support
“high-impact and relationship-driven organizations and programs that
build character in youth resulting in productive citizens for our
community and city.”
Next Generation Foundation partnered with X3 to put present the
fundraiser this year, as Iverson outlined in his newsletter, “We partner
with X3 Foundation to put this high-end Vegas-style event on.” It
further states that the event was held at Iverson’s brother’s brewery,
Monday Night Brewing, and is the second year that Iverson has been
involved with the fundraising effort.
In 2017, the event was marked as being presented both by X3 and Restore Life, of which Iverson serves as CEO.
“Last year, we had our first Fight Night fundraiser at Danny’s
brother’s brewery, Monday Night Brewing. It was a great success! This
year we are doing it again and taking it to the next level,” the newsletter update
reads. “But we need your help! We still have 4 tables to sell and are
looking for sponsors. Please come, and if you can’t, please consider
sponsoring someone else from our community to be able to enjoy this
Iverson also promoted the event numerous times on his various
personal social media platforms, writing, “Check out our new Westside
Fight Night promo video. Enjoy. Be challenged. Join the fight. Get a
ticket or sponsor someone from our community to be able to come. It’s
gonna be an epic night” and “Let’s go!!!! 5 days away!”
“A lot of people want to support our fight night fundraiser, but
can’t make it to the fight. A lot of people in our community want to
come but these tickets are a bit outside their budgets. Solution –
sponsor a community member ticket!!!!,” he wrote in part in another post, adding the hashtags #westsidebestside ##Nextgenerationfoundation #X3sports #Warriorlife #Restorationstudios #Mentorlife
“Here we go. Getting started for a great night. If you would like to
give to help us reach our goal tonight, there are three ways,” Iverson posted on the day of the event.
The X3 Foundation, which is a part of X3 Sports, says in its
description that it “works to improve the health and social outcomes for
youth living in struggling communities through the power of sports,”
and that it provides “Atlanta’s at-risk youth with the athletic
opportunities, support, and assistance they need to build productive
futures for themselves.” It lists the NFC and The MMA Alliance among its
Iverson also is a Jiu-Jitsu instructor with the organization Warrior
Life, and writes in his newsletter, “Jiu-Jitsu and Jesus really go well
together, and we are super excited to see God develop body, mind, and
Spirit through this ministry.”
Photos from the event show Iverson on the red carpet, and he noted on
Instagram that “I go on stage after [the] fourth fight” to speak to
attendees. While distancing himself from the fundraiser when asked about
the matter by deferring to X3 Sports, Iverson told Christian News
Network that he believes X3 has helped a number of young people through
their MMA offerings.
“They use mixed martial arts to help mentor at-risk inner city youth,
and have had great success in helping many kids succeed,” he stated.
“Martial arts is a great discipline that helps many people emotionally
and physically, and has been proven to help many youth coming from
traumatic backgrounds.”
Follow-up questions inquiring about Iverson’s level of involvement
and his views about being a part of such an event were not responded to
by press time.
Westside Fight Night featured eight matches this year, including
Jabril Malik vs. Melvin Molina, Nadeem Khattack vs. Jesse Miele,
Mohammad Ibrahim vs. Kendall Hemmings and Jesus Diaz vs. Koyya Russell.
A promotional video for the 2018 event shows footage from the 2017
fundraiser, complete with poker, beer, and the various fights—which
included one competitor falling in the ring as he was knocked out by his
opponent. Some attendees cheer on fights and/or record segments with
their cell phones.
“Tonight, we fight together for the sake of our youth,” it says, “to
knock poverty to the ground, to help our youth fight for their futures.”
Following the event, Iverson posted a thank you to his Instagram,
writing, “What a night. Thanks everyone for the support and hard work to
pull this off.”
In addition to his part in Westside Fight Night and founding of
Shalom City Church—which is now reportedly on pause, according to a post
on Iverson’s blog site—and service as CEO of Restore Life, Iverson also
is the manager of Restoration Studios, which seeks to mentor young
people and give them training and opportunities in the recording
industry. His premier artist is the hip-hop/rap group Gapp Stars, which
stands for “God’s Anointed Purpose Pointing Sinners to a Risen Savior.”
The group’s posted videos include performing hip-hop in church
settings. One video Iverson posted was of his son dancing in a church
while Gapp Stars raps wildly in front of him. Another video in which
Iverson was tagged shows young boys dancing to a rap song with the
hashtag “#mentorship.”
Last month, Iverson posted, “So last night at the show, we had an
after party that turned into a spontaneous time of worship and free
styling. Somehow I ended up with a mic and my 20-year-old punk rock self
emerged. smh. Payload (my punk rock band from college) will rise
In October, Iverson told the outlet By Faith, the online news outlet of the Presbyterian Church in America, about his philosophy for his work in the community.
“[People] often start with the Fall, ‘Hey, you’re a sinner. You
shouldn’t be doing this.’ [But] people we work with already know they’re
sinners,” he said. “They already know this world is jacked up—the
amount of abuse, and systemic stuff from families and generational
poverty. No one hides that stuff.”
“But when you start with the fact that everyone can be a blessing
because they’re made in the image of God, that they have intrinsic value
given to them by their Creator, it calls out the dignity we all share
and opens up doors for honest conversations and deeper relationships,”
Iverson stated. Denton Photo Credit: Chike OzuegbunamHowever, Ryan Denton of Christ in the Wild Ministries,
who preaches at universities, abortion facilities and other locations
nationwide, and who formerly served as a pastor in New Mexico, told
Christian News Network that he disagrees with Iverson’s methodology for
reaching the lost.
“Iverson’s comments assume that just because someone knows they’re a
sinner, they understand the direness of it. I agree it’s wrong to start
with the Fall when it comes to sharing the gospel. But it’s even worse
to start with man,” he said.
“Rather, we should start by telling people who God is. We should
explain what it means that God is just. We should explain God as creator
and the rights God has over humans because of it. That will bring out
how heinous sin actually is,” Denton continued. “The fact that people
know they are sinners doesn’t mean they hate their sin, nor does it mean
they know how devastating sin actually is.”
He outlined that what is happening—whether or not it is realized—is
the exaltation of the sinner, rather than the exaltation of a holy God,
who commands all men to repent and believe.
“Iverson wants to skip both God’s glory and man’s sinfulness and get
right to some kind of exaltation of the sinner, which the Bible nowhere
condones,” Denton stated. “The Bible says ‘stop regarding man in whose
nostrils is breath, for of what account is he?’ (Isaiah 2:22). It’s true
that man has ‘intrinsic value’ since we are made in God’s image, but
this is exactly why the sin of man is so monstrous. We are the only
creatures in the universe made in God’s image, and with the exception of
fallen angels, we are the only creatures who rebel against God’s
“Iverson wants to give people mushy half-truths about how great they
are so that it ‘opens up doors for honest conversations.’ Why not just
start with an honest conversation to begin with and see what God does
with it?”
The late preacher and author Art Katz exhorted in his sermon “And
They Crucified Him,” “[W]e ought to look different, speak differently,
act differently, that there ought to be such a savor and fragrance about
us of Christ that it is a savor of death unto death itself and life
unto life to others. The fact that the world can so easily tolerate us,
the fact of the almost complete absence of reproach, let alone
persecution, it itself a shameful testimony that we are so [much] like
the world that we cannot be distinguished from it. We have lost even the
difference, the sense of difference, between that which is sacred and
that which is profane.”
Christian News Network sought to reach out to Bob Cargo, the director
of church planting for Perimeter Church, but multiple phone calls were
not returned.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Who appointed CAIR the ultimate arbiter on who should occupy
positions of authority? Western cowards have allowed the group to claim
this status.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the
nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, today
called on the Trump administration to withdraw its nomination of Heather
Nauert for the position of U.N. ambassador, saying she is “Unqualified
and Islamophobic.”
Hamas-linked CAIR has a long memory. Here is what CAIR remembers:
In a 2009 Fox special on “stealth jihad,” she interviewed
Islamophobic panelists, including notorious Islamophobes like Robert
Spencer, Frank Gaffney and Nonie Darwish, who claims that “Islam should
be feared, and should be fought, and should be conquered, and defeated,
and annihilated.” Nauert has also defended Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric.
As for “stealth jihad,” the Muslim Brotherhood’s strategic plan for North America was not written by Spencer, Gaffney and Darwish. It was written by a top Muslim Brotherhood operative.
Those who read the writings and listen to the speeches of Mr. Spencer
know that CAIR’s charges are hollow. He is still waiting for feedback
on the question of what exactly makes him “Islamophobic.” What news that
is presented on Jihad Watch is fake? None. The problem is that
according to Sharia, crimes, murder and abuses committed in the name of
Islam are not supposed to be called out. Period. Speaking the truth
renders one “Islamophobic,” so anyone who is literate and knows the
abuses that are occurring in the name of Islam worldwide is
“CAIR Opposes Nomination of U.N. Ambassador Nominee Heather Nauert”, PR Newswire, December 7, 2018:
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — The Council on
American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil
rights and advocacy organization, today called on the Trump
administration to withdraw its nomination of Heather Nauert for the
position of U.N. ambassador, saying she is “Unqualified and
Early next year, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold a
nomination hearing for Nauert. CAIR is urging the Senate and members of
the Foreign Relations Committee to oppose and vote “NO” on Nauert’s
nomination for the position of U.N. ambassador.
CAIR said Nauert promoted Islamophobic smears while employed as a Fox News anchor.
In 2013, she criticized special swim classes for a group of
Somali-American girls, describing the classes as the “minority becoming
the majority at one community pool. Sharia law is now changing
In a 2009 Fox special on “stealth jihad,” she interviewed
Islamophobic panelists, including notorious Islamophobes like Robert
Spencer, Frank Gaffney and Nonie Darwish, who claims that “Islam should
be feared, and should be fought, and should be conquered, and defeated,
and annihilated.” Nauert has also defended Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric.
Nauert previously bashed refugee students in Pennsylvania for wanting
“an even better” public education and falsely claimed that child
migrants from Central America were “an illegal health risk.”
Other than her current position as State Department spokesperson,
Nauert has no apparent diplomatic or government experience or expertise.
“Heather Nauert does not represent our nation’s diversity or its
commitment to treating all Americans with equality and respect,” said
CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad.
“Such an important post should not be occupied by someone who is
clearly unqualified and Islamophobic,” said CAIR Government Affairs
Director Robert McCaw. “There are many other individuals who do have the
knowledge and background necessary for this post. Ms. Nauert’s
nomination should be withdrawn.”….
Republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
much has changed from a cultural standpoint over the past decade, but
nothing so unfortunate as the attempted legitimacy of lawlessness that
pervades our current American landscape. It
seems like only yesterday when encouraging a foreign invasion on our
southern border was considered a radical and dangerous sentiment. Now,
it’s practically the spoken word throughout the mainstream media,
Democrat political offices and Hollywood social media accounts. Of
course, we now live in a country where the American flag is considered a
“hate symbol” on certain college campuses, so I suppose nothing should
shock us anymore. Had
former presidential hopeful Barack Obama campaigned on the idea of
opening our southern border to anyone who wished to cross it, without
any verification whatsoever of who they are, what crimes they’ve
committed or what provable and legitimate claim to asylum they may have,
he would’ve been finished. Nowadays, an open border is essentially the Democrat party slogan. What happened? What happened was something that all Americans should take notice of—incremental destruction. Here’s a presidential quote about
the continued caravan invasion facing our nation: “Those who enter the
country illegally, and those who employ them, disrespect the rule of law
and they are showing disregard for those who are following the law. We
simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected,
undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are
patiently, diligently, and lawfully to become immigrants in this
country.” Sounds like the typical response from our current Commander-in-Chief, right? Actually, that quote was from a different man, a then-Senator of Illinois by the name of Barack Obama. Obama
was cunning enough to know that the American people would no more
accept open borders with Mexico than they would open doors with their
neighborhood, and so an incremental change was necessary. Incremental
or not, fast-forward a decade, and opinions like those expressed
explicitly by Obama would be enough to get you banned from social media
and called a Nazi by the mainstream press. Disingenuous or not, former Senator Obama’s words were spot on. There’s
nothing racist about locking your doors at night; millions of Americans
of every race, gender, religion do it every night. In
fact, it is those who are supporting this attempted invasion who are
disgracing legal immigrants such as myself, who had to go to
extraordinary lengths to achieve citizenship legally. Tens
of thousands of dollars were invested after years of penny pinching,
and countless hours were spent studying American civics and history.
Lawyers, paperwork, medical testing—it’s all part of the well-worth-it
process of coming to America the legal and legitimate way. Those
who took the time to follow the rule of law and went to these
extraordinary lengths, making tremendous personal and financial
sacrifices, are watching this caravan invasion on television and those
who support it with resentment and betrayal. After thousands of caravan members stormed the border at
the San Ysidro Land Port of Entry, border patrol agents were forced to
respond with nonlethal tear gas, after having lethal objects thrown at
them by the invaders. Rather
than express support and gratitude for those who put themselves in
harm’s way to protect this nation, Democrat officials chose a different
route—one that would have been political suicide a decade ago. Rep.
Eric Swalwell showed off his fantastically asinine understanding of
national security and, well, many things when he declared on Twitter: “Tear gas is a form of chemical weapon and I’m interested in learning more about whether any treaties were violated.” Swalwell
later added that the new Democratic Congress would seek to disarm
border patrol of any weapons they might use to defend themselves before
deleting the tweet and rightfully crawling back into a hole of
embarrassment. Barbara
Lee saw Swalwell’s radical claims and said, “I’ll raise you.” “The
tear-gassing of women and children at the border is an atrocity,” she
said. “It’s a violation of human rights. And it is a grotesque betrayal
of our founding promise, as a nation built by immigrants. I’ve called
for @UN inspectors on the border, and I reiterate that call today.” Miss
Lee seems to think that the United Nations should be allowed to tell
our border patrol agents how to defend their lives and do their jobs. I’ll
also add that as a mother, any woman who would use her child as a
shield, knowingly endangering their lives, is not someone who deserves
to call themselves an American. By
the way, we are not a nation built by immigrants, we are a nation
founded by settlers and built by citizens. Immigrants become citizens,
and then add to the fabric of the American ideal. Immigrants
who make this country better do so assimilating to America—not the
other way around—as well as by following the law, not breaking it.
In response Ocasio-Cortez threatened to harass and abuse Don Jr. with a subpoena to testify before Congress.
Ocasio-Cortez then doubled-down on her threat!
Ocasio-Cortez later tweeted in response to backlash, “For the GOP crying that this is a ‘threat’ — I don’t have power to subpoena anybody. Congress as a body, GOP included, has the power. No [individual] member can issue a subpoena unless they are a chair (which, as a freshman, I can assure you I will not be). Also must be under purview.”
It appears Ocasio-Cortez broke federal law by threatening a US citizen with retaliation for snarky tweets.
You can’t use the power of the law to get back at people for their Instagram memes, Alexandria!
Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia.
(R.S. § 1979; Pub. L. 96–170, § 1, Dec. 29, 1979, 93 Stat. 1284; Pub. L. 104–317, title III, § 309(c), Oct. 19, 1996, 110 Stat. 3853.)