January 13, 2020
The Senior Advisor to Egypt’s Mufti, Secretary-General for the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide, Dr. Ibrahim Negm, left for USA on Monday to participate in Islam Awareness Week dedicated to raising awareness about Islam.
The visit stems from the commitment of Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta and the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide to present the true tolerant and moderate image of Islam, change the stereotypes about Islam and Muslims and encounter Islamophobia.
Before departure, Dr. Negm said that during his participation, he will deliver lectures on Islam at the universities, schools, and churches in US with the aim of responding to the prevailing hate speech against Islam and Muslims in the West.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
This is a particularly concerning time to have a man such as the advisor to the Egyptian mufti Dr. Ibrhaim Negm in America; he’ll be speaking at universities, which are notorious for harboring Muslim Brotherhood offshoots such as the Muslim Students Associations and Palestinian Solidarity Networks. Negm will be perpetuating the “Islamophobia” subterfuge.Negm is participating “in week-long activities meant to shed light on Islam.” Shedding “light” on Islam by Negm means leaving out the 1,400-year violent jihad component and spreading propaganda. For example, these are the views of Negm concerning the Palestinian jihad, which has not only affected Israelis and Jews everywhere, and tars anyone who supports Zionism as enemies and “racists.”The Secretary General of the General Secretariat for Fatwa Authorities Worldwide, Dr. Ibrahim Negm, vehemently condemned the continued violations and atrocities committed by the Israeli occupation forces against unarmed Palestinians and their prevention from performing prayers inside Al-Aqsa Mosque.Dr. Negm stated that the occupation forces must immediately end their provocative actions that are an affront to religious figures and the sacred sites in Jerusalem. “Such violations and provocations might lead to regional religious-based conflicts, undermining all efforts exerted to reach a comprehensive and just regional peace on a two-state solution,” Dr. Negm added.The Palestinian chant “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” signifies the total destruction of Israel, as is called for in the PLO and Hamas charters, and Negm knows this. Supporters of the Palestinian jihad do not call for an end to this goal of obliterating Israel because they support it themselves.When Trump declared Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, Negm “vehemently condemned” the action. “According to Dr. Negm, these actions enhance judaization of the occupied Jerusalem and transform its Arab-Islamic identity.”“Egypt mufti advisor heads to US for week-long activities about Islam,” Egypt Today, January 13, 2020:___________________________________________________________________ SEE MORE PROPAGANDA, LIES, DECEPTION: DR. NEGM AT ISLAMIC CENTER OF LONG ISLAND, WESTBURY, N.Y.CAIRO, Jan 13 (MENA) – Advisor to the Egyptian mufti Dr Ibrhaim Negm headed for the US Monday to participate in week-long activities meant to shed light on Islam.Negm will make a point of correcting the false image adopted by the West about Islam and Muslims, not to mention the phenomenon of Islamaphobia.Lectures will be delivered in a number of American universities as part of the activities, Negm said….http://icliny.org/the-delusional-understanding-part-1/ http://icliny.org/delusional-understanding-part-2/