This new and dangerous fad is being practiced in Charismatic churches, including Bethel Church in Redding, CA (Bill Johnson). Todd White has also been linked to this. This is a mixing of the occult and Christianity and needs to be exposed. This article was published and the videos were quickly deleted from Youtube. http://pulpitandpen.org/2017/12/11/ch...
ACTS 16:16-"It happened that as we were going to the place of prayer, a slave-girl having a spirit of divination met us, who was bringing her masters much profit by fortune-telling."
by Bob DeWaay
This new and dangerous fad is being practiced in Charismatic churches, including Bethel Church in Redding, CA (Bill Johnson). Todd White has also been linked to this. This is a mixing of the occult and Christianity and needs to be exposed. This article was published and the videos were quickly deleted from Youtube. http://pulpitandpen.org/2017/12/11/ch...
ACTS 16:16-"It happened that as we were going to the place of prayer, a slave-girl having a spirit of divination met us, who was bringing her masters much profit by fortune-telling."
ACTS 8:9-11-"
there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same
city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that
himself was some great one: To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God. And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries.
The Dangers of Divination
A Biblical Explanation of Divination and Why It is Forbidden

About Us
The Christalignment team, based in Melbourne,
Australia, are trained spiritual consultants, gifted in various
modalities. We practice a form of supernatural healing that flows from
the universal presence of the Christ.We draw from the same divine energy of the Christ spirit , as ancient followers did and operate only out of the third heaven realm to gain insight and revelation.
Christalignment teams are trained in
destiny reading, Presence therapy,trauma recovery, entity
cleansing,relationship alignment and physical healing using divine
energy. Dream interpretation is done using the Hebraic method which can
facilitate deep spiritual alignment.
Christalignment encounters coming from the third heaven realm bring lasting life transformation and guidance.
The team are trained as intuitive readers and will address all client questions.
Christalignment encounters coming from the third heaven realm bring lasting life transformation and guidance.
The team are trained as intuitive readers and will address all client questions.
Bethel Church “Knights” Their Graduates?
What is that About? Part 1
SEE: http://pulpitandpen.org/2017/12/13/bethel-church-knights-their-graduates-what-is-that-about-part-1/;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Church Watch Central writes:Can we assume that when students graduate from Bethel School of the Supernatural, they are… knighted? In 2010 many were knighted by Kris Vallotton and Bill Johnson. If anyone can email us to explain why actual swords are involved, what this means and what is said in this spiritual rite, it would be greatly appreciated.
Often cults will perform such rites to indicate who has the higher spiritual authority. This is because they wish to highlight this authority with word, deed and spiritual impartation/suggestion.
The person highlighted in this particular knighting ceremony, (as it called by the author of the screen grabs below), is Ben Fitzgerald, who later became a Bethel Pastor and teacher in Bethel’s School of the Supernatural.
GOD TV, Bethel, Lifestyle Christianity & IAHM endorsing demonic ‘grave-sucking’.
Here are the images where Ben Fitzgerald was ‘knighted’ by Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton:

What’s this knighting thing about? Sorry to click-bait you with the title. We’ll answer that in Part II (“Part I” is just a re-post from ChurchWatch).
But, yeah. It’s as weird as you might suspect.
“Knighting” in the New Apostolic Reformation Part II
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

We promised Part 2, which would explain the possible origins of this bizarre rite in the New Apostolic Reformation. Here’s the explanation. It seems affirmed by Ben Fitzgerald himself on the Pulpit & Pen Facebook thread.

Don Fizell said, “This is a commissioning ceremony where graduates are being released into the service of Joel’s Army. The ceremony is very similar to what is seen in the Kights of Malta initiation. Rick Joyner is in the Knights of Malta.”
While we plan on exposing the NAR connections to the Roman Catholic Knights of Malta (the commenter, Fizell, is correct by the way), but what was telling, was Ben Fitzgerald’s seemingly affirming comment. He responded, “Wow wonderful picture, thanks for the reminder. What an amazing day that was”.
What is Joel’s Army? Joel’s Army – named after Joel 2:1-2, with extensive modern historical roots the details of which are beyond the scope of this series, is in its current iteration a movement that combines the Latter Rain Movement and charismatic Dominionism. This chapter is the brainchild of Todd Bentley, but has been continued by New Apostolic Reformation “apostles” since his fall into the disgrace of adultery and alcoholism. The Latter Rain Movement was the Second (and most dangerous) Wave of the Charismatic Movement, which believed that the faux-signs and wonders claimed by charismatic prophets were the “latter rain” as spoken of in the Messianic prophecy of Joel 2 (which is cited in Acts 2 by Peter, as fulfilled at Pentecost).
“Be glad, O children of Zion,
and rejoice in the Lord your God,
for he has given the early rain for your vindication;
he has poured down for you abundant rain,
the early and the latter rain, as before.
Continuing his prophecy, Joel gets to the part cited by Peter at Pentecost…and rejoice in the Lord your God,
for he has given the early rain for your vindication;
he has poured down for you abundant rain,
the early and the latter rain, as before.
28 “And it shall come to pass afterward,
that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams,
and your young men shall see visions.
29 Even on the male and female servants
in those days I will pour out my Spirit.
Peter says that the pouring out of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost is the fulfillment of Joel 2,
which includes the “latter rain” metaphor in verse 23 and 24. Israel
had two rainy seasons, the early and latter rains. In the Holy Spirit’s
metaphor through Joel, the earlier rain was the prophecy given by the
prophets of the Old Testament, and the latter rain was the prophecy
poured out upon the New Testament apostles and prophets. that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
your old men shall dream dreams,
and your young men shall see visions.
29 Even on the male and female servants
in those days I will pour out my Spirit.
In the charismatic “Latter Rain” view, however, the earlier rain is that which was poured out upon the New Testament Apostles and prophets, and the latter rain is that which is being poured out now. From this idea has come the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), which is a movement that purports to be a return of the Apostles and with it, Apostolic Authority.
Combined in the milieu of the New Apostolic Reformation and the Latter Rain Movement is charismatic Dominionism. A theology that is functionally post-millennial and was created by a 1987 meeting that sought a bridge between Calvinist Reconstructionism with Charismaticism, and involved Joseph Morecraft and Gary North (source link). Adding a functional post-millennialism to the fires of charismaticism gave them the Seven Mountain Mandate, which claims that God desires that Christians “redeem” the seven aspects of culture including education, religion, family, business, government, arts, and media.
The spearhead for this dominionist takeover was the idea of Todd Bentley, set forth during the heyday of the Lakeland Revival. Bentley taught that the locusts of the Book of Joel represent charismatic prophets leaving mainstream Pentecostal denominations and following after the radicalized leaders of what would become the NAR (in Joel, the locusts actually represent God’s judgment and are a bad thing). So then, Joel’s Army was born at the doomed and debauched Lakeland Revival.
The theological framework for Joel’s Army being representative of charismatic prophets is really, really bad. It’s so bad in fact that IHOP rejects it. They write on their website…
We affirm that the army in Joel 2:1–11 was an ungodly Babylonian army that destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC. We believe that this passage has a double fulfillment in that it also points to the Antichrist’s army that will attack Israel at the end of the age. We affirm that Joel was prophesying about the lifestyle of godly believers in Joel 2:12–17. We deny that Joel 2:1–11 describes the end-time Church.This rejection from IHOP comes after the destruction of the Lakeland Revival and not before, and is probably a reaction to Bentley’s dramatic implosion. Other NAR Apostles who laid hands on Bentley and have since restored him – like Rick Joyner – are still operating according to this disastrous Joel’s Army theology.
Bentley began the effort with Fresh Fire Ministries of Canada and even handed out dog tags to express the movement’s militancy. Today, this movement is continued among the group known as the New Apostolic Reformation. Those figures include Ken and Gloria Copeland, Todd Bentley (he’s still preaching), Patricia King, Jennifer LeClaire (formerly Charisma Magazine), Beni Johnson, Cindy Jacobs, Rick Joyner, Amanda Wells, Rod Parsley, Bill and Jen Johnson, Kris Valloton, and Heidi Baker.
Sadly, Bethel and NAR are very secretive, and they won’t come out and explicitly say what the weird knighting ceremony is about or how it’s remotely scriptural. So, this leaves us to speculation.
In Part III, we’ll discuss an equally as likely reason for the knighting (but perhaps even more concerning), the Knights of Malta.
Christalignment at Rainbow Serpent 2016
An amazing time in our market stall tent where the team were able to do
readings and dream interpretations over approx 600 people. Days were
long, filled with very interesting sites, magnificent fresh pizzas and
highly accurate readings. The Christalignment team saw instant physical
healings, addictions broken and freedom released in the lives of many
spiritual seekers. We will definitely be there next year!!

Charismatics Now Using “Christian” Tarot Cards
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Called “Destiny Reading Cards,” charismatics – some associated with Bethel
Church in Redding, California – are engaging in what is essentially tarot card
reading. You can see the clip below, and then we’ll explain.
They call it a “reading” and refer to the program as “Christalignment.” They don’t do “predictions,” but they will help empower your destiny rather than control it. Using what is essentially tarot cards, they do a “reading” about relations, jobs and issues to help people “make better decisions in the future.”
The tarot is a pack of playing cards made originally in the 1400s in Italy and France, which are meant to help a psychic “divine” truth either about the future or a present situation (some assume the name is taken from the Taro river in Italy). Explicitly occultic tarots include a 78 card pack (as opposed to all the other kinds of tarot, which are implicitly occultic). The charismatics at Bethel Church and elsewhere have commandeered this satanic practice and seek to help people gain insight into their life from these “readings.” Here’s another clip, below.
Mind, Body and Spirit” is a group put together by fans (left) of Bethel Redding, and includes various partners, including the parents of Bethel missionary, Ben Fitzgerald. Students from Bethel Church in Redding were helping with their “readings.”
Jenny and Ken Hodge are hosting an event, “Taking Jesus into Counter Cultures” on March 10. They have modeled the practice of “taking Jesus into counter cultures” by doing their Christianized tarot cards at events like porn expos.
You can see on their public Facebook page their closeness with Bethel Church in Redding. You can see on their December 7 post their advertising of Christalignment (the top video) at an upcoming event.
You can see another “reading” by the woman below.
This reading does not involve tarot cards, however, but different colored agates.
It couldn’t get any weirder in charismania. Until tomorrow. Tomorrow it will be even weirder.
HT/Amy Spreeman and Pirate Crew
(Editor’s note: we apologize for the dead links, but it appears the owners have removed the videos since the publication of this article)