Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research
“Spontaneous Student Protest Marches” Paid for by Wealthy Donor's & Corporations
New Hampshire –-( We have been asked to comment on the weekend's so called “student led marches for gun control” which occurred across the country.
First, you should know that these protests are far from the simple, grassroots teenager led movement that the mainstream media wants to you think they are.
These marches are funded and led by anti-gun billionaires and millionaires. For example, in spite of the fact that many football fans are also Second Amendment advocates, Robert Kraft, the anti-gun owner of the New England Patriots donated the use of the team's private plane to transport the Florida protesters to Washington, DC.
If you still think this is a simple student led grassroots protest consider that Delta Airlines donated the use of three jets to transport some protestors to Washington DC — free of charge.
The reality is that it is virtually impossible for teenagers to pick up the phone, contact Delta and receive the use of jumbo jets. What is more likely is that the teenagers were assisted by highly organized gun control organizations. Organizations that, after each and every tragedy involving a firearm roll out the same tired gun ban proposals. This is not about safety, or restricting access to firearms by convicted criminals. These organizations support magazine capacity restrictions, bans and confiscation of certain types of firearms, and when restrictions don't work, they call for even more restrictions on law abiding people who have not done anything wrong.
You and I both know that further gun control, will not make anyone safer; it will lead to more victim rich environments and violence. Armed self defense worked in Texas and it can work anywhere.
The professional anti-gun activists who orchestrated these marches, do not believe that you have a right to carry a gun for self defense. What is even more frightening is that these gun ban activists fail to grasp the simple fact that a person who is determined to commit murder will not obey a law that says: “no guns allowed in schools”.
Now, lets consider the real facts, the murders in 1999, at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado happened during the 10 year ban on so called “assault weapons”, the murders at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and the Pulse Nightclub occurred in two of the many places in Florida that are off limits to legally carried guns, the murders at the Aurora Colorado Movie Theater also occurred in a gun free zone. However, a brave School Resource Officer in St. Mary's County Maryland stopped a violent school shooter before he could do more harm. Armed self defense works.
On a final note, I think I have outlined pretty clearly who the enemies of freedom are. However if you read the Union Leader you may have seen the attacks on NHFC's no compromise position on the Second Amendment. New Hampshire Firearms Coalition and our members truly support your civil right to keep and bear arms; but there are some who would rather spend time on personal attacks and distracting us from protecting your rights than actually helping us in the fight.
I have to admit, it gives me great pause when we are watching national anti-gun activism at a new level and at the same time, some groups who self identify as firearms advocacy organizations are spending time and effort attacking your New Hampshire Firearms Coalition . I think it is critical, now, more than ever, that we keep our eyes on these new and increasing threats and focus all of our efforts on defeating the anti-gun activism that is before us.
I have some news, for those who want to stand in the way of New Hampshire Firearms Coalition's highly effective, principled stance on protecting the civil rights of the firearms owners in New Hampshire: New Hampshire Firearms Coalition will not be silenced.
If you have never told your friends and family about New Hampshire Firearms Coalition, forwarding this article would be a terrific way to get them involved in the struggle to protect our rights. Thanks for your continued support!
In liberty,
JR HoellCorporate Secretary – NHFC, Inc.
P.S.: The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is working tirelessly to keep gun owners like you up-to-date on as many gun issues as possible — please consider contributing to the effort by chipping in $15 or $20.
The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is New Hampshire's only No Compromise Gun Rights Organization. While many so-called “gun rights groups” work to curry favor with politicians and the media, NHFC is working aggressively to hold politicians accountable and to put a stop to gun control. Visit:
_______________________________________________________________ Disgusting Immoral Child Whoring by Anti-Gun Protestors – WARNING Offensive Images BY DAVID LAPELL SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Child Protestor and mother wishing to fuck the NRA.
USA –-( I have been torn today, after watching the “National” March on Washington and how overwhelmingly one-sided the coverage seems to have been as well as the moral morass and ignorance of the protestors.
In a few hours time I saw many interviews, and the responses I saw not only made me angry, it made me sad as well.
Sad because so many young adults, ignorant of history and the Constitution, were being used as pawns and as political props. Props used by those on the left who are pushing these rallies, but since their faces are known [Bloomberg], they conscripted children to do their dirty work.
What made me angry were how young I saw some of the kids to be, that held signs in favor of gun control, some that aren’t even old enough to be in Kindergarten. In those cases, the parents who use their kids in such a way are morally reprehensible, and they should all be ashamed. Who would use their children like this?
What struck me was how uninformed so many were when a few reporters started asking intelligent questions. Several responded that they wanted a ban on “assault weapons,” but when pressed what one of those was, they were pretty much clueless. There were many holding signs that had to be partially blurred out as to what they thought gun owners and the NRA could do with guns as a whole. Probably one of the most common things I saw, after the marchers got done stating the long list of things they wanted banned, most if not all then parroted out that they “don’t want to infringe on the rights of the law-abiding citizens”.
Perhaps one reporter should have brought around a dictionary and pointed out what the word “infringe” actually means.
Whoring Babies Against GunOffensive Anti NRA Signage Carried by Clearly Ignorant Children
On the very nice, and very expensive looking for a grassroots organization, main stage at the rally in Washington, DC, one celebrity after another trotted out and bloviated their views. Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian, Ariana Grande to name a few and more offered support from afar. What no one asked these self-centered Samaritans is how much-armed security they have around them to keep them safe. How many police officers and armed guards keep them and their families safe while lending their support to those who out of ignorance, arrogance or in some cases both would deprive gun owners of that same right. All the while vilifying the American men and women who make up the NRA. This hypocritical stance is one reason why gun owners and conservatives look at these rallies with disgust and are wary every time the words “common sense gun laws” are uttered.
What these rallies are and what they are gearing up to be are voter drives.
The left knows they are on the losing end when it comes to common sense issues. That was proven in November of 2016, but many are beginning to show fatigue from politics and at the same time, don’t seem to want to be bothered to vote this fall.
As a conservative, I can tell you that the left is mobilizing and doing so with as much money and media backing as they possibly can. I want you to imagine what this country will look like if the Democrat party gets back in control of Congress, a terrifying proposition.
Children Protesting the NRAPink Pussy Hats Protesting Donald Trump at Anti-Gun Rally, what does this have to do with School Safety?Proud NRA Protestor with Vulgar Sign
You can bet one thing is for sure, the Democrats getting control of Congress can mean one thing, impeachment proceedings for sure. On top of that appointees for judges for district courts to the Supreme Court will be compromised, which means a Justice that can go whichever way the wind blows, and frankly, we’ve had too many of them as it is.
Now I want you to think a little farther down the line, and that’s to 2020. Imagine what January, 2021 can look like if a Democrat President comes into power with control of a Congress run by the same party. If you think that a ban on bump stocks is hard news, imagine what could be passed with a vengeful party who has been on the receiving end of a couple of years of policies they didn’t like.
Only thing worse than a Democrat President in 2021 is the thought of hearing the words Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. If you think it can’t happen, it can, and will if we as gun owners and voters don’t get off our collective backsides and do something about it.
What we’re seeing with these marches using children, are that battle lines being drawn, and the orther side has no problem placing kids in the line of fire. I don’t hold them the babies responsible; I do however fault whoever is educating them and the schools that are encouraging it while at the same time silencing the students who oppose the agenda of the left. Sadly what I can say is that I think this is just the beginning.
There are some on the left who want to see these kids protesting non-stop, joining up with the likes of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter which is starting to happen in places like Sacramento. No good can come from these organizations merging except high school students being placed in the back of patrol cars with the media plastering some sad faces all over the evening news.
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” – Rahm Emanuel
One thing we can all say for sure is that this country is split, right down the middle, politically, culturally, and morally, and that divide instead of healing is worsening daily.
Elections this November are critical to gun owners and conservatives in the long run. If the Democrats regain control of Congress the next year will be dominated by one thing, impeachment for whatever reason they can come up with, it won’t matter, and this country will be even more torn. Throw any tragedies or disasters into the cauldron, and one can see how things can spiral downward. No matter what gun owners differences are with each other, with the NRA, it’s now plain to see how the other alternatives can be worse in the long run. Karl Marx wrote in the Communist Manifesto when it came to the history of society something that wrings shockingly true of what we are seeing in these rallies that is a dire warning:
“Society as a whole is splitting up more and more into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other.”
Karl Marx was the author of what many on the left are practicing now, most of them don’t even know it. The marches we’re all seeing against guns, gun owners, the NRA and the Second Amendment as a whole is precisely what the father of Communism envisioned for promoting his political ideals and it’s been eating away at America for the last few decades here.
If the Democrats win, that cancer will spread further and faster than ever. It will be up to us in November to fight back the tide in the voting booths nationwide.
AmmoLand says Join the NRAAbout David LaPellDavid LaPell
David LaPell has been a Corrections Officer with the local Sheriff's Department for thirteen years. A collector of antique and vintage firearms for over twenty years and an avid hunter. David has been writing articles about firearms, hunting and western history for ten years. In addition to having a passion for vintage guns, he is also a fan of old trucks and has written articles on those as well.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Google searches for people wanting to buy AR-15’s spiked shortly after Saturday’s gun control ‘March For Our Lives’ rally, another indication that the left’s crusade against the Second Amendment is in fact causing increased firearms sales.
Just hours after the nationwide protest ended, searches for “buy AR-15” hit their biggest peak since shortly after last month’s Parkland shooting.
More generic searches for “buy a gun” also peaked at the same time.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that the relentless effort to demonize the Second Amendment since last month’s Parkland massacre has only resulted in more Americans buying guns.
As we reported last month, gun stores in Florida reported sales 33% higher than the previous February.
Gun stores in Idaho are also reporting increased sales of AR-15’s since last month’s school shooting, with customers also purchasing pistols at the same time, according to Jared Huckstep, owner of Hux Customs in Chubbuck.
“One only has to look at the lack of inventory in the AR-15 section of his gun shop to notice the increase in sales,” reports the Idaho State Journal.
Some suppliers are also adding hundreds of dollars on to the price of AR-15’s to exploit demand.
“I have friends in Salt Lake and Florida, and they’re seeing super spikes,” said Reed Payne, co-owner of Ross Coin and Gun in Idaho Falls, adding that the surge would continue if Democrats won control of the Senate in November.
As we reported earlier, while the ‘March For Our Lives’ was ostensibly a call to regulate so-called “assault weapons,” many protest signs at the event advocated banning all guns.
Other signs advocated the use of government force to enact violent gun confiscation if necessary.
Calling For Gun Control Is The Most Establishment Thing You Can Do
Alex Jones and Owen shroyer break down how David Hogg is just another tool for the hard core establishment left along with Hollywood who's only goal is to get all the guns so they can finish make america into another socialist country
A candidate running for the office of Sheriff in North Carolina was caught on video advocating all manner of anti- Second Amendment policies, including a suggestion that it is ok to murder Americans to take their firearms.
A candidate running for the office of Sheriff in North Carolina was caught on video advocating all manner of anti- Second Amendment policies, including a suggestion that it is ok to murder Americans to take their firearms.
Daryl Fisher, seen in the following footage, listed every gun control measure he could think of and admitted he was in favor of them.
Fisher then noted that many pro-gun Americans often repeat the phrase “I’ll give you my gun when you pry (or take) it from my cold, dead hands.”
“OK” Fisher said, implying that he is fine with law enforcement literally killing Americans to take their guns away.
The comment prompted laughter from Fisher’s supporters.
How ironic that the anti-gun protest was named the March For Our Lives, when people like this are advocating ending lives in order to push their political agenda.
Im a father of 2. Married 12 years. Worked the same job 19 years now, paid taxes my entire adult life. No criminal record. This man would be ok with killing me because i wont give up my 2a rights. Guys like this is why i own them to begin with
This dude has always been anti-second amendment. He is an embarrassment to all law enforcement. He is advocating for the death of citizens legally owning guns. He must be removed from office.
I don't know who you think is going to take civilian guns by force, but i cant think of a single cop or serviceman who would try. 2a STILL means the second they enter my home, i shoot to kill. No warning, no wounding. Double tap. My family means i feel no remorse, just recoil.
'Interesting' how glib the self-righteous wannabe gun grabbers are about taking lives. The hypocrisy is well beyond nosebleed levels and continues to rise.
First thing Hitler did: confiscate guns
Stephen P. Halbrook Discusses Nazi Gun Control
on the Steve Malzberg Show
Research Fellow Stephen P. Halbrook, author of "Gun Control in the Third Reich" appeared on the Steve Malzberg Show on NewsMax TV. Halbrook spoke about his recent book outlining the gun control methods employed by the Weimar Republic and the Nazi regime.
How the Nazis Used Gun Control
It's important that we know our history so that we don't make the same mistakes as previous generations.
Hitler Survivor Condemns Gun Control:
by Katie Worthman, Holocaust Survivor
Katie Worthman was born in Austria, and lived there for seven years under Hitlers brutal regime, and after world war II, she also lived three years under Soviet communist occupation. Needless to say, but Mrs. Worthman is someone who has an acute awareness of how media distorts things and tyranny comes to power. Mrs. Worthman, not only says that the media was wrong about how Hitler came to power, but she says that "In the beginning, Hitler didn't look like, or talk like a monster at all. He talked like an American politician."
She says that the story of Hitler overthrowing governments and people in order to come to power just simply isn't true, but rather the Austrian people elected Hitler with 98% of the vote at the ballot box. Mrs. Worthman then goes on to say that the Austrian people had guns, but the government began to say that they were dangerous, so they began to implement gun registration. Then she said this was followed by turning in their weapons to the police station in order to cut down on crime, and if citizens didn't... there would be capital punishment.
Mrs. Worthman says that the dictatorship, "didn't happen over night, but it took 5 years, gradually, little by little, to escalate to a dictatorship."
She then goes on to say that, "When the people fear the government, that's tyranny, but when the government fears the people, that's liberty."
As a Nazi survivor, what is her advice to us... "Keep your guns, keep your guns and buy more guns."
Eyewitness: Yes, The Nazis Did Confiscate Our Guns
Austrian citizen Kitty Werthmann, an eyewitness to Anschluss, Hitler's annexation of Austria, confounds recent efforts by gun control advocates to re-write history, by re-affirming that the Nazis did indeed confiscate guns belonging to ordinary citizens.
"The only way we can prevent accidents and crimes is for you to turn-in your guns at the police station, and then we won't have any crimes or any accidents. If you didn't turn in your guns -- capital punishment. So we turned in our guns."
Jack Posobiec Reports On Protesters Bussed Into D.C. March For Our Lives Rally
Jack Posobiec joins Alex Jones live via Skype to break down his experience participating in the D.C. March For Our Lives Rally, and he exposes the protesters bused into the synthetic demonstration.