Tax funded public education in Brooklyn New York is teaching minor students heavy duty indoctrination on social political issues
SEE: https://www.infowars.com/preschool-to-teach-4-year-olds-transgender-and-queer-rights-racism-and-victimhood/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
A tax-payer funded nursery school in Brooklyn has begun teaching its students young as four about, “racism and victimhood, plus transgender and ‘queer’’ rights, with a heavy dose of political indoctrination in the mix.”
In an interview with Andrea Peyser of the New York Post, one father of a preschooler indicated that “They [the school] say they’re trying to reduce racism and discrimination. To me, they’re perpetuating it, fomenting a sense of victimhood in 4-year-olds that would never consider on their own.”
Rosy Clark, a white pre-K teacher, sent an email to parents and guardians on January 16 explaining that the lesson plans for 2020 would include Black Lives Matter materials, and focus on the Week Of Action in a pre-kindergarden class.
“This year, the week is Feb. 3-7. We are starting to talk about these ideas now, as we approach Martin Luther King Jr. Day [which was Jan. 20], and as we prepare to go into February, Black History Month,’’.
Clark continued “I am lucky enough to work at this wonderful school where we strive to help our students understand the complex world around them and think critically about how they can participate in improving it. One of the ways I do that in my classroom is by exploring the 13 Principles of the Movement for Black Lives.’’
Though Clark insists she will not discuss traumatizing topics such as police brutality, she will be teaching the doctrines of transgender and queer affirmation as well as feminist ideas such as the importance of gender diversity in the workplace.
These topics are considered overwhelmingly political, with the basis for transgenderism itself still hotly debated in the Supreme Court as well as numerous state legislation.
“Something that we talk about slightly less in the classroom are the national demands. These involve some more adult ideas and might come up occasionally in our conversations in small ways, but they are something that I really address in my activism work outside of the classroom.”
Rosy Clark is a self admitted activist, and has expressed interest in race-based hiring for teachers, ending Zero-Tolerance policies on the basis that minority students commit more acts of violence and are thus suspended more often.
Her solution parrots leftist talking points by suggesting that suspending students for violence should be discontinued as a practice, forcing students to attend class with the same children who have assaulted them.
Neither Clark, nor the principal of PS 58, Katie Dello Stritto, have been unwilling to comment on the manner but has previously stated her support for “safe spaces.”