republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
This is not about cutting food money, contrary to the lies of Husam Zumlot and others. The UNRWA has multiple links to jihad terror. It is a viciously corrupt and dishonest organization,
bent on enabling the jihad against Israel and willing to lie brazenly
in the process. Every penny of U.S. aid should be withheld from the
UNRWA, permanently.
“US State Department withholds additional $45 million from UNRWA,” Times of Israel, January 19, 2018:
The United States will not provide $45 million that it had pledged last month to the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees, Reuters reported a State Department spokesman as saying Thursday.
The announcement came days after Washington withheld a separate $65 million, arguing that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) needed a “fundamental re-examination.”
The money was meant for food aid as part of the West Bank/Gaza Emergency Appeal led by UNRWA last month.
The funds had originally been pledged by State Department Comptroller Eric Hembree in a December 15 letter to UNRWA Commissioner-General Pierre Krähenbühl, Reuters said.
“The United States plans to make this funding available to UNRWA in early 2018,” the letter said. “An additional letter and contribution package confirming this contribution will be sent by or before early January 2018.”
Explaining the decision to withhold the cash, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert told reporters Thursday that the $45 million was not a guarantee.
“At this time, we will not be providing that, but that does not mean — I want to make it clear — that does not mean that it will not be provided in the future,” Nauert said.
“Money coming in from other countries needs to increase as well to continue paying for all those refugees,” she said, adding that the UN agency needed to reform.
On Wednesday, Arab League chief Ahmed Aboul Gheit charged that the US decision to freeze the funding was aimed at wiping out the whole issue of Palestinian refugees.
“This decision affects the education and health of Palestinians and aims to eradicate the question of refugees,” Gheit said at a conference in Cairo about Jerusalem.
Washington is the largest contributor to the UN agency.
UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness warned Wednesday that “this dramatically reduced contribution results in the most severe funding crisis in the history of the agency.”
Hanan Ashrawi, a senior member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, said the freeze amounted to “cruelty” toward an “innocent and vulnerable population.”
The Palestinian envoy to Washington, Husam Zomlot, said, “Palestinian refugees and children’s access to basic humanitarian services, such as food, health care and education, is not a bargaining chip but a US and international obligation.”…