Even after ISIS takes responsibility, MSM fights to cover up Islamic link just like San Bernardino
BY: October 3, 2017
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Editor’s Note: Just like the Pulse nightclub massacre, the
San Bernardino attack and the 2009 Ft. Hood shooting, the mainstream
media is doing everything it can to cover up the connection between
Islamic terrorism and major massacres on US soil. Establishment
reporters are even claiming it’s “fake news” that ISIS took
responsibility for the attack – even though they did take responsibility
for the attack. The following article reveals the dark triad of
Antifa, Kurdish members of ISIS and anarcho-communists Kurds – and by
implication why a country music festival – the bastion of
flyover-country Americana – was targeted. For background, read this
RELATED article first: FBI Source: Vegas Shooter Found with Antifa Literature, Photos Taken in Middle East.
Members of Antifa are illegally
crossing the Syrian border to receive military training from Kurdish
militias as part of a dark triad between Antifa, anarcho-communist Kurds
and Kurdish members of ISIS.
The US-backed Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) has anarcho-communist politics which has attracted American and European Antifa to fight alongside them in what they refer to as “the Rojova revolution.”
Security agencies are concerned that these Antifa members will continue the “revolution at home” once they return. Already FBI sources have revealed
Antifa literature and photos taken in the Middle East which were found
in the hotel room of suspected Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock.

In a policy that began under the Obama administration, the US military is providing weapons and training to YPG members, many of whom are directly linked to the PKK terrorist organization.
This policy was wrapped under the guise
of fighting ISIS, however, backing terrorists to fight terrorists hasn’t
worked in the past.
An uproar
occurred when US special forces in Syria attached YPG insignia to their
arms and the US military was accused of supporting terrorism, to which
the Pentagon admitted wrongdoing and said the use of the insignia was
As a result, the US military was forced to rebrand YPG as “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF) to provide plausible deniability.
The weapons and military training that
the US military has provided them with are in turn being provided to
western members of Antifa.
These members of Antifa, along with the Kurds, have been constantly glorified in the mainstream media.
Rolling Stone magazine interviewed several “western leftists” that are fighting in the YPG.
And the fact that these anarcho-communist militias have ‘women who are fighting ISIS’ is something that is oft-repeated.
Antifa groups in Europe and North America
have posted photos of their fighters holding up the Kurdish YPG-flag
along with the Antifa flag in Syria.

Now this group of militants is calling themselves the International Revolutionary People’s Guerilla Forces [IRPGF] and the vanguard “of the revolution” in Rojava who vow to fight capitalism all over the world.
This is already happening as Antifa members were part of an armed demonstration in Phoenix, Arizona.

It’s plausible the photos from the Middle
East that were found in the room of the Las Vegas shooter (along with
Antifa literature) were photos of Antifa fighting alongside Kurds in
Syria, and it’s also possible the shooter crossed into Syria to receive military training.
Foreign fighters are able to legally fly to Turkey and then illegally cross into the Syrian border without being detected.
Germany is already reeling from a large population of Antifa, 1.2 million Kurdish immigrants and Kurdish militant groups working together in large numbers.
Furthermore, thousands of Germans have illegally crossed into Syria to fight alongside Kurds, thus it’s no surprise when German Antifa gangs show up at right-wing rallies with hundreds of people and commit violent attacks.
The media, however, continues to glorify
Kurdish fighters as “the only people fighting ISIS” while ignoring the
efforts of the Syrian and Russian governments.
This is mainly because the military-industrial complex had plans to balkanize Syria and Iraq, in the “project for a new Middle East” and they don’t care if they accomplish it using Islamic terrorists or Kurdish communists.
The Kurdish militias are not much better than ISIS, nor as liberal and democratic as the media portrays them to be.
In fact, the Kurds themselves are not one
homogenous group, with the majority of Kurds being Sunni Muslims and
some of them even joining ISIS.
In Iraqi Kurdistan the percentage of female genital mutilation is around 70% while it’s zero in all other parts of the country.
In fact Iraqi Kurdistan, along with Yemen and Egypt, are the only areas of the Middle East where female genital mutilation is routinely performed.
But even the communist YPG has been
active at ethnically cleansing Christian Assyrians, Arabs and other
minorities in the areas they deem the “Kurdish” state. Often times the
areas they claim don’t even have a Kurdish population.
Since the Kurdish population aren’t a majority in the areas Kurdish militias are trying to annex, they are carrying out these ethnic cleansings of non-Kurdish minorities in an attempt to achieve a demographic shift.
The YPG forcibly disarmed Assyrian Christian militias after assassinating their leader, David Jindo.
In Iraq the US-backed Kurdish militia Peshmerga forced Christian and Yazedi militias to disarm, before abandoning them to genocide once ISIS attacked.
And the Kurdish regional government of Iraq is still not allowing these minority groups to return to their villages even though ISIS was pushed out two years ago.
The idea that Kurds deserve their own
state is something that is being perpetually pushed by pro-war think
tanks and liberal sympathizers; however, this pays little attention to
the origin and history of the Kurdish people.
For one thing, the word Kurd was a designator for Iranian nomads.
Like many other nomadic groups such as Bedouins and gypsies, they cross borders tending to livestock.
They typically cross through Iraq and Turkey following the Euphrates River and live mostly in mountains.
In 1915, the Turkish government promised Kurds the homes and cities of the Armenian Christians if they were to participate in the Armenian and Assyrian genocide.
However after Kurds complied, Turkey reneged on the deal of giving them autonomy.
The population of Kurds in north Syria resulted from multiple waves of illegal Kurdish immigration from Turkey after they failed to mount insurrections against the Turkish government.
Many of these Kurdish were given refugee
status by the Syrian government at the time, but now these same refugees
are demanding their own state and are trying to claim ownership of much
of Syria’s oil fields and are blocking the Syrian army from fighting east of the Euphrates.
This foreign policy of balkanizing Middle
Eastern countries to create a Kurdistan may have explosive implications
not just for the Middle East, but also for the West, as it breeds a new form of “Antifa resistance” as well as terrorism in the same way that ISIS was bred through US deep state foreign policy.