
Monday, August 28, 2017




republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The blockading of the church caused Coptic residents of Ezbat Al-Forn Village to write a letter to Egypt’s president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, titled “We were prevented from prayer like criminals.”
President el-Sisi has long been deemed to be the hope of Egypt. His words sent shockwaves throughout the world when he declared over 2 1/2 years ago that “it’s inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire Islamic world to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world.” El-Sisi proceeded to call for a religious revolution.
It has been three years since el-Sisi came to power and promised to “care for the interests of the people” and solve Egypt’s problems. By now, the world should be wondering why his impassioned words have not yielded any results. Instead, jihad attacks and intimidation are on the rise. Now “authorities in Egypt…closed down a 1,300-member church in the Minya governorate and are preventing Christians from worshiping at another church in the area, according to a report.” The reason given is alarming: the church was upsetting to local Muslims.
A report from the Middle East Monitor noted in January that “Egyptian Sisi regime officials have recently been attempting to reconcile with the Muslim Brotherhood, going behind President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi’s back in the process.” This paints a troubling picture of Egypt, signifying that el-Sisi is losing or has lost control of the destiny of his nation.
Last year it was reported that Egypt’s Christians were at a breaking point due to persecution; then back in May, jihadis opened fire on a bus transporting Christians to a monastery south of Cairo, killing at least 30 people and wounding 26. The Independent ran a story entitled “How Egypt’s Copts fell out of love with President Sisi,” which addressed the Christian Copts’ disillusionment over Sisi’s “failure to address longstanding injustices.”
Egypt currently ranks as the 21st worst nation in the world when it comes to the persecution of Christians, according to Open Doors USA’s 2017 World Watch List.
“Egypt Closes Church Over Muslim Extremist Opposition, Blocks Worship at Another”, by Samuel Smith, Christian Post, August 24, 2017:
Authorities in Egypt have reportedly closed down a 1,300-member church in the Minya governorate and are preventing Christians from worshiping at another church in the area, according to a report.
Morningstar News, a donor-funded news agency that reports on persecuted Christians worldwide, reported that the Virgin Mary and St. Paula Church in Kedwan village was shut down last month by authorities based on the claim that local Muslims objected to the church.
According to the outlet, the church served Christians from three different villages — Kedwan al-Baharyia, Kedwan al-Keblyia, Masaken Kedwan.
Coptic Orthodox Bishop of Minya Anba Makarios pressured government officials for weeks to re-open the church. But as the bishop’s pressure on the government provided no result, Makarios issued a public statement refuting the government’s claim that local Muslims opposed the church.
“The security apparatus has prevented Copts from practicing their rites in Kedwan, Minya, claiming that it was because of objections of some opposing factions in the village, and that it was necessary to be considerate of their feelings,” Makarios was quoted as saying: “However, this means that there is no consideration for the feelings of the Copts and those who do not ask for anything but to pray, as if the decision belonged to the opposing factions and not to a great state such as Egypt, which should have authority and law.”
Makarios stated that the majority of Muslims and Coptic Christians in the area co-exist peacefully and that the only opposition to the church came from a small extremist faction.
“There is actually no disagreements or disputes between the Copts and Muslims,” the bishop stated. “He among them who opposes [opening the church], if any is found, gives the excuse of the necessity to obtain a security clearance. Regardless of whether these may be right in their opposition or not, the authorities instead of responding by pointing out that this is the prerogative of the state institutions, or by stating that allowing prayer is a legal right, affirm prevention of prayer! In doing so, they underscore at the same time that the opposing factions are right in their reasoning.”
Morningstar News noted that the Virgin Mary and St. Paula Church in Kedwan is just one of at least 15 Christian places of worship that has faced closure in Minya.
“We have more than 15 places [of worship] closed on the order of the security apparatus, despite the existence of formal requests that are imprisoned in [desk] drawers,” Makarios said in his statement. “Also, there are 70 villages, farmsteads and hamlets without places for prayers.”
In addition to the closure of the worship centers, security officials this past Sunday prevented Christians from worshiping in a private house church in Minya’s Ezbat Al-Forn village.
A local resident told Morning Star News that authorities claimed that the congregation lacked a permit to allow them to worship in the home. However, Makarios reportedly refuted the claim that a permit is needed.
The blockading of the church caused Coptic residents of Ezbat Al-Forn Village to write a letter to Egypt’s president, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, titled “We were prevented from prayer like criminals.”
“We were surprised to find police forces surrounding and entering the village to prevent the Egyptian Copts from prayer and were prevented from going out of our homes,” the letter explains, according to Morning Star News. “We were attacked with inappropriate words … As if we are criminals or outlaws and wanted for justice, accused of performing religious rituals. And is performing religious rituals a crime?”
Egypt currently ranks as the 21st worst nation in the world when it comes to the persecution of Christians, according to Open Doors USA’s 2017 World Watch List…..

 In this new video, I discuss the House of Representatives’ vote against a measure that would require military officials to study the motivating ideology behind the jihad threat.

Muslim Representative Keith Ellison Behind Defeat of Bill; Was Previously Considered For 
Head of Democratic Party
 House Rejects Amendment to Study Link Between Islamic Doctrine and Terrorism
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:

The House on Friday rejected an amendment to a must-pass annual defense bill that would have required the military to study the link between Islamic doctrine and terrorism and make recommendations for identifying Islamic preachers promoting extremist ideology.

The amendment, by Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) fell short by nine votes, 208-217. All Democrats voted against it, and 27 centrist Republicans joined the Democrats.
That list included Reps. Justin Amash (MI), Vern Buchanan (FL), Chris Collins (NY), Barbara Comstock (VA), Ryan Costello (PA), Carlos Curbelo (FL), Charlie Dent (PA), John Faso (NY), Michael Fitzpatrick (PA), French Hill (AR), David Joyce (OH), John Katko (NY), Jason Lewis (MN), Frank LoBiondo (NJ), Patrick Meehan (PA), Dan Newhouse (WA), Erik Paulsen (MN), Dave Reichert (WA), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL), Steve Russell (OK), Mark Sanford (SC), Steve Stivers (OH), Dave Trott (MI), Michael Turner (OH), Fred Upton (MI), Greg Walden (OR), and Don Young (AK-AL).
Specifically, the amendment would have required the Pentagon to conduct assessments on the use of “violent or unorthodox Islamic religious doctrine to support extremist or terrorist messaging and justification.”
The studies would have been undertaken by U.S. government employees from relevant departments and agencies with appropriate background and expertise, with the assistance of experts from academia or another industry.

The study would have identified major or significant identifiable Islamic religious doctrines, concepts, or schools of thought used by various extremist groups for specific purposes — such as recruitment, radicalization, financing or propaganda.
It would also include recommendations for identifying key thought leaders or proponents for these major or significant identifiable Islamic religious doctrines, concepts, or schools of thought; and recommendations for technological capability, training improvements, or process developments to speed the identification of harmful or destabilizing Islamic religious doctrines, concepts, or schools of thought used by extremist groups.
However, Muslim lawmakers, interest groups and civil rights groups argued the amendment would unfairly target Muslims.
“If you have an amendment that says we’re going to study one religion and only one, we’re going to look at their leaders and put them on a list — only them — and you are going to talk about what’s orthodox practice and what’s unorthodox, then you are putting extra scrutiny on that religion,” Minnesota Democrat Rep. Keith Ellison said, according to Politico.
Ellison, who is Muslim, met with Franks to try to persuade him to withdraw the proposal, telling him: “You are abridging the free exercise of that religion. This is the wrong way to do what he’s trying to do.”
Ellison tweeted after the amendment’s defeat: “Good happens – even in Congress! Franks Amendment singling out Muslims rejected; Congress declines to ‘abridge free exercise’ of religion.”
Franks, who is the chairman of the International Religious Freedom Caucus, said in an interview that he was not infringing on the First Amendment’s protection of religious freedom, according to Politico. 
“We’ve worked very hard to protect the religious freedom for everybody,” he said, according to the outlet. “But it is important that we empower America to identify those heroic Muslims within the world that will help us begin to delegitimize this ideology of global jihad.”
“Right now, there is a certain spectrum within the Islamist world that is at the root of the ideological impulse for terrorism,”  he said. “Ironically, Muslims are the prime targets of these groups. To suggest that this is anti-Muslim is a fallacy, and I think that anyone who really understands it knows that.”
Franks said he will try to work with colleagues and modify the amendment so it will pass.
Conservative Review writer Daniel Horowitz slammed the House vote:
Before we throw our troops into untenable military campaigns, isn’t it prudent that we understand the threat doctrine of our enemy and identify who we are fighting? Evidently, that is out of bounds for the majority of the politicians in Washington. They think that the weather and castration surgeries are more within the purview of the military.
It was the 9/11 attack, masterminded by Osama Bin Laden, the leader of terrorist organization al Qaeda, that prompted the Afghanistan War and contributed to public support for the Iraq War. Hundreds of thousands of American forces have been sent to the Middle East and South Asia to fight terrorists.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Gorka himself has been known to equivocate on this issue, but he was one of the last, if not the last, member of the Trump administration who was upholding, even in part, Trump’s apparent campaign promise to speak honestly about the motivating ideology of the jihad threat. Now that he is gone, it appears that the proponents of Obamaesque denial and willful ignorance have won the day. Trump may recover, of course, or he may not. But right now, in the context of the Left’s intense ongoing efforts to deny all dissenters any access to the means of communication, the Trump administration’s abandonment of honesty regarding jihad means that soon those who speak honestly about this threat could have no voice at all in the public square. In the wake of Charlottesville, when the Left began moving aggressively to cut the ground out from under the feet of foes of jihad terror, Jihad Watch received a few thousand dollars in donations, for which I am most grateful. At the same time, the hard-Left smear machine Southern Poverty Law Center received tens of millions to continue its defamation and marginalization of legitimate organizations by lumping them in with the KKK and neo-Nazis. This only means there will be more assaults on truth-tellers coming in the near future.
Gorka wasn’t perfect, but his departure, whether he jumped or was pushed, is another light going out in the failing Trump administration, and a harbinger of rough days to come.
“Breaking: Sebastian Gorka Resigns From Trump Administration,” by Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist, August 25, 2017:
Sebastian Gorka is resigning his post as Deputy Assistant to President Trump, multiple sources familiar with the situation have told The Federalist.
In a blunt resignation letter, the national security and counterterrorism expert expressed dissatisfaction with the current state of the Trump administration. “[G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka wrote. “As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.”
Gorka’s letter expressed unhappiness with the direction the Trump administration’s foreign policy has taken, as signaled by the president’s recent speech on Afghanistan:
“Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will ‘Make America Great Again,’ have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months. This was made patently obvious as I read the text of your speech on Afghanistan this week…
“The fact that those who drafted and approved the speech removed any mention of Radical Islam or radical Islamic terrorism proves that a crucial element of your presidential campaign has been lost…
“Just as worrying, when discussing our future actions in the region, the speech listed operational objectives without ever defining the strategic victory conditions we are fighting for. This omission should seriously disturb any national security professional, and any American who is unsatisfied with the last 16 years of disastrous policy decisions which have led to thousands of Americans killed and trillions of taxpayer dollars spent in ways that have not brought security or victory.”
During his time in the Trump administration, Gorka focused on issues such as countering the Muslim Brotherhood, the crisis in Qatar, supporting efforts to draft a new long-term national security strategy, and combatting China’s economic warfare. Before coming to the White House, Gorka was the Major General Matthew C. Horner Chair at Marine Corps University and also contributed to Breitbart News….
The Forward has written dozens of attack pieces against Gorka, including several attempting to align him with Nazism. Most recently that publication retracted a story about his son’s schoolwork. Gorka strenuously objected to allegations he had ties to Nazi groups in his family’s home country of Hungary, where he had previously been involved in national politics. Even detractors eventually acknowledged the Nazi accusations were unfair smears….
UPDATE: In response to this story, the White House issued a statement that said, “Sebastian Gorka did not resign, but I can confirm he no longer works at the White House.”
 Tillerson: Gorka “completely wrong” to hit Trump 
for not saying “radical Islam”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“It shows a lack of understanding of the president’s broader policy when it comes to protecting Americans at home and abroad from all acts of terrorism. Terrorism has manifested itself in many types of organizations.”
Yes, of course. Just consider that worldwide network of Amish terrorist groups.
What this is about is whether or not the U.S. is going to identify and study the terrorists’ motivating ideology. If it doesn’t, it will have failed to know the enemy, which is the first adage of how to pursue a war successfully.
The Trump administration has betrayed its promise.

“Tillerson: Gorka is ‘completely wrong’ on ‘radical Islam’ term,” by Julia Manchester, The Hill, August 27, 2017:
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Sunday former White House aide Sebastian Gorka was “completely wrong” to criticize the president’s Afghanistan speech because there was no mention of “radical Islam.”
“It shows a lack of understanding of the president’s broader policy when it comes to protecting Americans at home and abroad from all acts of terrorism,” Tillerson told Chris Wallace on “Fox News Sunday.”
“Terrorism has manifested itself in many types of organizations. The president has charged us to develop policies and tactics both diplomatically and militarily to attack terrorism in its many forms, wherever it exists in the world, and wherever it might present a threat to the homeland or Americans anywhere. This means that we need to develop techniques that are global in their nature.”…

 167 Year Old California Catholic School Removes Statues of Mary and Jesus to be More Inclusive 

Published on Aug 26, 2017
Breaking News:
167 Year Old California Catholic School Removes Statues of Mary and Jesus to be More Inclusive
Officials at the San Domenico School in California decided recently to remove the Catholic statues and icons in a move to be seen as more inclusive.

The school is celebrating its 167th year.

Removal of a number of statues and other smaller Catholic icons from the campus of San Domenico School in San Anselmo has raised concerns among some parents.

In an email to the school’s board of directors, Dominican Sisters of San Rafael and the head of school, Shannon Fitzpatrick objected to the removal of the statues and other steps the school has taken in an effort to make the school more inclusive.

“Articulating an inclusive foundation appears to mean letting go of San Domenico’s 167-year tradition as a Dominican Catholic school and being both afraid and ashamed to celebrate one’s heritage and beliefs,” wrote Fitzpatrick, whose 8-year-old son attends the school.

She added, “In our time here, the word ‘Catholic’ has been removed from the mission statement, sacraments were removed from the curriculum, the lower school curriculum was changed to world religions, the logo and colors were changed to be ‘less Catholic,’ and the uniform was changed to be less Catholic.”

Responding to follow-up questions Monday, Fitzpatrick wrote, “There are other families having the same concerns I do. Many parents feel if the school is heading in a different direction then the San Domenico community should have been notified before the signing of the enrollment for the following year.”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“The students attending San Domenico come from a variety of religious backgrounds besides Christianity: Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.”
Hmmm. Which of those four is likely to have been the only one objecting to the presence of these statues? And so here again we see the universal principle: in Muslim countries, one must change one’s behavior to suit Muslim sensibilities. And in non-Muslim countries, one must change one’s behavior to suit Muslim sensibilities.
“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)
“San Anselmo’s San Domenico School creates stir by removing Catholic statues,” by Richard Halstead, Marin Independent Journal, August 24, 2017:
Removal of a number of statues and other smaller Catholic icons from the campus of San Domenico School in San Anselmo has raised concerns among some parents.
In an email to the school’s board of directors, Dominican Sisters of San Rafael and the head of school, Shannon Fitzpatrick objected to the removal of the statues and other steps the school has taken in an effort to make the school more inclusive.
“Articulating an inclusive foundation appears to mean letting go of San Domenico’s 167-year tradition as a Dominican Catholic school and being both afraid and ashamed to celebrate one’s heritage and beliefs,” wrote Fitzpatrick, whose 8-year-old son attends the school.
She added, “In our time here, the word ‘Catholic’ has been removed from the mission statement, sacraments were removed from the curriculum, the lower school curriculum was changed to world religions, the logo and colors were changed to be ‘less Catholic,’ and the uniform was changed to be less Catholic.”
Responding to follow-up questions Monday, Fitzpatrick wrote, “There are other families having the same concerns I do. Many parents feel if the school is heading in a different direction then the San Domenico community should have been notified before the signing of the enrollment for the following year.”
Cheryl Newell, who had four children graduate from San Domenico, said, “I am extremely disappointed in the school and the direction they’ve been going. This isn’t a new thing that they’ve been intentionally eroding their Catholic heritage. They’re trying to be something for everyone and they’re making no one happy,”
Kim Pipki, whose daughter left San Domenico two years ago after graduating from ninth grade, said some of the statues were also important to families who aren’t Catholic.
“The one main statue that has everyone fired up is the baby Jesus and Mary one,” Pipki said. “It was at the center of the primary school courtyard.”
Pipki said the school had a ceremony during which children would place a crown on the statue of Mary.
“It was less about God and more about passing on some traditions,” Pipki said. “People were shocked that the statues were pitched in the basement.”
Amy Skewes-Cox, who heads San Domenico School’s board of trustees, said the relocation and removal of some of the school’s 180 religious icons was “completely in compliance” with San Domenico’s new strategic plan, approved unanimously by the board of trustees and the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael last year. She said at least 18 icons remain, including a statue of St. Dominic at the center of the campus.
She noted that it was unfortunate the removal of the statues occurred at about the same time as the unrest in Charlottesville over the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee, and that the issues are “totally different” and have “absolutely no connection other than it is change, and people have a hard time with change.”…
One of the strategic plan’s stated goals is to “strengthen San Domenico’s identity as an independent school” and clearly articulate its “inclusive spiritual foundation.”
San Domenico was founded by the Dominican Sisters in 1850 as an independent, Catholic school — meaning that it is not owned or operated by a parish or religious order.
“San Domenico is both a Catholic school and an independent school,” said Head of School Cecily Stock, “but what we were finding after doing some research is that in the broader community we are known as being a Catholic school and are not necessarily known as an independent school. We want to make sure that prospective families are aware that we are an independent school.”
Of the 660 students who attend the K-12 school, 121 are boarding students and 98 of these are international students from British Columbia, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mexico, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. The students attending San Domenico come from a variety of religious backgrounds besides Christianity: Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam….


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.
“Italy: Polish Man Beaten Unconscious and Wife Gang Raped on Rimini Beach, African Migrants Suspected,” by Jack Montgomery, Breitbart, August 26, 2017:
A young couple from Poland were subjected to a “brutal and beastly attack” by four men suspected to be African migrants on a beach in Rimini, Italy.
The 26-year-olds were taking an evening stroll on their last night in the popular tourist spot when they were set upon by four men, Wiadomości reports.
The young man was beaten unconscious by the gang, who then subjected his partner to multiple rapes in front of him. Both were also robbed.
The Polish consulate in Milan say they are providing every assistance to the couple, who were both hospitalised following their ordeal.
Italian authorities have described the “brutal and beastial [sic] attack” as an “act of cruel aggression”, and called on the public “to cooperate with the police forces informing each and every element that may be of use in the investigation”….

The number of foreigners living in Italy as residents has rocketed by 25 per cent from 2012 to January 2017, and by an astonishing 270 per cent between 2002 and 2017 — statistics which may herald a significant and possibly irreversible demographic shift.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
A bill that passed the California state senate and is now moving through the Assembly could threaten jail time for anyone who refuses to use a transgender person’s preferred pronoun.
The law is currently limited in its effects to nursing homes and intermediate-care facilities, but if passed, those who “willfully and repeatedly” refuse “to use a transgender resident’s preferred name or pronouns” could be slapped with a $1,000 fine and up to one year in prison, according to the California Heath and Safety code. The state senate passed the bill 26-12 at the end of May. Since then, the Assembly Judiciary committee recommended the bill unanimously and the General Assembly held its first hearing on the legislation Wednesday.
“How can you believe in free speech, but think the government can compel people to use certain pronouns when talking to others?” Greg Burt of the California Family Council testified in July. “This is not tolerance. This is not love. This is not mutual respect. True tolerance tolerates people with different views. We need to treat each other with respect, but respect is a two-way street. It is not respectful to threaten people with punishment for having sincerely held beliefs that differ from your own.”
Titled the “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Long-Term Care Facility Residents Bill of Rights,” the legislation also requires nursing homes and care facilities to allow residents to use the bathroom of their choice, regardless of biological sex. The bill’s author, state Sen. Scott Weiner, argues that religious views don’t hold weight in public areas.
“Everyone is entitled to their religious view,” Weiner said. “But when you enter the public space, when you are running an institution, you are in a workplace, you are in a civil setting, and you have to follow the law.”
Experts argue it is “pretty unlikely that, if this law is enacted, such prohibitions would be limited just to this [nursing home] scenario,” UCLA First Amendment scholar Eugene Volokh told National Review. Volokh speculates that lawmakers chose to apply the bill to nursing homes not because there is an overabundance of transgender seniors in the state, but because the demographic group is likely to garner sympathy.
The bill is one of several pieces of gender discrimination legislation moving through California’s Congress this summer. The body is also considering mandatory transgender training programs for companies that have more than 50 employees, CBS Sacramento reported.
While that legislation doesn’t punish those who refuse to use gender identity pronouns, it does affirm the right to transgender people to be called what they wish.
Both bills await decision in the Assembly.


republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The following testimony was submitted to Pulpit & Pen:
My name is Susan. I grew up attending the Methodist church and rarely missed a Sunday. I accepted Christ in 1974 during my time in college. I am currently affiliated with a nondenominational church. I have broken free of Beth Moore.
After receiving Christ as my Savior, I began studying the Bible with a wonderful group of Christians called the Navigators. From the Navigators, I learned inductive Bible study methods. Kay Arthur was just becoming popular in Christian college circles for her inductive Bible studies and through this method of study, I learned to dig deeper into the Word. This was a spiritually enriching time but when I graduated and moved away, I also gradually moved away from God. I floundered about for many years doing things my way but calling upon God when I needed Him.
Three years ago, through a series of life changing events, I found out how inept I was at handling my own life and how much I needed the Lord to be Lord of my life. I was excited to improve my relationship with Christ and eager to learn all I could about Him. I began to attend a local women’s group Bible study. We would use books by popular Christian women and follow the study guide. This was a very different experience when compared to my previous studies with the Navigators and Kay Arthur’s inductive method.
So Long by Beth Moore, was one of the first studies I participated in with the women’s group. Our weekly assignment was to read a few chapters on our own. Then we would meet together, watch Beth Moore’s video teaching session for that week, and discuss what we learned. was captivated by Beth Moore’s easy style of communication and how she seemed to relate to the Lord on such a personal level. She not only seemed to know Him, but she seemed to know the everyday problems that women face along with how to fix them. I was impressed with her transparency and I felt that her ability to be open about sensitive issues was helping all of us in the group to openly explore these areas while learning how God could change us. I didn’t agree with everything Beth Moore said but I was not discouraged from continuing the study. My thinking was that we all make mistakes because we are human and it seemed to be that Beth was really trying her best to teach about the Lord. So, I grasped the things I did identify with and just brushed the questionable material aside.
I continued to seek a deeper relationship with God. I really liked what I was learning in the Beth Moore studies so I began watching more of her video teachings online on my own. I was able to find her earliest studies when she spoke to small groups and then moved forward watching the major conferences and more recent videos. I began to notice a curious evolution in her teaching – a bit of a “sea change”. In her first videos, she was quiet, a bit restrained, as a matter of fact, and an excellent communicator. She connected with her audience. As she became a more experienced speaker she seemed to loosen up and became more emotional and dramatic in her style, developing into the unleashed Beth Moore we see today. I noted the change, but like hair styles change, personal styles of presenting also evolve. I rationalized that she was just evolving to be more effective in today’s very different world. While watching one of her conference presentations one day, an alarm went off. Though her messages in previous conferences had seemed clear, she seemed to ramble and I had trouble understanding what she was trying to convey. I made a mental note of this experience but just decided that maybe I was tired and unable to follow her message that time.
My Bible study group moved on to another book. My interest in Beth Moore waned a bit but I thought I was just growing tired of using material by the same person. While at one of the group studies, someone made the comment “not everyone likes Beth Moore”. I was surprised by the comment and I wanted to know what she was getting at. She explained that some people had trouble with Beth’s style of presentation but that was all that was the extent of what was said. The comment made an impression on me, and the things I had previously brushed aside began to bother me enough that I finally decided to find out more about her. So I prayed for discernment and then began to read about her on various blog sites. After reading many posts, I decided this wasn’t really a fair approach because I wasn’t always able to verify the source used by the the blog authors. So I started studying some of her other books myself and watched more of her conferences online.
This experience opened my eyes and I realized it was time to stop making excuses for Beth Moore. The evolution of her presenting style is culturally accepted. However, I began to think she was going far afield when I realized the mass advertising, big business aspect of her teaching ministry seems to be no different than those of a rock star or the carefully orchestrated promotions of actors. I also find the rabid defenses of the slightest criticism toward her disturbing. Divisions can easily be created among women at the mention of her twisting of scripture, inserting herself into verses that have nothing to do with what she is using them to exemplify, her on stage emotional rants, and her lack of scriptural content. In one conference video, she uses precious teaching time to defend herself against those she labels “scoffers” as she goes on and on about them and demonstrates how we all need to get us a shovel.

By corralling the troops of her own personal army of disciples, she is actually doing the very thing she is speaking against, namely, causing divisions. Why should she be so concerned if she is truly doing the Lord’s work? Jesus was shunned on earth. I think anyone who follows Him should expect criticism, not doing masses hanging on every word. I think I understand that her need for acceptance from others is just like that of any of us, but when we are accepted by the Christ died who for our sins worldly acceptance no longer matters. I could go on here but much of my problem with Beth Moore’s teaching has been written about by others.
To take a stand, I made an appointment to speak with our Bible study leader about my concerns. I presented my case for discontinuing any further Beth Moore studies and told her I would go back to the inductive Bible study method. She was surprised but had not really dissected Beth Moore’s teaching as I had. She seemed alarmed by what I shared. She does not feel that studying Beth Moore’s material is essential but is okay with the fact that many people choose to do so. I will no longer be in that camp. I wrote a post expressing a few of my concerns on Beth Moore’s Living Proof blog. I was very kind but straightforward. It was deleted. I try to communicate my concerns when I have the opportunity and have found many women have broken away including those on this site. I will continue to speak up and to be on the alert for other false teachers and I will continue to pray for Beth Moore.

Cult Headquarters: Morningside
TeleVangelist Jim Bakker's 
Studio- Store- Cafe
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The following testimony from JD Hall regarding a recent visit to Jim Bakker’s studio and Morningside Ministries was sent to Pulpit & Pen for publishing.
While on a working vacation in Branson, Missouri on August 2 – just prior to my debate on Cessationism and Charismaticism in Cleveland the following weekend – I spent time with my extended family on the campus of College of the Ozarks. While there, I planned to visit the television studios and survivalist retreat (for lack of a better word) of Jim Bakker, the disgraced televangelist who had a multi-millionaire fund his ministry come back and who is now hustling survival supplies in the name of Jesus. Prior to leaving on vacation, I planned this visit to Morningside and received permission for what I had expected would happen from my local church leadership, lest anyone think I am a completely crazy man who had gone rogue or something like that. My leadership gave me the okay to do what I, indeed, ended up doing.
First, a few things about Jim Bakker. Bakker is a charismatic preacher who has had his ministry ordination revoked by his former denomination, the Assemblies of God. A sex scandal, which included allegations that he and another evangelist had raped a woman, eventually led to his imprisonment and divorce from his equally infamous wife, Tammy Fae Bakker (the one with the ridiculous makeup – no, not Jan Crouch, the other one with ridiculous makeup). Bakker received his start by working at Pat Robertson’s Christian Broadcasting Network and helped to start the 700 Club. From there, Bakker went on to host his own program, the “Praise the Lord” show for Paul and Jan Crouch on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. The Bakkers then launched out on their own and started the Praise the Lord (PTL) Club. The PTL Club grew into a television network. In the 1980s, the Bakkers built what amounted to a Christian-themed amusement park called “Heritage USA,” and raised upwards of a million dollars a week to expand the park. It’s during this time that Bakker raised the attention of the secular press regarding the excess with which he and his wife lived in opulent luxury while using the charitable tax status of his organization to obtain great wealth. Eventually, Bakker was caught giving upwards of 300k to the woman he had raped from the tax-exempt money given to the ministry, and the eventual investigation led to law enforcement determining that Bakker had defrauded his real estate investors and owed a lot of money to the federal government. Bakker was indicted on eight counts of mail fraud, 15 counts of wire fraud, and one count of conspiracy, and he was sentenced to 45 years in the federal penitentiary. Later, the sentence was reduced to eight years. To this day, he still owes the IRS about six million dollars.
While in prison, Bakker says that he was saved and for the first time, led to Christ. Financial backers have given Bakker access to more than 600 acres of prime real estate twenty miles from Branson, Missouri and built a strange mix of television sets, condos for aging citizens, and a survivalist retreat replete with security. Today, he broadcasts television shows that highlight some scary prophetic scenario that portends world-ending omens and then (conveniently) offers survival supplies to his audience.
The question is not why I did what I did, but how could I not do what I did, considering I was only 20 miles away from this cesspool of wickedness. It seemed a shame not to preach some truth in that darkness.
I approached the gates of the Morningside compound at roughly 11 AM CS4T on August 2, with plenty of time to spare for the show that was to begin an hour later. After making it through the security checkpoint and receiving directions through the compound, I wound my rental vehicle through the hills and made my way to the main facility – a television studio, apartment complex, “book store” and restaurant all in one building. Parking in the parking lot, workers were busy under tents doing either construction or landscaping, so it seemed.
Walking into the facility reminded me marginally of the Venetian Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, with a fake sky and blue, ambient lighting reflected from the corners that imitated the appearance of the sky. Immediately to the right was the “book store,” and to the left was a friendly greeter, a woman who appeared to be in her late seventies or eighties, bound to a wheel chair (she was written about in an article I ran across in the secular press, and she was still at her station, still serving Jim Bakker). I asked for a tour of the grounds, and the volunteer pointed me to the window across from her where I could plan a tour. The “tour guide” was already on a tour, and the window was vacant, but I obtained photos of the paperwork left behind; it was essentially a checklist for salesmen that I regularly saw when I worked with timeshare companies when I owned my direct sales business. The “ministry tours” are essentially sales pitches to potential “investors.”

The “book store” had (by my guess) less than a dozen books, all of which were written by heretics and guests of his program. The “book store” was instead filled wall to wall with survival supplies. There were food buckets, pocket knives, sanitary toilets made out of 5-gallon buckets, flashlights, water purifiers, and so forth. Being that I am an outdoorsman and Boy Scout at heart (always prepared), I was familiar with virtually all the products for sale in the book store (and own many of them), and so I could see that there was a 300-400% markup on virtually all the products compared to their fair market value that one could expect to pay at ordinary retailers (for example, water filtration straws that I previously bought for my hiking and kayaking excursions, which I paid $35 for 3, were sold for $49.95 each). The book store did have Shemitah and Four Blood Moons DVDs and CDs on special discount, and considering those prophecies failed in 2015, it shouldn’t have surprised me that they were the cheapest products in the book store.
The studio for the program was busy with camera people and producers, and I made my way to a cameraman and asked if I could have a photo in Jim Bakker’s chair. He asked if I was a fan and I responded, “I listen to a lot of what he does.” I made my way to Bakker’s seat and the cameraman happily took the photos for me. This made my day, but I really wanted a photo with Jim Bakker.
I found my way to Jim Bakker’s office, in which sat a man and a woman at different desks. The man had long, dark hair, forearm tattoos, dressed in all black with an assortment of gold jewelry and looked like he should have been a leg-breaker for the mob. In his hand was a large stack of cash, and he was counting it. Before he saw me in the doorway, he said to his co-worker – and I quote – “It’s all about the money, baby, it’s all about the money.”
When he looked up and saw me, he and his female counterpart both blushed and asked how they could help me, as though perhaps I was lost.
“I was hoping to get a photo with Jim. Is that possible?” I asked.
The woman responded, “Oh, no sir. We are all volunteers, and not even the volunteers get to see Jim. He doesn’t come out unless it’s time for the show. I haven’t been able to talk to him in years.”
That’s interesting, I thought. I was persistent, asking, “What about when he comes out? Is there any milling around that happens, do you think I could approach him to ask for a photo?”
“No,” the woman responded. “He only comes out when it’s time for the show. He’s in the green room, talking with God. Then he goes back immediately after the show to talk to God more.”
“Well,” I asked, “when should the show begin, so I know when to be back?”
“There’s no telling,” the woman responded, “because it could be noon or one or three o’clock because he doesn’t come out of the green room until he’s heard from God.”
“Just like Moses on the mountain,” I asked. She responded, “Yes, exactly like Moses on the mountain.”
So, with Jim Bakker talking with God in the green room and the tour guide went on a sales pitch, I decided to risk it and drive around Morningside. Let me tell you – it is creepy. There’s a false town that looks like a town but is only a false front (like a movie set or the town in Blazing Saddles). I have no idea the purpose of that. A vehicle was very clearly following me around, and though it was unmarked, I know security when I see it, and so I did not want to risk taking pictures and getting escorted out as uninvited press (if the officer had Googled my name, not only would it come up as a polemicist, but as a reporter and columnist for several newspapers). This fake town, should you doubt its existence, has been written about by numerous national outlets. It’s real. It exists. I don’t know why.
Sprinkled around Morningside (even in the studio complex) are condos paid for by the residents of the compound, who are mostly all in retirement, and many well beyond retirement. Virtually all of them grease the wheels that make Morningside work, volunteering for virtually every aspect of service needed to be done on the sprawling estate.
Making my way back to the main complex, I began to speak to the twenty or so senior citizens finding their way to the studio audience. I asked them questions.
“Have you bought any of Jim’s survival food?” I asked a woman clearly in her eighties, barely mobile.
“Oh, yes,” she responded, “I spend my whole social security check on his food every month.” Two other women gave me the exact same answer.
An elderly volunteer asked which table I would like to sit at in the audience, and I asked to be seated at the very back. The “crowd” began to gather (again, less than 25 senior citizens) and I was the youngest person in the audience by at least 30 years, except for one man about my age who was there with his father or grandfather, helping him get around. I made small talk with those around me, asking if they had ever spoken to Bakker. None of them had. All of them, however, revered him even though he had never once spoken to them. After all, he was in the green room, talking with God. He was busy.
I kept my eye out for security, and a few minutes before Jim took the stage with his new wife, daughter, grandson, false prophet John Shorey, and the owner of the survival food company that Jim peddles, the lone security man came out. I “made him” instantly, as having that “security guy look,” even short of a Secret Service earpiece. Unfortunately, I think he also “made me.” I’m sure I stood out like a sore thumb, and he found his way right behind me in the back. This was bad news because I knew that I would only get out a few words before he would grab me by the neck or tase me or something.
Right about then, a volunteer came up and asked if I would like to move forward to the front row to “make it look more crowded for the cameras.” I happily obliged, knowing that given the layout of the room, the security guy would have to wade through twenty or so octogenarians to get to me, which would afford me an extra 30 seconds or so to say what I wanted to say.
As the program began, Bakker and his “wife” talked about her sick mother for about 30 minutes or so, and Tammy Fae #2 wondered out loud why God would allow a good person like her mother to be sick (no one answered the question). Clearly, a theology of suffering was absent from any of the experts at the table. Then, John Shorey launched into a mini-sermon in the next segment about how it was never God’s will for anyone to be sick, and everyone both on stage and in the audience seemed oblivious to the fact that they just spent 30 minutes hearing about how Jim Bakker’s godly mother-in-law was sick. I was looking around the room to see if anybody caught the contradiction, but everyone was smiling and nodding at the health-and-wealth gospel being preached.
It was important to me not to interrupt Bakker until he gave a false prophecy, considering it is his false prophecy that is most detestable to God (it carried a capital punishment in the Old Testament). There were dozens of times I could have interrupted Bakker concerning some abject stupid thing he said, but I was waiting for the perfect opportunity. After talking about sick grandma, the opportunity presented itself.
A chef off to the side of the audience was cooking pancakes on the griddle, and the volunteers were busy serving the pancakes to the panel on stage (the chef was NOT using the pancakes from the survival bucket, but a store-bought mixture, which I know because I checked under the table to see what they would be using when the program began, as the chef-station was set up before hand). The audience was then being brought free pancakes, to many “oohs” and “ahs.”
It’s here that Bakker recalled having a prophetic dream a few nights earlier when God gave him a vision to offer a discount on pancake survival buckets.
I turned on my iPhone camera laced around my neck and turned on my GoPro (I received permission to use my camera from the Morningside office, so long as it wasn’t on flash) for back up, and interrupted Jim.
You can watch the video below.

When I asked about Bakker’s failed prophecies, you can hear a sweet old woman behind me say, “these things happened.” Of course, the prophecies did not come to pass, and she is deluded. Bakker said (if you listen closely you can hear him), “You must listen to the men of God, so you can understand [the prophecies].”
Bakker then said to “kill the cameras.”
What you can’t see is when I said, “I’ll go, I’ll go,” is that I was not responding to the female producer whispering in my ear, but the security guy who was making a rush for me. Then, you hear me saying, “Don’t touch my camera, and don’t touch my person.” This is in response to Bakker’s grandson telling the security guy to confiscate my camera. To his credit, the security guy did not attempt to take my camera or lay hands on me (which is good for him, because he didn’t look like that tough a guy).
As I was walking out, the leg-breaking mobster guy from before was lurking behind while I was being escorted out by security. It was a fairly quiet conversation, because it was important to be able to say that I stopped speaking as soon as I asked to and left as soon as I was asked to – both for the sake of potential litigation and because I really do believe in private property rights. It was their right to ask me to be quiet and leave, and that is what I did, and I did it immediately out of respect for the law.
The security guy told me that if I returned I would be arrested for trespassing and then threatened me not to release the video I had because it was “copyrighted.” Of course, you cannot copyright my video, especially when you gave permission for cameras to be used. It was an idle threat.
He followed me to my car and took photos of my license plate (I feel sorry for the guy renting it next from Enterprise, who might happen to wander onto Morningside). Security guys at the compound’s gate gave me strong glares on my way out and radioed that I was leaving.
That’s my account, and that’s the story of the now infamous video. Please pray for the senior citizens being led astray and preyed upon by this wicked false prophet.
 Cozy Cottages at Morningside Retreat Center - 
Blue Eye, Missouri
 Published on Jul 13, 2016 Take a tour of Morningside Retreat's Cozy Cottages. These homes are sweetly nestled in Morningside’s Peaceful Valley and are perfect to rent for a vacation or own for a whole new way of life! We are located in Blue Eye, MO. just south of Branson.

 Governor Mike Huckabee comes to Morningside!

  • Right about then, a volunteer came up and asked if I would like to move forward to the front row to “make it look more crowded for the cameras.” I happily obliged, knowing that given the layout of the room, the security guy would have to wade through twenty or so octogenarians to get to me, which would afford me an extra 30 seconds or so to say what I wanted to say.As the program began, Bakker and his “wife” talked about her sick mother for about 30 minutes or so, and Tammy Fae #2 wondered out loud why God would allow a good person like her mother to be sick (no one answered the question). Clearly, a theology of suffering was absent from any of the experts at the table. Then, John Shorey launched into a mini-sermon in the next segment about how it was never God’s will for anyone to be sick, and everyone both on stage and in the audience seemed oblivious to the fact that they just spent 30 minutes hearing about how Jim Bakker’s godly mother-in-law was sick. I was looking around the room to see if anybody caught the contradiction, but everyone was smiling and nodding at the health-and-wealth gospel being preached.When I asked about Bakker’s failed prophecies, you can hear a sweet old woman behind me say, “these things happened.” Of course, the prophecies did not come to pass, and she is deluded. Bakker said (if you listen closely you can hear him), “You must listen to the men of God, so you can understand [the prophecies].”

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
The gender barriers continue to be under attack by the secular culture.  Those who speak confidently about how the roles of genders are ancient history, outdated modes of thought that need to be not only changed but obliterated.  In the Boy Scouts, the line has already has been compromised, wait, no, it has been erased, by allowing gay men to be scout leaders, and gay and transgender boys to be scouts. The goal to effeminize the role of men is to always start when they are still boys when their understanding of gender roles can still be molded.
In this clip from today’s, August 24, 2017, Good Morning America show, GMA highlights a girl who is fighting to enter the Eagle Scout program. She had been an honorary member of her older brother’s troop but now she wants to become a full-fledged Eagle Scout and she is campaigning for the rules to change. You will note that at the beginning of the video they interview several girls and women affiliated with Girl Scouts and they all agree that Girl Scouts are for girls and boy scouts are for boys.  The president of the Girls Scouts wrote a letter, mentioned in this Buzzfeed post, stating that the news of the BSA covertly exploring the idea of allowing girls into the BSA is upsetting, especially the GSA was trying to negotiate a relationship with BSA that would mutually benefit both groups, but BSA decided to move on their own.
Then GMA brings on their “expert” to speak on the topic, Rachel Simmons, an educator at an all-girls school in New York City.  In typical liberal fashion, GMA and Rachel Simmons pooh-pooh all over this whole idea of gender roles and associations specifically for girls and boys.  If boys want to girl stuff they should be able to join the Girl Scouts, and the same should true for the girls if they want to do boy stuff.  Simmons states, a paraphrase, that medieval/dark ages thought that boys are fundamentally and genetically different is forced upon them by the culture.  In her words “this is toxic” to young boys and girls.  So it is a good thing that those of us who are progressive idealists are here to correct that erroneous paradigm.  The whole time Simmons is talking her tone is one that sounds like she is reading a story to a group of first graders.  So soothing and reassuring that we are to believe what she is saying is the correct way to think.
Somewhere in the “Feminist Christian” fantasy world, I am sure  
Jory Micah, Rachel Held Evans and their gaggle of “Christian” feminists (just search Twitter and their Facebook pages, they are always retweeting/reposting each other’s stuff) are applauding this young girl and her misguided campaign to become an Eagle Scout.  These “Christian” feminists have abandoned the biblical standard of gender roles set forth by God Himself.  Complementarianism is so early twentieth century, God has called the church to be egalitarian.  Women, rise up, thou art invincible.  These “Christian” feminists have been demanding that women be able to share the pulpit, embracing the gay agenda and telling the rest of us that the social gospel is the gospel.
I believe that all of this “Christian” feminist agenda, and the blurring of gender identities and societal roles, can be traced back to the Garden of Eden after the fall.  The Lord proclaims the curse to Adam and Eve for sinning against God in Genesis 3.  In verse 16, along with having pain during the birth of a child Eve and the women after her would desire to dominate their husbands, to usurp their husband’s authority ordained by God.  This is manifested in the New Testament when God ordained that the role of pastors and elders were to be filled by a man (1 Tim 3, Titus 1).  This is why we have witnessed the rise of female pastors and teachers like Beth Moore, Joyce Meyers, Priscilla Prior and others.  The women’s movement of the 60’s and 70’s has influenced this rise of women pastors in the church.  These women are rebelling against the Word of God by teaching from the pulpit which God had ordained to be only occupied by biblically qualified men.
Their favorite role model in the bible is Esther.  They claim she was bold, defiant and resisted the misogynist ruler, embracing her womanhood and standing up against the male dominated establishment by exposing the racist plot of Haman.  When the reality is she was submissive to her king by observing the rules of the court, humbling herself before him by waiting for him to extend the golden scepter to her so she could speak and once again humbly presenting her petition to the king.  She did not speak out of turn nor bulrush her way to the throne.  She wasn’t defiant, she was humble and submissive to her king and husband and to the rule of the land.  That is the Esther who was the role model, not the feminist version of Rachel Held Evans.
We need to keep the church body in our prayers.  The truth of God’s word and the two genders, male and female, and their complementarian roles in God’s ordained order of the family are under attack from without and from within.  We need to hold fast to His Word and not cow to the screeching voices trying to tell us what to think and that the bible is wrong and needs to be understood differently in today’s culture.  The Word of God is eternal, and the truths that are found in that Word are eternal, and that is the footing we must plant our feet on as we stand firm against the onslaught.
 MICAH: Women Leadership in the Home & Church
The Unbiblical Charismatic Influence
 Rachel Held Evans on Women's Roles, 
Blogging, and More