"Last year, President Obama introduced a new transgender plan which
recommended “parents be secretly excluded from any decisive role when
their children experiment with sexual ‘gender identities’ as male or
female,” according to Breitbart News’ Neil Munro."

ABOVE: Principal Jillayne Antoon
BELOW: Superintendent Robin Stout

SEE: http://christiannews.net/2017/08/26/report-first-grader-sent-to-principals-office-after-mis-naming-boy-who-identifies-as-girl/;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
ROCKLIN, Calif. — A first grader was
reportedly sent to the principal’s office this week after calling a
former classmate, who now identifies as a girl, by the male name he was
known by the year prior.
“There was a little girl who had been in class with the
little boy all last year,” Karen England, executive director of the
Capitol Resource Institute, told the Washington Times on Wednesday.
“They’re in different classes now, but she saw him on the playground
yesterday and called him by his name.”“The little girl was told, ‘You can’t do that. His name is this name,’ and ‘You need to call him a her,’” she outlined. “Then, she was called to the principal’s office [for an investigation].”
The alleged incident occurred at Rocklin Academy, a charter school in California that has already been in headlines this week as a number of parents have expressed concern that a kindergarten teacher recently read two transgender-themed books to students without their prior knowledge.
As previously reported, the teacher, who has not been publicly identified, read the books “I Am Jazz” and “The Red Crayon” on the second-to-last day of school before summer break. The first book is about teen reality show star Jazz Jennings—a teenage boy who identifies as a girl, and the second tells the story of a blue crayon that was mislabeled red.
No advance notice or opt-out information was provided to parents.
Therefore, when students came home and advised that they had learned about gender identity, with some confused about whether they could transition to the opposite gender, a number of parents contacted the school to express concern.
Principal Jillayne Antoon issued a letter a week later to advise what had transpired in the classroom. She outlined that a student had asked the teacher to read “I Am Jazz” to the class. According to reports, a student who was born a boy but identifies as a girl gifted the books to the teacher. It is not clear if the student who donated the books was the same kindergartener that requested that the Jazz book be read aloud.
“Please be assured that these books are age appropriate children’s books, geared for ages 4-8,” Antoon wrote to parents. “There were no additional discussions with the class about any topic in relation to these books.”
However, according to CBS News, parents say that the male student changed his clothes at some point during the class and presented himself as a girl.
During Monday’s board meeting, one mother lamented, “My daughter came home crying and shaking, so afraid she could turn into a boy.”
Now, the parent of the first grader who was sent to the principal’s office this week is likewise upset over how her daughter was treated. It was discovered that the child meant no harm and was not seeking to bully her former classmate.
“I stressed over and over with the principal that I am all for protecting the rights of [the transgender child], but my children have rights as well,” she wrote in a letter obtained by conservative commentator Todd Starnes. “It makes me sad that my daughter felt like she was punished for trying to be kind to the kid.”
The religious liberties organization Alliance Defending Freedom is looking into both incidents.
School disciplines first-grader for ‘misgendering’ a gender-confused classmate
https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/first-grader-called-to-principals-office-in-another-trans-controversy-at-carepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
ROCKLIN, California, August 24, 2017 (LifeSiteNews)
— The Sacramento-area charter school already rocked by parental
backlash over a five-year-old boy transitioning to a girl in
kindergarten class last June has now sent a first grade student to the
principal’s office for “misgendering” the boy.
The first grade student at Rocklin Academy Gateway inadvertently called the trans “girl” by his boy’s name on the playground earlier this week, Karen England, executive director of the Capitol Research Institute, told LifeSiteNews.
The first grader “knows the student’s name from last year, and innocently on the playground called him by his name, and was told she needed to refer to him as a ‘she’ and needed to refer to him by his new name, which the student said OK,” England said.
“But then later the student was later called into the principal’s office so that the incident could be investigated to see if it was intentional or not, as if six-year-old kids are even thinking about this.”
The parent met with the principal on Wednesday, England said, and the school reiterated to the parent "that their child needs to refer to this biological boy as a girl with the girl’s name."
The first grade student was “upset” because she thought she was in trouble, England said, adding: “The parent is very concerned for their child. This was an innocent mistake.”
LifeSiteNews contacted Rocklin Academy Gateway and was referred to the Rocklin Academy school board, which did not return a call from LifeSiteNews by deadline.
Rocklin Academy Schools has been hit by parental backlash after a five-year-old boy in kindergarten class transitioned to a girl in June.
Parents weren’t told the child was transitioning and that the kindergarten class would introduced to his transition in a way that some parents say has traumatized their five-year-olds, who are now fearful they too will "change" to the opposite sex.
While accounts vary on the sequence of events, the kindergarten teacher read two pro-transgender books to the class on the second-to-last day before summer break.
According to a parent account provided by Greg Burt at California Family Council, somewhere in between these readings, the five-year-old boy “changed his clothes from boy clothes to girl clothes.”
England described what happened as a “transgender reveal exercise on one of the last days of kindergarten” where “ the young boy arrived at school a boy and left identifying as a girl.”
Parents were told a week later in a letter from principal Jillayne Antoon that the two books had been read in class, but not that the boy had transitioned to a girl, the parent stated.
The kindergarten teacher won’t say what happened that day, nor will the school board, England told LifeSite News.
Parents have been left to find out what happened from their children.
Regardless of just how the five-year-old boy’s transition took place, it’s not disputed that parents weren’t told about it beforehand, a number of his classmates have been left disturbed, and that several parents are angry.
And it now appears Rocklin Academy Gateway is doubling down on enforcing the boy’s "change" to a girl, with a visit to the principal’s office a possibility for any child who hasn’t gotten with the program.
According to CBS, the school board will address the issue during next month’s board meeting.
School refuses to answer parents’ questions about kindergarten transgender lesson
The first grade student at Rocklin Academy Gateway inadvertently called the trans “girl” by his boy’s name on the playground earlier this week, Karen England, executive director of the Capitol Research Institute, told LifeSiteNews.
The first grader “knows the student’s name from last year, and innocently on the playground called him by his name, and was told she needed to refer to him as a ‘she’ and needed to refer to him by his new name, which the student said OK,” England said.
“But then later the student was later called into the principal’s office so that the incident could be investigated to see if it was intentional or not, as if six-year-old kids are even thinking about this.”
The parent met with the principal on Wednesday, England said, and the school reiterated to the parent "that their child needs to refer to this biological boy as a girl with the girl’s name."
The first grade student was “upset” because she thought she was in trouble, England said, adding: “The parent is very concerned for their child. This was an innocent mistake.”
LifeSiteNews contacted Rocklin Academy Gateway and was referred to the Rocklin Academy school board, which did not return a call from LifeSiteNews by deadline.
Rocklin Academy Schools has been hit by parental backlash after a five-year-old boy in kindergarten class transitioned to a girl in June.
Parents weren’t told the child was transitioning and that the kindergarten class would introduced to his transition in a way that some parents say has traumatized their five-year-olds, who are now fearful they too will "change" to the opposite sex.
While accounts vary on the sequence of events, the kindergarten teacher read two pro-transgender books to the class on the second-to-last day before summer break.
According to a parent account provided by Greg Burt at California Family Council, somewhere in between these readings, the five-year-old boy “changed his clothes from boy clothes to girl clothes.”
England described what happened as a “transgender reveal exercise on one of the last days of kindergarten” where “ the young boy arrived at school a boy and left identifying as a girl.”
Parents were told a week later in a letter from principal Jillayne Antoon that the two books had been read in class, but not that the boy had transitioned to a girl, the parent stated.
The kindergarten teacher won’t say what happened that day, nor will the school board, England told LifeSite News.
Parents have been left to find out what happened from their children.
Regardless of just how the five-year-old boy’s transition took place, it’s not disputed that parents weren’t told about it beforehand, a number of his classmates have been left disturbed, and that several parents are angry.
And it now appears Rocklin Academy Gateway is doubling down on enforcing the boy’s "change" to a girl, with a visit to the principal’s office a possibility for any child who hasn’t gotten with the program.
According to CBS, the school board will address the issue during next month’s board meeting.
School refuses to answer parents’ questions about kindergarten transgender lesson
According to Karen
England, executive director of the Capitol Research Institute, the
first-grader "knows the student’s name from last year, and innocently on
the playground called him by his name, and was told she needed to refer
to him as a ‘she’ and needed to refer to him by his new name, which the
student said OK,"
"But then later the student was later called into the principal’s
office so that the incident could be investigated to see if it was
intentional or not as if six-year-old kids are even thinking about
Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2617-6-year-old-child-suspended-from-school-for-misgendering-transgender-classmate
© Neon Nettle
Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2617-6-year-old-child-suspended-from-school-for-misgendering-transgender-classmate
© Neon Nettle
6-year-old Child Suspended from School for 'Misgendering' Transgender Classmate
Girl disciplined for using gender-confused students 'old' name
Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2617-6-year-old-child-suspended-from-school-for-misgendering-transgender-classmate
© Neon Nettle
Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2617-6-year-old-child-suspended-from-school-for-misgendering-transgender-classmate
© Neon Nettle
6-year-old Child Suspended from School for 'Misgendering' Transgender Classmate
Girl disciplined for using gender-confused students 'old' name
Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2617-6-year-old-child-suspended-from-school-for-misgendering-transgender-classmate
© Neon Nettle
Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2617-6-year-old-child-suspended-from-school-for-misgendering-transgender-classmate
© Neon Nettle
6-year-old Child Suspended from School for 'Misgendering' Transgender Classmate
Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2617-6-year-old-child-suspended-from-school-for-misgendering-transgender-classmate
© Neon Nettle
Read more at: http://www.neonnettle.com/news/2617-6-year-old-child-suspended-from-school-for-misgendering-transgender-classmate
© Neon Nettle