Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
Governor Walz is here to do two things during the coronavirus: shut down churches and kill grandmas.
"Hey Walz, how many grandmas did you kill today?"
And he won't stop. The mere fact that 81% of coronavirus deaths in Minnesota have occurred in nursing homes won't even slow his grandma-killing administration down. Anyone with a conscience would stop, good thing Walz is a real lefty.
Despite the devastating death toll, Minnesota nursing homes are still being allowed by state regulators to admit coronavirus patients who have been discharged from hospitals.
Early in the pandemic, the Minnesota Department of Health turned to nursing homes and other long-term care facilities to relieve the burden on hospitals that were at risk of being overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients. Minnesota hospitals have since discharged dozens of infected patients to nursing homes, including facilities that have undergone large and deadly outbreaks of the disease, state records show.
Hospitals were never overwhelmed. This lockdown fetish killed horrifying numbers of seniors instead.
urrently, even poorly rated nursing homes with large and deadly clusters of coronavirus cases have been allowed to admit COVID-19 patients from hospitals. One such facility, North Ridge Health and Rehab in New Hope, has accepted 42 patients from hospitals and other long-term care facilities since mid-April even as the coronavirus has raged through its 320-bed nursing home, killing 48 of its patients and infecting scores more.
“It makes no sense to bring more COVID-19 patients into facilities that have already failed to protect them,” said Sen. Karin Housley, the Republican chairwoman of the Senate Family Care and Aging Committee. “If it were my mom or dad in one of these facilities, I would be really worried.”
Well she's a Republican. Democrats understand that killing senior citizens is a pathway to justify more lockdowns and get more votes.
State health officials and long-term care industry representatives have defended the practice of discharging some COVID-19 patients to nursing homes, saying it is part of a broader strategy to conserve critical hospital beds during the pandemic.
Gotta conserve those empty hospital beds for the patients you don't have and aren't allowed to treat, in order to kill seniors.
Statewide, the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus has killed more than 600 Minnesotans at nursing homes and assisted-living facilities. That is a staggering 81% of the deaths from the pandemic statewide.
In this new Jamie Glazov Moment, Jamie discusses ‘Social Distancing’: Preventing Humans from Gathering in Jesus’s Name, sharing his thoughts on The spiritual war right in front of our eyes.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watchJamie’s 3-Part-Series on Corona and the Spiritual War.
1. The Mask That Hides God’s Image — The spiritual battle right in front of our eyes.
2. The Witch-Hunts by the ‘Stay-at-Home’ Zealots — Virtue-signaling and shaming in a mass fascist health hysteria.
3. Corona and the Serpent’s Lie to Eve — Suicide in the name of perfection and safety.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Because more numbers equate more power and influence, Muslims from all walks of life—including Muammar Gaddafi—have made clear that the act of procreating is a form of jihad. Thus, in the U.K., “Muslim hate fanatics plan to take over Britain by having more babies and forcing a population explosion,” a report revealed back in 2008: “The swollen Muslim population would be enough to conquer Britain from inside.”
A Christian Eritrean volunteer and translator who worked in migrant centers in Germany, and was often assumed to be Muslim by the migrants, confessed that “Muslim migrants often confide in her and tell her about their dislike towards Christians,” and that “a number of the Muslim migrants she has spoken to have revealed a hatred for Christians and are determined to destroy the religion.” As to how they plan on accomplishing this, “Some women told me, ‘We will multiply our numbers. We must have more children than the Christians because it’s the only way we can destroy them here.’”
There is, however, an even more sinister and largely unknown way of prosecuting this “procreation” jihad—a way of killing two birds with one stone: seize and seed non-Muslim women with Muslim babies. Doing so depletes the infidels’ ranks of women and the non-Muslim babies they might have birthed, while simultaneously increasing both for Islam.
As the aforementioned procreation jihad account from Germany might suggest—where female Muslim migrants “revealed a hatred for Christians and are determined to destroy the religion”—Christians are especially being targeted in this manner.
In Nigeria, for instance, which is roughly half Muslim, half Christian, thousands of Christian girls have been abducted, forced into Islam, married off and transformed into incubators of future jihadis. Put differently, the nearly three hundred Christian Chibok girls who made headlines in 2015—some of whom were brainwashed to “cut the throats of Christians—are the tip of the iceberg. As the Hausa Christian Foundation of Nigeria, a human rights group, recently explained:
The case of abducting Christian Girls and their forceful conversion to Islam as well as forcing them into marriage has become a water shed issue in Northern Nigeria…. The moment these girls are abducted, they are subjected to all manners of evil just to take control of their minds. Once they took hold of their minds, these girls will only do everything they are asked to do. While the parents fight for the release of their daughters, these abductors continue to sexually abuse these girls, hypnotized [subliminally influenced] their food, drinks, clothes, where they sleep, perpetually evoke evil spirit upon them to the point that these girls completely lost their minds and never think of going back to their home. Usually, the moment a Christian girl is abducted they ensure that they get married to her within one or two weeks. She will be sexually abused even before the marriage to make the parents give up on her when she becomes pregnant.
In the same statement, the Hausa Christian Foundation made this very telling remark:
The incessant kidnapping of the Christian girls and the forceful conversion to Islam is another form of Jihad in the 21st Century. They have two major aims for doing that: To inflict pain on the parents of the girl and the Christian community; and to impregnate the girl to add to their claims that Islam is the fasted growing religion in the world. They are doing it on purpose.
The statement went on by sarcastically “wondering” how unclean “infidels [kidnapped Christians] can be used to advance such a holy and clean religion like Islam…. But we know what the religion is all about. Everything is welcome no matter how evil and inhumane, as long as it will help Allah, especially the killings, the attacking, kidnapping, raping and enslaving of Christians.”
The same phenomenon prevails wherever Christian minorities live alongside Muslims. In Egypt, countless Christian girls have been abducted for the very same reason—to bring them into the fold of Islam, diminish the numbers of the infidels, and increase that of the Muslims. The schemes often take elaborate and complex forms. Most recently, an unknown woman posing as a Coptic nun, along with an unknown man posing as her monk assistant, were exposed by the Coptic pope as frauds that were using their religious garb to get near and win the trust of young Christian girls.
In 2017, an ex-kidnapper, who “admits he was in a network actively targeting Coptic girls for years before he left Islam,” explained the systematic and sophisticated process in Egypt:
A group of kidnappers meets in a mosque to discuss potential victims. They keep a close eye on Christians’ houses and monitor everything that’s going on. On that basis, they weave a spider’s web around [the girls]…. I remember a Coptic Christian girl from a rich, well-known family in Minya. She was kidnapped by five Muslim men. They held her in a house, stripped her and filmed her naked. In the video, one of them also undressed. They threatened to make the video public if the girl wouldn’t marry him…. The kidnappers receive large amounts of money. Police can help them in different ways, and when they do, they might also receive a part of the financial reward the kidnappers are paid by the Islamisation organisations. In some cases, police provide the kidnappers with drugs they seize. The drugs are then given to the girls to weaken their resistance as they put them under pressure. I even know of cases in which police offered help to beat up the girls to make them recite the Islamic creed. And the value of the reward increases whenever the girl has a position. For example, when she is the daughter of a priest or comes from a well-known family…. The Salafist group I knew rented apartments in different areas of Egypt to hide kidnapped Coptic. There, they put them under pressure and threaten them to convert to Islam. And once they reach the legal age, a specially arranged Islamic representative comes in to make the conversion official, issue a certificate and accordingly they change their ID…. If all goes to plan, the girls are also forced into marriage with a strict Muslim. Their husbands don’t love them, they just marry her to make her a Muslim. She will be hit and humiliated. And if she tries to escape, or convert back to her original religion, she will be killed.
Although such networks have been around since the 1970s, they reached their “highest levels now, in the era of President Sisi,” the former kidnapper added.
In Pakistan—another Muslim majority nation where the kidnap, rape, and forced conversion of Christian girls is endemic—the Asian Human Rights Commission said this in a 2011 report:
The situation is worse with the police who always side with the Islamic groups and treat minority groups as lowly life forms. The dark side of the forced conversion to Islam … also involves the criminal elements who are engaged in rape and abduction and then justify their heinous crimes by forcing the victims to convert to Islam. The Muslim fundamentalists are happy to offer these criminals shelter and use the excuse that they are providing a great service to their sacred cause of increasing the population of Muslims.
Even in Indonesia—once known as the quintessential “moderate Muslim” nation—last year a report found that “a new form of persecution is on the rise—Christian girls are being targeted by Muslim men… Influential leaders are literally training young men to target Christian girls to impregnate them.” The report continues:
They target them to try and sort of diffuse the spread of Christianity because the family of the Christian girl is so ashamed [of the impregnation] … they’re forced into marrying that daughter into a Muslim family…. and the Muslims who are being trained to do this, they understand that. That’s why they’re doing that…. Once girls are married into the Muslim families, they’re often cut off from or abandoned by their families and they face even more difficult circumstances. In some cases, girls are the second or third wife of their persecutor and they have few freedoms.
In the end, all these overlooked and/or abandoned Christian girls transformed into Muslim baby producing factories are part of the equally overlooked procreation or demographic jihad, which will see that one out of every three people on earth is Muslim by 2070.
A trail of depravity in a public elementary school.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
April 26, 2020
Blackshear Elementary School librarian performing at perverted BDSM event. He appears to be signaling a particularly repulsive and dangerous homosexual practice, “fisting.”
There was a time when schoolteachers – especially in elementary schools – had to have moral integrity as well as academic knowledge in order to teach children. People of a certain age remember that. But those days are gone. Unfortunately, most parents either don’t realize it or don’t care.
Last year, our Texas MassResistance Director, Tracy Shannon, received a disturbing tip from a local parent. The Blackshear Elementary School had invited an Austin-area Drag Queen, David Lee Richardson, aka “Miss Kitty Litter,” to read to the children in the school library.
Two months earlier, MassResistance had exposed “Miss Kitty Litter” as a convicted male prostitute. “Miss Kitty Litter” had been doing “Drag Queen Story Hour” events in the Austin Public Library system. Tracy even held a press conference at the Austin City Hall about the MassResistance exposé.
Tracy Shannon leads the press conference in Austin as other parents hold up photos from "Miss Kitty Litter's" social media posts.
How did a “Drag Queen” who is a convicted prostitute also get into the Blackshear Elementary School? What is going on? Was there a background check?
The Blackshear school provided this photo of "Miss Kitty Litter" reading to the children in the school library.
As Tracy continued to uncover more, Arthur Schaper of MassResistance filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Austin Independent School District for all materials regarding that incident, including the people who invited “Miss Kitty Litter” to the school. What we found out was shocking!
Brought in by school librarian – who knew about the prostitution conviction!
The FOIA request yielded quite a bit of information. We discovered that Roger Grape, the school librarian for the past seven years (who calls himself the “Guybrarian”) was the person behind inviting Miss Kitty Litter to the library.
We also learned that Grape knew that Miss Kitty Litter had a criminal record – and he knew that MassResistance had exposed it. But he still wanted to take every step possible to get him into the children’s library anyway. (He also attempted to invite additional Drag Queen performers to read to the children, according to the FOIA material.)
Here are the text messages between Roger Grape and David Richardson (Miss Kitty Litter):
Richardson's texts have GRAY background; Grape's text have BLUE background.
First, Richardson acknowledges to Grape that he might not pass a background check at all because of his prior conviction:
Rather than be concerned about the well-being of the children, Grape instead suggests that there might be a loophole for Richardson, which he is happy to do:
(Deferred Adjudication in Texas means that the defendant pleads guilty to the crime, but the judge "defers" a guilty verdict and instead gives him probation. It is technically not considered a conviction, even though the court agreed that the evidence was against him and he admitted that he did it.)
In their texting back and forth, Grape and Richardson poked fun at Tracy Shannon, too. They both obviously were aware that she had already exposed this.
Lo and behold, Richardson passed the background check, even though Grape knew about his prostitution past, and Tracy had publicly announced it at a City Hall press conference.
Of course, because of the efforts of Texas MassResistance, Miss Kitty Litter was worried about possible protests at the elementary school. He even feared that parents might show up to try to stop the event! But the “Guybrarian” assured him that this school has more “progressive” parents, including the PTA, and there would likely be little or no pushback:
Library event scheduled during school’s “LGBTQ+ Pride Week”
The Drag Queen library reading event was scheduled during “LGBTQ+ Pride Week” at the elementary school. The fact that an elementary school would have such an event reflects the mindset of the people running things. It was apparently a district-wide promotion in the Austin schools.
A "Pride Week" banner in the Blackshear Elementary School showing that it is being promoted throughout the school district.
A letter to the Blackshear Elementary parents was sent (or emailed) by “Mr. Grape, Guybrarian” about the upcoming ”LGBTQ+ Pride Week” reading event. He invited the parents to come and join their children at the event at the school library.
Classes would be coming into the library for the reading. The letter did not mention that a Drag Queen would be involved, but simply said,
“As part of Blackshear’s celebration, guest readers from the LGBTQ community will come to read to our classes in the library, and you’re invited to join us!”
“Neither!” – Introduces LGBT concept of “not fitting in” to children
School principal lies to parent who opts-out child
At least one parent saw through all this beforehand and sent an email to the Blackshear principal, Rick Garner:
[My husband] and I do not wish for our son to participate in the LGBT library week. We feel that it’s inappropriate for any adult, regardless of their preference, to discuss his or her sexuality with minors, especially with small children.
The principal replied within a few hours. He basically lied to them about the readers being screened:
We will honor your request … Please know that our guests are only reading to our students. All of our guests have been screened through Austin Partners in Education. Our goal is to promote acceptance, especially during Pride Week.
Rick Garner, Principal
As we saw in the text exchange, Miss Kitty Litter was purposefully not properly screened by the school – but just the opposite. He was let in with school employees knowing about his criminal background – and ignoring it.
School librarian a BDSM fetish performer by night
Roger Grape, the elementary school “Guybrarian,” certainly appeared to be a fairly aggressive LGBT activist. But it’s actually far worse than that.
When Tracy Shannon began looking into Grape and his activities, it wasn’t hard to find out what else he does. Grape is a very prominent member of a local Austin BDSM (bondage and sado-masochism) and sexual fetish organization called Austin Gears.
“… we welcome men who are interested in leather, rubber, uniform, sport, and all gear fetish to gather with us and connect with others.”
And just what do they mean by “gear”? Here's what the website says:
Roger Grape is a major figure in the group. Here’s how the website describes him:
“Flogging men at gear night” at a BDSM fetish club? That’s a pretty interesting hobby for an elementary school librarian.
Roger Grape in 2017 as "Mr. Austin Gear."
Grape with his "colleagues" in the fetish organization.
School obviously not bothered by all this
Should a person like this be working around children? (And why would he want to? The answer to the second question is in the larger issue of the homosexual movement's near-universal obsession with children and public schools.)
Shockingly, according to the FOIA material we received, Roger Grape has been an elementary school teacher since 2004, and has been the librarian at Blackshear Elementary since 2013. Clearly, the school district would have been able to see his BDSM/fetish activities in any cursory background check. None of this is hidden.
The disturbing fact is that the school officials – including the principal, Superintendent, and School Board members – don’t really see his bizarre activities as a problem.
Final thoughts: It’s much worse than people realize
Most people don’t realize that this general problem has been in schools across the country for a long time. And it is far worse than anyone imagines.
Over the past few decades MassResistance (along with other groups) has exposed enormous amounts of graphic and explicit LGBT programs, assemblies, course material, and library books targeting schoolchildren as young as Kindergarten age.
As much as this horrifies and outrages parents, they soon discover that teachers and administrators support it and have no problem at all with it. In fact, parents who even criticize it are usually met with disdain, hostility, and methodical intimidation.
From top to bottom, schools have attracted a frightening generation of employees. MassResistance will continue to help parents confront this.
"Former first lady Laura Bush toured Blackshear Elementary Fine Arts Academy on Monday as her foundation announced a grant for the school’s library.
Blackshear is one of six Austin schools that have received a total of $37,000 to upgrade their collections from the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries.
Blackshear librarian Roger Grape plans to use the $7,000 grant to add more relevant material to the campus library."
“This year’s grant will help Mr. Grape purchase materials on William Shakespeare and his writings as well as other artists and their works,” Bush said, “books that teach students and teachers about photography, music and dance.”