QUOTE: "Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real."

Drag Queen Story Hour discussed
at county commision meeting, Mobile, Alabama

SEE: https://christiannews.net/2018/09/04/drag-queen-story-hour-sparking-protests-in-southern-cities/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Residents in some Southern cities have pushed back against plans to bring “Drag Queen Story Hour” to their local library, an event that features men dressed as women reading stories about topics such as homosexuality and “gender fluidity” to young children in an effort to impart acceptance of those lifestyles.
“DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models,” the Drag Queen Story Hour website reads. “In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.”
In Mobile, Alabama, a group called Common Sense Campaign Tea Party has organized a protest for the story hour scheduled for this Saturday.
“Drag queens reading kids stories about homosexuality and transgenderism appears to be the latest craze sweeping public libraries in the United States and Canada,” reads the event page on Facebook. “A drag queen will read to our children ages 3 to 8 years at the Ben May Main Library, Mobile, on Saturday, Sept 8th. Kids love to play dress up, so they will be pulled in by this person.”
Fox 10 News reports residents packed a recent Mobile County Commission Meeting to express concern about the event.
“I am convinced that this event represents opening the door to many other abhorrent behavioral lifestyles, which threatens to undermine the moral fiber of this country,” Matt Morris, pastor of Woodridge Baptist Church, told the commission.
On August 25, protesters with TFP Student Action stood outside of the Freed-Montrose Public Library in Houston, Texas while “Drag Queen Story Hour” was underway.
“Will you cross your arms while public libraries destroy the innocence of children? Never!” the group chanted, according to a post on the TFP website.
It reports that one passerby returned to counter-protest, holding a sign that read “Ignore the trash” and telling the protesters, “If you died right now, you would make a lot of people very happy.”
The Associated Press reports that protesters stood in the rain outside of a story hour that was held last month in Columbus, Georgia.
In LaFayette, Louisiana, nearly 800 people have signed a petition calling for the cancellation of a Drag Queen Story Hour scheduled to be held at the LaFayette Public Library in October. According to The Daily Advertiser, men from the Delta Lambda Phi fraternity will appear in drag and read books to children ages three through six.
Mayor Joel Robideaux also recently sent Board of Control President Joseph Gordon-Wiltz an email asking for copies of all correspondence surrounding the scheduled story time, and has suggested in a statement that he is seeking how to cancel the event.
“Currently, events of the Lafayette Public Library are neither authorized nor approved by Lafayette Consolidated Government (LCG), including the Drag Queen Story Time event scheduled for October 6, 2018 at the Library Main Branch,” he said. “In response to public requests, LCG is working to determine how this event was approved as a programmed event of the library, who has authority to cancel or move it, and the process for doing so.”
Gordon-Wiltz has since resigned, but has availed himself should Robideaux need additional information.
Drag Queen Story Hour reportedly has chapters across the country, including in San Francisco, California; Houston, Texas; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Cincinnati, Ohio; New Orleans, Louisiana; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Chicago, Illinois; Atlanta, Georgia; Portland, Oregon; Denver, Colorado; Middletown, Connecticut and Reading, Pennsylvania.
1 Peter 5:8 instructs, “Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”
Ephesians 6:12 also teaches, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
American Library Association endorses ‘drag queen storytime’ for libraries across U.S.
BY Calvin Freiburger
SEE: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/american-library-association-group-endorses-drag-queen-storytime-for-librar; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
July 25, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) – Drag queens reading kids stories about homosexuality and transgenderism appears to be the latest craze sweeping public libraries in the United States and Canada.
On July 21, the “Intellectual Freedom committee” of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) published a blog post detailing highlights from the American Library Association (ALA) annual conference in New Orleans. ALSC is a division of ALA with the stated mission of “build[ing] healthy, successful futures for all children.”
“Interested in bringing Drag Queen Storytime to your library?” one of the bullet points read. “ALSC Committee Members received tips for optimizing success from library pioneers who have already done it. We also had the chance to meet a Drag Queen who talked about the value of offering this program, including fostering empathy, tolerance, creativity, imagination and fun.”
It refers readers to the official website of Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH), a program centered around “drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores.” It was created by drag queen Michelle Tea and RADAR Productions in San Francisco.
The group’s express purpose is capturing the “imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood” and giving children “unabashedly queer role models,” so kids can “imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.”
The website quotes Brooklyn Public Library youth & family services director Judy Zuckerman as endorsing the program because it “celebrates diversity” and encourages children to “embrace unfettered exploration of self.”
San Francisco librarians claimed to the Guardian that no taxpayer funds are involved, as the privately-run nonprofit Friends of the Library pays a $250 stipend to DQSH’s production company for every event. Regardless, the events’ content features a great deal of content most parents would deem offensive and, at the very least, not age-appropriate.
The group’s photos depict men wearing fake breasts and a wide variety of garish women’s clothing reading with children as young as infants, highlight two drag queens with the sexually-suggestive names Lady Busty and Miss Shameless, and promote the upcoming “children’s” book Born Bad by C.K. Smouha. Born Bad is about a wolf who doesn’t want to be a wolf, meets a variety of animals who can change their physical characteristics, and ultimately dresses up as a sheep.
The website cites a variety of favorable media coverage that contains several revealing details, such as a Guardian report revealing that one drag queen read a “book about how families can have a mom and a dad or just one mom or two dads,” Tea’s admission to LA Weekly that the “books we choose are about social justice,” and the New Yorker’s account of drag queen Lil Miss Hot Mess attempting to get an audience of kids to repeat, “When I grow up, I want to be a drag queen.”
DQSH also sells a “Dragtivity Book” targeted at children between the ages of four and twelve. It “gives kids an inside look into what it’s like to be a drag queen,” encouraging “children and the adults in their lives to continue exploring drag and gender together” through activities such as “Create your own drag name” and “Circle your pronouns.”
As LifeSiteNews reported last week, similar events are taking place in Canadian libraries, as well, promoting similar “stories of acceptance, diversity and all different types of families” to expose small children to LGBT concepts and “non-binary” people.
“LGBT activists are determined to teach their ideology to children, and have focused their efforts on infiltrating the public school system, influencing the sex education curriculum, and ensuring that the concepts such as gender fluidity are taught from the earliest possible age,” Jonathon Van Maren wrote. “Drag queens and children’s stories about transgenderism are in—and so, again, at yet another venue—Christian parents must be out.”
In May, children’s book author Amelia Hamilton argued at Acculturated that giving DQSH time on library grounds still ultimately constitutes taxpayer support for “hyper-politicized story times that teach kids to fall into line with left-wing values.” She also contrasted liberals’ embrace of drag queens with their hostility to exposing kids to any form of conservative thought.
“As the author of two patriotic (and apolitical) children’s books, I can attest to the fact that the left is highly suspicious of exposing children to anything that could potentially be considered conservative,” Hamilton wrote. “The hate mail I received for educational books about America’s founding proved that liberals were extremely uncomfortable with patriotism, which they see as political.”
“What sort of outcry would there be if there were a children’s event promoting American exceptionalism or traditional values? An event with books about gun rights or the value of life in the womb?” she asked. “No, that would never do.”
ALSC was in the news last month after it decided to drop “Little House on the Prairie” author Laura Ingalls Wilder from the name of its annual award for children’s book authors.
The association declared that Wilder’s literary legacy “includes expressions of stereotypical attitudes inconsistent with ALSC’s core values of inclusiveness, integrity and respect, and responsiveness.”

Standing against 'Drag Queen Story Hour'
SEE: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/miller/180912; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Last Saturday, I was part of a protest against a "Drag Queen Story Hour" being held at a public library in Mobile, Alabama. These events, which are happening in libraries and public schools all across the nation, are one of the newer weapons in the homofascist arsenal, and they target little children from three to eight years old.
The events are grotesque spectacles of men dressed garishly as "women" reading "children's" books (that include feminist, homosexual and "transgender" themed stories) to little ones whose parents foolishly choose to bring them. A December 2016 column by a writer for the DailyWire reports that the "Drag Queen Story Hours" were spawned by homosexual and feminist groups in New York and San Francisco, in response to Donald Trump's election in 2016.
At Saturday's protest, those of us who stood against this demented abuse of children were greatly outnumbered, when we shouldn't have been. The militant homosexual activists aggressively worked to make sure they had a large, boisterous presence, even bussing in a group of "free hugs" t-shirt-wearing millennials. Our side was basically one local TEA Party group that had encouraged right-minded people to attend. I'm guessing we had around 50 to the other side's 200 or more.
It was a shame that more rational people were not willing to leave their comfort zone and stand outside that library to plead for the protection of little children, the most precious and vulnerable among us. The message that is sent to the world when we do not speak and stand against this wickedness is that we either don't care about the issue, or we approve of it. And even though our numbers are dwindling, as communist public school indoctrination continues on the younger generations, I know that there are still more of us than those who embrace this vile, sexual deviancy.
It may be that some people don't object to "Drag Queen Story Hour" because they have been deceived by the militant homosexual activists' propaganda campaign, which really got an aggressive boost under Barack Obama's regime. Its messaging seeks to normalize perversion, especially in the minds of school children and college kids. The deceptions they use to sell their depraved, dangerous behavior include calling it "love" (no, it's lust), claiming it is "equality" they desire (we're all already equal under the law), and falsely labeling as "hate" the truth we tell about the corrupt, deadly reality of homosexual and "transgender" behaviors.
Another false argument they make is that "drag queens" must be allowed to do this, because it's a First Amendment issue. It is not! It's a child corruption issue, and we have plenty of laws against harming children. It doesn't matter to me if no one in the world can understand the fact that perverts dressed as "women" reading homosexual propaganda stories to little children is harmful to them. It remains harmful.
None of what I say will make sense to anyone who rejects God's inexorable law. To those who embrace it, what I say is plainly true. Homosexual and cross-dressing, "transgender," behaviors are wrong. They have always been, and will always be, wrong. They are examples of aggressive rebellion against God and His proper design for mankind's sexuality. These bad behaviors lead to all sorts of misery for those who choose to engage in them, including inordinately high rates of suicide and suicide attempts, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, mental illness and disease.
This is why it is an unspeakable outrage that these demonically-inspired people are targeting for corruption little children across our nation, and it is purely shameful that there is not a massive fight and push-back against it by right-minded Americans.
If you could have been there last Saturday and watched as "parents" led their little ones into that library, past the cheering, pro-sodomite demonstrators, it would have broken your heart. We prayed for those precious babies and for the many deceived people who stood against us. We prayed the Lord would protect the hearts and minds of the children from the wicked influence of the transvestite reprobates who spoke and read to them.
These "Drag Queen Story Hours" will continue across our nation, unless or until many, many more of us are willing to stand firmly against them in our cities.
The events are grotesque spectacles of men dressed garishly as "women" reading "children's" books (that include feminist, homosexual and "transgender" themed stories) to little ones whose parents foolishly choose to bring them. A December 2016 column by a writer for the DailyWire reports that the "Drag Queen Story Hours" were spawned by homosexual and feminist groups in New York and San Francisco, in response to Donald Trump's election in 2016.
At Saturday's protest, those of us who stood against this demented abuse of children were greatly outnumbered, when we shouldn't have been. The militant homosexual activists aggressively worked to make sure they had a large, boisterous presence, even bussing in a group of "free hugs" t-shirt-wearing millennials. Our side was basically one local TEA Party group that had encouraged right-minded people to attend. I'm guessing we had around 50 to the other side's 200 or more.
It was a shame that more rational people were not willing to leave their comfort zone and stand outside that library to plead for the protection of little children, the most precious and vulnerable among us. The message that is sent to the world when we do not speak and stand against this wickedness is that we either don't care about the issue, or we approve of it. And even though our numbers are dwindling, as communist public school indoctrination continues on the younger generations, I know that there are still more of us than those who embrace this vile, sexual deviancy.
It may be that some people don't object to "Drag Queen Story Hour" because they have been deceived by the militant homosexual activists' propaganda campaign, which really got an aggressive boost under Barack Obama's regime. Its messaging seeks to normalize perversion, especially in the minds of school children and college kids. The deceptions they use to sell their depraved, dangerous behavior include calling it "love" (no, it's lust), claiming it is "equality" they desire (we're all already equal under the law), and falsely labeling as "hate" the truth we tell about the corrupt, deadly reality of homosexual and "transgender" behaviors.
Another false argument they make is that "drag queens" must be allowed to do this, because it's a First Amendment issue. It is not! It's a child corruption issue, and we have plenty of laws against harming children. It doesn't matter to me if no one in the world can understand the fact that perverts dressed as "women" reading homosexual propaganda stories to little children is harmful to them. It remains harmful.
None of what I say will make sense to anyone who rejects God's inexorable law. To those who embrace it, what I say is plainly true. Homosexual and cross-dressing, "transgender," behaviors are wrong. They have always been, and will always be, wrong. They are examples of aggressive rebellion against God and His proper design for mankind's sexuality. These bad behaviors lead to all sorts of misery for those who choose to engage in them, including inordinately high rates of suicide and suicide attempts, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, mental illness and disease.
This is why it is an unspeakable outrage that these demonically-inspired people are targeting for corruption little children across our nation, and it is purely shameful that there is not a massive fight and push-back against it by right-minded Americans.
If you could have been there last Saturday and watched as "parents" led their little ones into that library, past the cheering, pro-sodomite demonstrators, it would have broken your heart. We prayed for those precious babies and for the many deceived people who stood against us. We prayed the Lord would protect the hearts and minds of the children from the wicked influence of the transvestite reprobates who spoke and read to them.
These "Drag Queen Story Hours" will continue across our nation, unless or until many, many more of us are willing to stand firmly against them in our cities.