What Is Generation Identity?
Generation Identity: Europe's Youth Reconquista

SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2018/05/young-identitarian-european-anti-immigrant-movement-rises-to-defend-against-islamization; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Across Europe from Ireland to Slovenia, groups of young people are mobilizing against migration. A growing “identitarian” movement, led by mostly smart and tech-savvy young men, is attracting attention in its efforts to “stop and reverse” the flow of migrants from the South.
Expect more such groups to arise in Europe — including some groups that are unfortunately not so peaceful — as a reaction to the fact that government leaders have abandoned their duties to protect the citizenry.
One of the “Generation Identity” group members stated:
We have tried to show that if we want, we can stop them because the government doesn’t want really to stop them. If 100 boys and girls of Europe can build a border, why can’t the government?“
Generation Identity has been reportedly sending its members “to military-style training camps abroad.”
What unites these groups ideologically is a belief that Europe is facing a “great replacement” by Muslim and African immigrants. And they want something done about it.
These groups are being made out by some to be “bigots,” “white supremacists” and “right-wing extremists.” Since the establishment media uses such terms of everyone who opposes jihad terror and mass Muslim migration, it is hard to tell where these groups really stand and if they really are racists and bigots. But whatever they are, the more the governments of Europe stigmatize, demonize and marginalize legitimate and peaceful opposition to their migration policies, the more they will end up radicalizing their foes. As John F. Kennedy said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” The responsibility for this lies with the European governments.
“The push from Europe’s young new right”, by Marion MacGregor, Infomigrants, May 4, 2018:
________________________________________________________Across Europe from Ireland to Slovenia, groups of young people are mobilizing against migration. A growing “identitarian” movement, led by mostly smart and tech-savvy young men, is attracting attention in its efforts to “stop and reverse” the flow of migrants from the South.In their bright blue jackets, the group of young men and women stands out against the Alpine landscape. Their reason for traveling here is emblazoned on the two helicopters they have brought with them – to “Defend Europe”.In April, a hundred people calling themselves Generation Identity (GI) activists traveled to the Col de l’Echelle near Briancon, with the aim of “blocking the path for illegal migrants.” Armed with posts and orange plastic mesh, they erected a fence on the border where hundreds of people continue to cross each month on foot from Italy into France.One of the activists told DW’s Inside Europe reporter, “We have tried to show that if we want, we can stop them because the government doesn’t want really to stop them. If 100 boys and girls of Europe can build a border, why can’t the government?“These are members of Europe’s new young right-wing movements which seem to be gaining popularity. They come in many shades and under different benign-sounding labels: illiberal and identitarian, ultra-right, new-right and alt-right (alternative right) after the movement which achieved stardom in the United States during the last election campaign.The new youth right has even been described as alt-right hipsters, because of their young, cool, and tattooed image. Many, like Generation Identity in Austria, led by the camera-friendly Martin Sellner, reject the labels neo-nazi, racist or xenophobic. He also says Generation Identity is non-violent, and like many of the other right-wing young groups, it has no business with far-right political parties.What unites these groups ideologically is a belief that Europe is facing a “great replacement” by Muslim and African immigrants. And they want something done about it.Across Europe, there are too many new (and old) right-wing groups to name. Some are banned, like Germany’s “White Wolf Terror Crew,” whose members were responsible for carrying out and plotting attacks against refugees. Nowhere on the proscribed lists are the new right groups like GI, which combine clever use of social media and YouTube with occasional flash mob type stunts, most of them within the law.One of the first of these was in 2012 when Generation Identitaire in France occupied a mosque in Poitiers, a city that’s historically linked with resistance to Islam.In August 2016, a group of Generation Identity Germany (IBD) activists climbed the Brandenburg gate in the capital and draped it with a huge banner that read “Secure borders – secure future.”The same year, the Austrians traveled to the Mediterranean, where they tried to stop rescue boats from bringing immigrants to Europe in a “Greenpeace-style” action.Wolves in sheep’s clothing?With their slick social media campaigns, which even include merchandise, the new right looks different, but no less worrying, according to Dr Britta Schellenberg, who writes about right-wing radicalism in Europe. Schellenberg is concerned about what she says is a dangerous combination of intellectual right-wing radicalism with activism.“We see people who are more into violent action, including symbolic violent action. They threaten NGOs … and on the other hand, they are very well-connected digitally, through social media.”..>>
UPDATE MAY 16, 2018:
Generation Identity Facing Prison In Austria
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