"Ease back into your “typical diet.” This is especially true with caffeine, sugar, fatty foods, meat and dairy products. Small portions are wise and go slow, perhaps just one or two foods per day."
Elmer Towns discusses his book -
Fasting for a Miracle.
Elmer Towns on the next big church
turnaround method:
Dr. Elmer Towns introduces
the Prayer Journey Paraphrase Bible:
QUOTE: "Susan Gregory is the CEO of Faith Driven Life, a training company
dedicated to helping men and women of faith live the amazing life they can
have because of Christ. She is an internationally known Christian Life Coach
and Global Trainer."
QUOTE: "Susan Gregory is the CEO of Faith Driven Life, a training company
dedicated to helping men and women of faith live the amazing life they can
have because of Christ. She is an internationally known Christian Life Coach
and Global Trainer."
"My name is Susan Gregory. I live in Ellensburg, which is a small
college town located in Central Washington. I received Christ in
1973 and am an active member of Ellensburg Foursquare Church."

SEE: https://danielfast.wordpress.com/2009/01/23/
"Ease back into your “typical diet.” This is especially true
"Ease back into your “typical diet.” This is especially true
with caffeine, sugar, fatty foods, meat and dairy products.
Small portions are wise and go slow, perhaps just one or
two foods per day."
and dedicated January 1, 1923. The temple is opposite Echo Park,
Jack Williams Hayford born June 25, 1934) is an American author,
Pentecostal minister, and Chancellor of The King's University
(formerly The King's College and Seminary). He is the founding pastor
of The Church on the Way in Van Nuys and was the fourth President
of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel from 2004 to 2008.
"The Daniel Fast and Jentezen Franklin's
False Teachings"
Republished below in full unedited:
It is with heavy heart I write this today. I have been called by our gracious and Holy Spirit to
write this. Out of sincere duty to Him who reveals truth and obedience to Him who saves, I
must say some things about the Daniel Fast and about Jentezen Franklin of the Fasting books.
This is part 1, about fasting and the Daniel Fast
First, a parable. Picture a large house, in which you and I live with a family. We are all busy,
First, a parable. Picture a large house, in which you and I live with a family. We are all busy,
doing things, and happily dwelling there. In November I awoke one morning and went into
the baby's room, and as I opened the door I saw with horror that there was a wolf curled up
with the baby, snarling and drooling. There are two things I could do. I could close the door
and go downstairs to make breakfast, not saying anything about the wolf in the house. Or I
could flip on the burglar alarm, call 911, and get my shotgun. Of course I opt for the latter.
I am going to make a warning that there is a wolf in the house, I am going to make a ruckus
about it, because wolves are dangerous and there are babes to protect.
The house is Your Church. The wolf is The Daniel Fast and/or Jentezen Franklin, the
The house is Your Church. The wolf is The Daniel Fast and/or Jentezen Franklin, the
promoter of the current fasting fad. We make a ruckus to let everyone know that there
is a wolf ready to pounce on the babes of our faith.
There are many churches today participating in the current fad known as The Daniel Fast. This
is a man-made so-called spiritual activity that is supposed to automatically draw you closer to
God by eating things that are on a list and not eating things that are not on a list. Other benefits
touted if you partake of this fast are winning the battle over the flesh (hard to do when we are
still flesh when the fast is done), losing weight and healings from diabetes, allergies, arthritis and
cancer. Another benefit from doing the fast is said to be putting our spirit in charge of the other
two parts of us, the soul and the body. It must be news to the Holy Spirit that we can put Him in
charge of things. (source)
Fasting is in the bible, but the way it is being taught in the Daniel Fasting plan and in
Fasting is in the bible, but the way it is being taught in the Daniel Fasting plan and in
Franklin's book it is off center. That is the genius of false teaching, take a biblical thing
and twist it.
and twist it.
Let me say that I know good pastors have a heart for their people. I can't imagine the stress and
difficulty of being a pastor in the last days, and the mourning they do for the sheep who are
sleeping and at such risk! I want to shake them myself, out of complacency, laziness, or apathy,
and get them to see that every moment for Christ counts. I know they want the best for us. But
the Daniel Fast and the Jentezen Franklin books are not the way to wake them up and this isn't
the best for the congregants of a church.
About fasting: it is good. I fast. Fasting is biblical. However the only New Testament direction we
About fasting: it is good. I fast. Fasting is biblical. However the only New Testament direction we
are given is from Jesus' sermon on the Mount, and in that, the only specifics we are given about
fasting is as a voluntary activity prompted by the Holy Spirit TO DO IT IN SECRET. Jentezen
Franklin's model calls for the opposite. Otherwise, Jesus said, the temptation to lean toward pride
and hypocrisy is too great. We are told in Romans 14 that the kingdom of God is not what we eat
or drink, but the Daniel Plan contains a long list of what we may eat or drink.
If a person engages in it for the wrong motivations, such as it being a promoted activity from
If a person engages in it for the wrong motivations, such as it being a promoted activity from
their church leadership, or as a weight loss plan, or as a healthy lifestyle, then it is a fad of
no worth!
"Fasting in and of itself is unknown in Scripture as an end in itself. All of the benefits of fasting in
the Scripture are indirect, not direct. Fasting is never isolated to create some virtue in and of itself.
You don't just say well, I'm going to be spiritual, I will not eat. You are no more spiritual because
you don't eat than because you do eat." (source)
"Fasting is to deny self, but it is not done in a vacuum. You don't just say well, I'm going to deny
"Fasting is to deny self, but it is not done in a vacuum. You don't just say well, I'm going to deny
myself. I'm going to say no to myself and stop eating for no good reason. There is a reason to
humble yourself in that manner. There is a reason to deny yourself in that manner. There is a
reason to inflict yourself in that manner and the reason is a consuming one. [F]asting never
occurs in a vacuum. It never occurs biblically without a corollary. So, fasting is almost not
something you choose to do, but something you cannot avoid." (source)
What is the reason people would go on a Daniel Fast, which strictly is not the definition of fasting,
What is the reason people would go on a Daniel Fast, which strictly is not the definition of fasting,
because fasting is avoidance of food? Is it just to do it? Because it will make you grow spiritually?
It won't, if that is your sole reason. It's not an activity that causes growth, it is an outward
expression of an interior spiritual need or circumstance.
Here is an excerpt on the Daniel Fast and fasting in the New Testament from John MacArthur's
Here is an excerpt on the Daniel Fast and fasting in the New Testament from John MacArthur's
site, Grace To You:
"What’s sad is the effect these self-appointed authorities have on those who follow them.
"What’s sad is the effect these self-appointed authorities have on those who follow them.
They bind consciences with false guilt. Setting themselves up as judges of what goes into
your mouth, they oppose our Lord Jesus Christ, who declared all foods clean and said
"The New Testament leaves the details of fasting to the discretion of the believer and even
de-emphasizes fasting in the progress of revelation. When Jesus taught against hypocrisy in
Matthew 6:1-18, he taught us to give, pray, and fast privately. If you do, your Father who sees
in secret will reward you."
[As opposed to praying, fasting is a] "Different approach altogether. Yes, he tells those who fast
[As opposed to praying, fasting is a] "Different approach altogether. Yes, he tells those who fast
any instruction on fasting. He does not address frequency. He does not address diet. He does
not address drinking liquids while fasting. He most certainly does not address whether the
starchy endosperm in semolina vitiates the purpose of the fast!"
"His silence shows that Jesus de-emphasized fasting in comparison to prayer. If you needed
"His silence shows that Jesus de-emphasized fasting in comparison to prayer. If you needed
silence shows you shouldn’t preoccupy yourself with the matter. Teachers today should not
regulate fasting or elevate it to prominence when Jesus left it in the shadows."
Fasting is a private, Holy Spirit inspired activity usually and traditionally associated
Fasting is a private, Holy Spirit inspired activity usually and traditionally associated
with grief, repentance, or for a specific purpose that Jesus Himself relegates to a
private matter between a believer and God, vertically. The Daniel Fast promoters
and Franklin have made it an activity on some name it-claim it spiritual check-off list,
a horizontal display of public piety laden with potentials for hypocrisy and pride,
exactly what Jesus said not to do. I'm sorry to be harsh, but someone has to say it.
A short series of essays on the proper approach to fasting can be found on John MacArthur's
blog below, and in part 3 he deals with the Daniel Fast specifically. It is not long, each part is
only 2 pages. I encourage you to read this four part series from a senior pastor of our faith to
get an understanding of the theology behind fasting from which any discerning person can go
forward on making good decisions on determining if their urge for fasting is a spiritual need or
a church activity, and whether or not to take part in any program or plan set before them.
The Heart of Christian Fasting, Part 1. The Old Testament.
The Heart of Christian Fasting, Part 2: Sermon on the Mount
The Heart of Christian Fasting, Part 3: The New Testament (it is this part he deals with the
The Heart of Christian Fasting, Part 1. The Old Testament.
The Heart of Christian Fasting, Part 2: Sermon on the Mount
The Heart of Christian Fasting, Part 3: The New Testament (it is this part he deals with the
Daniel Fast)
The Heart of Christian Fasting, Part 4: Fasting Today
If someone wants to listen to or read a good sermon series on fasting, again I direct them to
The Heart of Christian Fasting, Part 4: Fasting Today
If someone wants to listen to or read a good sermon series on fasting, again I direct them to
the Grace to You website and the series entitled Fasting Without Hypocrisy, Part 1
I condemn this Daniel Fast as a fad, a gimmick based on flawed teachings, and man-made
I condemn this Daniel Fast as a fad, a gimmick based on flawed teachings, and man-made
motivations and well apart from proper biblical moorings.
I exhort with all possible urgency that any church practicing it is dangerously adrift!
Part, 2, Jentezen Franklin next
I exhort with all possible urgency that any church practicing it is dangerously adrift!
Part, 2, Jentezen Franklin next
There are many churches today participating in the current fad known as The Daniel Fast. This
is a man-made so-called spiritual activity that is supposed to automatically draw you closer to God
by eating things that are on a list and not eating things that are not on a list.
If you partake of this fast, other benefits mentioned on The Daniel Fast website are winning
If you partake of this fast, other benefits mentioned on The Daniel Fast website are winning
the battle over the flesh (hard to do when we are still flesh when the fast is done), losing weight
and healings from diabetes, allergies, arthritis and cancer. Another benefit is said to be putting
our spirit in charge of the other two parts of us, the soul and the body. It must be news to the
experienced by fasting along with Jentezen Franklin: healed relationships, spiritual growth,
physical healings, financial breakthroughs, and other blessings. Wow.
"If that is the case, you have to wonder what blessings aren’t being released, Franklin writes,
"If that is the case, you have to wonder what blessings aren’t being released, Franklin writes,
what answers to prayer are not getting through…what bondages are not being broken…because
we fail to fast." The Word-Faith crowd always makes a point to say that we will lose out
on something if we don't do it their way. This is an example. Fasting is a voluntary activity
we engage in at the prompting of the Spirit or when we feel we need to humble ourselves in grief
or repentance, or to focus on Jesus in a more pointed way. More on fasting in previous post.
Jentezen Franklin is the guru of fasting. He has written two books on it and is the one
get a blessing, to earn God's favor, to get a public reward, to get our greatest
So the lesson from The Daniel Fast and Jentezen Franklin is that we fast to get something.
I do not believe we fast to get something, and I do not believe we should expect something
and I do not believe we have the power to cause God to do something if we fast. More on
what fasting is all about in the previous post.
Secondly, if we fast, Franklin says, it causes God to "release" these things into our lives. My
Secondly, if we fast, Franklin says, it causes God to "release" these things into our lives. My
understanding is that fasting is a private expression of a deeply felt spiritual need and a way
to humble myself before Almighty God.
All this elevates fasting to an importance the bible does not give it nor did Jesus give it.
All this elevates fasting to an importance the bible does not give it nor did Jesus give it.
So who is this Jentezen Franklin?
Franklin is pastor of a Holiness church in GA but he is also pastor of a Holiness church in CA.
How does he do it? This article from Charisma Magazine explains:
"Every Sunday, Franklin arrives at Free Chapel in Gainesville (GA) by 5 a.m. for prayer,
"Every Sunday, Franklin arrives at Free Chapel in Gainesville (GA) by 5 a.m. for prayer,
preaches two sermons and shakes hundreds of hands before boarding a private jet at 2 p.m.
with his family and two staff members. They arrive at John Wayne Airport, located five minutes
from Free Chapel Orange County (OC), and by 6 p.m. Franklin is in the pulpit. The next day is
filled with Orange County staff meetings, and the group returns to Gainesville on Tuesday.
"This may sound like a crazy schedule, but it is actually exhilarating," Franklin says. ... "My family
comes first, and what shows me that this is of God is the way they can be with me more now
than ever," Franklin says. "The school systems have actually worked it out that my children can
be off the two days so they can be with me."
Is this a biblical model of pastoring? Pastor means shepherd. How can he shepherd his flock if
Is this a biblical model of pastoring? Pastor means shepherd. How can he shepherd his flock if
he has one pasture in Judah and one in Persia? He can't. It is not a biblical model of shepherding.
As for his family, is taking his children out of school for two days a week the best, most stable life
for them? Is his ambition so great he plunks his children in the middle of his "crazy schedule" so
he can enjoy the 'exhilaration'? And a private jet??? He had a choice to stay in GA. He chose the
jet set lifestyle. Is this the proper Christian pastoring and fathering model we want to buy into? It
isn't for me, and I refuse to spend money buying his book.
His friends tell us a lot about who Franklin is. This weekend he is preaching from the
His friends tell us a lot about who Franklin is. This weekend he is preaching from the
There is no worse false church in America than Lakewood. There is no worse false
preacher than Osteen! Osteen denies the Gospel in favor of becoming a motivational
guru to have "your best life now". The only way you're having your best life now is if
you're going to hell. (that was John MacArthur's wit). This Jentezen Franklin will be
preaching from Osteen's stage for two days. That should tell us a lot.
If that is not enough, after this weekend Franklin will be hosting the "Praise the Lord" show with
Jan and Paul Crouch on TBN. There is no deeper of a snake pit of false doctrine than Praise
the Lord show on TBN and Franklin will be promoting it. (source)
Franklin should be excised from any bible-believing church on these bases ALONE.
But wait, there's more.
As for his teachings, they are false doctrine too. He said in one sermon as he appealed for
Franklin should be excised from any bible-believing church on these bases ALONE.
But wait, there's more.
As for his teachings, they are false doctrine too. He said in one sermon as he appealed for
money, lots of it for over ten minutes, over sentimental music blared from loudspeakers,
"I've never come to Hillsong Conference where I haven't sown at least a $1000 seed..."
Yet the bible says, "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the
Yet the bible says, "So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the
hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth,
they have received their reward in full." Mt 6:2
and Franklin goes on, "$1000 seed...into this place, because if I sow now, the rain of now will
and Franklin goes on, "$1000 seed...into this place, because if I sow now, the rain of now will
fall on my life." NAME IT CLAIM IT! Tithe big, you get big. And what is "the rain of now" for
heaven's sakes? His hands were fluttering down as rain, and the audience looked up as if
expecting manna or Armani suits or money to fall from the sky right then.
He is a Word-Faith preacher and we know those are false. The Word-Faith crowd is big on
He is a Word-Faith preacher and we know those are false. The Word-Faith crowd is big on
"if you do this, you get this." "If you do this it will cause God to move." They talk about 'releasing'
power into your life, but in fact the only thing we have the power to release is a fart after dinner.
He elevates to us more power than we have and diminishes Jesus in the process.
"It is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of ministry," he says. "It's dangerous to have a
"It is so easy to get caught up in the busyness of ministry," he says. "It's dangerous to have a
growing ministry and a shrinking passion for God; something gets out of whack. When I find
myself becoming mechanical in my preaching, even a one-day fast fine-tunes me and makes
my heart sensitive. For me, fasting is the key."
Fasting is not Jiffy Lube. It is the Word fine-tunes you. Sigh.
But most telling, is the following:
He said, "When I feel myself growing dry spiritually, when I don’t sense that
Fasting is not Jiffy Lube. It is the Word fine-tunes you. Sigh.
But most telling, is the following:
He said, "When I feel myself growing dry spiritually, when I don’t sense that
cutting-edge anointing, or when I need a fresh encounter with God, fasting is
the secret key that unlocks heaven’s door and slams shut the gates of hell.
The discipline of fasting releases the anointing, the favor, and the blessing of
God in the life of a Christian."
Don't gloss over this.
It is the most abhorrent statement imaginable. It is sacrilege. Jesus has the key to heaven and
hell. Nothing we do unlocks it. How sacrilegious to say that any activity we do unlocks heaven
or shuts hell. This is wrong! On just that statement, he should be booted from every bible-
believing pulpit, our churches, and our bookshelves!
And why is fasting characterized as a "secret"? It is not, at least not to anyone who reads the
And why is fasting characterized as a "secret"? It is not, at least not to anyone who reads the
bible. And what is a 'cutting edge anointing'? Is it different from a regular anointing? Franklin
distinguished the "normal seed" from the "precious seed" in one 'name it claim it' sermon I'd
listened to. I guess I am missing out on the "cutting edge" anointing and I just have to settle
for the regular anointing we get when we're saved. (1 John 2:20).
See, that is the dangerous heresy in Word-Faith preachers like Franklin, they subtly elevate
See, that is the dangerous heresy in Word-Faith preachers like Franklin, they subtly elevate
themselves and their teachings above what the bible says, making everything else seem
humdrum by comparison by using sexy words like cutting edge, fine-tune, heart sensitive,
breakthroughs, hundredfold return, precious seeds.... it is all very exciting in Franklin's world,
exhilarating, even. By comparison, the staid old faith, prayer, service, obedience seems dry
as yesterday's toast.
The Word-Faith doctrine "puts confidence in the nature of faith rather then in the object of faith.
The Word-Faith doctrine "puts confidence in the nature of faith rather then in the object of faith.
It assumes that there's something inherent in believing that enacts [or "releases"] something
when it isn't true at all. It is not the nature of faith that is effective, it is the object of faith. It is my
faith in God that gets results not my faith in my faith." (source: A biblical answer to the prosperity
preacher who has no business being in any biblical church. He is a wolf.
Avoid Jentezen Franklin and The Daniel Fast. Rely on the Holy Spirit to direct your steps.
Pray, fast when the Spirit prompts you, read your bible so you will have the discernment
to spot a false teaching when you come across one.
Go have a good lunch, and don't forget to thank the Lord for it!
"The power of fasting!"-
Pastor Paula White -9/15/2011
"In 1984, while living in Maryland, she was introduced to the gospel and became
a Christian. On her television show in July 2005, White recounted the vision she
received from God shortly after conversion: "When I was just eighteen years old,
the Lord gave me a vision that every time I opened my mouth and declared the
Word of the Lord, there was a manifestation of his spirit where people were either
healed, delivered, or saved. When I shut my mouth, they fell off into utter
darkness and God spoke to me and said 'I called you to preach the gospel'".[4]
Paula White later on became a part of the National Church of God in
Fort Washington under T.L. Lowery of Church of God (Cleveland,