Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
“Not only is Mary’s immaculate conception and her sinlessness not
revealed in God’s inspired, infallible Word, it goes directly against
the teaching of Scripture,” Mike Gendron of Proclaiming the Gospel
Ministries told Christian News Network. “The Bible clearly states that
the sin of Adam was spread to all his descendants, including Mary.”
He pointed to Romans 5:12, which reads, “[A]s by one man sin entered
into the world, and death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for
that all have sinned,” as well as Romans 3:10 and 23, which teach that
“there is none righteous, no, not one,” and that “all have sinned and
fall short of the glory of God.”
Gendron also noted that Mary acknowledged her need of the Savior from
sin when she said in Luke 1:47, “My spirit rejoices in God, my Savior.”
He said that not only is the doctrine of immaculate conception
unbiblical, but Bergoglio’s assertion that Mary “frees us from the stain
of sin” is an affront to the gospel.
“He profanely attributed to Mary what Christ alone had accomplished
on Calvary’s cross,” Gendron said. “The pope’s prayer robbed Christ of
His glorious accomplishment of purifying for Himself a people for His
own possession (Titus 2:14). It was Jesus who ‘made purification of
sins’ and ‘sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high’ indicating
His redemptive work was finished (Heb. 1:3).”
“The pope needs to stop exalting Mary as a sinless mediator and give
all glory honor and praise to Jesus because it was His precious blood
that purifies His people from ALL sin (1 John 1:7),” he stated.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
BREAKING: Real fake news list released! In a recent interview with Tertio,
the Pope weighed in on the so-called “fake news” scandal by calling
disinformation a sin and saying that the media should not fall victim to
“coprophilia” — that’s right, being aroused by poop.
thing that can do great damage to the information media is
disinformation: that is, faced with any situation, saying only a part of
the truth, and not the rest. This is disinformation. Because you, to
the listener or the observer, give only half the truth, and therefore it
is not possible to make a serious judgement. Disinformation is probably
the greatest damage that the media can do, as opinion is guided in one
direction, neglecting the other part of the truth.
all of that is true… but he’s not specifying where this disinformation
is coming from, leading the whole of the mainstream media to use the Pope’s statements to point fingers at the alternative media.
The Pope continued:
then, I believe that the media should be very clear, very transparent,
and not fall prey – without offense, please – to the sickness of
coprophilia, which is always wanting to communicate scandal, to
communicate ugly things, even though they may be true. And since people
have a tendency towards the sickness of coprophagia, it can do great
harm. Thus, I would say that there are these four temptations. But they
are builders of opinion and can construct, and do immense good, immense.
That’s right, the Pope also says that people who consume fake news are sick and tend toward coprophagia… eating poop.
not talking about governments who spend billions on war propaganda or
the mainstream media who parrots and tows the establishment line, even
when its a blatant lie…
He’s getting on board with the same censorship agenda as the rest of the system… in a really sick way.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Facebook is already blocking links to so-called “fake news”
stories, despite the Washington Post being forced to admit that its own
definitive article on “fake news” was based on shoddy research. A
Twitter user revealed how he tried to post an Alex Jones Channel video
about ‘PizzaGate’ on Facebook but was blocked from doing so because
Facebook characterized the YouTube link as “unsafe”.
suggests that more than just blocking alleged “fake news” websites,
Facebook is censoring certain topics from being posted altogether.
The social network giant also appears keen to comply with a European Union demand that all “fake news,” which was listed on a par with hate speech and jihadist propaganda, be censored within 24 hours.
As we reported yesterday,
after pressure from academics, Google is also de-listing information
pertaining to criticism of Islam and information about black people
being over-represented in crime figures (which is an objective fact).
notion of social media websites blocking content they arbitrarily
decide to be “fake news” is chilling, especially given that the
Washington Post has now been forced to admit that its vaunted “fake news” exposé was itself fake after massive blow back.
lengthy editor’s note appeared on top of the original article in which
the editor not only distances the WaPo from the “experts” quoted in the
original article whose “work” served as the basis for the entire article
(and which became the most read WaPo story the day it was published)
but also admits the Post could not “vouch for the validity of
PropOrNot’s finding regarding any individual media outlet”, in effect
admitting the entire story may have been, drumroll “fake news” and
conceding the Bezos-owned publication may have engaged in defamation by
smearing numerous websites – Zero Hedge included – with patently false
and unsubstantiated allegations,” reports Zero Hedge.
Given that the first list of “fake news” websites was also completely debunked
as the bias-driven musings of a far-left social justice warrior, what
credibility does the mainstream media have left in lecturing everyone
else as to what constitutes “fake news”?
Get the REAL list of fake news websites right here.
mainstream media: Calling everyone apart from yourself "fake news" is
kind of a hint that you just want to silence your competition.
Breaking! Federal Govt. Says Fake News is Espionage; Russians & Alternative Media Being Blamed
Published on Dec 8, 2016
just passed a bill called the Intelligence Authorization Act to combat
what US intelligence sources are calling fake news and covert
broadcasting by the Russian government and alternative media websites
within the U.S.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
An estimated 2,200 new Transportation Security Officers sent to work
at the Los Angeles International Airport received their on-the-job
training from officials with the Muslim Public Affairs Council, a group
that’s tied to the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical organization with
terror ties and global Sharia intent. Human Events reported the training, citing a press release on the MPAC’s own website:
“The MPAC release notes that the two-month training
course informed officers of ‘the diversity of Muslims around the world
from cultural dress to language to tenets. The four trainers taught the
TSOs how to properly handle a Quran and discussed the different ways
Muslim women and men choose to cover or dress. For example, the TSOs
learned if a woman wears hijab and needs a secondary screening she
should be screened in a private area by a female TSO officer.'”
Isn’t that a bit like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse? Airport security screeners at Los Angeles were trained by officials with a group that’s tied to the radical Muslim Brotherhood.MPAC
was created in 1986 as a political mouthpiece for the Islamic Center
for Southern California, one of America’s largest Wahhabi mosques. Human Events fills in the details:
“As the Center for Security Policy’s Team B II report
entitled ‘Sharia: The Threat to America’ notes, ‘The founders of the
Islamic Center for Southern California are Hassan Hathout and his
brother Maher Hathout. The late Hassan Hathout was a senior member of
the Muslim Brotherhood Movement. The two brothers Maher spent time in an
Egyptian prison during the early days of the Muslim Brotherhood’s
activities there, led by the Brotherhood’s founder Hassan Al Banna.
MPAC’s own publication, The Minaret, has proudly called Hassan a
‘companion of’ and Maher ‘a close disciple of’ Brotherhood founder
Hassan al Banna.’
“Maher Hathout also founded and is currently a senior advisor for
MPAC. He and others at MPAC also currently work for and maintain a close
relationship with the Islamic Center of Southern California.
“Hathout was also on the board of directors and a member of the
American Muslim Council (AMC) from 1993 to 1997. AMC was founded by the
al Qaeda financier and Hamas operative Abdurahman Alamoudi who is
currently serving 23 years in prison for funding terrorist groups
including al Qaeda.
“Maher Hathout served on the AMC Board of Directors at the same time Alamoudi was serving as its Executive Director.
“‘Maher Hathout has publicly voiced his approval of Designated
Terrorist Organizations such as Hezbollah; decried many U.S.
counterterrorism efforts; called for the destruction of Israel; and,
openly supported known terrorists such as Hasan al Turabi, the leader of
the National Islamic Front of Sudan. Yet, the organization he founded,
MPAC, enjoys a reputation in official U.S. circles as a ‘moderate’
Muslim organization,’ the Team B II report states.”
There are more important links and ties. But the gist is this, again from Human Events:
“MPAC works as a propaganda and misinformation ministry
for the Muslim Brotherhood. One example offered in the Team B II Report
is its aggressive and successful pursuit of total control of the
language used by the United States government in regard to Muslim
It was MPAC that took umbrage at the language in the 9/11 Commission
Report used to describe the terror events as they unfolded. It was MPAC
that demanded America stop using words like jihad, caliphate, sharia and
ummah to describe terrorism and terror groups’ goals. And MPAC was
successful in his quest for censorship of truth.
As Human Events notes, citing the same report:
“‘In subsequent years, the National Counterterrorism
Center, the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of
Investigation have all issued strategic counterterrorism documents
devoid of these terms. Such conformity to shariah by U.S. government
entities such as the FBI and DHS is an extraordinary strategic victory
for the enemy in the information battlespace.'”
November 12, 2016, Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer spoke at the
David Horowitz Freedom Center's Restoration Weekend at The Breakers in
West Palm Beach, Florida, on the ongoing Islamic efforts to compel the
U.S. and the West to curtail the freedom of speech.
Muslim cleric: Muslims may dress as priests or rabbis to carry out jihad massacres
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
An appeals court judge who is on President-elect Donald Trump’s list
of potential nominees for the U.S. Supreme Court delivered a ruling on
Tuesday that reversed a lower court’s dismissal of a complaint
surrounding the denial of a “gay-straight alliance” club at a Florida
middle school.
11th Circuit Court of Appeals Judge William Pryor, who also
prosecuted Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore in 2003 over his refusal to
remove a Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of the Alabama
Supreme Court, wrote the opinion on behalf of his colleagues.
“[T]he complaint that the Board violated the Act is ripe because the
Board made a final decision when it rejected the application of the
Alliance to form a club,” he wrote. “[T]he complaint also is not moot
because the district court can still fashion relief for a violation of
the Act. … [T]he Act applies to Carver because it provides courses for
high school credit and, under Florida law, these courses constitute
‘secondary education.'”
The matter began in 2011 when Carver Middle School student Bayli
Silberstein sought permission to form an alliance, but was denied. In
2013, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed suit on behalf
of student Hannah Faughnan, who took on the effort after Silberstein
moved on to high school.
The Lake County School Board had issued new rules about student clubs
that year, which limited permitted groups to “organizations that
strengthen and promote critical thinking, business skills, athletic
skills, and performing/visual arts.” It declined the request for the
alliance because it was unrelated to the school curriculum and did not
fall under any of the required categories, but allowed Faughan the
opportunity to prove otherwise.
The ACLU asserted that the board’s actions and the new rules violated
the federal Equal Access Act, but last year, U.S. District Judge
William Terrell Hodges dismissed the case, stating that the law only
applies to secondary schools. He also noted that Faughan did
not resubmit the application when provided the chance.
On Tuesday, Pryor and his colleagues overturned Hodges’ ruling,
stating that as Carver Middle School offers courses good for high school
credit, the school would apply under the Equal Access Act. It remanded
the case back to the lower court to rule accordingly.
“Because the term in the Equal Access Act that matters is ‘secondary
education,’ not ‘secondary school,’ we need not delve into this
tangle of provisions,” Pryor wrote on behalf of the panel. “We conclude
that ‘secondary education,’ under Florida law, means at least ‘courses
through which a person receives high school credit that leads to the
award of a high school diploma.'”
“Carver Middle School provides courses through which students can
obtain high school credit. The Equal Access Act applies to Carver Middle
School,” he continued. “We vacate the order that dismissed the
complaint under the Equal Access Act and remand for further proceedings
consistent with this opinion.” As previously reported,
Pryor had grilled Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore in 2003 as he stood
trial for refusing to remove the Ten Commandments from the rotunda of
the state Supreme Court. His comments to Moore focused more on Moore’s
refusal to stop acknowledging God in his official capacity.
“[Y]our understanding is that the federal court ordered that you
could not acknowledge God; isn’t that right?” Pryor asked. “And if you
resume your duties as chief justice after this proceeding, you will
continue to acknowledge God as you have testified that you would today?”
“That’s right,” Moore replied.
“No matter what any other official says?” Pryor asked.
“Absolutely,” Moore stated. “Let me clarify that. Without an
acknowledgment of God, I cannot do my duties. I must acknowledge God. It
says so in the Constitution of Alabama. It says so in the First
Amendment to the United States Constitution. It says so in everything I
have read.”
“The only point I am trying to clarify, Mr. Chief Justice, is not
why, but only that, in fact, if you do resume your duties as chief
justice, you will continue to do that without regard to what any other
official says; isn’t that right?” Pryor asked.
As Moore continued to stand his ground, he was ordered by Pryor to be
“removed from his position of Supreme Court justice of Alabama.”
Pryor is among those included on Trump’s list of possible Supreme Court picks, along with Steven Colloton, Allison Eid, Thomas Lee, Diane Sykes, Don Willett, and others.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
President Obama tipped his delusionary hat during a speech in Tampa,
Florida, this week, telling the assembled crowd that Islam ought not to
be slandered as a religion that fosters terrorism, and in fact, it’s
America’s failures to recognize “good patriotic Muslims” that’s fueling
violence. Some in the saner world of thinking might say tying the two together
is calling a spade a spade, as based on historical evidence. It’d
be nice if President Obama would stop blaming America for fueling
terrorism and finally admit, before he leaves office, that Islam
actually promotes such violence.But not Obama. As Breitbart reported:
“Obama said, ‘We are fighting terrorists who claim to
fight on behalf of Islam. but they do not speak for over a billion
Muslims around the world. And they do not speak for American Muslims,
including many who wear the uniform of the United States of America’s
military. If we stigmatize good patriotic Muslims, that just feeds the
terrorist narrative. It fuels the same false grievances that they use to
motivate people to kill.'”
Can this man leave office soon enough? He wasn’t done with his admonitions yet. Again, Breitbart: “‘If we act like this is a war between the United States and Islam,
we’re not just going to lose more Americans to terrorist attacks, but
we’ll also lose sight of the very principles we claim to defend,’ he
continued. ‘So let me final words to you as your commander in chief, be a
reminder of what it is you’re fighting for, what it is that we are
fighting for. The United States of America is not a country that imposes
religious tests as a price for freedom. We’re a country that was
founded so that people could practice their faiths as they choose. The
United States of America is not a place where some citizens have to
withstand greater scrutiny or carry a special ID card or prove that
they’re not an enemy from within.'”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
“We’re certainly going to draw a line in the sand. This is the
worst-case scenario when it comes to clean air and clean water, to
nominate a climate denier to the agency charged with protecting our
natural resources,” groused Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii), expressing
his opposition to President-elect Donald Trump's nomination of Oklahoma
Attorney General Scott Pruitt as director of the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA).
For conservatives, however, it was a home run. Pruitt has fought
President Barack Obama in court on a host of issues, including Obama’s
executive orders on ObamaCare, immigration, and even bathroom use by
transgenders, in addition to his lawsuit against the very agency he is
now slated to head.
Pruitt was a leader in state litigation against Obama’s climate rule
for power plants, and has also challenged the president's water
regulations and standards for ground-level ozone pollution, haze, and
methane. Trump intends to repeal the Clean Water Rule and generally roll
back rules on fossil fuel production, stating that he will place a
moratorium on new regulations by requiring two rules be repealed for
every new rule created by the EPA.
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a member of the Environment and
Public Works (EPW) Committee, was likewise incensed at the nomination of
Pruitt, promising to “vigorously” oppose it. Senator Richard Blumenthal
(D-Conn.) also warned he would "fight” against Pruitt, declaring, “I
think he has a record and it will be scrutinized, and there will be
opposition there as a result.”
It is that very record that should reassure conservatives who were
concerned when Trump met with former Vice President Al Gore, perhaps the
most visible advocate of stringent laws to stop “climate change,” which
Gore claims is caused by human economic activity. It also is a setback
to Trump’s daughter Ivanka, who essentially agrees with Gore on the
Obama had ordered a 32-percent cut in the emission of carbon dioxide
emissions by the fossil fuel industries (such as oil and gas and coal)
by 2030. Trump called the harsh regulation a “war on coal.” It is
thought that Obama’s draconian rule, which Democratic presidential
candidate Hillary Clinton fully supported, contributed to Trump’s
surprising win in Pennsylvania.
Pruitt said the plan would have shut down numerous coal-fired power
plants in Oklahoma and raised the price of electricity for consumers.
“This is an effort that I think is extraordinary in cost, extraordinary
in scope, and I think extraordinary as it relates to the intrusion into
the sovereignty of the states,” Pruitt charged recently, in commenting
about the rule of Obama’s EPA, which he contends "coerces" states to
reorganize their electricity systems and “commandeer” state resources to
do that.
He states that the rule is clearly unconstitutional. “It’s an
invasion … of the state regulatory domain, and it’s something that is
unique and breathtaking as it relates to the kind of rulemaking the EPA
has engaged in historically.” Pruitt led fellow Republican attorneys
general in getting the Supreme Court to put a hold on the rule earlier
this year.
Another battle taken on by Pruitt was a legal fight against the Clean
Water Rule of the EPA, sometimes called the Waters of the United
States. It claimed that small waterways such as wetlands and streams are
under federal, not state, jurisdiction. To that claim, Pruitt retorted,
“This regulation usurps the state’s authority over its land and water
use, and triggers numerous and costly obligations under the [Clean
Water] Act for the state and its citizens.” He convinced a federal court
to block its implementation, as well.
Pruitt is also skeptical of the assertions of Gore and others like him on the issue of “climate change.” Writing in the Tulsa World
in May, Pruitt said the debate on global warming “is far from settled”
and that “scientists continue to disagree about the degree and extent of
global warming and its connection to the actions of mankind.”
Scott Pruitt was elected attorney general of Oklahoma in 2010 as a
close ally of Oklahoma’s conservative Senator Jim Inhofe. Inhofe is the
outgoing chairman of the Senate’s Environmental and Public Works
Committee, and has written a book, The Greatest Hoax, in
opposition to so-called human-caused climate change. Before his election
as attorney general, Pruitt was part-owner and general manager of the
Oklahoma Redhawks baseball team, and had served in the Oklahoma State
Senate, where he was named a Top Conservative Legislator by the Oklahoma Constitution newspaper.
As attorney general, Pruitt has taken on several causes in support of
limited government and the sovereignty of the states. He filed suit in
federal court in an effort to combat ObamaCare (the Affordable Care
Act). He won in federal court, arguing that the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) did “not have the authority to expand access to subsidies (or
levy penalties) beyond what is clearly written in the law. These issues
are of great importance to the State of Oklahoma because we value our
state’s economic stability and growth, and the rule of law.”
Pruitt was challenging the decision of Obama’s IRS to force Oklahoma
citizens (and those of 33 other states) to be part of ObamaCare, despite
the choice of those states to not set up healthcare exchanges.
Unfortunately, the Supreme Court eventually ruled that, even though the
2010 law said the subsidies would come through state exchanges (or if
the state chose, federal exchanges), that it did not matter. Commentator
Dick Morris agreed with Pruitt’s position, explaining that the law had
said tax credits could be given only if a plan was enrolled in through
the exchange established by the state under Section 1311 of the
Affordable Care Act.
Had the Supreme Court sided with Pruitt, it would have crippled the ObamaCare law in Oklahoma and 33 other states.
On the state level, Pruitt told an interviewer with the libertarian
think tank CATO that he does not agree with civil asset forfeiture,
unless it is “post-conviction.”
In the podcast with CATO, Pruitt said he had no trouble with seizing
property of drug dealers used in the drug trade, but that a person
should have to be convicted before permanent asset forfeiture could take
place. “The system we have in Oklahoma is wrong and flawed,” he
He cited the following case, which he called an “egregious” example
of abuse of civil asset forfeiture in Oklahoma. A Kansas resident was
traveling in Oklahoma with a contemporary Christian band, having raised a
large amount of charity money to send to Burma, when he was stopped by a
sheriff’s office in Muskogee County for a broken taillight. Since the
man was carrying $53,000 in cash, the sheriff’s office just presumed it
was drug money and confiscated it. They called in a drug dog, who
alerted that drugs were in the vehicle, though no drugs were ever found.
Pruitt told CATO that the use of drug dogs “can be manipulated.”
Pruitt has even stood up to fellow Republicans in Oklahoma when he
believes they are not following the law. For example, when a state
school superintendent hired three high-level staffers at the Department
of Education without approval from the State Board of Education (as
required by law), using private funds, Pruitt issued an opinion against
the action, even though the superintendent was a fellow Republican. In
Oklahoma, attorneys general may issue “opinions” on the legality of
actions by state officials that are held as a lawful interpretation
unless overturned by a court
“A person cannot perform official duties of a state agency with
compensation paid directly to them by a private person or entity,”
Pruitt asserted. “Only employees and offices of the state who are
authorized by law to do so may perform the official duties of the state,
and those who are authorized may only be compensated as authorized by
With this pick of Pruitt, Trump gives hope that the presidential election indeed made a difference — a positive difference.
Huge Win: Trump's New EPA Head is Anti Carbon Tax / Pro America
Connecticut State Comptroller Kevin Lembo (D), shown, the first
openly gay man elected to statewide office in the Nutmeg State, is
“married” to Charles Frey; the two men have adopted and reared three
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
An openly homosexual elected official in Connecticut is threatening
to strip the American Family Association (AFA) of its status as a
charity to which state employees may donate via payroll deduction
because he considers the group’s traditional Christian positions
discriminatory. Connecticut State Comptroller Kevin Lembo (D), shown, the first
openly gay man elected to statewide office in the Nutmeg State, is
“married” to Charles Frey; the two men have adopted and reared three
children. Naturally, Lembo is not particularly fond of the AFA’s
opposition to the homosexual agenda and its defense of traditional
marriage. On November 30, he sent a two-page letter
to AFA president Tim Wildmon announcing that he was “initiating an
investigation to determine whether AFA is in compliance with the
requirements of the” Connecticut State Employee Campaign for Charitable
Giving (CSEC), a program that allows state employees to contribute to
nonprofit charities via payroll deduction. According to OneNewsNow,
the AFA’s news division, the AFA “applied for qualified charity status
through a group called Neighbor to Nation, which confirmed to OneNewsNow
that the pro-family group meets every standard that Connecticut demands
of its charities.” Indeed, the charity has long participated in CSEC,
though not with particularly impressive results: OneNewsNow reports that
the group received a total of $124 from Connecticut employees between
2000 and 2015.
That minuscule amount, however, is apparently too much for Lembo, who
cannot stomach the thought that even $7.75 a year of state employees’
own earnings should go to an organization such as the AFA. In his
letter, he suggested that the group “may be in violation of the
regulations governing the [CSEC] that broadly prohibit discrimination,”
as well as other state and federal nondiscrimination laws. “What’s being foisted upon the American Family Association is the
latest iteration of ‘If you don’t adhere to the nouveaux orthodoxy of
the day — which is the sexual deviancy agenda — then you must be
castigated and expelled from public life,’” AFA general counsel Abraham
Hamilton III told OneNewsNow. While Lembo demanded the presumed-guilty AFA prove itself innocent by
providing reams of documentation, “the letter never cites any state or
federal laws of which AFA might be in violation,” Wildmon observed.
Instead, Lembo merely described various AFA policies of which he
disapproves and asserted that such policies “may be violating these
anti-discrimination prohibitions.” Lembo derisively referred to the AFA’s “so-called attempts to protect
family values [that] involve ‘combatting the homosexual agenda’ by
boycotting companies that promote equal treatment, tolerance and
acceptance of all families and marriages.” He specifically pointed to
the group’s “nationwide petition to boycott Target for the company’s
inclusive transgender restroom policy and denouncing Zales for
‘normalizing sin’ by advertising wedding bands to same-sex couples.” Of course, as the AFA’s Bryan Fischer
pointed out, “Target has made it company policy to allow men who may be
sexual predators or video voyeurs to wander unchallenged into female
dressing rooms, where they may film or molest our wives, our daughters,
and our granddaughters. In Lembo’s utterly twisted view of the world,
the bigots are those who want to protect the sexual integrity of
females.” Lembo also cited the AFA’s opposition to “gay and Muslim individuals
serving in the U.S. military” and the fact that the group “has equated
homosexuality with pedophilia, disease and violence.” The comptroller didn’t counter these positions with facts but with
feelings. “These actions and statements,” he wrote, “are extremely
troubling to me — not only as an openly gay father and spouse — but as
administrator of the CSEC.” The AFA’s opinions, he added, “appear to
discriminate against the LGBTQ communities” and Muslims, and “it remains
unclear what actual charitable services the AFA provides.” One waits with bated breath for Lembo to voice similar concerns about
such “charities” as Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion
Federation, the National Council of La Raza, and the Hartford Gay and
Lesbian Health Collective, all of which also qualify for CSEC, according
to the program’s website.
Such organizations “discriminate” against people of opposing viewpoints
much as the AFA does. But unlike the AFA, some of these “charities”
also kill (unborn) people. The AFA charges that Lembo is engaging in unconstitutional
discrimination against them and any state employees who wish to
contribute to them. Besides the U.S. Constitution’s guarantee of “free
exercise” of religion, the Connecticut constitution states that “the
exercise and enjoyment of religious profession and worship, without
discrimination, shall forever be free to all persons,” although this
provision “shall not be construed as to excuse acts of licentiousness,
or to justify practices inconsistent with the peace and safety of the
state.” Fischer argues:
AFA’s views do not “excuse acts of
licentiousness,” but quite the reverse. Our views urge moral
self-restraint, adherence to the moral standards of the Ten
Commandments, and the channeling of sexual energy into marriage, which
according to God’s design consists of the union of one man and one
woman. This is a recipe that is not “inconsistent with the peace and
safety of the state” but instead produces it….
While accusing AFA of discrimination, Mr.
Lembo is practicing it, exhibiting it, and displaying it. He is the one
guilty of discrimination, and is a part of the reprehensible attempt on
the part of secular fundamentalists to purge all traces of Christianity
from the public square.
The AFA wants Lembo to retract his letter and issue a public apology
for it. Whether he does or doesn’t, he certainly won’t forget his run-in
with the group. He told the Connecticut Post
Wednesday that AFA supporters had “swamped” his office switchboard and
sent him over 10,000 e-mails. Not bad for a supposedly “fringe”
Reporter Millie Weaver interviews Lord Christopher Monckton who reveals
a breaking discovery which may prove the entire 'climate change' scare
is based on faulty mathematics. At the "Global-Warming; an Inconvenient
Lie" conference in Phoenix, AZ Lord Monckton covers in depth the
mathematical discovery his team has made and announces that these
findings have been submitted for proper peer review.