1) Not preaching the full gospel, and usually no gospel; preferring an inoffensive, non-doctrinal, false gospel without mention of sin, repentance, hell, or judgment. It preaches a morally relativistic, universalist gospel delivered in "feel good about yourself" talks.
2) Never preaching salvation in Jesus Christ alone; performances take precedence.
3) Believing salvation is by church membership and/or baptism.
4) Adopting/adapting Catholic contemplative mysticism in worship such as the French Taize mantra like music and liturgy, and other Catholic practices.
5) Progressive/socialist projects with and without government.
6) No biblical stand against abortion; supporting a woman's right to choose (i.e. death of the unborn and born).
7) Ecumenical projects and pursuits for so-called "Christian unity", but with other apostate denominations, churches, ministries, seminaries, and quasi-religious/political organizations whose aims are a one world church and one global government.
8) Preferring social causes over gospel spreading.
9) Creating a social club atmosphere revolving around entertainment, dancing, and drinking.
10) Creating and maintaining business networking in the church.
SEE: http://www.christianpost.com/news/34000-black-churches-leave-pcusa-over-same-sex-marriage-136530/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Urging Presbyterian Church USA to "repent and be restored to fellowship," the National Black Church Initiative, which represents 34,000 churches from 15 denominations, has declared it has severed ties with PCUSA after it amended its constitution changing their definition of marriage to include same-sex couples.
"NBCI and its membership base are simply standing on the Word of God within the mind of Christ. We urge our brother and sisters of the PCUSA to repent and be restored to fellowship," NBCI President Rev. Anthony Evans said, according to Charisma News.
"PCUSA's manipulation represents a universal sin against the entire church and its members. With this action, PCUSA can no longer base its teachings on 2,000 years of Christian scripture and tradition, and call itself a Christian entity in the body of Christ. It has forsaken its right by this single wrong act," added the head of the coalition, which represents 15.7 million African-Americans.
Last year, PCUSA approved a vote on an amendment to change their official definition of marriage from "a man and a woman" to "two people, traditionally a man and a woman." And earlier this month, the proposed change to PCUSA's Book of Order got the necessary number of presbytery votes.
"Apostle Paul warns us about this when he declared in Galatians 1:8 that there are those who will preach another gospel," Evans said.
"No church has the right to change the Word of God. By voting to redefine marriage PCUSA automatically forfeits Christ's saving grace," he added. "There is always redemption in the body of Christ through confession of faith and adhering to Holy Scripture."
Evans said PCUSA "deliberately" voted to change the Word of God and the interpretation of marriage between one man and one woman. "This is why we must break fellowship with them and urge the entire Christendom to do so as well."
At the PCUSA General Assembly held in Detroit, Michigan, last June, a majority of delegates voted for a recommendation to amend the Book of Order regarding marriage definition.
"A proposed amendment to change the constitution to include same-gender marriages in the church's constitution passed the General Assembly but must be ratified by a majority of the church's 172 regional presbyteries," explained PCUSA in a FAQ document. "Presbyteries have one year to vote on the proposed amendment. If a majority ratifies the amendment, it would take effect June 21."
This is not the first time that PCUSA has hit the headlines on its move toward greater acceptance of homosexuality within the church.
In 2010, the PCUSA General Assembly approved a measure that allowed for presbyteries to approve the ordination of noncelibate homosexuals – after which more than 150 congregations voted to disaffiliate from the mainline denomination.
SEE: http://the-trumpet-online.com/34000-black-churches-leave-presbyterian-church-usa-gay-marriage/; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Editor’s Note: Any godly action taken to hinder or stand against the sodomite juggernaut is commendable. But sadly, “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”. This denomination has ordained women and accepted short-haired women/long-haired men for many decades. When one disregards any of God’s gender distinctions, he undercuts his ability to stand against even the worst example of the blurring of these distinctions. Many do not realize that so-called homosexual marriage is merely the ultimate in the obliteration of God-ordained gender distinctions, akin to short hair on women, etc. albeit farther down the wide road of destruction.
These pastors (as well as many or most “fundamental” Baptists) need to repent of all areas where they have despised God’s gender distinctions as clearly articulated in the scriptures. Anyone who has ever publicly stood against sodomy should recognize this almost instantly, as one of the first things the mocking adversaries will ask is if your women “keep silence in the churches”, as the New Testament commands. Sadly, since almost no one withstands the enemy in the gate, they miss an opportunity to discover their inconsistency revealed at the mouth of the blasphemers.
Three Cheers for 34,000 Black Churches for Leaving the Presbyterian Church Over “Gay” Marriage!
Don Boys, Ph.D.
Great news today as National Black Church Initiative (NBCI) leaders in 34,000 churches broke fellowship with the Presbyterian Church (USA) following the denomination’s approval of same sex “marriage.” The black clergymen declared that “This arbitrary change of Holy Scripture is a flagrantly pretentious and illegitimate maneuver by a body that has no authority whatsoever to alter holy text.” Bingo! Right on target! I proudly, passionately, and purposefully stand with these brothers on this issue.
Rev. Anthony Evans noted that his group that represents almost six million Blacks is “simply standing on the Word of God within the mind of Christ. We urge our brother and sisters of the PCUSA to repent and be restored to fellowship.”
Pastor Evans added that the PCUSA’s decisions was a universal sin against the entire church and can no longer call itself a Christian entity in the body of Christ. He added, “No church has the right to change the Word of God. By voting to redefine marriage PCUSA automatically forfeits Christ’s saving grace. There is always redemption in the body of Christ through confession of faith and adhering to Holy Scripture.”
“In this case, PCUSA deliberately voted to change the Word of God and the interpretation of holy marriage between one man and one woman. This is why we must break fellowship with them and urge the entire Christendom to do so as well.”
Wow! A large group of black pastors representing 34,000 churches has taken a courageous stand that should be emulated by numerous other church leaders–most of them white.
It is noteworthy that the Black spokesman not only disagreed with the PCUSA but called upon them to “repent and be restored to fellowship.” It is one thing to disagree with and disengage from a group but to demand repentance is astounding. Isn’t that a little “uppity” of those black leaders? How dare they condemn, challenge, and chastise their “betters!”
Of course the Black preachers are correct to state that no church has the right to “change the Word of God.” However, that has been going on for decades with modern translations that display little loyalty to the inspiration, inerrancy, and infallibility of the Word. Added to that, there are the changes in church creeds, seminary training, ordination qualifications, etc. All these corruptions are to satisfy the culture, after all culture is constantly changing; however, that is the point: mankind needs a standard that does not change. God does not change; neither does His Word!
Recently many high profile evangelical leaders have shifted with the culture on same sex “marriage” but the Bible has not shifted. These “leaders” are pathetic individuals who never knew or forgot that the church of the living God is not to move with the culture but to move the culture!
The culture shifts toward abortion so the churches do, after all a woman has a right to choose but of course the unborn child has no choice.
There is shift in the culture toward sexual immorality so the churches shift and even welcome fornicators and adulterers into membership without requiring repentance.
There is a shift in the culture on gambling so the churches move to the left and even take groups to Vegas and Atlantic City as church groups–even some independent Baptists!
There is a shift in the culture toward drinking so the churches shift even to the point of providing booze during church services!
The culture shifts toward immodesty in dress so now even professing Christians shift with the culture; after all, pastors argue that they would rather have them in church dressed like scantily clad “stars” at Hollywood premiers than not have them in church at all.
However, it is even more shocking because the black leaders also suggested that all other denominations follow their example! Of course, all the major denominations have been dancing around the homosexual issue for decades and many have not shown any commitment to the Word of God or to common decency.
Church leaders should have fled their denominations like their hair was on fire in obedience to II Cor. 6:17 that clearly commands us to “come out from among them” and be separate. A few churches in various denominations have done this but not in massive numbers. These black brothers are good examples for others to leave corrupt denominations.
We have seen an abundance of “tolerance” where anything is accepted if enough people demand it and if it is followed by a media blitz supporting that “tolerance.” Americans are willing to tolerate anything; after all, right is not always right and wrong is not always wrong. It depends on the circumstances or so they say. There is a plethora of talk about rights but very little talk about what is right. These black pastors are calling attention to right and their right to declare what is right according to the Bible. I am delighted to stand with them.
Let me be clear: the Bible can never mean what it was not written to mean and if the homosexual juggernaut continues then America will become Sodom with electric lights, television, cell phones, smog, and Interstates.
Maybe these Black clergymen will help stem the tide and delay God’s judgment.
http://bit.ly/1iMLVfY Watch these 8 minute videos of my lecture at the University of North Dakota: “A Christian Challenges New Atheists to Put Up or Shut Up!”
(Dr. Don Boys is a former member of the Indiana House of Representatives, author of 15 books, frequent guest on television and radio talk shows, and wrote columns for USA Today for 8 years. His shocking books, ISLAM: America’s Trojan Horse!; Christian Resistance: An Idea Whose Time Has Come–Again!; and The God Haters are all available at Amazon.com. These columns go to newspapers, magazines, television, and radio stations and may be used without change from title through the end tag. His web sites are www.cstnews.com and www.Muslimfact.com and www.thegodhaters.com. Contact Don for an interview or talk show.)
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Presbyterian Church USA Votes On Erasing ISRAEL From Prayers: