Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Yesterday I spoke at the Young America’s Foundation High School
Conference at the Reagan Ranch Center, about the ongoing efforts to
choke off dissent and make the far-Left perspective the only one that is
heard. Kudos to YAF for being one organization that is telling young people the truth and energizing them to be active in its defense.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
So, if we lie to the government, it’s a felony. But if they lie to us it’s politics. —Bill Murray For those looking for security, be forewarned that there’s nothing more insecure than a political promise. —Harry Browne For seven years the Republicans have promised to repeal Obamacare. They
claimed they had to have the House, so we gave them the House. Then
they said they needed the Senate, so we gave them the Senate. Then they
said they needed the White House, and now they have all three, but
they’ve still failed
to repeal Obamacare. They campaigned on repealing this albatross
around our necks to get re-elected, but now they’ve proven that they
never really wanted to get rid of it.
Senate Lifer McConnell Blames President Trump
McConnell met with his Kentucky constituents at a Rotary meeting, and
guess who the Senate Majority Leader, shamelessly blamed for the
Senate’s failure? Our President! He said, ““Our new president, of course, has not been in this line of work before, and I think he had excessive expectations about how quickly things happen in the Democratic process.”
Sean Hannity has said, “No Senator, YOU are a WEAK, SPINELESS leader who does not keep his word and you need to Retire!” Listen to McConnell’s excuses.
Mitch is blaming our President for expecting Congress to pass a
budget, tax reform, to repeal Obamacare, etc., and he calls those
excessive expectations! This is the DC septic system, and it needs to
be purged.
Excessive expectations? Seven years wasn’t long enough? You didn’t
have a plan after seven years of how to eliminate Obamacare? It’s not
our hard-working President who is at fault.
C’mon Senator, you made a promise when you wanted to be re-elected, and then on December 6th
of last year, you clearly stated that, “The very first thing out of the
box we’re going to do when we get sworn in is repealing Obamacare.
First thing we’re going to do.”
The President heard you, and he expected you were telling the truth,
along with your buddies, McCain and Murkowski who both campaigned on
repealing Obamacare. And then you didn’t keep the Senate there to work
through this so you could get a vote that would finally repeal this
horrid burden on American taxpayers. Nope, you let them all go home,
and they will not face their constituents and we know why.
Is it any wonder Lou Dobbs is saying “Ditch Mitch,” and my friend
Ruth added to Dobb’s statement with, “Ditch Mitch and Ditch McMaster
GOP Told Trump Repeal Was a Slam Dunk
Congressman Peter King said, “The president was told early on by
legislative leaders that they could pass the repeal quickly.” The GOP
said it was a “slam dunk.”
In Trump’s August 10th press conference, he was asked
about his relationship with Senator McConnell. He said, “I just want to
get repeal and replace done. I’ve been hearing repeal and replace now
for seven years. I said, ‘Mitch, get to work and let’s get it done.’
They should have had this last one done. They lost by one vote. For a
thing like that to happen is a disgrace. And, frankly, it shouldn’t have
happened. That I can tell you.”
Can you imagine what we would accomplish as a country if our
Republican Congressional leadership wasn’t made up of Trump hating
left-leaning spineless cowards?
Eleven GOP swamp-rat Senators have tweeted support for
McConnell…McConnell’s sidekick and bagman, Cornyn TX; Corker TN; Tillis
FL; Isakson GA; Collins ME; Hatch UT; Gardner OH; Heller NV; Flake AZ;
Young IN; Capito WV. Remember these Senators when they’re in the next
primary, which is the most important vote.
Thirty GOP Senate snakes, including Luther Strange, are “opposing any
effort to curtail the existing rights and prerogatives (including the
60-rule vote to end the Democrat filibuster) of Senators to engage in
full, robust, and extended debate as we consider legislation before the
body in the future.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell agrees with
them. [Link] Buying Allegiance Is Fruitless
I’ve come to the conclusion that our President is too nice of a guy
to politicians who will never unite behind him despite the fact they’re
in the same party. Elaine Chao is not exactly the kind of Cabinet pick
you would expect from outsider Donald Trump.
She is Mitch McConnell’s wife. Her father owns a shipping company, and that very company was caught with 90 lbs. of cocaine on it.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has deep business and
political links to China, and McConnell claims he’s an anti-drug
warrior. But guess what…
McConnell and his wife received a personal gift from a family member
worth between $5 million and $25 million, according to his annual
financial disclosure report.
gift came from Chao’s father, Dr. James S.C. Chao, a wealthy
Chinese-born businessman, and it boosted McConnell’s personal worth from
a minimum of $3 million in 2007 to more than $7 million.
And that’s just the beginning of her resume. Open Arms to Never Trumpers
The President invited Willard Romney to interview for Secretary of
State, and had dinner with him more than once. This was after Romney
openly excoriated Mr. Trump
prior to the election and spoke against him at, of all places the
Hinckley Institute, even after he had appealed to Trump for monetary
help in his Presidential Campaign in 2008, and Trump helped him.
Our President invited neo-con Trotskyite Senator Bob Corker from the
State of TN to interview as well. Happily, Corker didn’t get the job
but he’s slammed Trump every chance he’s had since then. And how many
top business people who are far leftists has he invited to meet with
him, over and over again…including Jeff Bezos of Amazon, and Tim Cook of
Apple. He has had open arms to all hoping to bring them into the fold.
It hasn’t worked and it never will work because Trump is not a
globalist insider. They hate him, and they may be nice to his face, but
they will do everything they can to destroy every single promise he
made to the American public. So, Why Endorse Strange?
The Alabama seat left open by Senator Sessions’ appointment as our
Attorney General has three Republicans vying for his Senate seat. One
is Mo Brooks, a hardcore pro-lifer, Trump supporter, and Constitutional
Another is Snake in the Grass’ Luther Strange
who, as the race intensifies, has falsely attacked pro-Trump candidate,
Mo Brooks. Strange is supported by neo-con lackeys, McConnell and Karl
Rove. He is an establishment insider. Our ever-pragmatic president
should have jumped down McConnell’s throat, but instead he backed Luther
Strange to fill AG Sessions Alabama seat.
The true conservative is Mo Brooks, tried and true. Alabama voters
do not like and do not trust Luther Strange, so why is our President
endorsing someone who is anathema to his policies, who will vote against
him, and who is supported by those in Congress who hate Trump. And who
the hell advised him to endorse Strange? Does he believe he’ll get
McConnell to repeal Obamacare by supporting this moderate? Judge Roy Moore
The third candidate is Judge Roy Moore, the “10 Commandments” judge,
and I hate to say this, but he is not a good choice. He is in the
dominionist/reconstructionist (D/R) camp, and he is promoting a
Constitutional Convention. Many people have tried to show him
historical documents proving how dangerous a new convention would be,
but he won’t listen. He believes he can get a marriage amendment by
opening the Constitution. What fantasy!
It is hard for me to fathom why Moore, who is a judge, will not read what Chief Justice Warren Burger wrote to Phyllis Schlafly about the risks of opening the Constitution, and why he will not listen to ultra-conservative Judge Scalia’s
statements. Neither will he look at precedent of our 1787 Convention
where the delegates were to discuss the commerce issue and revise the
Articles of Confederation. They closed the doors, threw out the
Articles and started anew. This is the precedent. We had statesmen
then, we do not have them now. This will happen again if we open our
Constitution, because the goal of establishment globalists and George Soros is to eliminate our God given rights.
Dr. Gary North, a leader in the D/R movement, advocates
that the Constitution must be scrapped in favor of a new theocratic
form of government, a valid reason for D/Rs to want a new convention.
As for Moore’s beliefs, he has set up the Foundation for Moral Law
which files briefs in court cases concerning the public display of the
Ten Commandments and other First Amendment issues. The foundation also
prepares seminars that will teach judges, lawyers, and law students
about Old Testament Biblical Law as the basis of America’s laws and
Constitution. John Eidsmoe is a prominent Christian Reconstructionist
theorist, who works at the Foundation for Moral Law.
Dominionism derives from a small fringe sect called Christian
Reconstructionism, founded by a Calvinist theologian named R. J.
Rushdoony in the 1960s. Christian Reconstructionism openly advocates
replacing American law with the strictures of the Old Testament, replete
with the death penalty by stoning for homosexuality, abortion, and even
This doctrine comes in both “hard” and “soft” varieties, but D/Rs want a theocratic form of government, where only those of their doctrine will rule in life, art, education, health care, government, family life, law and so on. All these areas are to be based on Old Testament Mosaic Law, which is a theonomy, and the U.S. Constitution will be replaced with a political and judicial system based on Mosaic Law. [Link]
While most dominionists would say they favor the U.S. Constitution,
and merely seek to restore it to the original intentions of the
founders, in fact, their views are profoundly anti-democratic. Their
worldview is not one based on the rights of the individual as we have
come to know them, but on notions of Mosaic biblical law.
In the D/R worldview, those of other Christian doctrines or other
religious beliefs are second-class citizens at best. Dominionism means,
as a matter of theocratic public policy, reducing or eliminating the
legal standing of those who do not share their views. Sounds a lot like
Islam, doesn’t it? The 613 Mosaic Laws
The Mosaic Law was given to us so we would know what sin is. Without
going into the exegesis of why Christians are no longer under the
Mosaic Law, but are now under the Law of Christ, the answer is in Romans
10:4. It states that our Savior is the end of the Law, and that
includes all 613, even the 10 commandments. Hence it has ceased to
function. We are justified by faith in Christ, not by the works of the
law, because no flesh is justified by works of the law, (Gal. 2:16) just
as OT saints were saved by faith. Again, there is no sanctification or
perfection through the law. Heb. 7:19.
Torah Law is one unit, and there is no commandment that has continued
beyond the cross of Christ. The Law is there and can be used as a
teaching tool to show God’s standard of righteousness, and man’s
sinfulness and need of a substitutionary atonement. It can be used to
point one to Christ (Gal 3:23-25). However, it has completely ceased to
function as an authority over individuals. The old law has been
disannulled, and we are under the new law…the Law of Christ in Gal 6:2,
and the Law of the Spirit of Life in Romans 8:2.
This is a brand-new law totally separate from the Law of Moses. The
Law of Christ contains all the commandments applicable to a New
Testament believer, nine of which are very similar to those found in the
10 commandments, but are not from the 613 in Mosaic Law. Conclusion
We simply must elect representatives who will help our President
complete the promises he set forth in his campaign. Obviously,
McConnell’s choice of Luther Strange is another establishment insider
who will work to defeat Trump’s promises. I would hope that Alabamians
cast their vote for a man who will help our President and that man is Mo
Brooks. We already have enough sewer-rat Republicans to expunge.
P.S. So many fabulous researchers and journalists write for
NewsWithViews. Many of us spend hours in research to bring you gathered
information that you will not find anywhere else. Why do we write for
NWVs? Because our CEO and publisher knows our God given freedoms and
liberties have been in grave danger. He knows what Communism looks like
because he escaped it as a child. This is why we support this great
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republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the deputy chair of the
Democratic National Committee, said unhinged dictator Kim Jong-un, who
has nuclear weapons, is more responsible than President Trump.
The Muslim Brotherhood-linked Keith
Ellison’s irrational comment is waging an aggressive anti-Trump
vendetta. Ellison has been notably anti-Trump because of Trump’s
temporary travel ban
on selected Muslim countries, viewing Trump’s executive order as
“targeting Muslim-majority countries,” even though it doesn’t touch most
Muslim-majority countries. Ellison has even accused the President
of: i) implicitly encouraging anti-Muslim activity (a transparent
indictment, coming from a man tied to Muslim Brotherhood networks); ii)
giving “a stamp of approval
to a lot of haters,” stating that “what we’re seeing is intolerance
sort of take over and the president is the cheerleader of it all,” even
though there is no actual evidence connecting Trump’s rhetoric to any
alleged anti-Muslim hate crimes; and iii) of courting “nationalist
figures” who are “the main catalyst behind anti-Muslim rallies in tens
of cities around the country scheduled,” as if opposing jihad terror
were just another form of nativism.
Ellison’s record has also denied
that “sharia law…. is creeping into the mainstream and overtaking
American law,” stating that it’s “simply not true and is an idea
promoted by anti-Muslim activists to make people afraid of Muslims.” Yet
he ignores
the “Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the
Group in North America,” a Muslim Brotherhood document that details how
to “sabotage” America’s “miserable house” from within. Ellison also has past ties to the anti-Semitic, anti-American Nation of Islam, has avoided addressing his personal stance on Sharia law for America, and once visited Mecca on the dime of a Muslim Brotherhood-tied group.
Given Ellison’s character and associates, it’s no surprise that he
would attempt to malign Trump regarding North Korea, making the absurd
comment about Kim Jong-un being more “responsible than Trump.” In an
inept attempt at damage control, Ellison made an about-face hours later,
and expressed regret about comparing Trump to Kim:
That was one of those I wish I’d not said… I’d say, he’s
being incredibly irresponsible, and he’s putting us in a situation where
you could have an accidental launch.
Accidental? Another oops by Ellison. The contempt toward Trump given his executive order to block the
hijrah into America knows no bounds for Ellison and his Muslim
Brotherhood ilk; apparently no absurd comment, smear tactic or
interference is off-limits.
“DNC Deputy Chair: Kim Jong-un Is More Responsible Than President Trump”, by Matt Vespa, Town Hall, August 11, 2017:
Well, this is just insane. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the
deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, said unhinged
dictator Kim Jong-un, who has nuclear weapons, is more responsible than
President Trump. The remarks were made at the progressive Netroots
Nation in Atlanta [emphasis mine]:
North Korea is a serious thing. You have this guy making bellicose
threats against somebody else who has very little to lose over there.
Kim Jong Un, the world always thought he was not a responsible leader.
Well, he is acting more responsibly than this guy is. And but I’m
telling you is that once you start seeing missile launches, you’re going
to see the time for cranking up the antiwar machine is right now. So,
if you don’t want to get caught deer in the headlights, start calling
for diplomacy in North Korea immediately.”
Leah wrote earlier todaythat Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said we should
just give what the North Koreans are demanding. Let’s not replay that
movie starring Neville Chamberlain. Well, if you want a reason for why
Republicans are more trusted on national security and foreign affairs,
this is it.
Right now, Guam is said to be a target of the North Korean dictator.
And even that has elicited weird takes from the media, like the
Associated Press, who tweeted last night, “If North Korea sent missiles
toward Guam or the US, could the US missile defense system shoot them
down? Should it?”
Should it? Guam is American soil. It has two huge naval and air force
bases on the island. Should we defend American soil? That’s another
absurd angle to this whole story.
North Korea has possessed nuclear weapons for years. This increase in
tension in the pacific theater is not the fault of Trump…..
The Council on American Islamic Relations is backing
President Donald Trump’s national security adviser, Lieutenant General
Herbert Raymond “H.R.” McMaster, claiming over social media that
“Islamophobes” and “white supremacists” were behind attacks to remove
him from the White House. In a tweet sent this week, CAIR wrote, “Islamophobia Watch:
Islamophobes, white supremacists launch campaign to oust H.R. McMaster
after he fired…” and linked to a Newsweek article titled, “Why Is the Alt-Right Attacking H.R. McMaster?”
CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial and Hamas financing case that resulted in the FBI discontinuing its
working relationship with the organization. In 2009, a federal judge
concluded that the government had found “ample evidence” to link CAIR with Hamas.
Additionally, Breitbart News has previously reported that several of
CAIR’s board members, employees, and former employees “have been jailed or repatriated for various financial and terror-related offenses.”
Breitbart has also noted that CAIR presented
itself as a “civil rights voice for American Muslims” and “was
founded by members of the Palestine Committee (PALCOM), an organization
‘established to support Hamas.’” In addition to that, “Nihad Awad,
currently CAIR’s executive director, was previously an official
at PALCOM.” Awad has a long history of pro-HAMAS statements, according to critics. CAIR has posted its defense online.
In their article, which was tweeted out by CAIR, Newsweekreported
that “The alt-right’s beef with McMaster stems from his firing of Ezra
Cohen-Watnick, the NSC’s senior director for intelligence programs; Rich
Higgins, the NSC’s director for strategic planning; and Derek Harvey,
the NSC’s senior director for the Middle East.”
Higgins was fired on July 21 after he wrote a memo in May complaining
that globalists and Islamists were obstructing Trump’s plans. Part of
the memo, acquired by the Atlantic, argued that a “Maoist insurgency” had led “Islamists [to] ally with cultural Marxists” in order to undermine America.
The Atlantic noted that Higgins had also “pushed for declassification of documents having to do with radical Islam and Iran.”
Meanwhile, the Conservative Review presented the argument against McMaster,
going so far as calling him a “land mine” in what they perceive as
President Trump’s “self-immolation” and danger of becoming “a lame-duck
president.” It stated:
Trump often complains about all the obstacles inhibiting
his success — from the media and Democrats to establishment Republicans
and “deep state” administrative officials shooting at him relentlessly.
But that is no excuse to self-immolate and step on a grenade, or
worse, bring the shooters into his own home base to mow down the
president’s most loyal supporters. McMaster is that land mine. It’s time
to get rid of that obstacle or risk becoming a lame-duck president.
On Monday, the Center for Security Policy called for the firing
of McMaster for “disloyal and subversive behavior,” and the Zionist
Organization of America (ZOA) announced it was reviewing McMaster’s
positions, actions, and statements on Israel.
Last week, Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick expressed concern about McMaster’s approach towards Israel…
H.R. McMaster Fired Pentagon Official Over Memo On Globalists, Deep State, And Islamists
Published on Aug 6, 2017
H.R. McMaster Fired Pentagon Official Over Memo On Globalists, Deep State, And Islamists Rich
Higgins, a former Pentagon official who served in the NSC’s
strategic-planning office as a director for strategic planning was fired
on July 21, The Atlantic first reported. The memo, written in late May, described threats to the administration by globalists, bankers, the “deep state,” and Islamists. “Globalists
and Islamists recognize that for their visions to succeed, America,
both as an ideal and as a national and political identity, must be
destroyed,” it said. Higgins was called into the White House
counsel’s office two weeks ago and asked about the memo. Later that
week, he was told by McMaster’s deputy that he was losing his job. The memo compared what the Trump administration was facing to a Maoist insurgency. “In
Maoist insurgencies, the formation of a counter-state is essential to
seizing state power,” the memo said. “Functioning as a hostile complete
state acting within an existing state, it has an alternate
infrastructure. Political warfare operates as one of the activities of
the ‘counter-state.’”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
NSC staffer Rich Higgins wrote the memo below. When he read it,
National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster fired him. McMaster should be
questioned about this. Did he think he memo was false? Is he part of
those trying to subvert Trump’s pro-American agenda? Certainly his many
statements denying the Islamic character of Islamic terrorism would
suggest so. McMaster must be fired if Trump is going to have any chance
of pursuing his agenda.
POTUS & POLITICAL WARFARE May 2017 BACKGROUND. The Trump administration is suffering
under withering information campaigns designed to first undermine, then
de legitimize and ultimately remove the President. Possibly confusing
these attacks with an elevated interplay of otherwise normal D.C.
partisan infighting and adversarial media relations, the White House
response to these campaigns reflects a political advocacy mindset that
it is intensely reactive, severely under-inclusive and dangerously
inadequate to the threat. If action is not taken to re-scope and respond
to these hostile campaigns very soon, the administration risks
implosion and subsequent early departure from the White House.
This is not politics as usual but rather political warfare at an
unprecedented level that is openly engaged in the direct targeting of a
seated president through manipulation of the news cycle. It must be
recognized on its own terms so that immediate action can be taken. At
its core, these campaigns run on multiple lines of effort, serve as the
non-violent line of effort of a wider movement, and execute political
warfare agendas that reflect cultural Marxist outcomes. The campaigns
operate through narratives.
Because the hard left is aligned with lslamist organizations at local
(ANTI FA working with Muslim Brotherhood doing business as MSA and
CAIR), national (ACLU and BLM working with CAIR and MPAC) and
international levels (OIC working with OSCE and the UN), recognition
must given to the fact that they seamlessly interoperate at the
narrative level as well. In candidate Trump, the opposition saw a threat
to the “politically correct” enforcement narratives they’ve
meticulously laid in over the past few decades.
In President Trump, they see a latent threat to continue that effort
to ruinous effect and their retaliatory response reflects this fear. INTRODUCTION.
Responding to relentless personal assaults on his character, candidate Trump identified the players and the strategy:
• “The establishment and their media enablers will
control over this nation through means that are very well known. Anyone
who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe,
and morally deformed.” – President Trump, Oct 2016
Culturally conditioned to limit responses to such attacks as yet
another round in the on-going drone from diversity and multicultural
malcontents, these broadsides are discounted as political correctness
run amuck. However, political correctness is a weapon against reason and
critical thinking. This weapon functions as the enforcement mechanism
of diversity narratives that seek to implement cultural Marxism.
Candidate Trump’s rhetoric in the campaign not only cut through the
Marxist narrative, he did so in ways that were viscerally comprehensible
to a voting bloc that then made candidate Trump the president; making
that bloc self-aware in the process. President Trump is either the
candidate he ran as, or he is nothing.
Recognizing in candidate Trump an existential threat to cultural
Marxist memes that dominate the prevailing cultural narrative, those
that benefit recognize the threat he poses and seek his destruction. For
this cabal, Trump must be destroyed. Far from politics as usual, this
is a political warfare effort that seeks the destruction of a sitting
president. Since Trump took office, the situation has intensified to
crisis level proportions. For those engaged in the effort, especially
those from within the “deep state” or permanent government apparatus,
this raises clear Title 18 (legal) concerns. DISCUSSION. The Opposition. While opposition to President Trump
manifests itself through political warfare memes centered on cultural
Marxist narratives, this hardly means that opposition is limited to
Marxists as conventionally understood. Having become the dominant
cultural meme, some benefit from it while others are captured by it;
including “deep state” actors, globalists, bankers, lslamists, and
establishment Republicans. Through the campaign, candidate Trump tapped
into a deep vein of concern among many citizens that America is at risk
and is slipping away. Globalists and lslamists recognize that for their
visions to succeed, America, both as an ideal and as a national and
political identity, must be destroyed.
Atomization of society must also occur at the individual level; with
attacks directed against all levels of group and personal identity.
Hence the sexism, racism and xenophobia memes. As a Judea-Christian
culture, forced inclusion of post-modern notions of tolerance is
designed to induce nihilistic contradictions that reduce all thought,
all faith, all loyalties to meaninglessness. Group rights based on sex
or ethnicity are a direct assault on the very idea of individual human
rights and natural law around which the Constitution was framed.
“Transgender acceptance” memes attack at the most basic level by denying
a person the right to declare the biological fact of one’s sex. When a
population has 2 + 2 = 5 imposed on it, there are many that benefit:
• Mainstream Media – The principle mechanism for implementing narratives.
• The Academy – Academia has served as a principle
counter-state node for some time and remains a key conduit for creating
future adherents to cultural Marxist narratives and their derivative
• The Deep State – The successful outcome of
cultural Marxism is a bureaucratic state beholden to no one, certainly
not the American people. With no rule of law considerations outside
those that further deep state power, the deep state truly becomes, as
Hegel advocated, god bestriding the earth.
• Global Corporatists & Bankers – Exploitation of populations, unfettered by national protections and notions of personal morality and piety.
• Democratic Leadership – The democratic leadership
has been a counter-state enabler that executes, sustains, and protects
cultural Marxist programs of action and facilitates the relentless
expansion of the deep state.
• Republican Leadership – More afraid of being
accused of being called a racist, sexist, homophobe or lslamophobe than
of failing to enforce their oaths to “support and defend the
Constitution,” the Republican Establishment accepts and enforces
cultural Marxist memes within its own sphere of operations. In doing so,
knowingly or not, it becomes an agent of that. These “conservatives”
become increasingly indistinguishable from their democratic counterparts
save that they misrepresent themselves to their constituents. Lacking
the discernment to recognize their situation, they will work with
globalists, corporatists, and the international financial interests and
will likewise service the deep state. These establishment Republicans
are the hard left’s designated defeat mechanism in the destruction of
the old regime as well as the American ideal. [1] Because candidate
Trump publicly exposed them for their duplicitous activities, they are
at risk as long as Trump can turn on them and are, therefore, bitter
foes. Candidate Trump’s success remains an ongoing existential threat to
establishment Republicans.
• lslamists – Islamists ally with cultural Marxist
because, as far back as the 1980s, they properly assessed that the hard
left has a strong chance of reducing Western civilization to its
benefit. Having co-opted post-modern narratives as critical points, Isla
mists deploy these narrative to strategically blind and then control US
decision makers. This is by design and purposeful. “By their own
hands!” has been the declared strategy of the Muslim Brotherhood since
1991. This strategy seeks to divide American society against itself with
the forced imposition of Islamist objectives on one half of American
society by the other half. Once a society has been effectively atomized,
the population will have lost its faith in the old order, detest those
who reduced it, and divide along the lines of narrative adherence. This
is the intended outcome of hostile information cum political warfare
campaigns and today we see their effects on American society.
Complicating the current
situation, many close to the president have pushed him off his message
when he was candidate Trump thus alienating him from his base thereby
isolating him in the process. When President Trump is not candidate
Trump, he becomes dangerously exposed. While the base that elected
candidate Trump identified with his vision, they are only Trump’s
insofar as he holds to the vision that made him president.
Political Warfare Attacks – A Primer. As used here, “political warfare” does not concern activities associated with the American political process but rather exclusively
refers to political warfare as understood by the Maoist Insurgency
model. [2] Political warfare is one of the five components of a Maoist
insurgency. Maoist methodologies employ synchronized violent and
non-violent actions that focus on mobilization of individuals and groups
to action. This approach envisions the direct use of non-violent
operational arts and tactics as elements of combat power. In Maoist
insurgencies, the formation of a counter-state is essential to seizing
state power. Functioning as a hostile competing state acting within an
existing state, it has an alternate infrastructure. Political warfare
operates as one of the activities of the “counter-state” and is
primarily focused on the resourcing and mobilization of the counter
state or the exhaustion and demobilization of the targeted political
movement. Political warfare methods can be implemented at strategic,
operational, or tactical levels of operation.
Political warfare is warfare. Strategic information campaigns
designed to delegitimize through disinformation arise out of non-violent
lines of effort in political warfare regimes. They principally operate
through narratives. Because the left is aligned with lslamist
organizations at local, national and international levels, recognition
should be given to the fact that they seamlessly interoperate through
coordinated synchronized interactive narratives. Cultural Marxism – A Primer. While the attacks on
President Trump arise out of political warfare considerations based on
non-kinetic lines of effort (as discussed below), they operate in a
battle-space prepared, informed and conditioned by cultural Marxist
drivers. In practical terms, the political warfare assault on President
Trump cannot be separated from the cultural Marxist narratives that
drive them. From an operational preparation of the environment
perspective, President Trump is operating in a battle-space that
reflects the left’s vision.
As used in this discussion, cultural Marxism relates to programs and
activities that arise out of Gramsci Marxism, Fabian Socialism and most
directly from the Frankfurt School. The Frankfurt strategy deconstructs
societies through attacks on culture by imposing a dialectic that forces
unresolvable contradictions under the rubric of critical theory. The
result is induced nihilism, a belief in everything that is actually the
belief in nothing.
That post-modern (diversity/multiculturalism) narratives seeks to
implement cultural Marxist objectives can be demonstrated by reference
to founding Frankfurt School theorist Herbert Marcuse’s repurposing of
the term tolerance. In a 1965 paper,
Marcuse defined tolerance as intolerance; said it can be implemented
through undemocratic means to stop chauvinism (xenophobia), racism,
discrimination; and should be extended to the left while denied to the
• “The realization of the objective of tolerance would
call for intolerance toward prevailing policies, attitudes, opinions,
and the extension of tolerance to policies, attitudes, and opinions
which are outlawed or suppressed.”
• “Surely, no government can be expected to foster its own
subversion, but in a democracy such a right is vested in the people
(i.e. in the majority of the people). This means that the ways should
not be blocked on which a subversive majority could develop, and if they
are blocked by organized repression and indoctrination, their reopening
may require apparently undemocratic means. They would include the
withdrawal of toleration of speech and assembly from groups and
movements which promote aggressive policies, armament, chauvinism,
discrimination on the grounds of race and religion, or which oppose the
extension of public services, social security, medical care, etc.” (8-9)
• “Liberating tolerance, then, would mean intolerance against
movements from the Right and toleration of movements from the Left. As
to the scope of this tolerance and intolerance: … it would extend to the
stage of action as well as of discussion and propaganda, of deed as
well as of word.” (12)
It is through such post-modern constructs that interoperable
narratives are established among various left-wing groups as well as
between them and Isla mist groups at all levels. For example, from the
2001 Conference of Foreign Ministers at Bamako, Mali, the Organization
of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) declared its commitment to fight racism and
xenophobia and then declared lslamophobia a “contemporary form of
• In this context, the World Conference urges all states …
take all necessary measures to combat hatred, discrimination,
intolerance and acts of violence, intimidation and coercion motivated by
racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
particularly against Islam
• Racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance
which display an increasing trend, in their most subtle and contemporary
forms, constitute a violation of human rights. 3. Contemporary forms of
racism are based on discrimination and disparagement on a cultural,
rather than biological basis. In this content, the increasing trend of
lslamophobia, as a distinct form of xenophobia in non-Muslim societies
is very alarming.
That the OIC made these claims as part of its planned inputs to the United Nation’s “Third World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance”
further demonstrates the coordinated and interoperable nature of these
narratives at international levels in international forums.
As cultural Marxist narratives intensify, they are to be further
operationalized in the form of hate speech narratives. Hate speech
narratives are non-random, coordinated, and fully interoperable
escalations of cultural Marxist memes. Key international players include
the European Union, the UN, and the OSCE, the OIC and the International
Muslim Brotherhood. Hate speech memes are structured, coordinated, and
implemented through these same international forums. They involve close
coordination with media and social media and include the Countering
Violent Extremism (CVE) narratives. David Shipler’s book Freedom of Speech provides a road map for how hate speech narratives are to be structured, deployed and enforced. Battlespace. These attack narratives are pervasive,
full spectrum and institutionalized at all levels. They operate in
social media, television, the 24-hour news cycle in all media, and are
entrenched at the upper levels of the bureaucracies and within the
foreign policy establishment. They inform the entertainment industry
from late night monologues, to situation comedies, to television series
memes, to movie themes. The effort required to direct this capacity at
President Trump is little more than a programming decision to do so. The
cultural Marxist narrative is fully deployed, pervasive, full spectrum
and ongoing. Regarding the president, attacks have become a relentless
24/7 effort.
While there is certainly a Marxist agenda and even lslamist
motivations that must be seriously addressed in their own right, these
motivations alone seem inadequate to explain the scope and magnitude of
the effort directed against the president. The economic drivers behind
the Marxist and Islamist ideologues are enormously influential and seek
to leverage these ideological movements for their own self interests.
While beyond the actual scope of this document, the benefactors of these
political movements include; Urban Real Estate who depend greatly on
immigrant tenants, International Banking who seeks to maintain US debtor
status so as to control the application of American power, and elements
of the business sector that depend upon immigrant labor or government
infrastructure. The overall objective of these economic forces is the
forced urbanization of the populace, thereby necessitating a larger,
more powerful government. In summary, this is a form of population
control by certain business cartels in league with cultural
Marxists/corporatists/lslamists who will leverage Islamic terrorism
threats to justify the creation of a police state. Adversary Campaign Plan. Political Warfare has been
described as “propaganda in battledress.” [3] The effort directed at
President Trump is executed along one overt, as well as two covert,
lines of effort:
• The overt line of effort is PUBLICITY.
Publicity is the straightforward projection of a case that builds a
picture in the audience’s mind designed to garner support. It is facts
without context and information the adversary wants the audience to
possess that creates an impression and sets conditions. It seeks to
establish good will and receptiveness to additional inputs.
• There are two covert lines of effort: PROPOGANDA [sic] and INFILTRATION/SUBVERSION.
o Propaganda is the deliberate
direction, even manipulation, of information to secure a definite
outcome. It is an attempt to direct the thinking of the recipient,
without his conscious collaboration, into predetermined channels that
are established in the Publicity line of effort. It is the unwitting
conditioning of the recipient by devious methods with an ulterior motive
that seeks to move them incrementally over time into greater belief and
acceptance of message transmitted in the Publicity line of effort.
o Infiltration and subversion operate internal to
the targeted organization in order to inform, target, coordinate, and
amplify the effects of the publicity and propaganda. Both operate to
gather intelligence, obstruct legitimate courses of action, provide
inside information, and leak sensitive information that undermines the
leadership and suppresses the morale of friendly elements.
o Infiltration
of political and social groups within a target state is done for the
purpose of extending counter-state influence and control. The endgame is
concealed and may involve illicit activities.
o Subversion
undermines or detaches the loyalties of significant political and
social groups within the target state and transfers political and/or
ideological loyalties to the counter-state. As the counter-state forms, a
counter-elite of influential individual and key leaders within the
target state will later facilitate the legitimacy and permanency of the
new regime.
Political warfare employs both publicity and propaganda. It
recognizes no intrinsic virtue in the news but rather envisions it as a
mechanism to exploit and build up support. From a political warfare
perspective, control of the news cycle is the most potent means of
attracting and building up a favorable audience. As it relates to the
news cycle, publicity and propaganda can be merged to form a
“pseudo-publicity” that is presented as news in furtherance of
sustaining pseudo-realities maintained by cultural Marxist memes.
Pseudo-publicity treatment of President Trump dominates the news cycle.
The current campaign against President Trump operates in the following
The Meta Narrative. Meta narratives seeks [sic] to
delegitimize President Trump, his administration, and the vision of
America he projected as a candidate. With cultural Marxist memes serving
as the backdrop, President Trump is to be relentlessly characterized as
unfit through the use of supporting narratives acting to move unwitting
populations to belief in the meta narrative. Hence:
• “President Trump is illegitimate”
• “President Trump is corrupt”
• “President Trump is dishonest”
Note that the twitter accounts and mainstream media personalities
pushing this narrative have seen their audience numbers rise greatly in
the past 6 months. This is a direct result of the supporting and
backdrop narratives channeling individuals to this meta-narrative. Supporting Narratives. Meta-narratives are supported
by an ongoing series supporting-narratives that can be swapped out as
circumstances warrant. It is important to recognize that these stories
do not have to be true, valid or accurate to serve their purpose. Over
time, deserved or not, the cumulative effect of these supporting
narratives will result in a Trump fatigue. From a political warfare
perspective, President Trump’s inability to meet this challenge will
cast him as a weak failed leader. The current list of supporting
narratives include:
Backdrop Narratives. The backdrop to the meta and
supporting narratives are cultural Marxist memes designed to sustain a
general sense of loathing of President Trump and the America that
elected him. Hence:
• “[meta] President Trump is illegitimate, [supporting] he was elected because of Russian hacking, [backdrop] and besides, he a racist, sexist xenophobe.”
Adversaries utilize these interlocking narratives as a defensive
political and information warfare screen that silences critics and
smears supporters of President Trump. When people in the media question
the behavior, actions and decisions of the Trump Administration’s
opponents, they are immediately said to be “working for the Russians” or
“supporting Russian propaganda.” Individual Americans who support the
President are deemed “deplorable” and “racist.” End State. Attacks on President Trump are not just about destroying him, but also about destroying the vision of America that lead [sic] to his election.
Those individuals and groups seeking the destruction of President Trump
actually seek to suffocate the vision of America that made him
president. Hence, the end state is not just a delegitimized,
destabilized, immobilized and possibly destroyed presidency; but also a
demoralized movement composed of a large enough bloc to elect a
president that subsequently become self-aware of its own
disenfranchisement. CONCLUSION.
The recent turn of events give rise to the observation that the
defense of President Trump is the defense of America. In the same way
President Lincoln was surrounded by political opposition both inside and
outside of his wire, in both overt and covert forms, so too is
President Trump. Had Lincoln failed, so too would have the Republic. The
administration has been maneuvered into a constant back-pedal by
relentless political warfare attacks structured to force him to assume a
reactive posture that assures inadequate responses. The president can
either drive or be driven by events; it’s time for him to drive them.
[1] For more information on how influence operations of the former
Soviet Union targeted leading conservative groups and individuals in
order to bring them into line with cultural Marxist narratives. See Link
[2] This discussion relies on Thomas A. Marks’ treatment of the Maoist model as discussed in Maoist People’s War in Post-Vietnam Asia (Bangkok, Thailand: White Lotus Press, 2007), 1-14. Hereafter “Thomas A. Marks, Maoist People’s War.”
[3] “Political Warfare Executive – The Meaning, Techniques and
Methods of Political Warfare,” His Britannic Majesty’s Government,
London, 1942, 5.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
This is the kind of thing that should have ended with the inception
of the “Drain the Swamp” administration. Unfortunately, Trump appointed
too many people who did not share his vision, and so that vision is not
being implemented, and Obama holdovers are still in charge.
“Tillerson’s State Department hosts CAIR, radical Islamic groups,” by Jordan Schachtel, Conservative Review, August 10, 2017:
The Council on American Islamic Relations, a Hamas-tied
Muslim Brotherhood front group, met with officials from the State
Department Thursday to discuss the ongoing situation in Jerusalem, the
American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) posted online. The delegation was brought together by an umbrella conglomerate
of Islamist outfits known as the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations
(USCMO). They went to the State Dept. to discuss the “ongoing Al-Aqsa
Mosque crisis and Israel’s denial of religious freedom in Jerusalem,
which is holy to the three Abrahamic faiths,” the AMP website said.
In July, Palestinian terrorists stormed outside the Al-Aqsa mosque
compound and assassinated two Israeli police officers, setting off a
diplomatic firestorm that would result in Israel securing the facility
with metal detectors (which would later be removed due to international
Represented at the meeting included a CAIR official and members of
other suspected Muslim Brotherhood front groups, such as the Islamic
Circle of North America and the Islamic Shura Council of North America.
The delegation included Osama Abu Irshaid, a leader at AMP and an open supporter of Hamas. Terrorism expert Steven Emerson reported that he once served as the editor of “Al-Zaitounah” periodical, which Emerson describes as “pro-Hamas propaganda.”…
Another member of the delegation, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, once called
for Islamic law to dominate the world, declaring: “Allah’s rules have
to be established in all lands, and all our efforts should lead to that
Oussama Jamal of USCMO, another member of the group, has accused
the U.S. government of promoting a “Zionist agenda.” After the 9/11
attacks, he pondered, “How certain are we that it was Arabs who were
behind it?”
As Rex Tillerson’s underlings and colleagues welcome the aforementioned radicals, he has thus far successfully blocked efforts to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization….
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Concerns are being raised as Johnnie Moore, the former vice president of
communications for Liberty University—which heralds itself at the world’s
largest Christian university—and travel assistant to President Jerry Falwell, Jr.,
recently sent a letter to Roman Catholic leader Jorge Bergoglio, also known as
“Pope Francis,” to request a meeting to discuss Moore’s objection to “efforts to
divide Catholics and Evangelicals.”
Moore, who serves as a member of President Trump’s evangelical advisory board, wrote to Bergoglio following the publication of an article in La Cattolica Civilitas—written
by Catholic priest Antonio Spadaro and Presbyterian minister Marcelo
Figueroa—that condemned what they perceived as a joining together of
American Catholics and Evangelicals in an “ecumicism of hate” against
immigrants, Muslims and others different from them. “The panorama of threats to [Evangelicals’] understanding of
the American way of life have included modernist spirits, the black
civil rights movement, the hippy movement, communism, feminist movements
and so on. And now in our day there are the migrants and the Muslims,”
the article read.
It said that some professing Catholics are now seemingly
“using tones much closer to Evangelicals” when it comes to various
social issues, and have apparently united on the subjects.
“Both Evangelical and Catholic Integralists condemn
traditional ecumenism and yet promote an ecumenism of conflict that
unites them in the nostalgic dream of a theocratic type of
state,” Spadaro and Figueroa asserted. “This meeting over shared
objectives happens around such themes as abortion, same-sex marriage,
religious education in schools and other matters generally considered
moral or tied to values.”
The men asserted that this type of ecumenism is different
than that exemplified by Bergoglio in terms of other religions and those
different from him, which is rather “an ecumenism that moves under the
urge of inclusion, peace, encounter and bridges.”
In an article published by Fox News, Moore said that
the “caustic language” in the Civilitas piece concerned him, as he
“cannot imagine that the article’s authors understand the beautiful
relationship that Catholics and Evangelicals have had in the last thirty
years in the United States.” He said that he believes the collaboration
between the two has produced much good in the world.
“Together, we have worked in pursuit of the fall of
communism, led a vast resurgence of pro-life sentiment in the United
States, and we have fought for religious liberty here and abroad. Our
humanitarian collaboration has also saved millions of lives among the
poor and persecuted,” Moore wrote.
He therefore wrote to Bergoglio, who Moore referred to as
“Your Holiness,” to request a meeting between Catholic and Evangelical
leaders to discuss concerns about those who cause division, and to
dialogue about how the two groups can work together. Moore said that
“God put it on [his] heart” to write to the Roman Catholic leader.
“I speak for many Evangelicals when I say that we have
looked upon your appointment with great gratitude to God and with great
optimism for the new spirit that you have brought to the Catholic
Church,” the letter
read, which also noted that Moore feels “all the respect in the world”
toward the pontiff. “Your commitment to the poor and to pastoral
ministry and your efforts to build bridges and to spread the doctrine of
mercy around the world have been a light and hope to us all.”
He said that in the midst of religious persecution, as well
as political polarism, that “we have also witnessed efforts to divide
Catholics and Evangelicals.”
“We think it would be of great benefit to sit together and
to discuss these things,” Moore wrote. “Then, when we disagree we can do
it within the context of friendship. Though, I’m sure we will find once
again that we agree far more than we disagree, and we can work together
with diligence on those areas of agreement.”
“We feel like this conversation is an urgent one, and I will
bring a half dozen or so of our denominational heads and significantly
influential Evangelicals for our time together,” he said. “We would also
like to use the time to meet with various other high level officials
throughout the Vatican to find ways in which we can cooperate on matters
of great concern to us all, especially as it relates to refugees, the
poor and the persecuted.” GendronHowever,
Mike Gendron of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries—a former Roman
Catholic of more than 30 years who now teaches Christians how to
evangelize Catholics—told Christian News Network that he is deeply
troubled by Moore’s endeavor. He outlined several aspects of Moore’s
letter that he found to be cause for concern. “Moore’s request for a meeting with a pope who has
blasphemed the triune God by stealing His titles—Holy Father, Head of
the Church, and Vicar of Christ—is deplorable,” Gendron stated. He bristled at Moore’s reference to Bergoglio as ‘Your Holiness.'”
“By the authority of God’s Word, we can see that the pope is
under divine condemnation for preaching another gospel (Gal.1:6-9),”
Gendron stated. “The pope’s gospel denies the sufficiency of Jesus
Christ and His finished work of redemption by adding sacraments, good
works, law keeping and indulgences for salvation.”
He also found Moore’s desire to combat division between
Evangelicals and Catholics to be demonstrative of “the disturbing
ignorance among many Evangelicals concerning Church history.”
“The division between Evangelicals and Catholics took place
five hundred years ago when the Roman Catholic Church sealed her
departure from the Christian faith by deliberately and dogmatically
rejecting the gospel of Jesus Christ at the Council of Trent,” Gendron
outlined. “Her apostasy is well documented by over 100 infallible
anathemas that condemn Evangelicals who do not believe Rome’s corruption
of the gospel.”
He said that God does not need His children to link with
those teaching and propagating error in order to combat evil in the
“Moore’s attempt to unite Evangelicals and Catholics is
playing into the pope’s agenda to rebuild the religious tower of Babel,”
Gendron opined. “Our sovereign and omnipotent Lord does not need the
help of unbelievers to fight the social and cultural wars. There is
something much more important at stake and that is the purity and
exclusivity of the Gospel. More than ever we need to contend for the
faith because divine division in truth is far better than satanic unity
in error.”
Published on Aug 8, 2017
Moore, Evangelical Advisor to President Trump and Board Member with the
National Association of Evangelicals, wrote a letter to Pope Francis.
Moore tells Wyatt Goolsby why.
Mandatory vaccination is an assault on individual liberty. Until we
recognize it as such, there will be no solution to this problem. The
solution lies in protecting individual liberty against the state. What we
need to do is to establish a limitation on the power of the state to
vaccinate only in extraordinary circumstances. The government should
have to prove that less intrusive alternative such as, for example,
requiring the wearing of a mask or requiring people to wash their hands
or avoid contact with others when they are ill is not a sufficiently
adequate measure in a particular case to protect against the spread of
the disease.
In this video, the Chiropractic Malpractice Insurance leader,
ChiroSecure and President Dr. Stu Hoffman are joined by Barbara Loe
Fisher to talk about the right to choose whether to vaccinate or not.
This show is one of the most compelling shows you will hear on this
polarizing issue. Watch it from beginning to end and you will be
Barbara Loe Fisher: Vaccinations and Health Care Freedom Published on Jul 20, 2017
of the world’s greatest advocates for health care freedom is Barbara
Loe Fisher, though many are not aware of her accomplishments. As she
reveals in this podcast interview, the National Vaccine Information
Center, of which she is the president, would have folded a long time,
ago if not for the support of chiropractors. Barbara began her advocacy
for vaccine safety after her own son experienced challenges due to a
vaccine reaction.
She was introduced to chiropractic by Larry
Webster, often referred to as the father of chiropractic pediatrics, and
is a very strong advocate and supporter of chiropractic. Barbara and
her family have received chiropractic care themselves, every week for
many, many years.
In this episode, you’ll hear some hot topics
relative to health care freedom of which it is vitally important for you
to be aware. This hard-hitting interview will give you vital
information about advocacy, safety and sources where you can get even
more information, to make you a well-informed consumer.
It’s so
incredibly wonderful that he National Vaccine Information Center is
supporting Mile-High 2017. They have our undying gratitude, and it’s
going to be awesome being with them as the event.
Mile High 2017
in Denver is less than 30 days from now, August 17th-20th. You
definitely do not want to miss out on the best Chiropractic event ever,
so if you haven’t made reservations for yourself and your staff, do it
right now before the event sells out.
Just go to to register. Also, be sure to reserve
your hotel room, so you can stay right on site for all the exciting
events, networking and fun. You can reserve your hotel rooms at
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Vaccines are pharmaceutical products that come with risks that can be greater for some people. 1 2 No vaccine is safe for everyone. 3 4
If you choose to vaccinate, ask 8 questions before you do: 5
Number One: Am I sick right now? Getting vaccinated while sick could increase risks for a vaccine reaction or lower vaccine effectiveness. 6
Number Two: Have I had a bad reaction to a vaccination before? Getting re-vaccinated after a previous vaccine reaction could cause a more serious reaction, injury or death.7 8
Number Three: Do I have a personal or family history of vaccine
reactions, neurological disorders, severe allergies or immune system
problems? Always review your personal and family medical history when evaluating vaccine benefits and risks. 9 10 11 12
Number Four: Do I know the disease and vaccine risks? Learn about disease and vaccine risks that could be greater for you or your child. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Number Five: Do I have full information about the vaccine’s side effects? Before you take a risk, find out what it is for each vaccine you or your child will receive. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Number Six: Do I know how to identify and report a vaccine reaction? Learn how to recognize vaccine reaction symptoms and where and how to report them. 28 29 30
Number Seven: Do I know I need to keep a written record,
including the vaccine manufacturer’s name and lot number, for
vaccinations? The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986
requires all vaccine providers to record information about vaccines
given to you or your child. 31
Number Eight: Do I know I have the right to make an informed choice? Informed consent to medical risk taking, including vaccine risk taking, is a human right. 32 33 34 35
Explore NVIC's Ask 8 Information Kiosk
for referenced information and a variety of materials designed to
educate you about vaccines, diseases and how to make educated vaccine
decisions. You can download posters and brochures to share with others
or send an ecard to family and friends. You can also post or read
personal vaccination experiences on this website. Click here to learn more and start your journey! It’s your family. Your health. Your choice.