SEE: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2017/08/muslim-brotherhood-linked-rep-ellison-north-korean-leader-more-responsible-than-trump;
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, said unhinged dictator Kim Jong-un, who has nuclear weapons, is more responsible than President Trump.The Muslim Brotherhood-linked Keith Ellison’s irrational comment is waging an aggressive anti-Trump vendetta. Ellison has been notably anti-Trump because of Trump’s temporary travel ban on selected Muslim countries, viewing Trump’s executive order as “targeting Muslim-majority countries,” even though it doesn’t touch most Muslim-majority countries. Ellison has even accused the President of: i) implicitly encouraging anti-Muslim activity (a transparent indictment, coming from a man tied to Muslim Brotherhood networks); ii) giving “a stamp of approval to a lot of haters,” stating that “what we’re seeing is intolerance sort of take over and the president is the cheerleader of it all,” even though there is no actual evidence connecting Trump’s rhetoric to any alleged anti-Muslim hate crimes; and iii) of courting “nationalist figures” who are “the main catalyst behind anti-Muslim rallies in tens of cities around the country scheduled,” as if opposing jihad terror were just another form of nativism.
Ellison’s record has also denied that “sharia law…. is creeping into the mainstream and overtaking American law,” stating that it’s “simply not true and is an idea promoted by anti-Muslim activists to make people afraid of Muslims.” Yet he ignores the “Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North America,” a Muslim Brotherhood document that details how to “sabotage” America’s “miserable house” from within. Ellison also has past ties to the anti-Semitic, anti-American Nation of Islam, has avoided addressing his personal stance on Sharia law for America, and once visited Mecca on the dime of a Muslim Brotherhood-tied group.
Given Ellison’s character and associates, it’s no surprise that he would attempt to malign Trump regarding North Korea, making the absurd comment about Kim Jong-un being more “responsible than Trump.” In an inept attempt at damage control, Ellison made an about-face hours later, and expressed regret about comparing Trump to Kim:
That was one of those I wish I’d not said… I’d say, he’s being incredibly irresponsible, and he’s putting us in a situation where you could have an accidental launch.Accidental? Another oops by Ellison.
The contempt toward Trump given his executive order to block the hijrah into America knows no bounds for Ellison and his Muslim Brotherhood ilk; apparently no absurd comment, smear tactic or interference is off-limits.
“DNC Deputy Chair: Kim Jong-un Is More Responsible Than President Trump”, by Matt Vespa, Town Hall, August 11, 2017:
Well, this is just insane. Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, said unhinged dictator Kim Jong-un, who has nuclear weapons, is more responsible than President Trump. The remarks were made at the progressive Netroots Nation in Atlanta [emphasis mine]:
North Korea is a serious thing. You have this guy making bellicose threats against somebody else who has very little to lose over there. Kim Jong Un, the world always thought he was not a responsible leader. Well, he is acting more responsibly than this guy is. And but I’m telling you is that once you start seeing missile launches, you’re going to see the time for cranking up the antiwar machine is right now. So, if you don’t want to get caught deer in the headlights, start calling for diplomacy in North Korea immediately.”
Leah wrote earlier todaythat Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said we should just give what the North Koreans are demanding. Let’s not replay that movie starring Neville Chamberlain. Well, if you want a reason for why Republicans are more trusted on national security and foreign affairs, this is it.
Right now, Guam is said to be a target of the North Korean dictator. And even that has elicited weird takes from the media, like the Associated Press, who tweeted last night, “If North Korea sent missiles toward Guam or the US, could the US missile defense system shoot them down? Should it?”
Should it? Guam is American soil. It has two huge naval and air force bases on the island. Should we defend American soil? That’s another absurd angle to this whole story.
North Korea has possessed nuclear weapons for years. This increase in tension in the pacific theater is not the fault of Trump…..