September 8, 2016
Seeding America with Muslim Violence
“Since the days of Charles Martel and Charlemagne, some great victories have been won by the West, but the war is never over. All these historical events can easily be overlooked because of the wording of the standard history books, which blur when they should clarify. These Western books offer scattered anecdotes about "Saracens," "Moors," and "Barbary pirates," but almost never a coherent picture. That is because everywhere in the modern world we see the problem of "political correctness," but especially in academic situations. Every piece of paper that appears in public must emphasize "multiculturalism" at all costs, in spite of the fact that the expansion of one culture must lead to the shrinking of another.” Peter Goodchild, historian, (Source: Link)
Time Magazine wrote a gushing report on Germany’s chancellor Angela Merkel as a woman of compassion and vision when she offered Germany as a refugee camp for 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 (million) African refugees in 2015-2016.
I wrote a letter to Time: “Angela Merkel’s lack of wisdom, foresight and understanding of Islam’s historical trajectory provides the most violent religion on Earth a petri dish with which to expand in every nook and cranny of German society. History shows from the time of Mohammed to Charlemagne that Muslims never quit their prime directive: “Convert or kill all non-believers.” That Islamic death-cult welcomes endless forms of violence to conquer every country it settles. No European, Canadian, American or Australian society will survive Islam’s onslaught---without bloody conflict.”
Goodchild continued, “The people who have that Western legacy, however, are disappearing from much of Europe and North America. Instead, we have "multiculturalism," which really means the dismantling of "culture," the decline of the West. In our schools, young people are now taught to be ashamed of their legacy, and any courses in the social sciences are perverted to show the "guilt" of those who spent thousands of years developing all that can truly be called “civilization.” Whether our leaders can be persuaded not to continue dragging us in such a direction is an enormous question.”

As the rapes, violence toward females, bombings, shootings, stabbings and intimidation escalate in Europe—Merkel invites more barbarians from Africa and the Middle East to invade her countrymen. Never mind the Charlie Hebdo massacre, Nice, France; Paris, France; Sweden’s rape and riot conflagration; Holland’s breakdown; Brussels, Belgium bombings, United Kingdom’s throat slitting on London’s streets and thousands of individual acts of Muslim violence toward Europeans. Merkel invites more of the same. So do Sweden, Norway, Italy and Spain.
Few leaders take a stand for their countries. Except Poland and now Austria!
“Muslims are even cruel to one another,” said Goodchild. “Especially to their women. Female genital mutilation is customary. "Honor killing" is common: every year, according to Robert Fisk and others, over twenty thousandwomen worldwide die at the hands of their own families, and the majority of these women are Muslim. Yet the term "honor killing" is horrendously inaccurate. Most people in the modern West do not regard it as "honorable" for a man to torture and murder a female member of his family on the basis of some slight act of disobedience, often imaginary.”
Notice at no time does Tony Blair of the United Kingdom allow his family or children to be in contact with the 2.5 million Muslims he invited into that country. Same with Merkel in Germany! And, France’s Hollande! The rich elites never allow their hands to be soiled in the commoners’ problems with multiculturalism.
Exit from Europe to America: Hillary Clinton expects to invite 100,000 Syrian refugees to as high as 1,000,000 (million) African-Middle Eastern refugees into America to create a similar climate of civil conflict within the United States. Such immigrants carry scant education, intellectual horsepower or any ability to contribute to American society. Expect them to end up on welfare paid for by you, the American taxpayer. Expect disruption of your communities, schools and local governments.
Muslims cannot and do not assimilate into Western societies. They create chaos, mayhem and sociological-cultural destruction. It’s the nature of Islam, moderate or radical, no difference.
Not only will Hillary Clinton flood America with Muslims, she will enjoy a mandate to present amnesty to 20 to as high as 30 million illegal migrants from all over the world. (Source: Ann Coulter, Adios America: The Left’s Plan to Turn America into a Third World Hellhole.)
“Immigrants devoted to their own cultures and religions are not influenced by the secular politically correct façade that dominates academia, news-media, entertainment, education, religious and political thinking today,” said James Walsh, former Associate General Counsel of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service. “They claim the right not to assimilate, and the day is coming when the question will be how can the United States regulate the defiantly unassimilated cultures, religions and mores of foreign lands? Such immigrants say their traditions trump the U.S. legal system. Balkanization of the United States has begun.”
If Hillary Clinton gains the White House, you, your family, and your community will see Muslims entering every aspect of American life. They will disrupt your schools, your city councils and your churches. Muslims will live off your welfare dollars in order to devour your community as their numbers grow. You can expect riots, rapes and mayhem weekly. Expect endless Orlando’s; San Bernardino’s; Boston Marathon’s; Fort Hood’s; Detroit’s, 9/11’s and Chattanooga’s in your future.
Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel: twin sisters in the destruction of America and Europe.