republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
By Amil Imani
October 28, 2016
Let us keep in mind that there are not many differences between the D.C. Beltway elitist class politicians of either party. Saying that, I am not necessarily fighting for Donald Trump. I am fighting for the soul of America and the preservation of the Constitution from a self-inflicted wound of an Obama administration.
For the moment, Donald Trump remains our only election hope and a barrier that will stop this trend of devastation, that is the Obama-Hillary wrecking ball. I am calling on you, the individual freedom-loving person, to play your part in the defense of freedom by stopping Hillary Clinton at the polls.
We have been warned of three kinds of people: charlatans, demagogues and politicians. And, more often than not, someone like Hillary Clinton will rise up represents all three of these characters wrapped into one.
Hillary Clinton’s corruption is comprised of many proportions. It covers her private, professional, and political life. There are also various overlays. Her use of a personal email server overwhelms all three phases. With Hillary, one never has to overstate. Her wrongdoings speak for themselves, very loudly. She makes deceitful statements to get out of trouble and at the same time attempts to hoodwink both the press and voters.
Hillary Clinton is just one more in the history of unforgettable morally decadent leaders like Stalin, Zedong, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Hitler, Jong-Un, and the list goes on.
For as long as there are individuals and politicians motivated by greed and selfishness, there will be a vacuum for an immoral leader to help them achieve their goals.
The DNC, once a viable representative of what was good and honorable in America, has become the personification of greed, corruption and self-centeredness.
While we go to the polls in three weeks, let us keep in mind that we are faced with the insidious, multifaceted, and most deadly threat of both progressivism and Islamism.
Since Islam has been around for centuries, there is a tendency to ignore or even deny the threat it poses to humanity. Various concessions are made, some of them as good faith offerings and some in the hope of placating Islamists. Yet, concessions to threats are nothing more than appeasements. And appeasements have never solved any problems. They only whet the appetite of the aggressor, give it more power, and make it even more dangerous.
Our Western liberals who actively aid and support an evil ideology that is practiced by a number of regimes are, in fact, “Useful Idiots” and their strange but pleased Islamist bedfellows use them as pawns. In the recent past it was the socialist evils of Nazism and Communism that also used Muslim hatred to further their goals. Apparently evil wears many masks.
Islamists, with the help liberal leftists, take advantage of the provisions of the most benign system known to humanity, democracy, to implode it from within.
Islamists, by sheer numbers, will soon be in a position to vote out democracy in many countries, including the U.S. They will elect Muslims to all positions of local influence, who will create and enforce policy according to the Quran. Once they have control over a town, they will begin to establish informal Sharia, and there’s nothing the government can (or will want to) do about it.
Multicultural diversity is the elephant in the room allowing the ultimate incursion and inclusion of Sharia law into Western governments and into our way of life. To put it mildly and nakedly, the West is on the road to Sharia.
I have warned in the past that President Obama’s ill-advised coziness with the Muslim nations would bring down our nation faster than any foreign enemy. With the “selection” of Hillary Clinton as the next president, this dream and mission will be accomplished since the Obama administration could not possibly finish us off in eight years.
The U.S. administration must represent the people of America rather than catering to Muslims and Muslim organizations and keep repeating the same mantra of its peacefulness while American soldiers die by the religion of peace both near and far. Appointing devout Muslims in high and sensitive governmental places is also a risky business and a threat to our national security.
The message is clear. Beware of people like Hillary Clinton who knowingly and willingly serve as the greatest volunteer and an effective soldier of Islam. And if she becomes president, she will pave the way for the advancement of Islam and she will most assuredly place all Americans at far greater risk by enabling this enemy.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational, and research purposes:
October 28, 2016
Forget GOP and Democrat this time. There is only one American assignment given to those running for President on Nov 8th and it is indeed pass or fail. Serve America and her citizens – Protect her safety, economy, Judeo-Christian values, opportunities for all and freedoms or not. One candidate has continuously failed on all these levels over and over throughout her 30 year, money and power hoarding career.
Trump won the hard fought primaries in spades because he was taking on the endless F’s of the political, establishment, Hillary and media sell outs. Plain Spokane Trump has also given F’s for cheating, backdoor deals at our expense, ignoring the multi billion dollar and growing illegal immigration scam at our porous borders which feed a growing drug, gang culture and criminal enterprise in every state. He has called Hillary on her greed, endless lies, crimes and corruption concerning the email scandals, criminal and greedy Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, on and on. Hillary is the criminal and corruption gift that keeps on giving.

Trump and the American people give more F’s for crushing America’s state sovereignty and freedoms with Common Core and fraudulent and unaffordable Obamacare (now just days before the election health insurance premiums are sky rocking another 100-200% after they had already shot up to Mt. Everest levels before). Hillary says she is proud of both and we don’t give Obama the credit he is due. Well, I do - Obama gets an F – that is the credit he is due.
Trump is the only candidate who has promised to repeal both Obamacare and Common Core and respond with an affordable, better health plan and state controlled and freed up education for our children.
The F’s continue with Obama, fully supported by Hillary - gutting and downsizing our military, attacking Christians, freedom of speech and attacking gun rights at every turn.
The final grade is coming for both Candidates
Hillary gets an F because she has never and will never put God and Country at the top of her priorities. It will always be money and power – bowing down to the new world order, International and Islamic dictators and manipulators.
Trump gets an A because he has the courage to acknowledge and confront all the F’s on the table at the hands of Obama, Hillary, GOP establishment and media. He gets more A’s because he has specific, Constitutional and inspired plans to put God and America at the top again, while fixing all the Obama and Hillary damage to our schools, health care system, military, borders, businesses and jobs, energy system, reputation and safety.
There must be no more extra credit or grace for Hillary who continues to get F’s and not do America’s most simple assignments. Give her the big F on Election Day.
No matter what the fraudulent polls, mainstream media and Trump haters say, remember – Trump has shown up, continued to get A’s with courage, honesty and plans to heal, prosper and fix America. He has done this almost all alone…except for the majority of the American people who are sick and tired of voting in more Fs. Vote for an A – Vote Trump on election way and watch us all win big.