Was it a “self-inflicted” gunshot, or vengeance from Islamic terrorists and their deep state allies?
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
“On February 21, 2020 at approximately 1012 hours,” according to Amador County, California sheriff-coroner Martin A. Ryan, “deputies and detectives responded to the area of Highway 124 and Highway 16 in Plymouth to the report of a male subject on the ground with a gunshot wound. Upon their arrival, they located and identified 66-year-old Philip Haney, who was deceased and appeared to have suffered a single, self-inflicted gunshot wound. A firearm was located next to Haney and his vehicle. This investigation is active and ongoing. No further details will be released at this time.”The establishment media ignored the story but as Michelle Mears noted in the California Globe, Haney’s relatives and friends did not believe he had killed himself. That left the question of motive, and high on the list of suspects would be Islamic terrorists.Haney was a UC Riverside alum who worked as a field agricultural entomologist in the Middle East, where he began studying Arabic and the Quran. In a 2016 interview, Frank Gaffney asked Haney to comment on the behavior of “Islamic supremacists” and their doctrine of shariah.“Some people have heard about ants, how they leave scent trails,” Haney said. “And other insects do it, too, so they can follow each other around and not get lost. Well, that’s essentially what shariah is. That is the universe that Muslims live inside, it forms the boundaries of the world that they live in. And their attempt to implement shariah on a global basis, from their perspective, is an attempt to establish order in this chaotic, violent world that we live in. That’s why they always say that Islam is a religion of peace. Because for them, shariah equals peace.”The erudite Haney proved adept at tracking terrorist groups, but as he explained in The Hill on May 5, 2016, the Department of Homeland Security ordered him “to delete or modify several hundred records of individuals tied to designated Islamist terror groups like Hamas from the important federal database, the Treasury Enforcement Communications System (TECS).”As Haney told Gaffney, “The mosque that [San Bernardino terrorist] Syed Farook attended was part of that Tablighi Jamaat network. The administration deleted sixty-seven records out of the system that I had worked on as a component of the Tablighi case.” So those still part of that terrorist network might have a motive to silence Haney, who provided a broader picture in See Something Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government's Submission to Jihad.Haney also authored Frontpage articles such as, “Deobond Attacks in San Bernardino, Sri Lanka,” “The Terrorist Ties that Bind,” and “The Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America’s Ominous Post-Election Statement.” That extensive piece, Haney wrote at the end, was “Finished at 2017 hours on January 19, 2017, the evening before the Inauguration of Donald J. Trump as President.”Trump called out Islamic terrorism and according to Kerry Picket in the Washington Examiner, Haney was “recently in contact with top officials about returning to work for the DHS.” That would not please the DHS holdovers who went after Haney for telling the truth about Islamic terrorists.After Haney’s testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2016, Sen. Ted Cruz asked Jeh Johnson, DHS Secretary from 2013-17, if Haney’s testimony was accurate. “I have no idea. I don’t know who Mr. Haney is,” Johnson replied. “I wouldn’t know him if he walked into the room.”Haney said DHS investigated him nine times and revoked his security clearance. The Department of Justice charged that Haney “misused a government computer,” charges later dropped. Still, the news that Haney might be returning to DHS would not thrill POTUS 44 “wing man” Eric Holder, who has been telling reporters looking into DOJ malfeasance to “shut the hell up.”John Durham is mounting a criminal investigation and as Sebastian Gorka explains, “the counter-coup has begun” and “the deep state beast is writing in discomfiture.” The coup clan failed to removed Trump from office and may now be convinced that Trump will be reelected. So it is entirely possible that the death of DHS whistleblower Phil Haney was the first shot fired in the deep state coverup.“Phil had firsthand evidence that Obama was secretly advancing Islamic hegemony in the U.S.,” Haney’s friend Bill Becker, told the California Globe. “He sacrificed his career to expose it.” His suspicious death deserves an investigation by the FBI, but at this writing, nothing has been announced. As FBI critics might note, after Bernie Sanders supporter James Hodgkinson shot down Steve Scalise, an FBI special agent told reporters it was too soon to say if the shooter had deliberately targeted Republican lawmakers.Meanwhile, according to the California Globe, friends of Phil Haney said he was “preparing to go back on the road during the 2020 election season.” That raises issues far beyond Amador County, California.If they manage to win the White House, any of the leading Democrats would surely shut down all investigations into any misconduct by the administration of POTUS 44. At this writing, the Democrats’ leading contender is Rip Van Winkle communist Bernie Sanders, and the election takes place on November 3. As President Trump says, we’ll have to see what happens._____________________________________________________________PHIL HANEY SHOT DEAD AFTER EXPOSING OBAMA’S DHS, ISLAM
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
Phil Haney was murdered. He was a friend of Judd Saul’s and one of the speakers at SAMCON19, Judd Saul’s conference for standing against Marxism.Phil Haney was a good and honest man. He exposed significant corruption in the Obama administration as they intentionally downplayed and deleted national intelligence pertaining to violent threats from Islamists.We don’t know who murdered Phil Haney. But in all likelihood this murder was motivated by the desire to silence him, as he was a key witness relevant to possible upcoming investigations of Barack Obama’s corrupt administration.Phil Haney knew the risks that would come if he worked to safeguard our country. He chose to do the right thing. He died as a hero. We pray that his life will inspire a thousand more men to rise up and to become like him.WND reports in an article entitled: DHS whistleblower Philip Haney shot dead: Known for exposing government’s ‘submission to jihad’—Former Department of Homeland Security whistleblower Philip Haney – known for exposing how political correctness compromised national security during the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations – was found dead Thursday of a gunshot wound to his chest near his residence outside of Sacramento, California.The circumstances of his death are still under investigation. Two officers of the Amador County Sheriff’s Office confirmed Haney’s death to WND but had no further information.Haney, 66, was the co-author, with Art Moore, of the bestseller “See Something, Say Nothing,” which chronicles his repeated conflict with his agency over its policy of Countering Violent Extremism. The policy was shaped in large part by Islamic supremacists and political appointees who minimize or dismiss the relationship of Islam to terrorism.His agency’s response to his efforts to identify terror threats – including the networks that later were responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing and the San Bernardino massacre – was to eliminate his intelligence, shut down his cases and punish him.In contrast, the American Freedom Alliance awarded Haney its American Freedom Award at its annual Heroes of Conscience Dinner in 2017.Haney’s remarkable story debuted on the Fox News Channel’s “The Kelly File” in December 2015, shortly after Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik fired automatic weapons at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California, killing 14 people and wounding 21.Haney explained to Kelly how his case could have prevented the massacre if it had not been shut down._______________________________________________________________One day after a prominent U.S. Muslim leader reacted to the November 2015 Paris attacks with a declaration that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, has nothing to do with Islam, President Obama made the same assertion.Who exactly is the enemy we face, not only in the Middle East but also within our borders? Is it "murderers without a coherent creed" or "nihilistic killers who want to tear things down," as some described ISIS after 130 people were brutally slain and another 368 injured in a coordinated attack on Western soil that authorities say was organized with help from inside France's Muslim communities.After the Paris attacks, Obama, himself, described ISIS as "simply a network of killers who are brutalizing local populations."But how much do words and definitions really matter? According to the legendary military strategist Sun Tzu, if "you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one (battle) and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle."When the Department of Homeland Security was founded in 2003, its stated purpose was "preventing terrorist attacks within the United States and reducing America's vulnerability to terrorism." The Bush administration's definition of the enemy as a tactic, terrorism, rather than a specific movement, proved consequential amid a culture of political correctness. By the time President Obama took office, Muslim Brotherhood-linked leaders in the United States were forcing changes to national security policy and even being invited into the highest chambers of influence. A policy known as Countering Violent Extremism emerged, downplaying the threat of supremacist Islam as unrelated to the religion and just one among many violent ideological movements.When recently retired DHS frontline officer and intelligence expert Philip Haney bravely tried to say something about the people and organizations that threatened the nation, his intelligence information was eliminated, and he was investigated by the very agency assigned to protect the country. The national campaign by the DHS to raise public awareness of terrorism and terrorism-related crime known as If You See Something, Say Something effectively has become If You See Something, Say Nothing.In "See Something, Say Nothing," Haney – a charter member of DHS with previous experience in the Middle East – and co-author Art Moore expose just how deeply the submission, denial and deception run. Haney's insider, eyewitness account, supported by internal memos and documents, exposes a federal government capitulating to an enemy within and punishing those who reject its narrative.Haney discloses:How the Bush administration stripped him and other frontline officers of their ability to define the threat;How much the Obama administration knew in advance of the Boston Marathon bombing and how it launched an ongoing cover-up on behalf of a major ally;The administration’s stealth policy to protect Islamic leaders with supremacist beliefs and violent-jihadist ties, allowing them to freely travel between the U.S. and the Middle East;The scope of access to the White House and the classified information the Obama administration gave to members of Muslim Brotherhood front groups;The damning intelligence on Muslim Brotherhood-linked leaders invited to sit at the table and help form national-security policy;The "words matter" memo imposing the demands of radical U.S. Muslims leaders on the DHS, including stripping intelligence and official communications of any mention of Islam in association with terrorism;The purging of training material that casts Islam in a negative light;The erasing and altering of vital intelligence on terrorists and terror threats;The fear-based tactics imposed by the Muslim Brotherhood front groups in the U.S. and their accomplices that paralyze officials, members of Congress and any Department of Homeland Security employee who dares to expose or resist their agenda; andMuch more …In this well-documented, first-person account of his unique service with DHS, Haney shows why it's imperative that Americans demand that when they see something and say something, the servants under their charge do something to prevent a cunning, relentless enemy from carrying out its stated aim to "destroy Western Civilization from within."_____________________________________________________________SEE ALSO:_________________________________________________________________Phil Haney DHS Obama Whistleblower Found Dead From Single Gunshot Wound In CaliforniaDepartment of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower Philip Haney was found dead in Amador County, Calif., on Friday, according to local authorities.Haney, 66, "appeared to have suffered a single, self-inflicted gunshot wound," the Amador County Sheriff's Office said in a release. Sheriff and coroner Martin A. Ryan shared the initial details of the case. (FYI - Gunshot wound to the chest)Alex Jones of Infowars Interviews Phil HaneyIs This Why Deep State Was Afraid of Phil Haney?DHS Whistleblower Phil Haney exposes Obama administration during Press ConferenceDHS whistleblower speaks out about jihad in America;Forced Scrubbing of Records by ObamaPHIL & the Hidden Domestic ThreatPhil Haney was a patriot first class, and until the end of his life, he worked to expose the hidden domestic threat that could take down our government.The political division in our countryPhil Haney, one of the Founding Members of the Department of Homeland Security, breaks down the political division in our country. See more at http://theDove.usPhil Haney, Egyptian-Christians air alarm: Islamist-influenced Libs corrupt, compromise US securityEgyptian-American Copts validate the concerns of DHS whistlelbower, Philip Haney ("See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government's Submission to Jihad"). They agree that Democrats in power would continue the problems of Obama administration's 'enabling' Islamism and inhibiting US agencies' security standards.