Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Meet Aisha: Amazon's New Sharia-Compliant Version of Alexa!
Introducing Aisha (aka "Halalexa"), Amazon's new Sharia-compliant, fully
Halal edition of Alexa! This is the ONLY version of the Amazon Echo
that Muhammad would approve of! Just in time for Christmas!
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
A gay bar in New York hosted an event earlier this month in which a 11-year-old
crossdresser performed on stage while patrons threw money at him.
The 3 Dollar Bill gay club in Brooklyn sold tickets to the “Club Whoa!!!” show on EventBrite
for $15, promising 11-year-old “drag kid” Desmond Napoles, AKA Desmond Is Amazing,
would headline the event.
Subsequent video and photos from the event posted to Instagram and Reddit show Desmond indeed performed dressed up as No Doubt’s Gwen Stefani, while men threw money on stage. Photos posted to Desmond’s Instagram profile also show him performing at the club in various other outfits.
Reactions to the performance have ranged from disgust to outrage, with some asking if the club will be investigated for promoting pedophilia, while others urged Child Protective Services to take action.
“10 year old kids shouldn’t be performing at any bar. Gay or straight. He should be at home playing with legos and riding his bike….or at a dance class for kids…not being sexually groomed. This is child abuse,” reads the top voted comment at /r/trashy.
“This isn’t Trashy: It’s child abuse. If this were a 10 year old girl at any other club CPS would already be there,” another keen Redditor commented.
“I left after seeing a child dance on stage for money at nighttime. This was on Saturday night and I have been feeling disturbed ever since,” a Yelp reviewer wrote.
A 10 year old kid who calls himself “Desmond Is Amazing” was allowed to dance on stage at a gay bar in Brooklyn 2 weeks ago while half-naked men showered him in money.
F*cking disgusting. This is called pedophilia.
His parents should be arrested & the bar should be closed down.
Writing at, Courtney Kirchoff made the connection between the left’s promotion of “drag kids” and the creeping normalization of pedophilia.
I don’t care if you’re gay, straight, or wish to
marry a potato. If you went to this event, if you watched a child
perform sexually, if you gave him money for it, if you think his mother
is anything other than the handmaiden of Satan for encouraging,
allowing, and making this event happen, you are everything wrong with
our species. Further, if you shrug your shoulders and dismiss this, if
you say it’s the child’s choice to perform like this, that we shouldn’t
opine on what is happening to Desmond Napoles and every other child
being exploited by his or her parents and our current culture of
anything goes, you are everything wrong with humanity.
In another video shared on Twitter Tuesday, Desmond livestreams with a drag queen named Lactacia, and appears familiar with the dissociative club drug Ketamine.
A follower just pointed out to me that Desmond’s mom is using him to raise money on GoFundMe. How any parent can do this to their child is just beyond comprehension. This little boy should be doing school theatre, not being sexualized by grown men throwing money at him.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. —Toymaker Mattel, the producers
of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter
into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create
same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have
homosexual family members.
Matt Jacobi tagged Mattel in a recent Instagram post
outlining that he plans to “wed” a man in May, and wanted to buy a gift
for his niece to mark the occasion. He said that because Mattel doesn’t
make a Barbie wedding set with two grooms, he “had to get creative” and
buy another Ken to replace the Barbie in the box. “We had a difficult time finding a same sex wedding set to give to my
niece for her 8th birthday. She and her little sister are flower girls
in our upcoming May wedding. We thought it would be special to give her
something with a little meaning behind it. What a bummer you don’t make
one with two grooms,” Jacobi wrote. “Anyway, we had to get creative and make a couple purchases. I hope
our custom gift inspires you to make a #GayWedding set!” he said.
According to Jacobi, Mattel reached out to Jacobi, and has now set up
a meeting in Los Angeles next month to discuss with the design team the
makings of a same-sex “wedding” set.
“We just want every family to be reflected within the toys,” Jacobi’s partner, Nick Caprio, told reporters.
“They’re a big part of our culture, and it’s something that if kids are
always exposed to this and they can see their own family, it gets rid
of the question of ‘what is this,’ and this explanation and long story
you have to go through, because it’s something that will just be what it
is, and it’s just people that are in love.”
Reaction to the news has been mixed.
“Yeeees! I totally love this! I’m a gay man too, and Barbie was my
favorite toy! I always made Ken [expletive meaning to have sex] with
Action Man,” one commenter wrote. “It’s [a] sad thing that we waited
almost 30 years for a Merman Ken. I hope that we won’t have to wait
another 30 to have same-sex coupled dolls.”
Another commenter vowed, “I will never purchase Mattel again. Why
push this adult decision on children? The world is confusing enough. God
is not pleased with us. I pray your revenues show this.”
As previously reported, the Bible teaches that all men are born with
the Adamic sin nature and are “by nature the children of wrath”
(Ephesians 2:3), having various inherent inclinations that are contrary
to the law of God and being utterly incapable of changing themselves. It
is why Jesus outlined in John 3:5-7 that men must be regenerated by the
second birth, or they cannot see the kingdom of Heaven.
“Jesus answered and said unto him, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto thee,
except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’ Nicodemus
saith unto him, ‘How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the
second time into his mother’s womb, and be born?’ Jesus answered,
‘Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of
the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born
of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Marvel not that I said unto thee, ‘Ye must be born again.’”
The late preacher A.W. Pink described it this way: “Why does the
sinner choose a life of sinful indulgence? Because he prefers it. Man
chooses that which is according to his nature, and therefore, before he
will ever choose or prefer that which is divine or spiritual, a new
nature must be imparted to him. In other words, he must be born again.”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” — Qur’an 47:4
“Scandinavian women found dead with neck injuries in Morocco,” Sky News, December 17, 2018 (thanks to Paul):
A Danish woman and another from Norway were found in an isolated mountainous region with cuts to their necks. The bodies of two Scandinavian women with neck injuries “caused by a
cutting device” have been found in the High Atlas mountains in Morocco. A Danish woman and another from Norway were found in an isolated
mountainous area six miles (10kms) from the village of Imlil, the
Moroccan interior ministry said. According to Morocco World News, they had knife wounds. A man, who asked to not to be named, told the new website that the pair were tourists who were “allegedly found decapitated”…. Morocco’s interior ministry said in a statement that their bodies
were found with “signs of violence on their necks” that had been “caused
by a cutting device”….
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Jihad Watch brought you this story on Tuesday;
here are more details. Note that Morten Bøås of the Norwegian
Department of Foreign Affairs “thought the group of men may have been
inspired by ISIS or radicalised through the web.” Yes, of course. “Radicalised through the web.” What else could
possibly have happened? Morten Bøås is sure that there couldn’t possibly
be any jihadists in Morocco. Islam is a religion of peace! If any
happened to be there, it’s because they were radicalized on the
Internet! And this dope is in the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs. In any case, Louisa Jespersen and Maren Ueland are more casualties of
the Left’s fantasy world. What were they doing, two young women alone,
camping in Morocco? They no doubt learned in today’s universities, which are saturated
with moral relativism and contemptuous of absolutes, that there is no
dispute between people that can’t be settled by mutually respectful
“dialogue,” and that the troubles in the world today are primarily the
fault of the U.S. and Israel. So why should two girls from Scandinavia
have anything to worry about in Morocco? They no doubt learned that
Islam is a religion of peace, and that only racist, bigoted
“Islamophobes” think otherwise. So why should they have had any reason
to be concerned about hiking in Morocco?
Those who might have warned them of the risk are subject to furious
and concerted demonization. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) — and
the establishment media that treats the SPLC as if it were a reliable
source — sees only one group of genuinely evil people in the world.
Those who recognize that there are evil forces in the world that are set
against the United States, and who want to protect Americans against
Islamic jihadists, criminal migrants, and more, are the only evil ones.
Jespersen and Ueland almost certainly had nothing but contempt for such
“intolerance” and “hate” manifested by foes of jihad terror and
unrestricted illegal immigration.
“Backpackers killed in Morocco by ‘ISIS terrorists’ with one filmed being beheaded,” by Andrew Koubaridis,,au, December 20, 2018:
Two Scandinavian backpackers were hacked to death and one
beheaded in what is believed to have been a terrorist attack in
Morocco. Louisa Vesterager Jespersen, 24, from Denmark, and Maren Ueland, 28,
from Norway, were knifed and beheaded on camera while camping in the
Atlas Mountains. Their bodies were found on Monday morning.
Footage of the horrifying attack has been shared on social media and
has caused outrage in Morocco. The footage shows a blonde woman
screaming while a man cuts her neck with what appears to be a sharp
kitchen knife.
One of the women was decapitated and the other was found dead with a
severe neck wound. One body was found inside a tent by French hikers and
the other just outside.
“It was horrible. They were broken,” one of the French hikers said.
“We warned everyone we saw in Imlil not to go up there. I did not want
more to see what we had seen…It was a big shock, we’re thinking about it
all day. It makes you think about what’s important in life.”
A Norwegian newspaper is reporting four suspects had links to ISIS and had sworn allegiance to the terrorist group.
Police tonight announced three men had been arrested. A fourth man was taken into custody on Tuesday. In a video circulating on social media a man is heard saying in French: “This is for Syria, here are the heads of your Gods.”
The bodies were found in a remote mountainous region, 10 kilometers
from the village of Imlil – often the starting point for treks to Mount
Toubkal, North Africa’s highest peak.
Ms Jespersen and Ms Ueland were on a month-long trip in Morocco.
Hotel workers in the Moroccan capital claimed Ms Jespersen and Ms
Ueland were staying with three other girls and were spotted with local
men before they set off on their mountain trek.
Locals told media before the arrests three “homeless” men had been seen in the area.
One hotelier said: “Three homeless men came from Marrakech and
pitched a tent right next to the girls’ tent. The men were not from
round here.”
Morten Bøås at the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs has said
that the killings lack the professionalism of more established terrorist
He told local media that the group of men may have been inspired by IS or radicalised through the web.
“Much now indicates that the killings could be politically motivated
and thus a terrorist act,” Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen
said at a news conference on Thursday.
Morocco’s general prosecutor said on Wednesday that a suspect
arrested in main tourist hub Marrakech was a member of a militant group,
but did not name the organisation.
The Danish intelligence service said in a statement Islamic State could be responsible.
Morten Bøås at the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs said the
killings were unlikely to be the work of more established terrorist
He told that he thought the group of men may have been inspired by ISIS or radicalised through the web….
Morocco’s public TV channel 2M said on its website that
investigations showed that the slaying of the two tourists was related
to local militants.
Morocco is generally considered safe for tourists but has battled for
years with Islamic extremism for years, and thousands of Moroccans
joined the Islamic State group….
______________________________________________________________ SEE ALSO:
"Except that it obviously did not even occur to them that what they
thought they knew about Morocco’s religion and culture might be
inaccurate and designed to whitewash Islam, leaving them ill-informed
about a threat that they actually did end up facing.
Louisa Jespersen and Maren Ueland no doubt learned in whatever
Scandinavian universities they attended, since those universities were
no doubt as saturated as universities everywhere else in the Western
world with moral relativism and contemptuous of absolutes, that there is
no dispute between people that can’t be settled by mutually respectful
“dialogue,” and that the troubles in the world today are primarily the
fault of the U.S. and Israel. So why should two girls from Scandinavia
have anything to worry about in Morocco?
Jespersen and Ueland no doubt also learned that Islam is a religion
of peace, and that only racist, bigoted “Islamophobes” think otherwise.
So why should they have had any reason to be concerned about hiking in a
Muslim country such as Morocco?
If they heard any dissenting views regarding Islam, there is no doubt
also that those views were subjected to furious and concerted
demonization. They were likely taught, if they heard anything at all
about people who do not believe that Islam is a religion of peace, that
such people were “bigots,” “racists,” and “Islamophobes,” and should be
regarded with disgust and contempt."
"Jespersen and Ueland almost certainly had nothing but disdain for
such “intolerance” and “hate” manifested by foes of jihad terror and
unrestricted illegal immigration. The educators who taught in the
schools they attended most likely conveyed the impression that anyone
who thought that two young Scandinavian women might be at risk when
camping alone in Morocco was simply a “racist.”
Now they are dead, murdered in a gruesome fashion, and second only to
the horror and tragedy of their murders is the great pity of the fact
that no one among their peers is likely to learn the true lesson of
their deaths. And some among them are certain to repeat their mistake.
The Islamic State will be waiting, and can thank the Left for providing
its jihadis with a continual supply of victims."
_____________________________________________________________ SEE ALSO:
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Franklin Graham, the son of the late Billy Graham, tweeted that Allah
and the Christian God are “not the same.” Following the recent jihad
attack in Strasbourg, Graham warned that “radical Islam continues to be a
major global threat,” an obvious point that nevertheless makes one an
“Islamophobe” for stating it. Graham disagrees with the Pope:
Referring to the Pope’s comments that Islamic attacks do
not constitute a “war of religion,” Graham posted on Facebook that “I
disagree that it’s not a war of religion. It is most certainly a war of
religion”…. In his reproach of the pope’s interpretation of Islamic
terror, Rev. Graham said that religion “is behind the violence and jihad
we’re seeing in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and here in this
No one has been indicting all Muslims, but there are those who are
quick to call truth-tellers “racists” and “Islamophobes.” Until those
who pretend to care about human rights acknowledge the abuses that are
being committed worldwide in the name of Islam, there will be no moving
forward in the war against the global jihad (stealth and violent), and
no reprieve for its countless victims. Three months ago, the Muslim Council of Britain,
an umbrella organization for hundreds of Muslim groups, demanded that
Franklin Graham be banned from the country for criticizing Islam.
“Franklin Graham: Allah and the Christian God ‘Not the Same,’” by Thomas D. Williams, Breitbart, December 13, 2018:
Celebrated evangelical pastor Franklin Graham reacted
strongly to a recent Islamic terror attack in Strasbourg, France,
warning that radical Islam continues to be a major global threat.
In a two-part tweet Saturday, Rev. Graham, the son of the prominent
Christian leader Billy Graham, reminded citizens that Islamic extremism
has not ceased to be a menace to the world and that, contrary to popular
opinion, the Muslim idea of God is very different from the God
worshiped by Christians.
In the past, Rev. Graham has said that
bloody jihadist attacks should not surprise anyone, since hatred and
violence against nonbelievers are central to the teachings of Islam.
“Why does Islam hate so much?” Graham asked in a 2016 Facebook post. “It’s because the Quran teaches its followers to hate.”
“Jews, Christians and others are to be subdued so that Islam may
‘prevail over all religions,’” he added. “It’s all in the final chapter
of the Quran—‘Kill or be killed in battle, and paradise awaits,’” he
Graham has been an ongoing critic of theories that would equate Islam to Christianity.
In August, 2016, Graham challenged Pope Francis for his remarks suggesting that Islamic terrorism is not religiously motivated.
Referring to the Pope’s comments that Islamic attacks do not
constitute a “war of religion,” Graham posted on Facebook that “I
disagree that it’s not a war of religion. It is most certainly a war of
The pope has frequently declared that all religions seek peace, and
that religious beliefs cannot be the force driving Islamic terrorism.
Rather than religious belief, poverty and misguided politics are the
force behind jihadism, he has stated.
In his reproach of the pope’s interpretation of Islamic terror, Rev.
Graham said that religion “is behind the violence and jihad we’re seeing
in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and here in this country.”
“It’s a religion that calls for the extermination of ‘infidels’
outside their faith, specifically Jews and Christians,” Graham said.
Alluding to the murder of Catholic priest Jacques Hamel in northern
France by two jihadists, Graham stressed the explicit religious belief
that moves Islamic terrorists to perpetrate their crimes…..
So-Called 'Common sense' gun safety legislation unveiled in Pittsburgh includes assault weapons ban
Governor Wolf Announces Gun "Safety" Bills
Alongside Pittsburgh City Leaders
Governor Tom Wolf joined Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto, city leaders and
advocates in announcing a package of common sense gun safety measures
that will be introduced to Pittsburgh City Council.
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Fairfax, VA –-( Last week, we reported that it was likely that sweeping gun control measures would be proposed in Pittsburgh. Today, December 14, 2018, Pittsburgh Mayor William Peduto held
a press conference to propose a trio of anti-gun city ordinances that,
if enacted, would constitute a direct violation of Pennsylvania’s state
firearms preemption law and Pennsylvania Supreme Court precedent. At the event, Peduto was joined by Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, who benefitted from $500,000 in spending from Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety during his 2018 re-election bid, and City Council members Corey O’Connor and Erika Strassburger. Not
content to spearhead his own city’s violation of state law, Peduto
called for municipalities throughout the country to ignore state
statutes duly enacted by their residents’ elected representatives. A press release from the mayor’s office chronicling the conference explained, “Mayor
Peduto has asked cities around the country to support Pittsburgh’s
measures and/or introduce similar legislation to create nationwide
momentum behind the critically needed gun changes.” Councilmember O’Connor, who purportedly authored the anti-gun proposals, took a similar tack, stating that Pittsburgh “must
seize the opportunity to make a real difference by partnering with
other municipalities in the Commonwealth and cities across America to
enact” gun restrictions. Councilmember Strassburger also encouraged the municipal lawlessness, stating, “I hope more cities across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the entire nation will join Pittsburgh in this critical effort.” The three legislative proposals are a total ban on commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms, a total ban on several types of common firearms accessories and standard capacity magazines, and the development of a procedure to confiscate an individual’s firearms without due process of law. Under
the proposed semi-automatic ban, it would be “unlawful to manufacture,
sell, purchase, transport, carry, store, or otherwise hold in one’s
possession” a firearm defined as an “assault weapon.” The
legislation defines “assault weapon” by listing several models of
commonly owned semi-automatic firearms, including the Colt AR-15 and
certain configurations of the Ruger Mini-14. Moreover, the legislation
goes on to add to the definition of “assault weapon” semi-automatic
rifles, pistols, and shotguns that meet a certain set of criteria. The prohibition criteria for rifles is the following:
a. The firearm is a semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least two of the following: i. A folding or telescoping stock; ii. A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon; iii. A bayonet mount; iv. A flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor; and v. A grenade launcher;
Pistols would be judged under the following criteria: b. The firearm is a semiautomatic pistol that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least two of the following: i. An ammunition magazine that attaches to the pistol outside of the pistol grip; ii. A threaded barrel capable of accepting a barrel extender, flash suppressor, forward handgrip or silencer; iii. A shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel and that permits the shooter to hold the firearm with the non-trigger hand without being burned; iv. A manufactured weight of 50 ounces or more when the pistol is unloaded; and v. A semiautomatic version of an automatic firearm;
The following shotguns would banned: c. The firearm is a semiautomatic shotgun that has at least two of the following: i. A folding or telescoping stock; ii. A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon; iii. A fixed magazine capacity in excess of five rounds; and iv. An ability to accept a detachable magazine;
The legislation would also prohibit the possession of machine guns lawfully registered under the National Firearms Act.
legislative proposal targeting common firearms accessories would ban
the possession of firearms magazines “that [have] the capacity of, or
can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of
ammunition.” The ordinance would also ban any semi-automatic centerfire
rifle that can accept a detachable magazine and is equipped with either a
pistol grip, thumbhole stock, folding or telescoping stock, or a
forward pistol grip (among other items). Both pieces of
legislation impose severe penalties on those who refuse to submit to the
city’s unlawful mandates. Those who do not comply “shall be fined
$1,000 and costs for each offense, and in default of payment thereof,
may be imprisoned for not more than 90 days.” Moreover, the proposals
provide that “[e]ach day of a continuing violation of or failure to
comply… shall constitute and separate and distinct offense.” Meaning
that otherwise law-abiding individuals who fail to comply with the
ordinances would face potential financial ruin.
The final proposal would empower law enforcement to search for and confiscate an individual’s firearms without due process.
on merely a petition offered by a law enforcement official or family or
household member a court could issue an order for an individual’s
firearms to be seized. The individual would have no opportunity to speak
or present evidence on their own behalf prior to confiscation. The
Pennsylvania General Assembly has made clear that firearms laws are a
state matter and that it is unlawful for the state’s political
subdivisions to regulate firearms. 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 6120, concerning the
“Limitation on the regulation of firearms and ammunition,” states,
county, municipality or township may in any manner regulate the lawful
ownership, possession, transfer or transportation of firearms,
ammunition or ammunition components when carried or transported for
purposes not prohibited by the laws of this Commonwealth.
The language of the statute is crystal clear. Municipalities like Pittsburgh may not pass their own firearms regulations. However, the simple statute wasn’t simple enough for the reading challenged lawmakers of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. In the 1996 case Ortiz v. Pennsylvania,
the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania settled the question as to whether
Pittsburgh and Philadelphia could restrict commonly-owned semi-automatic
firearms. In finding that they could not, the court stated,
the ownership of firearms is constitutionally protected, its regulation
is a matter of statewide concern. The constitution does not provide
that the right to bear arms shall not be questioned in any part of the
commonwealth except Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, where it may be
abridged at will, but that it shall not be questioned in any part of the
commonwealth. Thus, regulation of firearms is a matter of concern in
all of Pennsylvania, not merely in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, and the
General Assembly, not city councils, is the proper forum for the
imposition of such regulation.
Another portion of the opinion described Pittsburgh’s position as “frivolous.”
In the 2009 case National Rifle Association v. Philadelphia,
the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania came to the same conclusion
after Philadelphia ignored the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania’s 1996
ruling and enacted a ban on commonly-owned firearms and a lost or stolen
reporting ordinance. Citing Pennsylvania’s firearms preemption statute
and the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania’s decision in Ortiz, the
Commonwealth Court struck down the local firearms ordinances.
Philadelphia appealed the case to the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania and
was denied.
In pursuing their local gun control ordinances, Peduto
and his anti-gun allies have demonstrated an extraordinary indifference
to state law, judicial precedents, and the taxpaying constituents who
will foot the bill for this political grandstanding. NRA stands ready to
use all available legal avenues to ensure that the residents of
Pittsburgh are never subject to these unconstitutional and unlawful
proposals. About:
Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the
“lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is
responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in
the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and
use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit:
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
ASHLAND, Ky. — A Virginia man who was found guilty
in 2016 of aiding in international parental kidnapping and conspiracy
for driving a woman to New York, where she then fled the country with
her daughter—as she wanted to avoid an impending court order that would
mandate that she hand over her child to her former lesbian partner—has
reported to prison to begin serving his three-year sentence. An update on a fundraising page for Philip Zodhiates outlines that
the Virginia business man reported to prison in Ashland, Kentucky on
Dec. 5. “The Bible talks about in the latter days when [men] call good evil
and evil good, and that’s exactly what’s happening here,” Zodhiates said
during an interview with Sam Bushman of Liberty Roundtable just days
prior. “This is a poster case of over-criminalization. They’re using it to
basically push a political agenda, and it’s a sad commentary on our
justice system,” he remarked.
As previously reported,
Zodhiates was placed on trial after being indicted on accusations that
he drove Lisa Miller and her young daughter to Buffalo, New York, where
the mother and child then took a taxi the rest of the way and crossed
Niagara Falls’ Rainbow Bridge into Canada. Miller and her daughter
boarded a plane to Nicaragua after reaching Canada. (See the indictment here.) Zodhiates says that he didn’t know what Miller’s plans were—that she
was going to flee the country with her child. He states that he just
agreed to give her a ride to New York. “The story that got told to the jury was that I’m homophobic and that
I hate homosexuals, and that’s why I did what I did,” he stated. “I
love anybody in the name of Christ. I don’t hate homosexuals; that’s a
lie. They refused allow any evidence in court that would allude to the
fact that I did this just to help somebody. They wanted to portray it as
an act of hatred, and that was absolutely not the case.”
Zodhiates outlined that he used to have a lesbian employee for a
number of years, whom he viewed as a friend, and doesn’t believe that he
had a fair trial, as he was falsely portrayed as the “ringleader” of a
kidnapping operation. He says that he was offered a plea bargain, but
refused to plead guilty as he believes he didn’t break any laws.
Zodhiates is the son of the late Dr. Spiros Zodhiates, a Greek-born
Bible scholar who founded the missions and relief ministry Advancing the
Ministries of the Gospel International (AMG). His father also published
the Hebrew-Greek KeyWord Study Bible and was a radio and television
host, teaching on the New Testament from its original Greek meaning.
Zodhiates and his wife have six children, all adopted. Attorney
Robert Hemley, who represented the Virginia businessman in court,
described him as a “unique and special individual” who seeks to help
“Lisa’s secrecy and deception should not rub off on Philip,” Hemley stated. “There is no such thing as guilt by association.”
During the trial, the prosecution presented numerous witnesses,
including Miller’s own father, Terry Miller, who painted a strained
relationship with his daughter, calling her “hard-headed,” “introverted”
and “very much secretive.” He testified that she asked him to call
Zodhiates to provide the location of the Walmart where she was waiting
to be picked up, but said he did not know why and did not ask.
Zodhiates made similar statements about his motivations before he was
sentenced, outlining that he believes “we’re put on earth to make a
difference,” and that was all he sought to do—to help a woman who said
she was in need. He said it was not his objective to keep the
ex-lesbian’s former partner away from the child. As previously reported,
Miller had previously been married to Kirk McConchie, her college
sweetheart, but the marriage was very brief. The Washington Post
reported in 2007 that Miller struggled with being intimate with her
husband due to a physically and emotionally abusive childhood, which
adversely affected their marriage.
“I tried [to secretly date men],” Lisa told the outlet at the that
time, advising that her mother, who she described as “mentally ill,”
forbid her from having relationships with men. “She would always find
out. ‘All men are evil.’ That’s what I grew up with. ‘They only want one
She said that she turned to alcohol in an attempt to deal with her
problems, and soon ended up in AA, where she met lesbian Janet Jenkins
and entered into a relationship with her, although “I did not feel
sexually attracted to women.”
In 2000, Miller joined in a civil union with Jenkins in the state of
Vermont, one of the few states that allowed homosexual arrangements at
the time. Following an artificial insemination procedure from a male
sperm donor, Miller gave birth to a daughter, named Isabella, in 2002.
But Miller said that she had concern even then.
“There were numerous incidents of Janet going to [the Internet] and
putting up naked women on the screen saver, and I would ask her to
please change it,” Lisa later told the court, according to the
Washington Post.
“I don’t have clean hands, either. Previously, before … the baby was
born, [pornography] was used in our relationship,” she said. “When we
moved to Vermont, Isabella was 4 months old, and I said this stuff has
to go … There’s a baby in this house now. I don’t want that.”
In 2003, Miller and Jenkins split over continued tension in their
relationship, part of which involved the miscarriage of Miller’s second
pregnancy, and Miller moved to Virginia. She renounced her involvement
in homosexuality and reportedly turned to Jesus Christ to be born again.
“It wasn’t a struggle,” she recalled of walking away from the homosexual lifestyle. “I felt peace.”
When the civil union between Miller and Jenkins was officially
dissolved, the court gave custody to Miller, while also granting
visitation rights to Jenkins. Miller and IsabellaWhile
Miller did allow Isabella to spend time with Jenkins for a while, she
reportedly became concerned at the information that her daughter was
providing to her following the visitations.
Later, Miller wrote in affidavits that the visits were causing great
trauma to Isabella. She claimed that at six years old, the girl was
forced to take baths together with Jenkins, and that the girl was openly
touching herself inappropriately. She also stated that Isabella was
withdrawn and talked about suicide at times.
“Isabella came home and said, ‘Mommy, will you please tell Janet that
I don’t have to take a bath anymore at her house,’” Miller told reporters in
2008. “I asked her what happened. She said, ‘Janet took a bath with
me.’ I asked her if she had a bathing suit on. ‘No, Mommy.’ She had no
clothes on and it totally scared Isabella. She had never seen this woman
except once in 2 ½ years and she takes a bath with her.”
“Last year, Isabella put a comb up to her neck and said she wanted to
kill herself after one of the visits,” she outlined. “She took a comb
and pressed it into her neck and said, ‘I want to kill myself.’ I don’t
know where she got that. It was immediately after a visit. Other people
have seen huge changes.”
Miller then filed for exclusive custody of Isabella, and the court
agreed. She told the Washington Post, “I don’t see Janet as a parent,
first and foremost. Secondly, I don’t want to expose Isabella to Janet’s
lifestyle. It goes against all my beliefs. I am raising Isabella to
pattern herself after Christ. That’s my job as a Christian mom.
Homosexuality is a sin.”
However, Jenkins fought the ruling all the way up to the Virginia
Supreme Court, which in 2008, ruled in favor of granting Miller’s former
lesbian partner visitation rights. Miller refused.
The following year, family court judge Richard Cohen warned Miller
that she must allow Isabella to visit Jenkins and threatened that if she
did not do so, he would transfer full custody to Jenkins. In November
2009, Cohen followed through with his threats and ordered Miller to hand
the child over to Jenkins.
However, Miller had fled the country with Isabella before he issued
the transfer order, and for some time, none knew the whereabouts of the
two. It was later discovered that they had fled to Nicaragua via the
help of a number of Christians and their contacts, although to this day,
it is not known exactly where Miller and her daughter are located.
Three individuals, including Zodhiates, were indicted in the matter.
It was mentioned on at least one occasion that Jenkins had never sought
to adopt the child—and declined to do so twice—and therefore, she cannot
be considered the legal parent.
Jenkins testified against Zodhiates in court in 2016, stating that
she is determined to do “anything and everything” to get Isabella back.
The girl is now 15. Jenkins has since “married” another woman, and they
raise a three-year-old together. She has filed a civil suit against
Miller, Zodhiates and his daughter, Miller’s attorney at Liberty
Counsel, and others over the situation.
Miller is quoted as stating just two months before fleeing the
country, “This battle is not only about Isabella and me; it is about
parents’ rights everywhere in the nation. … Isabella is a political
hostage and is being used by the gay agenda to push their agenda of gay
marriage. They say, and have said in the past, in regard to gay marriage
that it will not hurt anyone. Well, they are wrong; a little
seven-year-old girl is being hurt, and they want to rip her away from
her biological mom (me) and give her to a legal stranger.”
“We are still a Christian nation, and I believe that it is a
Christian’s duty to stand for what is right in God’s eyes. I still put
my trust in God and am blessed that He has been and still is with me
every step of the way…”
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
The U.S. government has pledged $4.8 billion in aid to
Mexico, and another $5.8 billion for “strengthening economic
development” in Central America, according to the Associated Press.
Amid an intense political battle on Capitol Hill over funding for a U.S. border wall (for which no solution has been offered), the federal government has apparently decided that aid to other countries takes precedent over securing its southern border.
“In sum I think this is good news, very good news for Mexico,” said Mexican Foreign Relations Secretary Marcelo Ebrard on Tuesday.
“The commitments established here signify more than doubling foreign investment in southern Mexico starting in 2019.”
The Trump administration initially stated it would work with Congress to provide $5 billion to fund a southern border wall, but appeared to walk back that commitment on Tuesday.
the end of the day we don’t want to shut down the government, we want
to shut down the border,” Sanders said. “There are certainly a number of
different funding sources that we’ve identified that we can use, that
we can couple with money that would be given through congressional
appropriations that would help us get to that $5 billion that the
president needs in order to protect our border.”
The development
comes a day after President Trump lambasted Democrats for failing to
deliver a secure border to the American people.
“Anytime you hear a
Democrat saying that you can have good Border Security without a Wall,
write them off as just another politician following the party line. Time
for us to save billions of dollars a year and have, at the same time,
far greater safety and control!” he tweeted.
Anytime you hear a Democrat saying that you can have good Border Security without a Wall, write them off as just another politician following the party line. Time for us to save billions of dollars a year and have, at the same time, far greater safety and control!