THE CHURCH MILITANT Ephesians 5:11-"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them". This Christian News Blog maintains a one stop resource of current news and reports of its own related to church, moral, spiritual, and related political issues, plus articles, and postings from other online discernment ministries, and media which share the aims to obey the biblical commands to shed light on and refute error, heresy, apostasy, cults, and spiritual abuse.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
James O'Keefe joins Gavin to go over his latest expose on how Deep State members of the Democratic Socialists of America are using government resources
for political gain.
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
This is a major setback for human rights in general and women’s rights in particular, and the only coverage is in a letter to the editor. And so we don’t know why the Connecticut Senate rejected this bill, but it is likely that it was lobbied by certain constituencies that argued that it would be “Islamophobic.” FGM is mandated in Islamic law: “Circumcision is obligatory (for every male and female) (by cutting off the piece of skin on the glans of the penis of the male, but circumcision of the female is by cutting out the bazr ‘clitoris’ [this is called khufaadh ‘female circumcision’]).” — Umdat al-Salik e4.3, translated by Mark Durie, The Third Choice, p. 64
Why is it obligatory? Because Muhammad is held to have said so: “Abu al- Malih ibn Usama’s father relates that the Prophet said: ‘Circumcision is a law for men and a preservation of honour for women.’” — Ahmad Ibn Hanbal 5:75
“Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah: A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to her: ‘Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.’” — Abu Dawud 41:5251
That hadith is classified as weak, but this one is classified as sahih (reliable): “Aishah narrated: ‘When the circumcised meets the circumcised, then indeed Ghusl is required. Myself and Allah’s Messenger did that, so we performed Ghusl.’” — Jami` at-Tirmidhi 108
If Muhammad had the genitals of his favorite wife, Aisha, mutilated, that is a strong endorsement of the practice from the man who is an “excellent example” (Qur’an 33:21) for Muslims.
“A Law Against Female Genital Mutilation,” by Kristine Cheruk, Hartford Courant Letters to the Editor, August 13, 2018 (thanks to Creeping Sharia):
An important bill died in the legislature this year, “An Act Prohibiting Female Genital Mutilation.” Senate Bill 190 would have made it a Class D felony, punishable by up to five years in prison, to perform female genital mutilation on a person under 18.FGM is outlawed federally, and 26 other states in the United States also ban it. Connecticut needs to join them to put this terrible practice on the radar of schools, clinics, courts and police. Connecticut lawmakers need a zero-tolerance law banning FGM to protect young women and girls.FGM is a barbaric procedure, affecting up to 140 million women and girls worldwide. Alarmingly, the Population Reference Bureau indicates that 2,658 women and girls are at risk in Connecticut.FGM is a human rights violation and a terrible crime against girls and women. The time is now to prevent FGM and stand with victims.Kristine Cheruk, CheshireThe writer is a registered nurse.
Islamic Terrorism,
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
Why not? Slavery is acceptable in Islam.
The Qur’an has Allah telling Muhammad that he has given him girls as sex slaves: “Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave girls whom God has given you as booty.” (Qur’an 33:50)
Muhammad bought slaves: “Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) reported: There came a slave and pledged allegiance to Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) on migration; he (the Holy Prophet) did not know that he was a slave. Then there came his master and demanded him back, whereupon Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: Sell him to me. And he bought him for two black slaves, and he did not afterwards take allegiance from anyone until he had asked him whether he was a slave (or a free man).” (Muslim 3901)
Muhammad took female Infidel captives as slaves: “Narrated Anas: The Prophet offered the Fajr Prayer near Khaibar when it was still dark and then said, ‘Allahu-Akbar! Khaibar is destroyed, for whenever we approach a (hostile) nation (to fight), then evil will be the morning for those who have been warned.’ Then the inhabitants of Khaibar came out running on the roads. The Prophet had their warriors killed, their offspring and woman taken as captives. Safiya was amongst the captives. She first came in the share of Dahya Alkali but later on she belonged to the Prophet. The Prophet made her manumission as her ‘Mahr.’” (Bukhari 5.59.512) Mahr is bride price: Muhammad freed her and married her. But he didn’t do this to all his slaves:
Muhammad owned slaves: “Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah’s Apostle was on a journey and he had a black slave called Anjasha, and he was driving the camels (very fast, and there were women riding on those camels). Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Waihaka (May Allah be merciful to you), O Anjasha! Drive slowly (the camels) with the glass vessels (women)!’” (Bukhari 8.73.182) There is no mention of Muhammad’s freeing Anjasha.
“Texas couple indicted on charges they enslaved Guinean girl,” Associated Press, September 19, 2018 (thanks to Creeping Sharia):
FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — The son and daughter-in-law of a former West African leader have been indicted on charges that they enslaved a girl from their native country while living in Texas.Mohamed Toure (too-RAY’) and his wife, Denise Cros-Toure, were named in an indictment returned Wednesday. The Fort Worth residents, both 57, are charged with forced labor, alien harboring and conspiracy. Mohamed Toure also is charged with making false statements to federal agents.The indictments allege the pair brought a girl from Guinea in 2000 and forced her to work in their home for 16 years without pay. Neighbors helped the woman escape in August 2016.The couple was arrested in April. Defense attorneys have denied the charges.Mohamed Toure is the son of the late Ahmed Sekou (SHEE’-koo) Toure, the first president of Guinea….
Islamic Terrorism,
republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
When Macron prevails against the Visegrad group, and all of Europe is inundated with Muslim migrants, Macron will be hailed as a hero of the new, harmonious, diverse, multicultural Europe — won’t he? Or as Europe is engulfed in strife and European streets once again become bloody battlegrounds, as the warriors of jihad struggle for dominance, will the remaining free citizens of Europe curse Macron’s name as one of the chief enablers of the present chaos? Which scenario do you think is more likely?
“Macron Vows Punishment for States Refusing Third World Migration,” by Virginia Hale, Breitbart, September 21, 2018:
Emmanuel Macron has said funding should be withdrawn from pro-sovereignty nations reluctant to hand more power over to Brussels, and that countries which refuse to welcome third world migrants must be thrown out of the Schengen area.“Europe is not a menu à la carte, it’s a political project,” the French president declared, speaking at the end of an EU mini-summit on migration in Salzburg Thursday evening.At a press conference following the meeting of European leaders, Macron acknowledged there was “a crisis and tensions” over the topic but, crying out, “Who generates them?” the former investment banker launched a broadside at nations which reject asylum seekers and those which “refuse to let boats dock on its ports”.Taking aim at the ex-communist Visegrad states, which are reluctant to follow the West down the road of globalist multiculturalism, he lashed out at “the leaders who tell me… ‘[I] love Europe when it gives me money, when it makes my people prosperous, when it allows my workers to make better a living in neighbouring countries,’ but at home, will not take a single migrant, not a single refugee.”“Countries that do not want more Frontex or solidarity [in housing and feeding third world migrants] will leave Schengen. Countries that don’t want more Europe will no longer [get access to] structural funds,” he told journalists.Turning the topic to EU Parliament elections, the banking protegé said next year’s vote would be “an historic fight [and] an election like no other”, as it would determine whether “the political project led by the founding fathers [of the union] … will prevail”….
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U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy Devos has signed on to the U.N. Declaration for the Ministers of Education. Today on Straight Talk, we will discuss how the U.S. education system is being swept into the United Nation’s globalist agenda of “sustainable development.”
Read Alex Newman's full article here:
FROM:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos signed on to a radical global “declaration” that calls for, among other absurdities, brainwashing children to believe in the United Nations-backed ideology of total government known as “‘sustainable development.” In fact, the pseudo-treaty inked by Trump's education chief suggests that the purpose of schooling is to indoctrinate children with the right “values” and teach them to be obedient worker drones.
Under the un-American vision agreed to last week in Argentina, the governments purported to commit their nations to globalized brainwashing under the guise of “education.” To be clear, this is a dangerous policy document that, if implemented, will contribute to finalizing the destruction of traditional education in America and replacing it with a total indoctrination program aligned with the systems of some of the world's most murderous autocracies. Americans should be outraged.
The declaration, produced at the first ever “Education Working Group” of the Group of 20 (G20) network of governments and dictatorships, was titled “‘Building consensus for fair and sustainable development.” How free nations can build “consensus” on “education” with murderous Islamist and Communist regimes that indoctrinate all children under their rule with evil ideologies of oppression was not made clear.
The whole education vision signed by the 20 governments and tyrants revolves around the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. This extremist document, which demands national and international wealth redistribution as well as brainwashing of all children, is basically a road-map to global totalitarianism. It was literally developed by mass-murdering dictatorships. But it has never ratified by the U.S. Senate, as required by the Constitution of treaties.
The G20 education document is wild in terms of what it openly promotes. “Education is the foundation of personal development as it provides children, youth and adults with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes necessary to reach their full potential,” declared the education ministers (emphasis added), including some whose regimes torture and slaughter opponents of communism or sharia law.
They also demanded more data-gathering and -mining. “We recognize the value of policies based on evidence and the importance of having robust and comprehensive learning assessment systems and data in order to measure progress and learning outcomes, to help ensure quality education for all at all stages of life,” the document says, one of many references to government-provided “education” from cradle to grave informed by perpetual, Orwellian vacuuming up of student data.
The agreement also demands further globalization of education, a process that has been underway for many years. For instance, it calls for "international investment in education," a theme consistent with the ongoing globalization of education under the UN's extremist "education" agency known as UNESCO. "We acknowledge the role of existing and potential international mechanisms for financing education," the document continues.
They also vowed to push it further. “We commit to strengthening international cooperation... and developing joint initiatives at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels,” the mostly unelected education czars said. In fact, the document goes on to say it explicitly: "We commit to facilitating the internationalization of education.” That means education policy for American children, decided by foreign governments and tyrants, as well as dictator clubs such as the UN.
The signers, including DeVos, agreed to “promote the development of curricula ... which have a strong focus on ... values and attitudes.” They also committed to “foster the inclusion of non-cognitive skills such as socio-emotional skills across the curriculum,” which is basically educrat psycho-babble to conceal a program of psychological conditioning aiming to bring about the values and attitudes demanded by the establishment in all children.
Finally, the education chiefs vowed to “provide education that supports better integration of common values like ... sustainable development.” As far as the nebulous, totalitarian concept relates to education, the UN has already made clear that it considers real education and educated people a threat to its grotesque notions of “sustainability.”
“Generally, more highly educated people, who have higher incomes, consume more resources than poorly educated people, who tend to have lower incomes,” explains a UN “toolkit” for global “sustainable” education, ‘which is still posted online at UNESCO's website. “In this case, more education increases the threat to sustainability.”
The declaration also undermines true human rights — free speech, freedom of the press, gun rights, and other God-given rights — and promotes the communist-inspired notion of government-granted privileges as rights. “We stress that access to quality education is a human right,” the education ministers declared, as if mass-murdering communist tyrants had the same vision of “quality education” as liberty-minded Christian parents in America.
Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor, a respected education researcher, was among the voices sounding the alarm. "DeVos’s global roots are showing, as they have been since she was sworn into office. The question is exactly what will she do with all the ideas, policies, and, the damning Declaration for not only education, but our very freedoms," Taylor warned. "I can tell you we all need to brace for impact."
Under the un-American vision agreed to last week in Argentina, the governments purported to commit their nations to globalized brainwashing under the guise of “education.” To be clear, this is a dangerous policy document that, if implemented, will contribute to finalizing the destruction of traditional education in America and replacing it with a total indoctrination program aligned with the systems of some of the world's most murderous autocracies. Americans should be outraged.
The declaration, produced at the first ever “Education Working Group” of the Group of 20 (G20) network of governments and dictatorships, was titled “‘Building consensus for fair and sustainable development.” How free nations can build “consensus” on “education” with murderous Islamist and Communist regimes that indoctrinate all children under their rule with evil ideologies of oppression was not made clear.
The whole education vision signed by the 20 governments and tyrants revolves around the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. This extremist document, which demands national and international wealth redistribution as well as brainwashing of all children, is basically a road-map to global totalitarianism. It was literally developed by mass-murdering dictatorships. But it has never ratified by the U.S. Senate, as required by the Constitution of treaties.
The G20 education document is wild in terms of what it openly promotes. “Education is the foundation of personal development as it provides children, youth and adults with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes necessary to reach their full potential,” declared the education ministers (emphasis added), including some whose regimes torture and slaughter opponents of communism or sharia law.
They also demanded more data-gathering and -mining. “We recognize the value of policies based on evidence and the importance of having robust and comprehensive learning assessment systems and data in order to measure progress and learning outcomes, to help ensure quality education for all at all stages of life,” the document says, one of many references to government-provided “education” from cradle to grave informed by perpetual, Orwellian vacuuming up of student data.
The agreement also demands further globalization of education, a process that has been underway for many years. For instance, it calls for "international investment in education," a theme consistent with the ongoing globalization of education under the UN's extremist "education" agency known as UNESCO. "We acknowledge the role of existing and potential international mechanisms for financing education," the document continues.
They also vowed to push it further. “We commit to strengthening international cooperation... and developing joint initiatives at bilateral, regional and multilateral levels,” the mostly unelected education czars said. In fact, the document goes on to say it explicitly: "We commit to facilitating the internationalization of education.” That means education policy for American children, decided by foreign governments and tyrants, as well as dictator clubs such as the UN.
The signers, including DeVos, agreed to “promote the development of curricula ... which have a strong focus on ... values and attitudes.” They also committed to “foster the inclusion of non-cognitive skills such as socio-emotional skills across the curriculum,” which is basically educrat psycho-babble to conceal a program of psychological conditioning aiming to bring about the values and attitudes demanded by the establishment in all children.
Finally, the education chiefs vowed to “provide education that supports better integration of common values like ... sustainable development.” As far as the nebulous, totalitarian concept relates to education, the UN has already made clear that it considers real education and educated people a threat to its grotesque notions of “sustainability.”
“Generally, more highly educated people, who have higher incomes, consume more resources than poorly educated people, who tend to have lower incomes,” explains a UN “toolkit” for global “sustainable” education, ‘which is still posted online at UNESCO's website. “In this case, more education increases the threat to sustainability.”
The declaration also undermines true human rights — free speech, freedom of the press, gun rights, and other God-given rights — and promotes the communist-inspired notion of government-granted privileges as rights. “We stress that access to quality education is a human right,” the education ministers declared, as if mass-murdering communist tyrants had the same vision of “quality education” as liberty-minded Christian parents in America.
Common Core Diva Lynne Taylor, a respected education researcher, was among the voices sounding the alarm. "DeVos’s global roots are showing, as they have been since she was sworn into office. The question is exactly what will she do with all the ideas, policies, and, the damning Declaration for not only education, but our very freedoms," Taylor warned. "I can tell you we all need to brace for impact."
Trump should fire DeVos — and not just for participating in this dangerous effort to further globalize education and standardize the indoctrination of children worldwide. But rather than replacing her, Trump should work with Congress to shut down the entire unconstitutional department and get the feds completely out of education. The alternative is the continued subversion of education in America — and ultimately, the death of freedom.
DeVos Signs onto Globalist U.N. Education Agenda, Grassroots Parents Call for Her Dismissal
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has signed onto a declaration by education ministers of the G-20 countries that calls for putting education “at the center of the global agenda,” an action that has led a national grassroots organization of parents to call for her dismissal.
National Parent Group Calls for Termination of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos @BetsyDeVosED @michellemalkin @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU #StopFedEd …
The declaration, which was produced at this first gathering of the “Education Working Group” of the G-20 governments and dictatorships, was titled “Building Consensus for Fair and Sustainable Development,” and calls for globalization of education, inclusiveness, social and emotional learning, and increasing data collection on students throughout their educations and well into their careers.
In her prepared remarks to the G-20 education ministers in Argentina, DeVos brought forward her goal for workforce development, or government management of the workforce, which the Trump administration has recently stressed in its proposal to merge the U.S. Departments of Education and Labor.
“Indeed, education and the economy are indivisible, especially given the interconnectedness of the world today,” DeVos said, emphasizing that while each child is “an individual,” governments should approach education by acknowledging “the realities of today’s economy, with an eye toward tomorrow’s opportunities.”
“So, students must be prepared to anticipate and adapt,” she said. “They need to acquire and master broadly transferrable and versatile educational competencies like critical thinking, collaboration, communication, creativity and cultural intelligence.”
The secretary also stressed her signature issues of school choice and vocational apprenticeships in her remarks.
The declaration specifically states the G-20 education ministers are “in line with the United Nations 2030 Agenda,” and continues:
It is important that education keeps pace with societal and technological innovations such as Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Internet of Things. We recognise that changes in the economy and labour markets have profound implications for education and training systems even though many of them remain unpredictable. Acknowledging the autonomy and diversity of national, regional and local governments and contexts, emerging knowledge and 21st century skills should be considered in curriculum development and pedagogical approaches at all levels of education. The curricula should be highly responsive to evidence-based practices, future employment trends, and design in collaboration with key stakeholders.
The education ministers note that while “increased investments in education above certain thresholds do not necessarily entail better outcomes,” the way to achieve their goals is through “strengthening governance, management, monitoring and accountability,” methods that involve greater government control of education.
The G-20 education ministers continue:
We commit to facilitating the internationalisation of education, including the cross-border recognition of qualifications and skills, and the mobility of students, teachers, academic and non-academic staff, trainers and researchers, with a view to improving quality education and research, and in accordance with the respective national laws, rules and policies. We support the promotion of exchange and scholarships programmes among G20 members and other countries, in particular with developing countries around the globe.
“Understanding and appreciating other parts of the world, different religions, cultures, languages and points of view are essential elements of global and cultural competence,” the education leaders say.
In addition to urging “digital literacy,” the education ministers say they will “foster the inclusion of non-cognitive skills such as socio-emotional skills across the curriculum [ SEL].”
Following the summit, DeVos told reporters the declaration is “very consistent with all of the themes that we’ve been talking about,” reported Education Week.
“Ultimately, the meeting resulted in a declaration that calls for putting education ‘at the center of the global agenda,’” the report added. “It says the G-20 nations will work to ‘ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.’”
DeVos said the United States can learn from other G-20 countries, who are making more progress in the area of developing the 21st Century skills.
“There are too many other countries that are further down the path of adopting some of these themes and embracing some of these opportunities,” she said.
U.S. Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) – an organization of parents, taxpayers, and educators who are committed to ending the U.S. Department of Education, has called for the dismissal of DeVos.
On Tuesday, USPIE sent a letter to President Donald Trump in which the group called for the elimination of the U.S. Department of Education, per the Constitution, and the end to federal education programs.
In its letter, USPIE reminded Trump of his campaign promises to eliminate Common Core and begin dismantling of the federal education department.
“Since her appointment, Secretary DeVos has used the hammer of the Federal government to broaden its authority and disregard the rights of states and parents,” USPIE wrote, adding:
Three actions in particular demonstrate this disregard:
- threatening states abiding by state parental rights laws through the ESSA plan approval process,
- recommending the merger of the Departments of Education and Labor fundamentally shifting the purpose of education to “workforce development”,
- and now, endorsing the G20’s Declaration enshrining the UN’s education agenda, which undermines not only parents and states, but the fundamental sovereignty of the United States.
“We do not believe these actions are consistent with your ‘America First’ philosophy nor your campaign promises that generated so much enthusiasm,” the grassroots education group told Trump. “Given these concerns, we call for the immediate dismissal of Secretary DeVos and for the appointment of an American education leader who will prioritize the fulfillment of your campaign promises.”
DeVos Betrays Parents, Porn In Schools
& Transgender Puppets
Betsy DeVos "Strong Arms" Utah To Enforce Test Taking Alex Newman & Dr. Duke Pesta Expose:
Women Supporters Of Brett Kavanaugh Hold Press Conference 9/21/18
SEE:; republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research purposes:
(Natural News) Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford, who claims — without any evidence — that Kavanaugh inappropriately touched her at a drunken party while in high school, turns out to have ties to an abortion pill pharmaceutical company called Corcept Therapeutics. This discovery brings to light an obvious conflict of interest in Blasey’s story, revealing that she works for a pharmaceutical company that manufacturers an abortion pill drug, whose profits could be strongly impacted by future Supreme Court decisions on abortion rights.
Corcept Therapeutics ( manufacturers and markets an abortion pill drug called mifepristone, and Christine Blasey Ford is a co-author of at least eight published scientific papers produced by the pharmaceutical giant to promote its pills. You can see Blasey’s name listed on several publications at this web page detailing their research papers.
Corcept Therapeutics, Inc., a $166 billion market cap company (stock symbol CORT) reportedly has current annual sales of $216 million. The company offers just one drug, mifepristone, which is widely known as an “abortion pill” or RU-486. Many drugs have multiple uses, and mifepristone — brand name “Korlym” at Corcept — is currently marketed by the company for the treatment of Cushing’s syndrome. (h/t to The Gateway Pundit for initial work on this breaking story.)
Like all FDA-approved drugs, mifepristone is frequently prescribed off-label, meaning doctors prescribe it for conditions that it has never been approved to treat. It is well known throughout the medical industry that doctors routinely prescribe this drug to terminate unwanted pregnancies. It is a covert “abortion drug,” in other words.
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If Kavanaugh were to be confirmed on the U.S. Supreme Court and be part of a decision that overturns Roe vs. Wade, it would make the prescribing of Corcept’s drug for abortion illegal, directly impacting the bottom line profits of the company for which Christine Blasey works.
See this Medscape explanation of how this abortion pill works, where it explains the drug is “Indicated for the medical termination of intrauterine pregnancy through 70 days gestation in combination with misoprostol.”

The Corcept company even issues a strong warning about its abortion potential on its marketing website, offering the “warning” as a wink, wink message to doctors that this is actually an abortion pill.

The “warning” explains:
Mifepristone is a potent antagonist of progesterone and cortisol via the progesterone and glucocorticoid (GR-II) receptors, respectively. The antiprogestational effects will result in the termination of pregnancy.
“Mifepristone, also known as RU-486, is a medication typically used in combination with misoprostol, to bring about an abortion. This combination is more than 95% effective during the first 50 days of pregnancy,” says the Wikipedia entry on mifepristone. The World Health Organization currently promotes the drug as an abortion pill, calling it “safe and effective.” (Safe for the mother, not the child, of course.)
Christine Blasey scrubs her internet history to eliminate evidence of hazy, drunken sex parties documented in her high school yearbook
Christine Blasey Ford, whose middle name is Margaret, is known as “Blasey CM” on the science papers she’s published with Corcept Therapeutics.
Before going public with her baseless accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey scrubbed her internet history, removing her Linked In pages and even managing to have her entire high school year book completely removed from the internet. (Natural News has now posted the recovered yearbook files at this link – PDF.) As InfoWars reports, the high school yearbook of Christine Blasey is full of accounts of wild, drunken sex parties attended by Blasey and others:
“And there were always parties to celebrate any occasion,” reads one passage. “Although these parties are no doubt unforgettable, they are only a memory lapse for most, since loss of consciousness is often an integral part of the party scene.”
The reasons for Blasey working so hard to scrub her own history are obvious: Even while she claims that Kavanaugh’s history should be researched and brought to light, she didn’t want anyone looking into her own history, including her wild, alcohol-induced party days and her ties with Corcept Therapeutics and its abortion pill drug profits.
But the ties cannot elude internet researchers like Natural News. A Palo Alto University document from 2015 (see page 97) confirms that Christine Blasey, Ph.D. is a professor at Palo Alto University and a “Director of Biostatistics at Corcept Therapeutics.” See the screen shot from that document:

Blasey is the co-author of numerous published studies funded by Corcept
Blasey also appears on numerous published studies at PubMed, where her author ID is 19888560. These studies are all funded by Corcept Therapeutics of Menlo Park, CA. They all center around uses of mifepristone for uses beyond the typical “abortion pill” application. They include studies such as:
Efficacy and safety of mifepristone for the treatment of psychotic depression – this study seeks to support the use of mifepristone as an antidepressant drug, demonstrating that Blasey is also engaged in Big Pharma’s pursuit to push more drugs for mental health disorders.

Some of Blasey’s colleagues in this pharmaceutical research include Coleman Gross, Dr. Henry Fein, Dr. T. Brooks Vaughan III and Dat Nguyen.
This P.R. announcement from Corcept, intended to entice investors, states that, “Corcept is exploring mifepristone (the active ingredient in Korlym) as a treatment for triple-negative breast cancer with a multi-center, Phase I clinical study currently underway in patients with metastatic or locally advanced unresectable breast cancer. It is also supporting investigator-led clinical studies of mifepristone in the treatment of ovarian cancer and castration-resistant prostate cancer.”
Furthermore, the company is also working to get FDA approval for mifepristone in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, saying, “[The company] owns or has licensed extensive intellectual property covering the use of GR antagonists, including mifepristone, in the treatment of a wide variety of metabolic and psychiatric disorders and triple-negative breast cancer.”
What’s clear is that Corcept is working to aggressively expand the approved uses of its drug, obviously in an effort to increase prescriptions and profits.
See the full details of this story in our report
The full details of this article, by the way, are available in this report, just filed today:
Now the truth comes out: Blasey is a paid researcher for an abortion pill company with a lot to lose if Kavanaugh is confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court
According to the left-wing media which has proven itself to be an activist propaganda network that opposes all conservatives like Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey’s story is a simple case of an alleged sexual assault in high school. Despite the fact that Blasey herself says she cannot remember where or when this alleged assault occurred, we are all told her allegations are instantly credible because she’s a woman (and because it’s popular to hate conservatives).
What we’re never told, of course, is that Christine Blasey works for a multi-million-dollar pharmaceutical company that manufacturers an abortion pill drug. The company is aggressively seeking to expand the FDA-approved applications of its drugs to encompass cancer, depression treatment and very likely abortion itself. Thus, the financial future of this company could be heavily impacted by abortion remaining legal in the United States.
Brett Kavanaugh is widely feared by Democrats because they believe he may be a pivotal decision maker that could theoretically overturn Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide. Notably, this decision was never debated in Congress, and Congress passed no law legalizing abortion. Over the years, Democrats have found that their cultural demands are very often rejected by the due process of lawmakers, and Democrats have come to rely heavily on Supreme Court decisions to achieve their demanded goals of legalized abortion, legalized gay marriage, legalized Obamacare and other issues which cannot withstand the scrutiny of reasoned debated by lawmakers. Thus, the Supreme Court has been the Democrats’ “hammer” to drive through its priority achievements, even when Congress would reject such ideas.
Now, having Kavanaugh on the court represents a dire threat, they believe, to abortion “rights.” In turn, this represents a threat to Corcept Therapeutics, the drug company at which Christine Blasey has worked for years, helping to produce research that expands the company’s market reach and drug applications.
Now it’s all suddenly clear: Christine Blasey fabricated false allegations against Kavanaugh to protect her job and her employer’s profits
Now it all becomes clear: Christine Blasey clearly fabricated the false allegations against Kavanaugh in order to protect her own income and profits coming from an abortion pill drug company whose future may be impacted by Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the court. Blasey’s accusation flies in the face of literally hundreds of other men and women who have personally endorsed Kavanaugh as one of the most respectful, ethical and gentlemanly individuals they’ve ever met.
Now we know why Blasey’s accusation against Kavanaugh is so out of character for Kavanaugh: Because Blasey has a financial motivation to defeat Kavanaugh and keep him off the U.S. Supreme Court.
After all, potentially billions of dollars in Corcept profits are on the line. And Blasey has the advantage of being able to level a hazy, baseless allegation that is impossible to refute and impossible to investigate (which is why even the FBI has refused to launch an investigation into the alleged incident).
Share this story. All Americans need to know the truth about Christine Blasey and her ties to this abortion pill drug company. Now the true motivation is clear. Democrats and Big Pharma are trying to block a supremely qualified Supreme Court nominee for their own dishonest reasons, and they have come up with a completely baseless, desperate allegation as a last-ditch “Hail Mary” effort to overrule the country even when they lost the election.
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