Governor Carney toured the contact tracing staff room at the Delaware Emergency Response Center in March:

republished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
Approximately 200 Delawareans will be hired as contact tracers
WILMINGTON, Del. – Governor John Carney on Tuesday announced that the State of Delaware entered into an agreement with the nonpartisan research institution NORC at the University of Chicago to build Delaware’s statewide contact tracing program, to contain COVID-19, limit Delawareans’ exposure to the disease, and restart Delaware’s economy.The contact tracing program builds on Delaware’s statewide plan to test up to 80,000 Delawareans monthly for COVID-19. Expanded testing and contact tracing efforts are key to reopening Delaware’s economy under guidance from the White House and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).NORC also has partnered with the State of Maryland to perform contact tracing. Delaware and Maryland will share information to more effectively monitor COVID-19’s spread across state lines.Approximately 200 Delawareans will be hired as contact tracers and support staff.Applications for contact tracers and other associated positions will be posted at in the coming weeks.“To safely reopen our economy, we need to be able to quickly identify positive COVID-19 cases and reach out to those residents who may have been exposed. This contact tracing program brings us one step closer to returning Delaware to a new normal,” said Governor Carney. “We’ve been working with Maryland to coordinate our reopening efforts, and this partnership will build on that collaboration. Going forward, hiring a contact tracing workforce of Delawareans that reflects the diversity of our state will be a top priority.”“This is a critically important complement to the statewide testing plan the Governor announced last week and the two plans are really integrally linked,” said DPH Director Dr. Karyl Rattay. “Contact tracing is a basic public health practice for containing an epidemiological event by talking with the person who is infected and reaching out to their contacts in order to decrease transmission. It will help us track positive cases of COVID-19 and limit the spread of the virus both short-term and long-term.”“One of our highest priorities is making sure that our workforce of contact tracers reflects the entire community we serve,” saidDepartment of Health and Social Services (DHSS) Secretary Dr. Kara Odom Walker, a practicing family physician. “When positive cases of COVID-19 are identified through widespread community testing, our tracers will need to work quickly to talk with known contacts and help them self-quarantine with any necessary supports.”“We are proud to be part of Delaware’s solution for COVID contact tracing during this critical time in the state’s history,” said David Cotton, PhD, NORCs project director for this effort. “We are bringing to bear our decades of experience with high volume, scientifically rigorous data collection and public health expertise to help the State and DHSS stem the tide of new infections.”Over the next week – as the State of Delaware scales up its contact tracing operation – 100 members of the Delaware National Guard will embed with the Division of Public Health to begin wide-scale, statewide contact tracing.National Guardsmen and women began their training on Monday.“I’m proud of our Delaware National Guard Citizen Soldiers and Airmen who volunteered to serve the state in this mission,” said Major General Michael R. Berry, Adjutant General of the Delaware National Guard. “Our Guardsmen and women live in these communities and are best positioned to assist DPH with such a critical role to help fight the spread of COVID-19 in Delaware.”Under Delaware’s contact tracing program, Delawareans who have tested positive for COVID-19 should expect a phone call from a case investigator asking for information which includes a list of the person’s known contacts. Contact tracers will then reach out to each of those contacts to help them safely quarantine, to find alternate arrangements as necessary, and to help them get tested for COVID-19, if recommended.Delawareans who need extra support to safely self-quarantine – such as grocery delivery or alternative housing – will be referred to a network of local community health workers. Healthy Communities Delaware will coordinate the community health worker effort, in partnership with community-based organizations.“Healthy Communities Delaware believes that using community-based partnerships and providing necessary and life-sustaining resources and other social services supports directly to those individuals in vulnerable communities who are most impacted by COVID-19 is paramount in reducing the spread of this disease in our state,” said Rita Landgraf, Managerial Partner for Healthy Communities Delaware, University of Delaware Partnership for Healthy Communities.The Delaware Department of Technology and Information will work with NORC’s technology partner, Enovational, and the Delaware Health Information Network to build a technology platform that allows the Division of Public Health to efficiently share data with contact tracers.“Technology has played a critical role during this pandemic to gather, track, and share data,” said Chief Information Officer James Collins of the Delaware Department of Technology and Information. “In the hands of contact tracers, it will be an invaluable force multiplier that helps prevent the spread of COVID-19 and save lives.”About NORCFrom 2015 to 2020, NORC has conducted more than 3 million hours of telephone interviews. A significant portion of those interviews were in support of major public health-related studies such as the National Immunization Survey, which NORC conducts for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey, which NORC conducts for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; and the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project, which NORC conducts for the National Institutes of Health.Many of these studies involve nuanced, carefully scripted conversations about sensitive health issues, and interviewees are often members of underrepresented or difficult-to-reach demographic groups. Through these and similar studies, NORC has derived significant methodological expertise, including how best to deploy and integrate different modes of data collection and the technologies that support them.Anyone with a question about COVID-19, whether related to medical or social service needs, should call Delaware 2-1-1. Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing can text their ZIP code to 898-211. Hours of operation are 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.Questions can also be submitted by email at DPHCall@delaware.govDPH will continue to update the public as more information becomes available. For the latest on Delaware’s response, go to ALSO:___________________________________________________________Delaware National Guard Receives Contact Tracer Training in the First State
DOVER, Del. (May 11, 2020) -- Soldiers with the Delaware National Guard and its Joint Task Force listen in at a Division of Public Health session on COVID-19 contact tracing. Contact tracing is the process used in public health to find and reach out to the contacts of someone testing positive for an infectious disease.U.S. Army National Guard photo by Capt. Brendan MackiePhoto by FEMA - May 13, 2020____________________________________________________________This Isn’t a Public Health Problem
BY ROB MORSErepublished below in full unedited for informational, educational and research
U.S.A. –-( Politicians said we can't go to work because of a public health emergency. That doesn’t make sense. The actions of our politicians don’t match their words.
- If we release violent criminals from jail, and then jail peaceful shop owners, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If cops who are not wearing a mask, arrest you for not wearing a mask, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If police threaten to give tickets to a husband and wife because they are sitting next to each other in public, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If police ticket couples who are driving together during a mandatory lockdown, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If you can walk on the beach, but you’ll get arrested for sitting down on the beach, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If you can go to the beach, but you can’t fish from the shore, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If churches are closed but abortion centers are open, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If people die of preventable causes while our hospitals are empty, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If the liquor store clerk can serve thousands of people a day, but you can’t open your business for a few dozen customers, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If golf courses are open, but shooting ranges are closed, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If the grocery clerk can see over a thousand people a day, but your priest can only have 9 other people his his church, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If the court is open for marriage or divorce, but not to renew your concealed carry permit, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If counties who shelter in place have similar death rates as counties who don’t, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If we treat counties that have never seen a death from Covid-19 the same way we treat New York City, then this isn’t a public health problem.

- If politicians send sick people back to nursing homes, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If politicians demand help, and then refuse to use emergency hospitals staffed by volunteers, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If you’re told to socially isolate even after you’ve had covid-19 and are now immune from it, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If politicians say we shouldn’t jail people for disobeying the regulations that the politician just wrote, then this isn’t a public health problem.
- If politicians go to the gym, go get their hair cut, and go to a nail salon, but you can’t, then this isn’t a public health problem.

We have a political problem during an epidemic, but not because of the epidemic. Politicians want to control you. Please get off the couch and solve it, or we won’t have a country by the November elections.
Call your elected representatives and demand your freedom.
Set us free!
About Rob Morse

The original article is here. Rob Morse writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily, and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. Rob was an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.